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Issue No. 46

இதழ் 46 [ ஏப்ரல் 21, 2008 ]
இரா.கலைக்கோவன் மணிவிழா சிறப்பிதழ்

இந்த இதழில்..
In this Issue..

மணிவிழா நாயகர்
தவறுக்கு தண்டனை
திரும்பிப் பார்க்கிறோம் - 18
சிதையும் சிங்காரக் கோயில்கள் - 1
The Chola Temple at Pullamangai(Series)
வேண்டும் நல்வரம் கொள் விசயமங்கை
முதல் நாள் உலா
"கலை" வளர்த்த பயணங்கள்
குறள்வழி வாழும் குணாளர்
கலையே என் வாழ்க்கையின் திசைமாற்றினாய்!!
வணக்கத்துக்குரிய காதல் - சில குறிப்புகள்
Down the memory lane
கம்பன் ஏமாந்தான்
நெஞ்சில் உரமும் நேர்மைத் திறமும்
வரலாறே வாழ்வாக - வாழ்வே வரலாறாக... (கலைப்படத் தொகுப்பு)
"கலை" உணர்வு இனிது!!
வாட்டும் வாடையும் ஓடிய ஒன்பதும்
Issue No. 46 > Special Issue Section
Down the memory lane

I studied in Savithri Vidhyasala Hindu Girls Higher Secondary School. Our school usually conducts weekly bajans and sometimes arrange for meeting, which will end only at 5.30 or sometimes even 6.00 in the evening. On those days we go home late, so we hate meetings and bajans. At one time our school arranged our Doctor's meeting. We all assembled in ground with a long face. I think Doctor knows mind reading, when the chief guest was called upon, he came near the mike and asked "எப்ப வீட்டுக்கு போகப்போறோம்னு கவலையா?", every body burst into laughter, he spoke in the way that no one watched the time, all enjoyed his speech and particularly listened to his whole speech. We even talked about it in the following day. Making school children to listen is something incredible. Oratory itself is an art, speaking in interesting way is an extraordinary talent which is Doctor's big asset.

Personally I was known to him, while doing Post Graduation in Seethalakshmi Ramasamy College. Three of us selected Temple architecture as topic of dissertation. I selected Cave Temples of Tiruchirappalli Dt. for my project work. The other two finished their work in time, but I was not able to complete in time (lazy). At one stage Doctor was totally fed up with me. As he had a tour program in the following week he gave instructions of doing a comparative study of all caves and asked me complete it myself. So I did a comparative study of all the caves and gave a conclusion and submitted. After that I met him only on viva session. O.K. I decided, I am going to get a big bang from him. Instead he smiled at me. I was confused. Then he asked "how do you feel about your project?" I answered, "I think not bad". Then he asked "have you noticed the mistakes?" "Yes, spelling mistakes in some places" I answered. During the question hour Doctor asked "how many sculptures are there in the wall panel of upper rock cut cave?" I have a bad habit of counting with fingers as a KG kid. I casually started counting and when looked up to answer I saw everybody laughing at me. (only thing which goes around my mind 'why not angry?') Finally I asked, "Doctor are you not angry with me?" Immediately he replied "why? For what? You have done a good job". He appreciated my comparative analysis and the conclusion. If I was in his place nothing will come to my mind, only the misbehaviour of the student, not his/her talent. He is a person of kind appreciating talents. Doctor I promise this time I will be punctual and work at your level of expectation.

Another thing, which I admire in Doctor is, he used to introduce us to scholars and others. I am a student, nothing will benefit him in introducing me to other people. But if we were present for an occasion he introduces us to others present in the place. He also encourages people around him to partake in events to which he attends. He shows ways to us to improve in all aspects. Even at the student level I participated in Tamilnadu History conference and many other programs with him only because of him. He has a good sense of humour, which we enjoy while with him. It reflects in his speeches and writings.

I am happy and proud to be his student. Doctor used to tell me "you are part of our family" and I thank him for this. Its only Gods grace I am his student and got the opportunity to learn and be a part of the family of a great scholar.

He is very punctual (read it thrice), sincere, hard working, never giveup, but down to earth person. I always pray for his well being. I thank for giving this opportunity to share my memory with all.

நானும் எனது குடும்பத்தாரும் டாக்டர் அவர்களுக்குப் பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துகளைத் தெரிவித்து மகிழ்கிறோம்.
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இப்படைப்பு குறித்த தங்கள் கருத்துக்கள் வரவேற்கப்படுகின்றன. கீழுள்ள படிவத்தில் தமிழிலோ ஆங்கிலத்திலோ பின்னூட்டமிடலாம். தமிழில் பின்னூட்டமிட ஏதேனும் ஒரு தமிழ்ச் செயலி பின்னணி செயல்பாட்டில் இருக்க வேண்டும்.
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