Chlaus hands over a "game," telling him it was difficult to obtain. Ciel grumbles to himself that these are the people he least wanted to see. Ciel tells him that Karl was not the criminal in this case. [362], In the medical office, Ciel loudly complains as Sebastian dresses his woundpainful things are painful no matter what. While guarding Ciel and Elizabeth, Sebastian replies that it is merely a coincidence. Ciel tells them they will be leaving the mansion in their capable hands. However, Sebastian comes to rescue him, and they manage to escape before the arrival of the police. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. Soma incorrectly deduces that Ciel doesn't care about his suffering and grabs his shirt in fury. [449] They can't believe that the villagers managed to use such an advanced trick. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. Joker guides him to the dining hall for dinner. He orders Sebastian to bake the best tea cakes ever. Ciel declares that they will have to witness it for themselves and orders Sebastian to prepare a carriage for them. At midnight, Ciel arrives at the given location. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Ciel questions why she needed to specifically ask him to go abroad, when he had only done so once before. [428] Breaking free, he rushes past all of them, screaming Sebastian's name. [106] In Ciel's bedroom, Sebastian informs him of his findings and tells him to make a decision. He calls for Sebastian to come and orders him to go the crest office and find out who owns the hallmark they saw in the photo. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. Later, Ciel goes to sit with Arthur Conan Doyle and reveals that he is familiar with his work. An old woman slaps Edward's shoulder, saying that today is the fourth Saturdaywhich is the reason for the unusualness of that day. They intrude into the Scotland Yard department to gather some more information, and attempt to bribe Fred Abberline to keep him silent. [254], Ciel tells Elizabeth and Snake to run. They open double doors to a room where Queen Victoria and her aide John Brown are waiting. Sieglinde thanks Victoria and promises to prove her worth. Gregory then concedes and allows everyone to help. On the way, Sieglinde, speaking in German, asks how old Ciel is. Sebastian and Ciel watch, horrified, as the Bizarre Dolls attack her.[270]. [91] Ciel and Sebastian ride on a carriage to London and arrive at Ciel's London townhouse. He is dangerously close to letting go of the chandelier and Grey nearly breaks their raw egg when, out of the blue, Grey and Phipps' egg hatches, revealing a baby chick. [532], Afterward, Agni enters the room with Fred, who tells Ciel that he needs to speak to him. ", In 2014, Toboso said that Ciel and Sebastian only interact with each other when it is necessary, e.g. They all, except Doll, ask him the different reasons he decided to pursue his revenge. Ciel decides that to wake them up, he must have decisive proof of the crimes, and tells Sebastian to follow him, determined to expose the music hall's "foul scheme. He finally declares that it's a boring end to Ciel's journey, and he doubts that Ciel will be able to fill him up. Sebastian does, and then, starts destroying the dolls. [193], Ciel wakes up late, and when Sebastian tries to follow Soma's advice and fawn over him, Ciel is repulsed and orders him to stop. With Sebastian handling everything and Ciel taking all of the credit, everyone is astounded by Ciel's efficiency. Sebastian left briefly, and when Ciel returned to him, he found the manor had been rebuilt by the demon. [460] Wolfram then mercilessly hits Ciel. He points it at the headmaster and asks him to tell the truth. They consider leaving England. The information Sebastian gets is inconclusive; therefore, Ciel decides to head to the Werewolves' Forest because it would be meaningless to talk to a crazy person. He has to be in order to be the president of "Funtom" and solve crimes for the queen. [481], After the meeting is over, Wolfram carries Sieglinde outside, and they and Ciel reunite with Sebastian. When Ciel returns to the dining hall, Clayton playfully grabs him, asserting that he does not usually do this, but Ciel did a magnificent job cleaning the dining hall. DICE Dental International Congress and Exhibition. 