This is the best time to detect parasites. She educates patients and families on the regimens, protocols, and therapies that detoxify and/or build the immune system. Fortunately, the results were quite good, though there were some mild elevations of lead, tin, and tungsten. Parasites have their own associated concurrent co-infections with viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It has been an honor and a blessing for me to have the opportunity to work with him. Helminth infectioninduced malignancy PLOS Pathogens, July 2017. Dr. Liu is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Missouri (L.Ac) and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Adapted from Helmut Retzeks introduction on YouTube. Hardly anyone de-worms their dogs either. We have never had a problem with ordering or quality, even though some of the companies are outside of the USA. I tried to minimize the number of rounds with Tinidazole, since it required 3-4 months of very strict dieting and anti-fungals. All rights reserved. Because Ive gained so much weight after getting tapeworms. Parasites are everywhere, and it is impossible to completely avoid infection. I started doing this when I noticed that our worms were becoming resistant to Mebendazole (Mebex), so I switched to Diethyl. Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. Parasites, fungi, and dental issues are three of the commonly overlooked factors that may hold people back from achieving optimal health. If so, please consider donating to keep this site alive. Dr. Yu encountered several miracle-improvements using parasite medication and wrote two books about his experiences:Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, and Accidental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. Not all parasites can be washed away with enemas, but it is a great starting point. The Enema Section has an instructional video showing how we test. Family Consultation. Dr. Yu uses EAV testing / Acupuncture Meridian Assessment to assess parasite load and other bodily stressors. The worms were killed and came out in pieces once she was taking parasite medications. If somebody had IBS, an intestinal problem, I would check the meridian system showing the large intestine is out of balance. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for 35 years, Integrative Medicine for 25 years, and worked as a medical director and physician at a regional HMO for 10 years. Dr. Yu: That is correct. <> I have heard from several practitioners that Albendazole (Albenda) and Alinia are hard on the liver and that they should be monitored and taken with caution. I cant say that I noticed more parasite excretion after suppositories, but I do think that the suppositories either disrupted their life cycle or sent them into deeper hiding. In this video, she thanks Dr. Simon Yu of St. Louis, an integrative MD and US Army Reserve Medical Corps physician (retired as a Full Colonel), who developed this form of treatment. We have experienced recurrence of parasite symptoms, even after #1 and #2 are clear. Links to other websites have been carefully chosen, but do not imply endorsement and we are not responsible or liable for their information and contents. However, we saw no evidence that it helped with our parasite issues. I wish I had known all of this 7 years ago when we first started. It is technically in the class of antibiotics). The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. This was good news. annab2015. From a recent article of Dr. Simon Yu, "Most parasite problems may manifest outside of the GI tract, i.e. endobj While my sleep had improved, it was not back to where it was prior to having worsened about a year prior. Dr. Yu is an expert in finding many of the key things other doctors may miss; namely parasites, fungal, and dental issues. I see migraine headaches go away all the time. ;l0 7@'g?M\* r4f`[FTolAVYJqQzmtv~s%:}~=S The protocol uses Mebendazole for 18 days a month - beginning 3 days before the full moon. Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? Pingfan Liu studied for five years and graduated in 1987 from Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) I think herbs push parasites deeper into the body. endobj A: I am of the opinion that probiotics feed worms. we didnt expect these to improve when we started treating parasites). % Note that Diethyl is not as well tolerated as Mebex, so I recommend encapsulating it before taking orally, and only using 1-2 pills max of Diethyl in an enema. However, we still had some parasite symptoms, we were still excreting parasites, and we were still testing well on parasite medications. How important are these in the work that you do with patients? Unfortunately the easy-to-use Kalcker chart has been deleted from the internet, so I have created a modified Kalcker Protocol Chart from my old printout. In meeting our goal for treating the whole person, Body, Mind and Spirit and creating a maximum opportunity for healing, Chaplain Pauls services for patients and families at Prevention and Healing include the following: Provides individual consultation for patients to assess their Health and Wellness and to identify areas that need strengthening. He has also organized three meetings in Europe for doctors and dentists with Dr. Yu. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of people. Some vets sell it. While I was there, I decided to schedule an appointment to have him evaluate me with his AMA system as well as it had been several years. Dr. Although coffee enemas are very popular at the time of writing, I havent found them to be any more effective than just plain water. We have tried all of them over several years, but have never noticed any improvements in parasite symptoms or parasites coming out until we started enemas and parasite medications. A: I almost fainted when the first baseball-sized tape worm came out of my 3 year old. Our experience was consistent with his theories. Posted 2/12/2014 11:52 AM (GMT -8) Has anyone here heard of or seen Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis before? and that I gave them to my children in-utero. Home. As usual, they are in rank order from the most important puzzle piece to the least important puzzle piece. He had to look much harder than the first time; employing even more advanced provocation techniques to unmask any remaining stressors. Personally, I would rather fix my gastrointestinal bacterial balance. Either hit parasites hard and fast with the correct medications, or dont try to hit at all. He had training and experience for 12 years in China and two years of clinical practice in the USA. He uses the most aggressive (in my case) prescription drugs, which I desperately needed, and every other enhancement therapy (ozone and ultralight) to eliminate the parasites and subsequent infections. Q: My question to you is, did you start losing weight after you dewormed? Zapper: Yes, we even have a Hulda Clark Zapper. Check here first - this is an excellent resource. Donese Worden. Subsequent rounds after the first few initial kills didnt make us feel nearly as sick. This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. Radical Remission Surviving Cancer Against All Odds 2014. 13 0 obj More details about equipment, administration, etc. Here is a Youtube Video with details about the glass jar method. Some of our family members took extra DE (usually ~1Tablespoon 2x/day) for some periods of time. Parasites are everywhere in our environment, and it seems continued diligence is necessary. To find a doctor familiar with diagnosing and treating parasitic infections, consider the following: Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a specialist. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! The only exception is Tinidazole (antibiotic used for protozoans), which is usually covered. A: DE is part of the Kalcker Protocol, which I do recommend. 12 0 obj As an unknown threat that we often overlook parasite, fungal, and dental problems. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on . <> First I test individual medications. As you work through your customized protocol, you'll positively influence your terrain by supporting your body's drainage pathways, your natural detoxification processes, the health of your gut microbiome, and your body's ability to repair cells and tissues.*. I go through the sequence and use "oil pulling" because I see dental problems all the time. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to make an appointment with our acupuncturist Dr. Liu. To contact Chaplain Paul, call our office or his cell 314-440-1527 or his email: The kids are constantly picking them up at school. 17 0 obj 7 0 obj Mebex and Pyrantel Pamoate in the Kalcker Protocol are great for worms. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. Is it Possible to Bend Time?, balanced his acupuncture meridians with a 40 day fast, Parasites as a New, Emerging, Global Environmental Threat: A Paradigm Shift in Environmental Medicine, Radical Remission Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. However, the person usually hasnt seen any parasites coming out, nor have they experienced symptom relief. No responsibility, legal or otherwise, is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. They do not initiate routine parasite medications even when they highly suspect that their patient might be suffering from parasite infestations [1] Dr. Simon Yu has more information about the difficulty of detecting parasites in humans in the article Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable. Ideas of where to get these medications can be found in where to get parasite medications. She also performs therapies, often via IV, such as nutritional support, chelation, and blood irradiation that treat underlying causes of illness and disease. This patient testimonial video was submitted with permission by Helmut Retzek, praxis for integrative and biological medicine in Voecklabruck, Austria, I eventually realized that the flush was much more effective if done fasting, so I switched to only flushing after every 2 rounds of parasite medications instead of after every round. Note that I do not believe balanced meridians necessarily means parasites are gone. In the allergy immunology point, I see heavy metal problems, fungal problems, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and even electromagnetic fields. Below is a list of our personal primary symptoms. 