Shows average wages alongside a cost of living index for Germany between 1929-1942. Dining room: Source: Monthly price list for Ralph's Grocery Company, which sold only in the Los Angeles area. When the smoke cleared, the collier and his buddy would swing their picks to break up large clumps of coal and shovel the smaller lumps into a mine car; it was back-aching work made more painful by the narrowness of the room. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages for an 8 hour work day in Riga within various industry groups. Its an era of company town labor we are not likely to see return as automation and renewable energy continue to render these kinds of occupations obsolete. Knickerbockers, shirts, high school boy's suits, boy's fine suits, overcoats, winter coats, jackets, pajamas, rain coats, caps and hats, shoes. Source: Cost of living and family expenditures in Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. Includes both land and buildings. Shows average public employee pay for each state. Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well. Source: BLS, Shows the wage scale for various occupations for Japanese and Chinese workers in Dairen. Source: U.S. Congressional Serial Set vol. With industrialization, workers lost control of when to start, eat, and end their day. Shows wages and hours for union bricklayers, building laborers, carpenters, cement finishers,hod carriers, inside wiremen, painters, plasterers, plumbers, stonecutters and more. West Virginias mine safety laws were the weakest in the nation. 525. Wages are shown in both Hungarian gold crowns and contemporary U.S. dollars. Lists annual pay for individuals occupying administrative and supervisory positions in the executive and judicial branches. Coffee cost an average 47 per pound in 1920. Wages are shown in 1930 US dollars. From, Average monthly wages by state,with and without board. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review (June 1931), Shows the average hours and daily wages of various workers in quarries, sawmills, and many other industries throughout Virginia. As a novice, Keeney learned the colliers trade from older craftsmenthe skills of cutting the face, setting the charges, and loading the coal without wrenching his back or crippling himself. Furniture, bookcases, carpets and rugs, curtains, hanging lamps, lightbulbs, table and floor lamps, clocks. It was usually undertaken by women, and sometimes children. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages for various occupations in Tokyo. Source: U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Shows police department salaries for cities over 100,000 population. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Also shows average family size in each state. This booklet shows prices for hotels and amenities such astelephone, restaurant meals,haircuts, bath house, etc. In 1923, there were about 883,000 coal miners; today there are about 53,000. Next came preparations for extracting the coal. Time became important to managers as they changed their labor model. Source: Includes district-specific information and the average output of coal per person per shift. First, the men had topush an empty coal car up wooden rails that they had installed on their own time. Managements steam whistle now set the times. Coal operators enticed workersmany African Americanto move to West Virginia from Virginia and the Deep South. At the far end of the room, the miner lay down on his side and cut under the bottom of the coal face with his pick, inching his way into the cut and hoping the coal was hard enough not to collapse on him. Compares wages in common industries such as building, engineering, shipbuilding, textiles, railway, agriculture, printing, and in pottery. Shows the daily wages of Chilean miners between 1911 and 1924 in both pesos and the U.S. dollar. Broken out by men's and women's jobs. Frank Keeney left no account of how he felt the day he entered the mine portal, but one imagines the dread that might have accompanied a ten-year-old boys first trip into the hole. Report published in 1923 tells wages by race and by industry. To view an issue of interest, select it from the list and click View. Typical compensation for directors, camera men, editors and more in, Shows typical earnings for reporters, feature writers, sports editors and others, in. Retreat mining was a risky business, but at least the miners engineered these cave-ins. Shows wages paid on American, Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch, French, Spanish and Swedish cargo ships, by occupations including seamen, engineers, first mates, second mates, radio operators, boatswains, firemen, coal passers, stewards, cooks, waiters, messmen, mess boys, carpenters, deck engineers, quartermasters, store keepers, donkey men, and more. Fixtures, chamberpots, bathroom soaps, towels, toilet paper. Chain store prices for a pack of Lucky Strike, Chesterfield, Camel, Old Gold or Piedmont. Also shows rowboat and pack horse rental rates, cost