Some they'll bribe, some they'll scare, some they'll make a deal with, some they'll give glass beads, some they'll frighten with warshipsand this will fix problems. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. Quite the to do which is understandable and demanded. If the Ukraine is ever to be reborn as something that Russia would find acceptable, it is these people who can provide the starter culture. What may speed things up is that Europe, along with the US, appear to be heading into a recession/depression. But Orlov and I agree on the outcome a devastated US mainland. This is a fact. This bit of perspective, by the way, puts paid to the rank idiocy of Zbigniew Brzezinskis Grand Chessboard: his theory that Russia wants to be an empire but cannot do so without the Ukraine shatters on contact with the realization that Russia hasnt been an empire for over a century now and has no need or desire to become one again. I havent listened to the interview yet, but Ive just read Orlovs latest essay published today and its utterly brilliant. They preferred to walk in the other direction to get fresh supplies of booze and tobacco. Anthropologists working in Australia did find an old skeleton with skull and rib fractures they thought were made by a boomerang, having ruled out the didgeridoo and the digging stick for lack of a sharp edge. Why do you, Dmitry, continue to live in the USA? Correct, I went to test your statement thinking that my firefox using noscript will have easy job dealing with it. Lather, rinse, repeat. The policies proffered by the opposition Labor Party are laughably inadequate, but only a quarter or so as inadequate as the ruling regimes supposed policies (which they will repudiate if re-elected)but they are drawing truly demented and fanatic opposition, primarily on the basis of cost. Lower their expectations. [This interview was originally made for the Unz Review]. He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. More and more of what one hears from the likes of Michael Morell, John McCain, Gen. Robert Scales, Zbigniew Brzezinski and various think tanks suggests that that air has permeated Washingtons halls of power. Dmitry Vladimirovich Orlov ( Russian: ; born 23 July 1991) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League (NHL). I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. Thus, the image of the USSR as a typical empire is simply wrong. Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka). Unfortunately, unless he lives as long as his mother, Murdoch will probably escape justice, but the ranks of the little monsters infesting the Australian in particular, will be radically thinned, as they face long overdue justice and lengthy, indeed perpetual, incarceration. The crisis is approaching at a much faster rate than many have anticipated. If so, we should expect a strong emphasis on continuity, with Putin maintaining some measure of control over national politics as a senior statesman. Maybe, but actually I would say most regions of the USA have some kind of old tradition and a lot nicer ones than that of the old racist South. What binds them together is their commonality of historical experience as part of the Russian Empire, then the USSR, but this historical legacy is being actively erased. In a significant number of precincts the turnout was exactly 100% instead of the usual 60% or so and counted votes from people who had moved, died or emigrated. It is depressing. Listen to audio about Dmoney Martinez. The West Gets Russia Wrong Because the Media Are Peddling a Pack of Lies, Our Banner of Deceit is Leading the US to Failure, Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete, The Suicidal American Empire Is Collapsing Fast, But Its Death Now Would Cause Unacceptable Collateral Damage, Russia's Inland River and Lake Network Is the World's Largest - Excellent Recreation and Boating Prospects, Europe Commits Suicide by Importing Barbarians - Russia Watches With Great Sadness, Killing for the Sake of It: The Grisly Reality of the Failing US Empire, The West Resembles a Decapitated Rooster, Wings Still Flapping, Barely Flying, Russia's New Nukes Check-Mate a War-Happy US, Make the World Safer, The USA is Cracking Up Just Like the USSR Did - In Fact, They Are Related, America Should Borrow Some Tactics From Stalin and Mao to Become Great Again, The US Is a Financial Parasite on a Robust China. I especially agree with your descriptions of Howard and Murdoch. Across many languages much use is made This has a dual benefit. The curse of gerontocracy, which doomed the Soviet experiment, and which now afflicts the establishment in the US, no longer threatens Russia. Clearly China doesnt fit into Orlovs idea of an empire as a wealth pump that sucks from the periphery to enrich the centerthis is true of course of exploitation-based imperial projects such as western colonialismbut is clearly not applicable to the Chinese model, which has been both the biggest and most durable empire in human historyso that is a big hole in Orlovs theory, It is true that the USSR was a fundamentally different kind of empire from the exploitative western colonialismand it is also true that it ultimately did not succeedalthough it managed to accomplish almost incomprehensible progress in modernization, science and technologyand industrializationthe foundations of Russian strength today rest squarely on the foundations put in place during the Stalin era, Elsewhere on this site there is a brilliant series of essays by Ramin Mazaheri about the tumultuous cultural revolution of the 1960sand why it was necessaryRussia also needed a cultural revolution around this timethe system needed to be rejigged to better serve the peoplein living standardfairness and justiceopportunity for social advanceetc, But it never happenedinstead the system became more sclerotic than everand the welfare of the people stagnatedat the very moment in time when the capitalist west, especially the United States, was able to reign in the appetites of its parasite class and provide the people with a decent share of its [largely ill-gotten, by means of global finance colonialism] gains[during the postwar decades, the share of national wealth of the 0.1 percent fell to an all time low of about 7 percentabout a quarter of historic, and current levels], This was the golden age in the USwell paying jobs in industry were plentiful and the company president made perhaps ten times what the shop floor worker took homea second household income was completely unnecessaryuniversity education at state colleges was practically free, The life of the Soviet citizen in the1960s was not too far behindStalins five year plans in the1930s had created an industrial powerhouseit was Russias ability to produce that allowed it to prevail over Germany in the existential warand despite the devastation of the people, cities and countryside Russia was able to quickly become a technological superpoweras an aerospace engineer I have a deep appreciation of the depth and breadth of Russian technical achievements and the basic scientific advances that made that possiblethe US was laughably left in the dust, despite having skimmed the cream of Nazi Germanys technical scientific talentand contrary to what US propaganda would have the people believe, China in the postwar era was starting from scratchmillions were in danger of starving, and many didthere was no industry nor infrastructure to speak ofMaos great leap forward lifted several hundred million souls out of the very real possibility of perishingthe foundations of industry, some of which were already in place thanks to Russian help were systematically builtcompared to Russia and the US China started from 100 years backalthough its worth noting that 200 years ago China was the worlds biggest and most prosperous economy by far, So these are the broad historical strokes of the 20th centuryits useless to talk about empires as some kind of pumps without first understanding these basic dynamicsthe simple fact is that China has done everything right in the last 70 yearswhile Russia did great [and smart] things under Stalin and the momentum of those accomplishments managed to carry over for a couple of more decades, before the system crumbled, due to lack of renewal, Chinas communist party again showed its dexterity by making yet another renewal in the1980sallowing a limited and pragmatic capitalism to carve out a niche for itself and help millions to achieve prosperitymuch is made in the ridiculous western press about Chinas billionaires, but hundreds of millions of peasants and street level business people making a better life for themselves is where the real story lies, Of course the massive Chinese empire has been adapting like this for centuries, if not millenniaRussia with the Soviet Union only needed to make similar smart adjustmentsinstead they threw out the baby with the bathwaterlets see where Russia goes from here, but with people like Siluanov and Nabiullina in charge of the nations money, I am not optimistic. Make snippets of Dobie talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Americans, despite the obvious propaganda nature of the media still are true-believers in the official Narrative because meaning and myth always trumps reality. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *, Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN. The Gilets Jaunes movement is one important but not the first reaction to the EU dictatorship and its forced upon us political, economical and cultural changes of which the LGBT Wurst thingemy is just one tiny example. are crashing hard right now all over the world. She was also an extraordinary woman who never would have become empress of Russia if she had not been. In essence, its a tragic population that will never survive their Empires disintegration. Once the political elite of any nation has been thoroughly emasculated by the surrender of its national sovereignty, it takes a while for it to grow back its chest hair and to start posing a credible threat to transnational interests. Not a single buyer has taken an aircraft for delivery, despite 5000 orders outstanding for this model. Please order your copy of The Arctic Fox Cometh, available locally wherever has a foothold (now including Australia). Listen to audio about Dmitry Samarov. Get info about his position, age, height, weight, trade, draft, salary and more on The use of tactical nuclear weapons, bio-warfare, and other exotic weapons should not be ruled out. with a short interview on the Maidan, and his pithy summaries then about Ukraine being chaos but having some assets worth stealing or parlaying to the west. They did make an anti-Russia out of Ukraine. alcoholism, violence, emigration and despair in the wake of the The Essential Saker IVThe Essential Saker IV free PDF download, The Essential Saker IIIThe Essential Saker III free PDF download, Click on the icon for an explanation of feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The right mental image of the USSR is that of a prostrate, emaciated sow (Russia) being suckled by 14 fat, greedy piglets (the other Soviet Socialist Republics). Official certs cost money and many people will do not use this option. Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. The interference and sabotage of the Americans and the Evil bias and propaganda of Satan Murdochs media cancer were central to the process of sabotage, and signs of things to come. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . Tomorrow is full dress event in Balaklava. Rockets are important. And the fourth Where rain did fall, in northern Queensland, after seven years of drought, the delight at the rain turned to horror as the rain fell in huge amounts, causing a one in 2000 year flood that drowned 500,000 cattle. The Saker: What will happen once Nord Stream II is finished? Ill listen again. Sergey Lavrov: To be honest, I havent seen any grounds for either optimism or pessimism. Something went wrong Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? battle hymns there followed heartfelt songs about dumplings the size Hes way too negative on the USAs domestic prospects. I have listened to the video above, but previously in another venue. Having such a National School it is certainly a good thing especially if it is not linked and funded by Western entities. And so it is now, I think, with his statements about the Ukraine. Time alone will tell. We no longer have that safety valve with the current Neocon barkers. Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. Also the dream of a depopulated Ukraine to be turned into a playground for Western agribusiness may be hindered somewhat by the fact that the Russians take a very dim view of Western GMOs and wouldnt like to see GMO-contaminated pollen blowing across their border from the West. They arent enraged or even embarrassed by the fact that their country is pretty much run from the US embassy in Kiev. I love Dmitry; I have all of his books, but Ive always known that his creativity is best expressed as fiction. But then the entire system of militarized police is designed to crush any sort of rebellion, and most people know that. The Ukraine is rather highly militarized, is awash with weapons, full of people who have been circulated through the frontlines in Donbas and know how to fight, and they may decide to put up a fight at some point. The Russian leaders who went through WW2 had a vision and experience which you cant buy and this saved the world many times over. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Russia should openly support the Russians in the southeast of Ukraine who want to secede and reintegrate with the Russian Federation. They live and breath in a world of inverted realities. Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling elites? Even the Ukrainian national emblem the trident hails from those days in the 900s-1200s. Unimaginable that Russia will rebuild that. Frim Pyongyang to Kiev with love. Generated by my own intelligence and analysis. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. Fortunately Russia recovered Crimea, and the mining/industrial regions are disputed, but the Khazarians control 2 critical assets: the other coastal oblasts and the chernozem soils. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. Which simply means that the owner of that page should have or maybe did used his/hes own generated certificate. Well, Bollocks, industrialised meat production and consumption is bad for the Earth, for the consumer and for the poor animal. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. Despite the fact that Catherine had been his only real friend during his troubled teenagerdom. They voted the way they were paid to vote. Dmitry writes on subjects related to economic, ecological and political decline in the West and argues that America is imploding. To quote Dimitry, from above: Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). Russia needs Russian population growth and there is no way it will refuse any Ukrainian or Slavic region that wants to hop on board. What a brilliant piece of work, an essay, in essence. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . In that case theres not much of a place for logic, is there?