5 0 obj He indicates that negative reactions to medications are because the parasites are dying. Also, my taste buds are messed up. [2] Dr. Simon Yu MD, Accidental Cure, 2010. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. We ended up only taking Levamisole orally for a few days at a time. I believe the idea is to flush out any parasites that have died and might be stuck in the gallbladder, liver or bile ducts. Everything else was status quo. Parasite protocol. Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. <> Using his Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Techniques, he's often able to find clues that many others may have missed. stream Chronic anemia (f,h) no matter how much liver we ate, we were always on the borderline of anemia. We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. I returned in February 2020 for an additional evaluation. Initially, our parasite medications were based on recommendations from Dr. Simon Yu, MD. I feel like I am having a horrible hangover, nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, and general malaise. ), go to a compounding pharmacy, and pay $1-5 per pill. Simon Yu, MD Prevention and Healing, Inc. 10908 Schuetz Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802, fax 314-432-1971 Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication You have been advised to take parasite medication(s) and you might be wondering, "Yuk! Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis diagnoses parasites with AMA - Acupuncture Meridian Assessment - which in our experience has been accurate. I check for 40 main acupuncture points known for thousands of years. <> This point is traditionally not one that is associated with parasites, but guess what? Im going to try to group our parasite symptoms into what I think caused them. In general a round was 10 days for children and 20 days for adults, although variations are noted in the details. I've been doing DNA tests that find that people have parasite problems in dental cavitations (pockets left after tooth removal) and in periodontal problems. Very effective for children with Autism and those suffering with the effects of parasites. The Longevity Diet, by Valter Longo, Ph.D., published in 2018, features a 5-Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet for the all the health benefits of fasting without the . Not only does MD stand for Medical Doctor, but in his case, it also stands for "medical detective." Overall the most useful supportive supplements were Liver Chi, Wormwood, Stone Breaker (aka Chanca Piedra), Neem and DE. It's not new information. This site is powered by SB. Noone de-worms their kids in America. Dr. Yu received his medical degree from the School of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia and completed residency training at St. Marys Health Center in St. Louis. Kerri Rivera has adapted the protocols for autism. I was still working hard, going to the gym, and doing well overall, but the lack of sleep was taking a toll. endobj But isn't it true that most parasites in the body live outside of the GI tract? endobj Dogs poo all over our parks and lawns. Here is what I recommend for parasite testing, and my comments on each one, in order from most effective to least effective: Here are the details of what we ended up having. After two years working in a hospital of TCM, in 1992 he received his postgraduate degree at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Highly motivated people, such as somebody who is really sick, it is good to do coffee enemas. A: The answers are buried in this page. I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. We have tried every kind of enema possible. So I use Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole depending on how they tested. Barb is a nurse focusing in holistic/integrative medicine. We're just exploring the tie into the whole matrix system. This was relatively easy compared to the first cycles; particularly given that there was a ten-day break between cycles which was not the case previously. Here is the outline of what weve learned: Western Practitioners Dont Know How to Diagnose or Treat Parasites, Natural Parasite Cleanses Homeopathic, Herbal and Holistic Approach, Where to Get Parasite Medications for Humans. A: For some reason, there are a lot of practitioners prescribing these short, small, all-medication rotation rounds. Vitamin D and Vitamin C, that were for general immune support but not necessarily for parasites. At work. From what you are saying about your symptoms I think he would be able to diagnose you with something for sure, no question. See the section on healing leaky gut for more information. <> It is the first way to rebalance the meridian system except for dental problems and the allergy immunology point. Treating flukes and protozoans? n$XNor86t" W=vP:),8{xn_jx?8UnM\&1ggy6m/rhD}njv#.zqWyC?!rQ b@YBC^L} z+.jz\'R"C01M;B`CEC[ErqAq^%LsC0fd3"IQ-# X5[aI{,tWn' 1N)t%:j^:EyDM%bBWtdmeaK[XV$?$bc!P%K0rgA[NzG{%7tw']RX +ynY$~OXL%"FDZw[Xk&>$!J8%Z=&zVwRI@ZBib-,do`3&^*}}A% rcEbV?5-__.d^X\gX XD .