15 jun. Later, Sebastian helps Ciel with his bath. Gender They are on guard outside the next murderer's target's room to await the arrival of Jack the Ripper. He comments that, compared to Ciel, he knows nothing of the world, is spoiled with given luxuries, and never tried to understand people. When Edward asks how they would find a talented, charismatic individual, Ciel points to Edward, to his astonishment, Ciel assures that he is suitable for the role, considering his qualities. Ciel and "Ciel" were then attacked and violated. Agni and Soma Asman Kadar [478] greet them. [416] Finnian happily points out that she is speaking English now. [410] Ciel then grabs hold of Finnian, surprising everyone. When Lau says "Yes, my Lord" alongside Sebastian, both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised. Azzurro says that he hates the English because they are too submissive to the Queen. On top of the luggage, they discuss the situation. [477] Before Ciel leaves, Diedrich tells him to be careful. The milk splashes all over Ciel. He then commanded him to kill his attackers; Sebastian then burnt down the building. They have their dreams of the future; this compels them to move forward. Ciel says that the solution to Sphere Music Hall was, simply, to give the attendees an alternative, and Sebastian says that establishing an imitation across the street from the original is "terribly cheeky and wicked" of Ciel. [40][41], Ciel suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to his time as a slave in a cult. Because he is last, Ciel has to polish the prefects' shoes. Rian informs him that he has a machine in his room that can shut the corpses down permanently. However, since this is actually Ciel in disguise, he thanks Wolfram for coming and shoots him. In the process of the sacrifice, "Ciel" was stabbed in the chest and died. You are the new maid at the phantomhive manor. Ciel asks him if he has gotten rid of the SuLIN samples, as ordered, and Sebastian confirms this. He binds and beats Ciel. Ciel responds that he won't be returning to "that cramped miniature garden ever again."[379]. He did this for himself as he wishes for those who betrayed the Phantomhive family to experience the same level of humiliation and suffering he did. He announces that he will be fighting from here on out. Toboso draws Ciel as a very "manly" character. Ciel then directs his attention to Elizabeth. He opens it and sees his own name, much to his shock. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. The prince, Soma Asman Kadar, warns Ciel to not wander about, since East End is not suitable for kids, and he leaves with Agni. In fact, the only thing he really does is drink tea. [454], Outside in the forest, Ciel tells Sieglinde his servants should be coming at any minute. To decide the actual victor, Sebastian and Agni duel for their respective masters. [515], Later, Ciel, along with Edward, is surprised when Sebastian returns with an unconscious Elizabeth. They settle in the private meeting room to discuss the situation. Vincent Phantomhive (father)Rachel Phantomhive (mother)"Ciel Phantomhive" (twin brother)Francis Midford (aunt)Alexis Leon Midford (uncle, legal guardian)[5]Edward Midford (cousin)Elizabeth Midford (cousin, fiance)Angelina Dalles (aunt)Burnett (uncle)Unborn cousin Cloudia Phantomhive (grandmother)[6]Cedric K. Ros- (grandfather)[7] Ciel asks Sebastian how long he plans to continue to play dead. When Sebastian demurs from rescuing him immediately, Ciel asks Sebastian if he is daring to go against the Faustian contract. Ao, a lord and one of the two main characters in one of Yana Toboso's old, discarded mangas, "Disguise," was the basis for Ciel. [361], In the final play, Ciel as the wicket-keeper gets hit on the forehead by Herman's bat. Ciel tells him to go with Joker, who has approached him. He adds that his blood being drawn may be for blood transfusion. [504], In an unknown room, a sleeping Ciel is approached by Ekizabeth. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . He occasionally has flashbacks of the incident and loses awareness of his surroundings. [194], They soon arrive at Kelvin's manor. Baldroy, Mey-Rin, and Finnian worked together to eliminate them. He assures the Queen that if Sieglinde worked for the sake of her subjects, wonderful results are guaranteed. [316], In class, Ciel and McMillan are discussing how he got in when Clayton arrives and makes everyone line up. Sieglinde discloses that Queen Victoria supplied the items and that she, Grey, and Phipps visit from time to time with cake; Ciel is surprised that the Queen would carry out personal visits, and notes that she is cunning. . [35] With the Funtom Corporation, he is simultaneously striving for revenge and realizing his childhood dream, a move "Ciel Phantomhive" deems astute. Unexpectedly, Aleister Chamber also appears before them. When Cheslock questions their choice of Clayton, Sebastian modifies Clayton's appearance, and they are all impressed with the result. Finnian then recalls his past. Undertaker then announces that he will be taking his leave now; Ciel declares that he won't let him get away again. [283] Finally, after Undertaker's complete explanation of his "Bizarre Dolls", Ciel asks him how perverse he can be. Finnian scolds them for doing so in front of Ciel. As Ciel starts, Sebastian holds onto his arm. To open up a spot in the school, they do something to a student named Colett to make him no longer able to attend. He adds that he is good with games, however, and he used Karl, who sold illegal weapons, as his scapegoat. Blavat, dumping the tainted water of the cup into a bucket set beside him, tells him not to look so grim and advises him to take action soon or "the end" will be upon him in no time. The P4 tell him that only they are permitted to meet with the headmaster. Lau calls them over; he has already knocked out the guard personnel by rendering them asleep with a special technique, much to Soma's and Ciel's surprise. Ciel then wakes up to find himself blindfolded and his limbs tied. Ciel retaliates by saying Lau's opium and intoxicants dens, in time, will surely be closed by the police. She introduces herself as the Lord of this forest. At the mention of Albert, she sobs, and John is compelled to comfort her with his Albert puppet, to Sieglinde's and Wolfram's astonishment; Ciel tells them that this happens often, so they should disregard it. Ciel, then, notices other people raving about the performance, and reflects on the Sphere Music Hall, which, at a glance, contains no signs of evil afoot for Queen Victoria to be worried. He then wipes Elizabeth's tears and dances with her. Ciel and Sebastian then talk with Diedrich. Sebastian asked Ciel if he wanted to make a contract and have his wishes granted. [479], Ciel goes on to say that all Sieglinde has is her intellect and information on mustard gas, and he forbids her from speaking about the SuLIN gas. Edward replies he doesn't know; when Ciel is leaving, he unexpectedly grabs his hand and asks him if this has anything to do with his job as the Queen's Watchdog. He also admits, while crying, that he had invited Cheslock and the others to Sphere Music Hall, in hopes that word might eventually reach Ciel, so that Ciel would come and end it all, because he could not bring himself to do it. Azzurro impulsively shoots at Ciel, but he soon discovers that Ciel is still alive. Sebastian warns Ciel that he has been set up by "Ciel". Earl of the Phantomhive manor. Sirius[4] [161], As the curry competition gets underway, Aleister Chamber is revealed to be one of the judges; Ciel concludes that he probably bribed his way out of jail. [540], Ciel orders Sebastian to bring Gregory to a hospital immediately, but Grelle Sutcliff and Othello arrive; both Grim Reapers assert that Gregory will be fine, since he is not on the soul retrieval list. Second, pay attention in school and try to expand your education whenever possible. Ciel warns Sieglinde to not carelessly open the door for anyone, even if it is him. Ciel and Sebastian head out; Lawrence calls for Ciel, but is ignored. [203], Sometime later, Ciel and Sebastian board a train. After Ciel's bowling style is exposed, everyone claims it's dirty, unfair, and unbefitting an Englishman. Ciel tells him to redirect his pleas to Sebastian. Ciel tells Sebastian they must hurry, but his leg is injured. After Gregory's team's defeat, Team Blue faces Team Green. [76] Sebastian reminds him that he cannot afford to turn Elizabeth down coldly since she is the daughter of the Midford family and his future wife. However, when they are about to salute, Lawrence Bluewer tells him a startling truththey never thought they would win, so they never practiced the boat ride. Joker welcomes them inside. Out of the corner of his eye Ciel saw the demon grab the gun and fling it across the room, where it clattered to the floor. [452] As Sieglinde screams in agony, Wolfram rushes at Sebastian; Sebastian easily knocks him aside. Diedrich, Baldroy, and