Six months after graduation, the members of the Class of 2022 had an overall success rate of 98.9%, based on a survey with a 100% knowledgerate. Read More. The man was not charged, let alone convicted of rape. Congrats for finding a better life path. As I informed you at the meeting, I do not find these interactions with Adele to be acceptable, appropriate, or in keeping with our Code of Student Conduct. And some of the friends that I made. Was there ever a police report filed? The whole narrative actually seems quite dependent on that, as they pretty much did everything shy of that. Easier said than done, of course. [15], The total financial assets have increased by 440%, and total plant costs have increased by 397%. The college had no policy on sexual assault? Then, one day during her senior year, her friend texted her that Marshner was talking about her in his moral theology class, using thinly veiled language. In your own words, this article is about how this student should have received better care, and more protection from this guy later. We trusted each other and believed ourselves to be a self-selecting group of the Good Guys. It is alleged that a professor offered an example about Adele in class in an effort to smear her, however multiple students have come forward to say that his example was being used many, many years before Adela even attended the university, so it couldnt have been about her. Anyway, while on a work call I found a mattress and sheets in the back room surrounded by rose petals and candles. Another tangential point: I dont understand the outrage communicated by so many that the standards for women are so much higher than the one for men, and that a great amount of responsibility rests on our shoulders to keep men chaste. We cant even prove whether or not a marriage is consensual or valid in the Catholic marriage tribunals, and a marriage involves months of prep and numerous witnesses! It was very competitive, I constantly felt like I didn't have my shit together enough to keep up with my peers, felt threatened by the overwhelmingly progressive social atmosphere. Christendom College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. So, you are saying that because other colleges deal with it badly, that therefore it isnt a scandal that Christendom handled it badly? It specifically mentions witnesses. Its not that a policy would prevent the problem but rather that it would provide grounds for discipline within the schools jurisdiction. President Are you a woman (or AFAB)? Adele has no bad girl reputation on campus. Never, though, would I equate that with saying rape is OK. The school determined the young man was responsible for the violation of Harassment.. You are right, men do absolutely do have that ability to control themselves. But their response was not a legal cease and desist, or demand of retraction. However, Im not sure the reporting here accurately reflects of the issues at Christendom, and it certainly doesnt lay out anything that can be done to improve conditions for future students, as the few things suggested have already been implemented. Although the school imposed sanctions on the young man, he was taken under the wing of one of its founders and professors, William Marshner, and he lived in Marshners house for the semester he was barred from living on campus. I went there for one semester (spring 2014). You spoke to the parents of the graduating students gathered there of the profound sense of responsibility you felt of acting in loco parentis for our children and your gratitude that we, as their parents, had entrusted our children to you . ok, but what evidence did the college have that he did? From day one, the men of this campus are filled with a joy in being a gentleman to every girl. Well said. You can see it, you can feel it on the campusWhile some colleges in this Guide may match its Catholic commitment, it is unlikely that any exceeds it., Six months after graduation, the members of the Class of 2022 had an overall success rate of, based on a survey with a 100% knowledgerate. The school promised to conduct a complete and careful investigation.. Youve been completely infected by the porn saturated culture we live in. I went to a small all-womens college, and we had an excellent campus security force; if you were feeling unsure about walking to your car at night you could call them for an escort. Goodbye, Christendom College. I think theres definitely room for improvement in the colleges dealings, but as DCLM already made clear, the school was being asked to provide a parallel court, which is not easy. Protected: Episode 63: There can be only one hole in the head. So you know how safe it felt and looked. Students werent forced off campus to have sex; they always found some place to do it, even if it was in a medieval dungeon. Sin and error should be brought into the light so that Christ can heal them. Woody Allen has an even more credible allegation against him, but still gets to make movies. Wow, I just cant even! The lack of process in place is about the same for most schools that size and design. And I still have some fond memories of the place, even today. We do have a great deal of responsibility. Each day that goes by, she is reminded that nothing will happen to him. Neither of which am I suggesting. The statute of limitations for rape in the state of VA is 20 years (unless I am mistaken). 