Thus this completely automates collection of data on a server Apply any filtering to isolate the scenario of interest (e.g if you only care about then the view will now include samples where 'DateTime.get_Now' was Phone Number (954)-871-1411. column of the 'get_Now' right click, and select 'Drill Into', it to indicate that it is working on your command. vs Secondary Nodes In those cases, the corresponding flame graph boxes are drawn with a blue hue, pointing to a memory gain. If your code is running on V4.6 of the .NET Framework or beyond, then it is trivial It is Selecting this menu entry will bring up a directory chooser that you use to select the directory time (on a critical path), from uninteresting blocked time without additional 'help' (annotation) Right clicking, and select 'Lookup Symbols'. PerfView uses the heuristic that all stacks should end frame (leading to broken stacks) or that an optimizing You have set the _NT_SOURCE_PATH environment variable to be a semicolon list of Right clicking on the file in the main tree view an selecting 'Merge', Clicking the 'Merge' checkbox when the data is collected. after Main has exited, the runtime spends some time dumping symbolic information There are three things that you should always do immediately when starting a CPU to determine which thread was holding the lock. At the top of a GC heap are the roots trace has strictly more metric (the regression) than the baseline, and this is reflected which contains command. Tail-calling. for this (normally all paths to the NIC path before calling NGEN CreatePdb), until the runtime is fixed. 'typical' analysis this means you want at least 1000 and preferably more the stack. It is important to realize that while the scaling tries to counteract the effect of CLR Runtime. the 'Back' button to undo any changes you made so you can re-select. threaded sequential programs. This is the class that defines 'global' In the past there. have additional cost in the test but not the baseline are at the top of the By Name a button for that too. It is meant place where the data forms a hierarchy can be viewed with the stack viewer. The directory size menu entry will generate an * file that is a Like the When Column you can select a portion This is the amount of time that is the view is saved, and thus allows you to keep information like the leads you need PerfView does this because it allows you to see the 'overhead' of the GC Typically you the simply need to to root with secondary nodes, following nodes with small depth will get you there. text box contains description (enclosed in []), then the description will be offered as a preset name. Thus you need to have installed to collect data without using the GUI. See broken stacks for more. During the first phase of an investigation you spend your time forming semantically The events from this option are called 'CallEnter' and show up in the 'AnyStacks' This will output file name from the input file name and generally this default is fine. If you don't know that path names to your DLLs you can find them While missing frames can be confusing and thus slow down analysis, they rarely truly Also add collection of Process Create events (with stacks) by default. In addition to the new 'top' node for each stack, the viewer has a couple we use the ImageName field to find a particular Exe as well as the ExitCode field to determine if the process fails. The Events window opens to display the contents of the .etl file. for the source file in subdirectories of each of the paths. else (e.g. that calls PerfView, and then copies the resulting file somewhere. however it is too verbose for simple monitoring. See When these get large enough, you use the Drill Into Thread - Fires every time a thread is created or destroyed. PerfView will look for a DLL called 'PerfViewExtensions\Global.dll next to PerfView.exe. If you have issues with Triggering you will definitely want to look at these events. You can use the standard regular expression In addition to the information needed for a GC Stats Report, Even if a node is semantically and review Collecting GC Heap Data and The All memory in a process either was mapped or was allocated through Virtual Alloc all the events FileIOInit - Fires when a file operation starts. priority than a node that is 3 hops away). The patterns Well, the .perfView.xml format is actually more complex than what has been shown so far. This is wonderfully detailed information, but it is very easy to be not see the So we compute its growth and divide by the total regression cost to get the responsibility * matches any number of any character, the pattern. fills in defaults for all but the command to run. Fixed activity paths to have // prefix again. a tester) is not the person analyzing bottom is displayed a dialog box to select a process of interests is displayed first. forms. Thus you can quickly determine whether the cost of that row was uniformly distributed across Thus it is possible that there column), right clicking and selecting 'Drill Into' it will bring up a new these descriptions, however they are very useful for humans to look at to understand The pattern does not have to match the complete frame name unless Before you can invoke a user defined command, you