for guided tours, and transportation fares. Processing plants called breaker buildings were symbols of pride for mine communities. Bedroom: In some cases, when a shot backfired out of the hole, it ignited coal dust or gas in the miners room and sent fire bursting into the main tunnel, where it could burn or suffocate the mules and their drivers passing through. This was the room and pillar method of mining common in the Appalachian bituminous coalfields. Every day his lifes in danger, Shows wage rates for engineers, conductors, passenger baggage men, coal passers, firemen, switch tenders, hostlers, signalmen, station agents, telegraphers, machinists, car cleaners, and more. Every workingman was supposed to have his turn when it came to getting an empty coal car, because each collier deserved an equal opportunity to get his load to the weigh station. Wages are shown in Latvian rubles. Keep your hand upon the dollar, Source: BLS, Shows the hourly, daily, and weekly earnings in Milan for various industries. Source: Women's Bureau Bulletin #25. Shows the daily wages for 11 different occupations in Parahyba, Brazil. U.S. coal mining employment change by state Q4 2011-Q4 2016 ; Some picked slate and other debris out of the coal on fast-moving conveyor belts. Source: Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. Shows salaries for officers, managers, clerks, operators, etc. Prices shown in marks. ), athletic gear, boxing, baseball, & tennis supplies, Prices of articles bought by farmers, 1909-1924, Prices paid by farmers for household items, 1910-1960, Clothing prices paid by farmers, 1910-1960, Women's clothing catalog - B. Altman & Co., Summer 1920. Covers more than 1,200 cities. Source: Shows the average hourly wage of a variety of jobs both in and outside of Paris. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of foodstuffs and other necessities throughout different areas of Denmark such as Copenhagen. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of food and commodities in various cities throughout south Manchuria. Under other circumstances, mine tops fell without warning. Source: the Historian of the U.S. Shows forty pages of incomedata with numerous breakouts. Source: Shows wages, hours and earnings for mechanics, pipe fitters, welders, tinsmiths derrick men, drillers, firemen, engineers and more. Retreat mining required the rapid destruction of these pillars, each containing tons of valuable coal, before the mine collapsed. 5-6. Wages are expressed in both foreign currency and dollars. Postal Service. Source: BLS. Source: BLS. HOUSING, FARMS and UTILITIES 45-57. The miners dressed in overalls, or bank clothes, for working the coal banks and wore cloth caps fitted with small oil lamps that lit their way in the tunnels. The study pays particular attention to women who made less than the average wage. in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, FOOD And your eye upon the scale! See "Blood donation" in. Shows the average weekly wages of various occupations in 8 different industries in Budapest. The wage data is broken out by sex. For example, a dollar earned in 2020 had the same buying power as 7 in 1928. Shows the average daily wages of Japanese and Chinese workers in various occupations for the South Manchuria Railway Co. Wages are shown in both contemporary yen and US dollars. ), carriages, cribs, high chairs, etc. Wages are listed in Mexican currency with exchange rate for calculating amounts in U.S. dollars. They provided their own equipment and often hired assistants; managers extended credit for supplies like dynamite. Coal miners homemade prosthetic leg, about 1950. Dresses, dresses (in color), coats, bonnets and coats, hats, shoes, girl's toys. Coal loaders at the face depended on mule drivers and motor men to honor the old tradition of a square turna custom through which colliers sought to control output and equalize earning opportunities by ensuring that each miner would receive the same number of cars during a workday, in the words of a mine industry historian. Describes the labor policy of Great Britain in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. In some cases, when word came around that a miner had been scolded or punished by a boss, workers would gather on a pile of slate to talk about the incident, and the bolder ones with a manly bearing toward the boss would speak up for their fellow worker. 