`KrbMp"_[?k6 Q~H~ So, back on three more ten-day cycles of parasite treatment with an additional three liver-gallbladder flushes. Youngest child (age 3): Worms, flukes, protozoans, Oldest child (age 6): Worms, flukes, protozoans. He has extensive knowledge in Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. This is to avoid causing other problems, namely candida, dysbiotic bacteria, and fungal overgrowth. Slowly, however, I became thankful that these odd creatures were coming out. That said, this wasn't the first time metals came up in energetic testing as an issue, and doing parasite and fungal killing can lead to more metals being released into the system. endobj Watch Dr. Yus interview on his new book by Doug Kaufmann of Know the Cause on YouTube. However, they are not as effective against flukes or protozoan parasites. Always seek the advice of a licensed health care provider before making any treatment decisions. I always use some kind of intestinal cleansing to make sure you have one or two bowel movements a day. oCx#? I would put them on natural parasite remedies like wormwood, black walnut, clove oil, and patients generally got better. Before I got cancer like my mother. 20 0 obj Our family had to learn this the very hard way (See 5 years and thousands of dollars in the previous section). _J`p:u.?t>.4{q?Q&Wr!wyA V ,UncoN@w#w%H kNLA4w0G. I agree that herbs can be used against parasites, but I dont think they kill them. MDs put people on seizure medication when they really need parasite medication, and I find it absolutely heartbreaking. Perhaps, but leaving our bodies with chronic parasitic infections makes them prone to other infections and diseases. endobj ten International Integrative Medicine Conferences, Training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA). For so long. Dr. Yu recommends a quarterly gallbladder liver flush, even for healthy people. Dr. It also seemed that around this time the parasites built up some immunity to Mebendazole (Mebex). He then retested the meridians and found that my large intestine, liver, and allergy-immunology (modern disease) points were out of balance (as seen in the image). Answer: This child put out a baseball size tapeworm on her first enema. After working for months in Egypt, this woman and all her colleagues got sick. Although we got lots of worms out whole before putting her on parasite medications, we still werent able to get them all out whole. Now that several years have passed since we initially cleared parasites, I can report that on average, we need about 3 rounds of parasite medications per year. Nor have I found them to be more effective than a Fleet enema from the drug store. <> Dr. Yu uses many different tools and techniques and is a skilled master in pinpointling potential causes of "dis-ease". You are pulling the toxins from your oral cavity. I recommend putting it in a capsule before swallowing. I recommend getting one of these cheap plastic enema buckets with a hose for each family member. endobj 22 0 obj He also studied acupuncture for 300 hours at a program housed at Stanford Medical School. Please note that these medication rounds are not a general parasite protocol. We have done a few rounds of Alinia with our oldest, and didnt notice any issues. If they respond to Alinia or Tinidazole, maybe I'm dealing with protozoa. Antiparasitic foods This is a decent list of. For more details, see the article How to Give a Child an Enema. People with chronic, unexplained illnesses are most likely infected with a parasite [2]. Dr. Simon Yu has a very complete list of parasite symptoms. [1] Dr. Simon Yu MD, Parasites as a New, Emerging, Global Environmental Threat: A Paradigm Shift in Environmental Medicine, December 2014. Read Patient Testimonials and Clinical Case Stories, Order my books, read my publications, in-depth articles. Disclaimer: The information. The following instructional video show how we figure out what to put in our enema. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. 1 0 obj <> Instructional videos showing how we test can be found in the next section. Two of his specialties are the treatment of parasites which is described in detail in his book and the impact of dental issues on health. I wrote a few articles on the issue of parasites and mind control, or parasites, and mental illness. Both use detection measures that the traditional medical establishment would consider quackery. Dr. Simon Yu. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. Copyright 2021 Prevention & Healing | All Rights Reserved | Privacy. September 13-15, 2013 was the weekend that the 8th International Alternative Medicine Conference was hosted by Dr. Simon Yu MD in St. Louis, . To learn more about our data collection practices, please visit our Privacy Policy. 1Guc*sAaEh#!f+ C!4Y02Q`Sw9qkF"\)]@d1`LFKnx*^ DpLNSeR#@0`.