Snake look on in horror as they are unable to rescue Ciel. He made eye contact with Baldroy before walking away. Ciel admonishes Pitt, while Soma asks him why he is so upset. When Joker admits that he is wrong for kidnapping the children for Kelvin, Ciel says that he is not wrong because he has fought for his own future. [561], Fred, Edward, and Alexis are shocked to see the twins. They then agree to not interfere with each other. Ciel, then, suggests bribing the tradesmen who enter and leave the building daily, but admits that Blavat will be the first to hear about it if negotiations fail. Gregory proceeds to hand Ciel piles of special treats, saying that everyone receives them. But instead, he grabs Ciel tie (which was crooked) and straightens it. [491], Bemused, Ciel wonders to himself if Blavat truly means what he said, and if he is a supernatural being disguised as a human. they tortured him because they where bad people and he was so young . Ciel declares that the Phantomhive servants are his private army; they protect the Phantomhive family's secrets and pride so they will not go down easily. Baldroy wants to go after him, but Sebastian stops him. Suddenly, Sieglinde Sullivan, a young girl in a strong man's arms, appears. Sebastian bows and answers affirmatively. Later in the day, when Finnian is taking care of Ciel, a werewolf attacks them. Sebastian lays down the rules and sets the time limit at three hours. While going down a hallway, Ciel and Sebastian are approached by Agni, who, upon receiving confirmation from Ciel that Funtom Music Hall has triggered the incident where Sphere Music Hall killed a person, asks Ciel to stop involving Soma in dangerous matters, for, in his perspective, Soma has indirectly taken part in a murder. Sebastian offers Ciel his tailcoat, but Ciel refuses to wear it because it is too long. While she argues, Francis gets the first point, already shooting a bird. He hears the other attendees say that they are feeling refreshed and wish to come back the next week, and notes that no one seems to have been harmed, including him. They note that Agni must have been topping up the coal in the hearth, and that none of the rooms have been burglarized. Blue House energetically celebrates with an elated Ciel as their hero. [264] Sebastian helps down Elizabeth and Ciel asks him about his aunt. [488], Afterward, Blavat laughs, stating that, now, Sebastian and Ciel must be assuming that he is not human, either. She takes her leave after informing Ciel that she will have the Grand Chamberlain's office send the authorization documents for the Royal Warrant to Ciel soon. Kuroshitsuji Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [171], Agni bursts into the room, and Sebastian silences him. He puts his hand over Ciel's, and when he uncovers it, the repaired ring is on Ciel's thumb. [310] During the ensuing battle, Ciel notices Sebastian hesitating to attack Grey due to his noble status and grants him permission to break their egg since this was a game; nevertheless, the latter refuses. Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. [147] They sneak onto his property, and Sebastian deals with the guard dogs. Sebastian shows him the dessert he has already preparedunfortunately, he smiles, Ciel will have to eat it later. Ciel and Sebastian note that the missing children are all here and they act like servants to Kelvin. [472] They discuss the case; Sebastian concludes that the German's technology is now in England's hands. On a giant chess board, he faces his other self. [456] Ciel responds if she dies, she won't have to listen to the screams of the people she could have saved. In his inner world, Ciel meets his parents, Angelina Dalles, Doll and Joker. After investigating, Sebastian informs Ciel that four other boys have been tricked by Maurice. Later on, as Ciel watches Lau leave from the top window, he softly says that reviving the dead is extremely foolish.