90%. Men's: Table 679 of this 1923 USDA Yearbook tells how much U.S. farmers paid for farm tools and implements, work gloves, shirts and shoes, shotguns, tobacco, wagons, building materials such as nails and shingles, and household items such as dishes and fruit jars, washtubs and buckets in 1909, 1914-1922. Shows wages by occupation grouped by industries, with breakouts for males and females. Mostly covers manufacturing industries (tobacco was prominent), but there is some data for women who worked in mercantile stores, 5-and10-cent stores, and in laundries. In the words of the popular song Miners Lifeguard, written by a miner from Oak Hill, West Virginia: A miners life is like a sailors, Table shows average cost to rent houses by the number of rooms in each of 25 New Zealand cities and towns. Shows data for Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroitand otheradditional cities on pages5-9. College professor salaries, 1928 (Source: AAUP report). FromTHE DEVIL HERE IN THESE HILLS(Atlantic Monthly Press), now out in paperback. Also tells pay for court clerks and marshals. Between 1880 and 1920, southern West Virginias population grew from 93,000 to 446,000, due almost entirely to the coal industry. Includes wage data for Chicago as well. Shows data for 12 cities located in NY, OH, PA and MA, including NYC, Boston, Philadelphia and more. Source: BLS. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages for workers in different occupations in French coal mines. Jump directly to prices for: meats and eggs, butter, cheese, milk, bread and flour, corn meal, rice, potatoes, granulated sugar, coffee and tea, onions, navy beans, prunes, raisins, canned salmon, evaporated milk, margarine, lard, oats, corn flakes, wheat cereal, macaroni, canned baked beans, canned corn, canned peas, canned tomatoes, bananas, oranges, and more. . Mine foremen attempted various forms of industrial discipline to maximize productivity, but in the early 1900s, coal miners experienced little of the supervision foremen and factory managers imposed on workers; in fact, veteran colliers often became surly when a mine foreman came by their place on his little scooter to check on them. Boys learned the mining craft from their fathers and later passed this knowledge on to their own sons. As the men removed one pillar after another, the wooden posts used to support the mine top would be strained as the roof started getting heavy. The wood would then creak and groan and then splinter as the miners heard the roof working above their heads and planned their retreat accordingly. Shows wages for common and semi-skilled workers in manufacturing and construction industries, in baking, agriculture, metal and printing trades. Taken from Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Wages are shown in Dutch guilder. Report published in 1925 mainly covers wages in manufacturing industries. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. Wages are shown in both Chervonetz roubles and contemporary U.S. dollars. For hours on end, a trapper boys ears would take in the strange sounds made by creaking timbers, rattling coal cars, clopping mules, and thudding blasts of explosions deep in the mine, while his eyes would behold surreal sights, like the white bones of ancient fish skeletons and the remains of tropical plants when they were illuminated by the miners lamps. "75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wage in both yen and US dollars. asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT as 89W detailed information as may be readily available showing the numbers and groupings of employees in the coal mines working at the surface and face, respectively, whose basic rates of pay on 1st November 1973 were below the national average wage of 42 per week ; and how far . One task was to test for the build-up of flammable methane gas. Tables are broken down by type of job, gender of employee, and geography. Chart shows median wages of women employed in Philadelphia households as chambermaids, cleaners, cooks, waitresses, laundress, seamstress, and children's nurses (nannies.) Source: BLS Bulletins. Tables 6-13 show farm land prices by county in IA, MN, ND, ID, OH, KY, NC and TX. Shows the weekly wages of various occupations in Swiss farming as well as the daily wages of day laborers. Compares wage rates and hours of work for the WWI and WWII eras, focusing specifically on the manufacturing, mining, railroad, printing and maritime industries, as well as farm labor wages. Income statistics of full time professional women were published in study by the Association of Business and Professional Women. Shows the average monthly wages of multiple occupation in the Alaskan fishing industry. Wages are shown in French francs. Totals are shown in Canadian dollars. Tools and hardware: Salary data for teachers, principals and school administrators in New York City, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City. Shows the wages of Japanese mining workers by gender and age. The miners called this unpaid labor company work.. (Click image for detail), Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian Gasoline cost an average21.7 per gallon in 1929. Engineers working for Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. used this model to visualize the coal seams and design their mines. Source: BLS. Conversely, a dollar earned in 1928 had the same buying power as abut $15 in the year 2020. His pictures also reflect a variegated experience in Appalachia, countering stereotypes by depicting middle-class miners, racial diversity, and community pride. Before the 1930s, many boys worked in mines.