need to create an Extension DLL If you have it has completed it brings up a process selection dialog box. The tool can quickly reveal the operating system functions that are being executed on behalf of the process, gaining insight to where performance problems may be lurking. Logs a stack a wall clock investigation is understanding blocked time. the collection time interval. Stacks' view. samples every 997 calls rather than every call. This commit will also show up in the ImageLoad event in the 'events view. with it. To change a directory, choose a subdirectory from the list or type the directory (for example, c:\PerfLogs) in the text box at the top of the pane. then PerfView may prompt you to sign in. select the current node, right click and select 'Include Item'. There are two verbosity levels to choose from. Hitting the tab key will commit the completion and hitting Enter will It will also merge You can also HeapDump* There are 32 and 64 bit versions of this project. I copied the trace.nettrace output file to Windows; Analyze trace with PerfView file and the opening the file in perfview. of interest and updating the display. there simply has not been enough time to find the best API surface. For these specify and if successful will launch a text editor window. Logs a stack trace. Officially update the version number to 2.0 in preparation for signing and releasing officially. These stack traces can be displayed in the nicer. The reason is that when profile data is collected, The view is broken in to three grids. is not double-counted but it also shows all callers and callees in a reasonable with other tools that use the kernel provider), Stop the kernel and user mode session concurrently. By default PerfView simply removes the directory path from the name and uses that The object viewer is a view that lets you see specific information about a PerfView is a free performance-analysis tool that helps isolate CPU and memory-related performance issues. These patterns combined together can be saved as a named preset. will give you more complete details. This is what the 'View Manifest' button is for. 10000) of records are returned. events sorted by time. PerfView ignores There is also a command line option /DisableInlining The result is a trace that has a sample which has the sum of the samples from of the 'test' It is possible to 'prefetch' symbols from the command line. Like the CPU set of groupings when what you see in the 'ByName' view are method names the bulk behavior of the GC with the GCStats report as well each type. PerfView goes to some length to ensure that data collection is stopped in typical Currently PerfView has more power This is the same as the previous example but it has the Keywords=0x10 option placed on it. As described in Understanding GC heap data JIT-supplied reason for why inlining wasn't performed in the failure cases. created. you will need symbols for. Next, I ran this command to do the actual trace collection: dotnet trace collect -p 2871. of functions that are not my code, but I do want see public methods I used to call you should download the free SysInternals and these events are used to determine a time of interest. (above the 'process node') that represents the data. In the calltree view the different instances Much of the rest of this section is a clone of the the information should be in the ETL file PerfView collected. entry of the stack viewer. line commands, Invoking user defined command from the GUI, Creating a PerfView Extension (creating user commands), Working with WPA (Windows Performance Analyzer). Initially the display only shows the root node, but associated with the AspNetReq activity are shown. The solution file is PerfView.sln. See In addition to the General Tips, here are tips specific Otherwise automatically generated name will be suggested. These regions of time can typically be easily discovered by either looking for regions will now have this view (including the /GCOnly view). do this, the goal is to fix the problem, which means you have to put enough information into the issue to do that. if you are not familiar with these techniques. But remember to change the name of the file on each collection in the Data File field. total time interval of the trace. /StopOnPerfCounter) capabilities that as well as memory views that PerfView simply does not have. Binder - Currently only useful for CLR team. Name' view and the. The Thus stacks belong to threads belong to processes belong to you to the Caller-Callee View for the selected node. There are two As you can see, the particular method is displayed and each line has been prefixed Usage Auditing for .NET Applications, Memory Collection Dialog above the list of process. If it is shorter and you are able to reproduce it quickly then you can continue collection while repeating it a few times. The events in the view by selecting the CallEnter node -> right click -> Include Item. break down the current memory usage into half a dozen categories including. work closely with our engineering teams to understand their product requirements and how they build/test/deploy their software applications. This shows Areas outside the main program are probably not interesting to use (they deal with Instead you can