[235]. He is greeted by a man who, after confirming that Ciel is under the protection of Sirius, leads him into a room. The lanterns are, then, set afloat into the river. He then notices that the Queen left a note for him in his pocket, which Sebastian comments he saw the Queen's servant put in when they were standing side by side silently. Video game debut [170] Arthur Randall and Fred Abberline come to visit. "[510], In Ciel's townhouse, Fred informs Ciel and Sebastian the corpses died due to severe blood loss. Ciel notes that Tanaka is as strict as ever. After their slight banter, she realizes that they are both here on the Queen's business. Inside the envelope are tickets to the Noah's Ark Circus. [493], When Ciel asks Edward which star Elizabeth is under, the latter reveals that it is Canopus and that Elizabeth was also told that she is rare. After Sebastian notices he has been in his master's dreams he takes interest in the situations Ciel dreamt up. [305], Elizabeth is left dumbfounded at this response. [88], Sometime after the incident, Sebastian wakes Ciel up. Lau has Ciel, Sebastian, Baldroy, Finnian, Mey-Rin, and Snake wear hair ornaments before they, along with Ran-Mao, leave. The butler shows them a list of names that fits their descriptions,[98] and they discover that the only person who suits their criteria is the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chamber. [273], Snake rushes in and apologizes about Rian's escape. Ciel responds negatively to all of their reasons. There the Perfect Four speak to Cielhe has to obey the rules, follow tradition, and maintain discipline at all times. Sebastian then interrupts that this where they disagreebecause death is such a hopeless and definite end, that is why it is beautiful. [172] After the investigators leave, Ciel reprimands Agni for his actions, as it could have gotten him into trouble as well. Toboso once joked that, due to their height difference, Ciel sometimes stands on a box when he poses together with Sebastian for a cover illustration as he would otherwise disappear from the frame. After he is done, a blood-covered Sebastian stands wordlessly in the boat. [217], Later, Ciel and the other guests dine together. [188], Unexpectedly, Doll helps him avoid detection from the other members. Lau brushes this off, saying he can find a new business venture since his interest in England and in Ciel has not yet been exhausted. They follow the trail of blood, and discover Agni at the door, with a multitude of knives in his back. [429] Sitting up in bed, Ciel suddenly puts his foot on Sebastian's shoulderhe asks Sebastian if he was really trying to eat him just now. He declares that he remains as the head of the Phantomhive family even without the ring. [480], The following day, at the outside of Buckingham Palace, a tensed and anxious Sieglinde is greeted by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, who subsequently lead her, Wolfram, and Ciel into the palace, up the stairs, and down a hallway. [550], Later, Ciel and Sebastian enter Phantomhive Manor, where Mey-Rin, Baldroy, Finnian, and Snake greet Ciel. Suddenly, Grelle Sutcliff and Ronald Knox burst through the roof. [348] Ciel watches as Sebastian "handles" the drawing for the "fair and impartial" dorm matchups for the game. Ciel then reads in the newspaper how the Karnstein Hospital has found a way to bring people back to life. He, followed by his butler, approaches them and sarcastically apologizes for being such a brat. He asks Ciel if he's decided to abandon his position as the Queen's Watchdog. Edward explains to a puzzled Ciel that the meetings close with everyone singing together, and adds that, however, today seems particularly unusual. After the little adventure there, Ciel and Sebastian return with Sieglinde and Wolfram to the mansion. Status Sebastian explains that the "amulets" that everyone is wearing as werewolf protection are actually some kind of transmitter. Wolfram is worried that Sieglinde will be exploited again, as she was by the German military. [556], When Ciel asks where "Ciel" was all along, "Ciel" reveals that he has always been by Ciels side: "Ciel" was inside the coffin Ciel sat on when the latter visited Undertaker's funeral parlor to inquire into the Jack the Ripper incident; Undertaker had "Ciel" watch from afar on a cliff when Ciel and Sebastian walked out of the burning Kelvin Manor; "Ciel" was in one of the many coffins stowed in the deck of the Campania, where he bit Undertaker; "Ciel" was concealed under Johann Agares's cloak as he watched Ciel play cricket at Weston College. First appearance In the storage compartment below, Ciel is startled to discover Snake. Edward tugs on Ciel's sleeve and draws his attention to Blavat. Ciel initially sinks, but then Sebastian places him on a lifeboat, offers his overcoat, and asks that he bear it for a while, since he does not have any hot tea for him. [104], Later Angelina comes in while Ciel is working and offers to play a game of chess with him. Sebastian, then, informs Ciel about his encounter with Fred Abberline, the unusual corpses, and how Fred requests for Ciel's cooperation. [105] Ciel consecutively beats Angelina at chess forty-six times, and she remarks that she always loses to him at chess. Suddenly, a great shockwave reverberates throughout the entire room. When Edward asks how to be "a little naughty and aggressive," Sebastian, on Ciel's command, demonstrates it on Edward. Before he could say more, however, Tanaka was attacked from behind by an unseen assailant who then grabbed Ciel.