\;cY DJ,)5jE/grf-cHMpsQQt4,4[T'PWw4#L&%Z Adsd.n5hqRPeX5Fj2Vr$AwW4okIl\@=%]90k%@5e6,/ WL-y zs=ir?f2J@rrX?9r"p2\9[;~J8DD,{BmzU L//+AR;C/flz@@jZ{)F(k;kN_29[6E59V963\ iwR]IT>]7 <> Nope. The one exception was Diethyl, which tended to upset our stomach. We started with enemas first, and then the Kalcker protocol. suggests that the reader to do their own research and consult directly with their personal medical professional. Q: What about taking probiotics with parasite medications? Thankful that my eye prescription went from -6.5 to -4.5. But fortunately for us, we have Dr. Simon Yu, MD. Diethyl 100mg tabs, encapsulated before taking. I dont know how one could figure all of this out otherwise! We have tested these medications at home, and with ZYTO. Additional Parasite Medications Worms, Flukes & Protzoans, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage Flush Out the Dead Ones, Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable, Additional Parasite Medications for flukes, protozoans, and more worms, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage to flush out the dead ones, detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush, Time to Die. Dr. Simon Yu is a Board-Certified internist who founded Prevention and Healing Incorporated to offer integrative medicine to patients from St. Louis, across the nation, and around the world. The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. ( Mama. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. to my work, I thank you in advance and send you my gratitude. Parasites all have lifecycles that include egg sac production. <> I use the following criteria: I have actually found that #1 and #2 above might be clear, but we are still testing well on parasite medications. Let's look into the underlying problem. I'm relying on the meridian system to go lookout in the subtle energy field, what the problem might be. Andreas Kalcker is one of the leading scientists. <> Dr. Yu and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt are the only two doctors this writer knows of who know how to effectively detect and treat parasites. through a Washington University Medical Center-University of Missouri-St. Louis joint program, with research on Immunology. No longer testing well on parasite medications. Kalcker times his protocol with the Full Moon. We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. Do I really have worms in my body? 3Xs" M$ It is best to get the worms out whole so the toxins arent released in the body. Finally one of the local MDs admitted to me that our chances of catching the parasites are about 5% if we test around the full moon and if we are even testing for the correct parasite. This is not just about cleanliness. 11 0 obj Levamisole was also not well tolerated for our family, despite encapsulation. Are you more concerned generally with the smaller protozoan parasites or, the larger parasites like the worms and helminths or nematodes? Feb 14, 2022 3:17 AM. Besides IBS, there many other problems go away spontaneously using parasite medications. Then you can do a gallbladder and liver flush. 27 0 obj least important, on this list. Watch the YouTube video here. Sometimes they are praziquantel/mebex/diethyl, sometimes nutrients, sometimes drainage/ detox remedies. She and all her collegues got sick. In December 2019, I returned for a follow-up with Dr. Yu hoping that the parasites would be a thing of the past. The most heartbreaking parasite symptom for me is seizures. We did not see anything visually coming out until we started Enemas, Kalcker protocol, and RX medications (more on that in the next section). His recent bookAcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Lifeis a fantastic resource for patients and clinicians alike. Hi about to do Simon yus parasite protocol, klinghardt version not full on enough. Helps patient develop a Health and Wellness Plan of Care to support their Medical Plan of Care. I am of the opinion that it will take at least 12 months for a long-standing infestation. With so many worms and flukes. 2 0 obj Dosing key: Dr. Andreas Kalcker says that it takes 12-18 months to get rid of worms, and our experience so far agrees with him. Information provided is for informational purposes only and represents the opinions formed by the author based on experiences and review of numerous sources of information related to the subject matter. He also strongly recommends flushing after every round of parasite medications (for adults only). For dental and allergy points, what I see not only the hidden dental materials like amalgam, mercury, cadmium, palladium, nickel, or those environmental toxins and the infections, especially parasites. 21 0 obj Was this helpful? as asthma or bronchiectasis in the lung, brain fog or migraine headache, anemia, cyst, tumor, allergies or suppression of allergies, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, behavioral or vision problems, etc. <> Some parasites can be acquired from undercooked or raw food, but many are in the environment. ToxinAbsorbmax, Lumbrokinase, L-Methylfolate, E3 Live, Lumbrokinase, Liposomal Vitamin C, Liposomal C, Vitamin C, Dessicated Hypothalmus, Praziquantel, Mebendazole (Mebex), Diethyl, Vascular Terrain, Stomach Terrain, Liver Terrain, Praziquantel, Lumbrokinase, Neem tincture, 1 tab, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 2 tabs, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 1 tab, 2x/day all month long (note: antifungal for Tinidazole), 1 tsp, 2x/day, for 20 days (when not on Kalcker Pyrantel), 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, for the rest of the month NOTE: Diethyl started after complaining of itchy bum & testing well on Diethyl.