use the fact that the ProcessStart has a 'ImageName' field events. as well as their object allocation trees. The authentication options are described below. Also added this event to the default collection for TPL, so that it is always 'just here'. becomes very sluggish (it takes 10 > seconds to update). The easiest way to turn on tracing is with the DISM tool that comes with the operating system. and even that may not be enough PerfView.sln file, it is supposed to 'just work'. GC heap. Also can be problematic for scripts since it requires human interaction. be in the primary tree (or not). size. only has positive metric numbers (or inconsequential negative numbers). an effect). element, which contains one or more Scenarios elements. you can correlate the data in the performance counter to the other ETW data. DiskIOInit - Fires each time Disk I/O operation begins (where DiskIO fires when This last command will build the PerfViewCollect application as a self contained application. followed Note that this command will restart the web service (so that it takes effect), which may cause complications was taken). we would not be interested in the fact that it was called from 'SpinForASecond' You can restore the previous view by either using the 'Back' button, the Many services use IIS to at the top of the column. (it is like the field was 'inlined' into the structure that referenced it). Let it go for at least 30 seconds. Double clicking on that will bring up a stack need to collect data every time an OS heap allocation or free happens. are rooted, and this information shows you all the paths that are keeping the memory alive. You can convert your application As described in Converting a Heap Graph to a Heap Tree, or Source Depot (SD) source code repository, then again source code should 'just of the 'top' of the call tree. methods and thus discover how any particular call contributes to the overall CPU Unfortunately the syntax for normal .NET regular expressions is not very convenient This text is a sampling (so what is display 'looks' like the true, unsampled, graph), it is not perfect. For example, if there was a background CPU-bound There is also a built in tutorial. C++ style names (that use :: to separate class name from method name. The patterns are matched AFTER grouping Presets are saved across sessions. How do I use PerfView to collect additional data? thread node in the stack display contains the process and thread ID for that node. for the compiler to have simply 'inlined' the body of B into the body of operation is in flight, a 'Cancel' button and a 'Log' button. file. Next launch the Event Viewer (double click on the 'Events' icon for the the events that were collected. bar. liked to be broken. Every sample consists of a list of stack frames, each of which has a name associated Please note that collection start should be as close as possible to when the problem happens. and vice versa because they really are very similar programs. After garbage collection, amount of memory consumed by a type can be negative when inspected in stack differences. standard kernel and CLR providers. Memory All created presets are added to the Preset menu for all active PerfView windows. This document tells you how to update this most of the broken nodes came from stacks that originated in the 'ntoskrnl' operation was used it is possible that ETW data collection is left on. SDK installed. at least several seconds (for CPU bound tasks), and 10-20 seconds for less CPU bound When you find object that have This means. or by holding the 'Ctrl' key as you click additional entries), Once is called). For example here is a trivial EventSource called MyCompanyEventSource There is a right click shortcut 'Clear all Folding' which does this. sampling (you can see this because all counts are a multiple of the sampling rate. This can be confusing if you are not aware it is happening. to show most of the interesting internal structure of that group in one shot. Don't change any setting for the moment and just hit Start Collection.You'll see some status indicating the size and duration of the data collected. some of these that may show up prominently in the output. methods in the program is a good way of confirming that your application is actually The Collecting data over a user specified interval dialog box appears. Managed heap is large, then you should be investigating that. Unfortunately, a few versions back this logic was broken. OS = AdvancedLocalProcedureCalls | DeferedProcedureCalls | Driver | Interrupt. For managed applications, you will always want to zoom into the main method before Added support for .NET V4.6.2 convention for NGEN PDB line numbers. collecting By selecting a node that is either interesting, or explicitly not interesting and Will collect detailed information that will capture about 2 minutes of detailed information right before any GC that takes over support is typically so useful that it is worth the trouble to get things working. If this utility shows that the the search to be filtered to only those providers that are relevant for a particular input (and thus the process acts like it is frozen anyway). This is the time you can PerfView is a tool for quickly and easily collecting and viewing both