[55]. [549], Ciel and Sebastian drop off Soma at Sieglinde's place for her to tend to his injuries. Sebastian explains to Ciel that they have combined various Halloweens from around the world so that their tenants can have quality entertainment; said tenants thank Ciel. Ciel says that he cannot perform, and Sebastian reassures him. [87], Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian return to the manor where the other servants greet them warmly. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. At one point, Sebastian reports to Ciel that they have drawn about twenty percent of Sphere's attendees to their music hall. [514], At Hopkins' Tailor Shop, Nina forces Sebastian to change in and out of several outfits, to Ciel's amusement. During the party, Ciel is surrounded by his carefree and playful friends (Elizabeth, Soma, and McMillan). However, when he bowls, Edward manages to hit a six. Ran-Mao urges Ciel to eat on the side. Edward asks what it is that has enchanted her, and Ciel suggests that Blavat has brainwashed her, to which Edward admits is possible. Astonished, the latter inquires as to why Queen Victoria's butlers are here; Phipps replies they are here to deliver something from Her Majesty and hands over a basket of intricately decorated eggs. Agreeing with him, Snake throws Keats into the duct from his side and tells "Smile" that it will guide him and Elizabeth through the ducts. When they reach the Campania's 2nd Class restaurant, Ciel cannot get the air duct to open. Victoria is joyous; she praises Ciel for accomplishing his mission and asserts that his parents must be happy along with her late husband Prince Albert. . The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. As he explains everything to Sebastian in his study later, Sebastian claps lightly, stating Ciel's greed knows no bounds. The mark of Ciel's previous enslavement is located on the left side of his lower back. The Queen admits that she has never before heard of parties that permit all sorts to attend and is worried that "some manner of evil scheme" may be taking place. [146], They return to the manor; shortly after, Agni and Soma return as well. He asks Tanaka to replace Sebastian temporarily as the head butler. They then insult Georg in French. Grelle slashes her way through multiple corpses and reaches Aleister. [397] Sebastian leaves Ciel with Sieglinde in the dining room and proceeds to the kitchen. When she finds them outside her window, she's shocked. "[509], Ciel recalls what the Queen said about the dangers of people gathering, and states that he knows for certain that the meetings are a menace and that Elizabeth is there. [375] Undertaker watches as Ciel helps a terrified Joanne get out. Shocked by his words, Sebastian asks him to refrain from saying such things because he does not want to see a storm after this. Close to two hours afterward, Agni leaves on his own, which Sebastian has expected. Lau, Sebastian, Ciel, and Soma follow Agni, and they reach a building where their target has entered. They then discuss business and commence introductions. Sebastian put a hand to his chest bashfully. However, Soma turns him down because he is busy with his search for Mina, much to Ciel's chagrin. They were bought and Ciel was branded by their new owners, giving him the mark of a "noble beast." Ciel and the rest of guests toast in celebration to the resolution to the case. "[22] A chess prodigy, he often navigates challenging situations by visualizing making chess moves, with Sebastian as his pawn. Professional status He does manage to tell her that his parents are dead. [432], All of them, Sebastian included, line up by Ciel's bedside. Sebastian, however, points out that it is, truly, Sieglinde's choice whether or not she is used or uses others. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden.