Since then Microsoft's developer community have felt jerked around more than they've felt cheered, with a couple of high-profile shifts in development strategy (abandoning Silverlight was the biggestslap, but there have been others). - Managing Regulations and Business Environment Nadella Satya operates in an environment where it faces numerous regulations and government diktats. Please. I ser they are lagging behind at least 12 months on the back log, despite the current rs3 and 4 roadmap. I was all in on Microsoft's services and hardware, by not providing me a mobile option they have lost me as a user. Until now Microsoft has let all their phone users down. It's around 500 million now. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. After that, who knows. So seen in that light I think Microsoft is doing damn well by supporting us until 2019. 1. What's the issue and im genuinely asking? At this point, you could say Microsoft is autistic from time to time. My, how time flies. Nadella has been a technical, "Big Iron" guy his entire career. I have been a Microsoft fan from the beginning and have enjoyed their products and I am a HUGE WINDOWSPHONE FAN but I am DONE! hits the nail on the head. I was going to buy a new Surface Laptop. That's now Nadellas problem to deal with. Yea. that'll work. Lets take a moment instead to focus on what could go wrong for the new CEO. Hi All 5. Do you know what 8.1 brought for me? The problem I see is multi-faceted and not just about, "You have no phones for consumers." My phone and PC no longer communicate the way they used to. Obviously this has to be asked and displayed PROMINENTLY. The party has lasted for more than a decade and rollback from Fed can result in huge interest costs for Nadella Satya. I don't see AR/VR/MR/whateverR becoming much of a universal platform. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Satya is a regular Sherlock. It was created by Linkin Park, very touch screen friendly! All business end-users are consumers. They will also see how easy and tempting it is to stay with just one ecosystem. Plus, with WoA, a true plug-in Continuum experience running traditional Win32 apps in a desktop experience. In my experience because too many didn't even realise it existed due to a total lack of marketing. Also I hope it is clear that MS has moved on from Mobile focus they now want to catch up with the supposedly next big thing. I haven't seen it today either. It happpened to IBM, Sears, GE, GM, Kodak, BestBuy, Polaroid, and a host of others. I chose to go with a Nokia 6 (running pure Android 7.1.1) and use Microsoft apps on it. I cannot come to purchase another mac. the next shiny object they are loseing attention span with is continuum I'm sure apple and google are going o thrive wit it And with out a phone your AI is not going to be in too many peoples hands . Why did they move to Windows 10 mobile, when they knew the Windows 10 OS was not good to go? All their stated goals go out the window (pun intended) when they kill off pieces because it discredits their stated goals both internally and externally. Or a watch. That was the finding of a survey on corporate attitudes by Microsoft Corp ., the workplace software giant and owner of LinkedIn. LOL, the only thing worth copying from a Lumia was the camera technology. 4 on the overall list with a yearly compensation of $84,308,755. He has not changed his mind of that, just regretting that he did not pay closer attention to the phone base. You can create the best AI on the planet but if it's not on a mobile device and can be used daily then it's not going to be used. At EMBA PRO Also, I was a Band user and a Surface 2 RT user MS has lost my trust as the only things that are actually still supported are my laptop and my Xbox (though they don't really do anything with the Kinect anymore). A very distant third, and dropping fast. If Microsoft had put the entire $7B they spent on Nokia towards additional phone subsidies, lets say they could have made what was normally a $200 phone a free phone. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. Perhaps people will not go back right now, but at least they should have kept some marketshare by by not killing win 7 phones, win 8 phones and then now declare end of line for win 10 mobile phones in 2019 July like 2 years after launching two flagship phones(Lumia 950/950 XL) and only one year after HP Elite x3 release and well the recently released Alcaltel Idol 4 phone Also you fail to see the importants of big data and its relations with the smart phones and the built in software such as Google docs and on IOS Numbers. It is good that he has regrets, but too little --. I mean, he could have used the comment section/forums of Windows Central and got all the feedback he needed. Microsoft would prefer more secure customers running shiny new Windows 7 or 8 boxes. That may not be the case. Like DT is running MS. All they need is a small but powerful tablet in the size of a phone with cellular but do not market it as a phone. So, if you can't re-model or create a market, you have to figure out how to survive in the market(s) that exist and that is what Nadella has done. Most people in the US don't understand the pull of Nokia as brand. In the BB days no BB owner would have imagined they would abandon their platform, then enter iPhone pardigm change. Infinidim. Because we all perceive and parse thoughts and feelings differently (cognitive processes and any forms of bias). and programs from a small cell phone can run on a bigger monitor through "continuum" software. Tried like hell to get SO Many people to jump on this bandwagon and ride it. The launchers and Cortana they came out with on Android are nice, but they didn't even bother to properly integrate Cortana into the launcher. By Satya Nadella Oct 12, 2022. I was never unhappy with the OS as a whole and I still prefer it to Android. It's just a phone people, maybe leave cancer, autism, spousal abuse out of the commentary? \'he\'s got strong preferences,\' says satya. The thing that frustrates me the most about this is how the company was so secretive about its vision for Windows on phones; or lack thereof. Probably until battery run out. Amazon does it. In addition, HP footed the bill and GOT the HP Elite x3 "modified and certified" TO RUN ON VERIZON for a fall release!!! Satya was just the guy that had to make the decision to pull the plug, but WP had been brain dead for a while already. I have been Microsoft everything since the DOS days, not anymore. Satya Nadella sees a way forward. The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. By the time MS started giving it away,OEM's were invested in Android and had no incentive to look in any other direction. Right now Microsoft's future technologies are orphaned. I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. I know a lot of people want to blame Nadella, but that fault is on Balmer. Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows 8.x that is mostly focused on improving the Mouse And Keyboard experience, not its touch brother. But so is the future. The highest sales were 10.5 million with 2.7% of the market. - Growing Protectionism - Nadella Satya should hedge the risk against growing protectionism ranging from storing data into international market to diversifying risk by operating into countries at different economic cycle. It is actually fairly small, though still offers chances to earn few billions for the operating system company, so it is not something that should be ignored by a big company, just if you ask whether it is normal that other things were priority, yes it is. Time to focus, man. It's very easy to ignore Windows UWP, since Microsoft itselfs it not doing much UWP apps. What unlock shareholder value really means is sell off or spin off assets andgive the cash to shareholders. Which might be at odds with the long-term strategy of the company itself. But there are certainly opportunities to paint a brighter line between the two sides of the house than weve seen so far. - First Mover Advantage Nadella Satya has first mover advantage in number of segments. On 16th June 2021, Nadella has been further appointed as the Executive Chairman of Microsoft, succeeding John W. Thompson. I moved to Android after sitting tight with Windows Phone/Mobile through the 920, 930 and 950XL being pulled along solely by promises of "things to come". As a consumer, I am now no longer interested in MS apps or services, and am now figuring out whether to switch to Android (and Google's apps and services) or Apple. He had cynically deceived loyal fans of W10M. But then Microsoft figured - it's just a couple of hundred bucks down the crapper, I mean, you've already stood by me through so much. He placed an intentionally greater emphasis on empathy, individual empowerment, positivity, and growth. I am one of those MS loyalists who believed all the hype (now looking like BS) about Windows utility and productivity across all platforms. At this point in history, with cutthroat competition from every side, theres little room for anything resembling dilettantism. All he did was avoid answers, while offering some nebulous comments that left loyal customers baffled. Across Europe/Aus/NZ many use a mobile and ISP provided digital hub/smart tv to access what they need. Clearly Microsoft doesn't see it. Lastly sort out new tabs in edge so they open up to the users home page or and page of choice. It will go a long, long way. If I am working on let's say Windows Mobile and I know it may be killed, why stay? ITS A VERY BIIIIIIIGGGGG MISTAKE!!! Ha!! He made mistakes. Satya Nadella and his leadership team impressively executed the significant cultural change efforts. They left for Android. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). We as consumers are being misled by Paid Media(In India, we call them Presstitutes) regarding Microsoft. They were right to focus on the cloud and productivity. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. I'm worried about the state of the software. Overall, though, I cannot see but that it leads to decline for Microsoft as mobile IS the gateway to computing and the next generations will have grown up using Goog Docs, Sheets, Slides and GMail - not Microsoft's offerings. Nor do the actual sales numbers, consistently the demand for Lumias exceeded sales in Asia and Europe, they could have capitalized on it. Just my 2cts. Also, while Nadella is generally considered to be well-liked internally, he can hardly be universally popular. So, you know, keep the Surface division growing at triple digit percentages for the next few years. If Microsoft fail to get a smart phone into the market within the next 5 years and gain market shares then that is it for Microsoft. Of course most people don't know about or use W10 M so they will not be feeling as I do. As people carry the more and more powerful smart phones in their hands and as they wil replace the common office computer this WILL means big trouble for Microsoft in the future. In a recent report on shifting workplace attitudes, the Microsoft CEO commented that some bosses are skeptical of work-from-home culture, reports Windows Central. I supported MS since before windows 7 but since Nadela took over I have seen them fail to support consumers. Haven't got them. A few apps on iOS and android will do nothing to change that as Microsoft become a forgotten company for the vast majority of users. I don't know why they seem concerned about our comments in the Windows Phone Platform, but do nothing to fix what we share. Whats next Xbox, then Surface? Or their own apps in the Windows Store. It limits the ability of the firm to build a sustainable competitive advantage. This is especially the case if you are not a technically minded person - which is 99% of the market. - Organization Culture It seems that organization culture of Nadella Satya is still dominated by turf wars within various divisions, leading to managers keeping information close to their chests. I'm actually considering holding my nose and going to Apple in the hope of finding some systemic consistency. It's tough to grow anything without seeds. Nadella should admit he made a mistake and walk back the decision to sacrifice not only Windows Phone, but all the folks who love it. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. Not because of the content and information but mainly because its just sad. When the camera started to fail on the Lumia 950 I thought whether I was going to get it fixed (it was out of warranty) or migrate to Android. The only apparent certainty at this point is that Nadella cares ONLY about Microsoft's cloud services, and Andriod & iOS apps. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. "People often ask how it's going," said Nadella. And users on Android and iOS simply replace MS services with Google's and Apple's. How much would it really cost to provide support for some company to continue W10M on a phone that it could sell at a profit? Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course.