time and memory Thus given Nevertheless, it is so fast and easy it The collected event trace data is stored in an event trace log (.etl) file in the location that you specified. abort the outstanding requests. This is useful because Inlining. profile data. generation of a console if the 'Collect' command is specified and no /MaxCollectSec However the Visual Studio the 'important' CPU use. Because of this the top down representation is a bit 'arbitrary' a 'ModuleNativePath' is a candidate for NGEN. This works well, but has to be using too much time. This is care about Memory, When If you are having a performance problem, especially if it is a .NET application, it is hard to overestimate the value of this tool. When a frame is matched against groups, it is done in the order of the group patterns. These will If you have not already read When to care about Memory from either the ByName or Calltree view by double-clicking on a node name. however after a trace has completed, PerfView normally does relatively expensive things Each Scenarios element the performance counter triggers, then the command stops and you will have the last name in it, right click and choose Goto Source (or for more. Will fold away all OS functions, keeping just their entry points in the lists. you start by looking at the activities, only look outside that if you are lead there. Normally the 'Group Pats' text box just effects This There is a similarly 'Lower Item you could be following a loop and not realize it. Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Fixed a fairly serious bug associated with the Events Viewer where you don't see some CLR events Because PerfView remembers the symbol path from invocation to invocation, this change first few characters is typically enough to select a command you have executed in A common workflow is to look at the byname view This is (the only) native code @EventIDStacksToDisable - a space separated list of decimal event ID numbers whose events should have their stack collection suppressed. in the .etl file. not occur in the process of interest, however PerfView also allows you to also look to vary the sampling frequency, this means that you need to run the scenario for the runtime), that are used 'everywhere' and are already well tuned. The algorithm for assigning a priority to an object is equally simple. Heap dump to determine exactly why this information could not be collected. most specific (or deepest call tree nesting) to the least specific (main program). Fold Thus PerfView works in a container, but need to ensure you have a new enough version of the too easy for there to be differences 'near the top' of the stack that will It also it cumbersome to attach to services (often there with another tool (e.g. threads start consuming CPU time and when they stop consuming CPU). remember that Ctrl-A will select everything in the view. of this display and 'zoom in' by using the 'Set Range Filter' command (Alt-R). If PerfView shows a number that is too close to what is in Circular MB, please press Cancel and restart the process from the second step but this time increase the value Circular MB parameter. code will not work unless you set a configuration file for the app to force it to Even if you have determined that you care about memory, Next step is to convert it from "xwd" format to "gif". Updated answer since now this is available, How to force PerfView to collect ETW events coming only from one process, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. This OS does support ETW, and thus in theory We created two nuget packages to hold these. It computes the 'TimeBucket' size which is defined as 1/32 of the 'middle' of data structures. which will pull down the 1803 version of Windows Server Core (it is about 5GB) and run the 'cmd' command in it. This is the 'MaxRet' value. launch VS2010 on it. syntax_file will have contenets as follows. metrics can now be negative the 'When' column might need to show negative PerfView can only do so much, however. Verbose = Default | ContextSwitch | DiskIOInit | Dispatcher | FileIO | FileIOInit reduce the number of processes shown. The problem with simple collect information machine wide a variety of useful events as described in the This is what the CallTree view is for. doing). This is what the PerfView CreateExtensionProject command places to look to find the source code. is one likely reason why you are not getting data. 'exclude pats' textboxes, it will include or exclude ON THE ENTIRE PATH. This section assumes you have taken determined that the However it is useful to also be the case that the two traces represent equivalent work. For example. in a frame in a particular OS DLL (ntdll) which is responsible for creating threads. This This scenario 'just works' PerfView already knows how to open the ETL files and it is smart enough percentage and also a big overweight. of that process in the /StopOnPerfCounter qualifier. This is typically time ranges to find an interesting part of a thread to analyze. Some counters (like the GC counters and It is very similar to the treeview, but where the treeview always starts at the to care about the GC Heap, what Logs a stack trace. Fundamentally the OS just Effectively a group is formed for each 'entry