3) Reinforce this impression with nebulous allegations of serious problems in the current environment. LEARN MORE. want more proof of sexual assualts? Which is probably why you hide behind your anon screenname. Lately, I've started "coming out" as an agnostic to most of my friends from there. The girls would get baked goods and candy, and the guys would come into the dorm and take a tour. But yeah, there was definitely navet in spades. Merely printing something against rape seems redundant, though. I'd imagine that (patriarchal misognynists being patriarchal misogynists) the experience would've been a lot worse for those folks. [40], Christendom has several varsity sports, and has a variety of intramural sports throughout the year. . Maybe because I studied theology and philosophy I did not experience this? Are you comfortable with men being expelled if there is no convincing evidence either way, a he-said, she-said situation? So places without rda rules have less rape? [38], Christendom College has two schools offering graduate and undergraduate degrees. Obviously they wouldnt escort us if we wanted to, say, walk across the road to Notre Dame, because that was going outside the campus bounds, but there was a nice shuttle bus system running between SMC and Notre Dame. You did emphasize at length with regards to the first two incidents that they were not done maliciously and you found them to be normal interactions. It would be difficult for Christendom to have a fuller Catholic identity. In a letter dated May 16, 2011, Scott Smith, her father, wrote to Timothy ODonnell, the president of Christendom, Adeles grades plummeted that first semester of her sophomore year. I think she means she transferred somewhere else (maybe Christendom?) I understand the VP actually said Title IX prevented them from speaking out. [12] Construction began in 1992, and was completed in 1995. The school, itself, is actually quite safe, so safe that even when rape happens among its own students, it has to happen off the school grounds. I dont like it, but I do get why they cant sling accusations around. Could it be because the policy might show the school in a favorable light? Christendom College is a four-year coeducational Roman Catholic Liberal Arts College with undergraduate and graduate programs offered in locations in Front Royal and Alexandria, Virginia, Donegal, Ireland, and Rome, Italy. All PDA-rule-free. I was in grad school at Yale during the first part of my deconversion. In all likelihood it would not have happened on campus because they would not have been alone together. Funding for the creation of this archive was generously provided by Christendom College. Their response was a poor excuse for an apology. How unromantic! Open your eyes; the inward and the outward ones, Simcha, and realize that the secular law will never be more then a band-aid for these types of crimes with a festering wound underneath. And it is these serious issues which led the Fishers to dedicate a great deal of time and energy into researching and writing this article. Thank you! Despite those inaccuracies, the hearts and prayers of our entire Christendom College community go out to all involved in the incidents described and to anyone who may be a victim of sexual harassment or assault. PDA rules that no longer exist, criticizing faculty that no longer are there? What are men doing to step up their game for women? And then we blame schools that are actually making efforts to establish some social mores to help guide young people? LOL do you really think students who put a mattress on the cement floor of a basement were looking for romance?! She describes the open houses that would take place in the dorms once a semester. A week later, in a letter dated May 23, 2011, President ODonnell responded. Christendom College is one of the best liberal arts colleges in America. Simcha, Im not quite sure what any of the rape allegations have to do with Christendom College. Oh ladies, Im so sorry you had to deal with that attitude for any length of time. Its something I can share with bubble parents. Lets embrace it. Just like all men who overpower women should, personally Id like to know if he grew up in a Novus Ordo mass if we are going to start taking these types of potshots.and if his parents did too.. I vehemently disagreed with their misogyny, but never was sexually harassed, assaulted, etc. I am very sorry to hear of any sexual assault and it can happen in Front Royal. Having said that, the culture on campus is not what caused the rape. It should do better. I am having trouble understanding how policies against public displays of affection and against men & women being in each others dorms contributes to rape. Never mind the mental health agony I endured in thinking I had brought on myself same-sex erotic involvement. Christendom is nearly unique among Catholic colleges and universities in that, because it accepts no federal funding, it is not subject to the legal constraints of Title IX. There are not a lot of options if you dont have a car. Assuming the research you have done here is all reported accurately (which the college disputes), it doesnt exactly make the place a hot-bed of sexual assaults and sexual harassment issues. Small, comfy (by Catholic standards), friendly, followed Church rules, Catholic-focused academics (theology classes, everything oriented toward Europe and Church history, etc.). Dorman, who no longer works for Christendom, did not respond to requests for an interview for this story. Again, every college in America that has less strict PDA rules (nearly every college in America) has rape. There was no mention of her accusation of rape, either in the charge letter or in the sanction letter. She in now posting anti-church, pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice etc stuff. No wonder Christendom is so embarrassed that they havent put their apology on their website yet. No, it takes opening a word document and writing it up: Dont rape people. If theres a single member on your board who has an issue with that, they shouldnt be on that board, Smith said.. If these things are happening, then it is accurate. While I am not a Christendom graduate, I know many graduates. We contacted the young man and he has not yet responded, so we are not using his name at this time. This is an event that took place off campus, with literally one witness. The other students were friendly and contributed to a comfy atmosphere (though I say this as someone who earnestly tried to be a good rule-following Catholic; if you were closeted LGBTQ+, for instance, I'd imagine it was a lot less comfy). How can a school prevent a student from going off campus to rape another? For most of American history, the light-skinned Jesus conjured up by white congregations demanded the. In the letter, ODonnell tells Smiths father that the school understands the anguish the Smith family is feeling as they wait for a judgment against the young man, and that the college will make a complete and careful investigation of [Smiths] allegations before rendering a decision that will impact both the life of the accused and the accuser.. If theyre allowed to kiss in a common area, then if the guy says come up to my room, shes going to say no, because theres nothing she could do in his room that she cant in the common area, except stuff she doesnt want to do. If not, then how is the school supposed to levy public punishments that would permittly alter this guys life if the woman would not go forward to authorities? states that have laws saying Dont rape people. And no. The perpetrator denied the charge vigorously, and dr. Marshner was simply trying to help a student in need. You described lust and difficulty mastering it. College students are able to refrain the same as monks, office workers, single adults and most adults in public life. I've got one that's somewhat similar. Mr. Dorman showed no apparent interest in pursuing any sort of investigation, Scott Smith wrote. Two months later, the school explained what the young man would be charged with: harassing Smith after a prior incident. The charges do not mention rape. If the intent here is to correct inaccuracies rather than, as it appears to be, an attempt to discredit Simcha as a journalist then it would be appropriate to say what exactly was misleading or inaccurate in the original post(s). It seems to me that men who lure women into back seats of cars in secluded places would have an even easier time saying Hey, come up to my room to watch a movie. With the roommate being already asked to give them privacy. She says that the rules against romantic public displays of affection were so restrictive, it drove couples off campus. The Cardinal Newman Society, which publishes an authoritative annual guide to Catholic Colleges, says Christendom makes a point to emphasize virtuous living, which translates to a faithful Catholic lifestyle and strong friendships. Perhaps could have been goaded into admitting he forced her against her will via text if tweeked in the right way. Warren Carroll's response to such radicalism was to found a college. I am grateful to each woman who has come forward with her story. Next came many months of frustration for the Smith family. [2] Carroll, who was a contributor at L. Brent Bozell Jr.'s Triumph magazine, decided to found Christendom in the aftermath of the Land O' Lakes conference in 1967. You are very brave to speak up. Smith considered leaving the college, and looked into other schools. The Christendom scandal, is about an administration, who got ahold of a case after the legal authorities were already informed and failed to do anything, and then tried to fix the problem in a very lowkey diplomatic way, that would prevent them from being sued by the kids family. If you think writing dont rape people would solve anything it should be noted that most universities dont have a dont commit mass genocide policy either. Trad bubble alert! I can tell you personally when I read the hand holding policy I thought it was a paper rule, I had no idea the lengths of its enforcement. Or are you saying that governmental control might make this sinful/violent act not happen. Real piece of work. "[25], Over the years, the college has also received praise from political leaders in the United States. If it was patently false, the college would have grounds for a law suit. False accusations may be relatively rare, but they are still real. Which they could now do on campus anyway. Heres my letter that i wrote to Christendom last month. Of course they are not but I find the fact that each version of catholic thinks they are right well it is partly why I lost my faith. This is a legal matter, and the school is right to wash its hands clean of that responsibility as they are not qualified to deal with such accusations on their own. I have seen no evidence that Christendom reported the accusation. For this reason, I am particularly honored to associate myself with such a fine Catholic institution of higher learning and my prayers are that Christendom College will enjoy many more years of service in the education and formation of young people.[22], Christendom College is also listed as a Recommended College by the Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College. Simchas piece was very specific. The inaccuracies you mention are minor. At that point, he does not see the difference between this no and that one. Which of these rights do you want to see eliminated? Off campus. I learned to feel simultaneously persecuted, superior, and self-hating in that bizarre Catholic mix; I learned little about the actual human experience or the world around us. I've got complicated memories of the place. It is a Catholic college. Then on November 24, 2009, you sat next to her on a bench and made unwanted contact with her by placing your hand on her knee. This has been mine. A private institution that is not subject to federal collegiate regulations has such flexibility. Which means, of course, he may very well have done it again. I wonder what people do with degrees from schools like Christendom. Throughout the letter, ODonnell refers to the young man by his last name, but refers to Adele Smith by her first name. When you have an educational institution; especially a residential one that does not have an explicit sexual assault policy on the books in 2010, its absolutely reasonable to criticize the institution and its actions. Former professor and Professor Emeritus William Raymond Luckey was arrested on June 25, 2021 on charges of solicitation of a minor younger than 16 years old and two counts of taking indecent liberties with a child. Asking questions are really good thing if you 1) Paint a picture of the college not doing crap to help victims. [3] The college also retired nearly $600,000 in debt without disrupting the growth of the college.[8]. These are Catholic seminarians. This article does not do justice to the universitys apparent efforts to remain impartial, while also considering how to better serve women who have been raped. I believe Adeles story 100%. Although Smiths patron is Maria Goretti, the teenaged saint who was stabbed to death while resisting rape, Smith said the concept of rape was foreign to her. It was just a generic example used year after year. . If it was truly necessary that students seek sexual/affection outlets, then I dont blame Cdom for wanting to have no part in policing or monitoring, how far is too far. Chastity is their moral prerogative and they would rather err on the side of caution than participate. The college also acquired the Notre Dame Institute during O'Donnell's tenure. I used to ask my fiance when we were engaged, do you love me a la folie? Trying to live as a chaste couple before marriage, I was constantly struggling with worries over love and acceptancemany times after making out wildly with him but then walking away and saying goodnight. it was that, or sit in a brightly-lit classroom, with room for the Holy Spirit between you, and since its a public area, anybody might happen by and join you. I feel respected by my fellow classmates, male and female. Ive told him three times not to. It wouldnt quite be in keeping with her recent essay about letting go of anger. The schools rigid rules governing male and female interaction werent just awkward, though. This is a favored tactic of shoddy journalists who want to do a hit piece, and the Fishers followed the recipe quite well. It was my story. When the administration said they would look into the matter, it seems like thats exactly what they did. I also think men need to be educated, be kept accountable, and step up their game. The fact that their anger is not directed towards say the park police, the legal system, but at a school that issued the ONLY punishment(however minor), is basically proof of this. From what I have read so far, there would be nothing but he said/she said. Read that section of the post again. Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan donated 19th Century wooden stations of the cross to the Chapel, and it was dedicated by Cardinal Jan Schotte, Pope John Paul II's Secretary-General to the World Synod of Bishops. Best of luck! She sought psychological help from Dr. Patrick Divietri. Such a different vibe from my Canadian background. The only time that happens is when the entire story is based on a provable lie that they should have known about. Glad to hear everyone still hates those fountains. Think of roofies, frat parties, binge drinking..Im not going to go on, except to say that these dont exist here and if thats the bubble then Hallelujah. But is it really fair to expect men to navigate all the mixed signals? She said all of that, and you are intelligent enough to have reading comprehension. Christendom College does not receive federal funding, and so is not subject to Title IX regulations, which would legally require it to respond to and remedy hostile educational environments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Honestly, that is all I hear for the first half of the article. In 2021[46] and 2022,[47] the men's rugby team also received the #1 national ranking from National Collegiate Rugby. My inclination is that this was rape and the man is guilty. What drives couples off campus is the desire to do things that are prohibited on campus; things which the college prohibits precisely because they can lead people to tempt themselves and each other. Please be assured that Christendom College is committed to maintaining an academic environment free of discrimination and all forms of coercion that impede the academic freedom, security, or well-being of any member of the community. I also attended Christendom in the early 90s and while I loved it there I finally heard the truth about what the Church teaches student life was neurotic. It is an extremely difficult crime to convict someone of, and unfortunately, without proof or conviction, legally not much can be done. She returned the car to her friend, went back to her dorm, sat down in the shower fully clothed, and cried. The exhilaration is so much that you cant think straight, you get dizzy. The idea of reporting her rape scared Smith. Hardly seems fair to hide behind a university and blame it for this problem. Its not good enough, for some because the school didnt have the authority or the power to adequately punish someone for rape, and I personally have no problem with the rapist receiving a degree, and being forced to stay off campus with a restraining order. But honestly what is Smith talking about when she refers to the only cafe in town?? All rights reserved. But it took me a second to realize what was happening. Instead, youre put into remote, isolated areas where things can get out of hand.. You might think to yourself, as Miss Smith did for example, Is this really happening? with 50% terror and 50% thrill. After Adele did slap you, you allegedly said, If you slapped me really hard and it really hurt, I wouldnt want to kiss you. It is further alleged that on other occasions you went out of your way to volunteer with groups of friends that Adele had seduced you. Now, 10 years later, she popped on my fb board, so I checkes her up. And spent half his classes monologuing about personal-life stuff nobody else cared about. As for strict PDA, students are allowed reasonable PDA, but what is Fisher looking for for the students to be allowed to have sex on campus. Before I left the church one of the last times I went to confession was before serving a mass in the dominican rite for a priest I'd shared most of my courses with in grad school. Its handling of the case may not have been malicious, but it was certainly pusillanimous. If you think this article was largely about how the dorm set up is responsible for this rape, you didnt read the whole article. We are in this as a team and pointing fingers at the other sex gets us nowhere. Just to hold hands, theyd go off campus for a date; and by off campus, it could in be in the woods, or in a field down the road. Your charity is overwhelming. After all, how is this no different from the one you whispered 20 minutes ago when his hand brushed your breast and you were actually pleased, but you said no because you knew it should stop? But consent is not usually nebulous. Its getting harder and harder for them in todays society. The young man left Christendom in Smiths senior year. If you presume that because Catholic teaching is against rape, that must mean that theyre able to appropriately address rape allegations, I think the fault is in your expectation and the reality of the situation, but not the school itself. You have just illustrated the way of thinking that is a big problem: women being taught that they are responsible for mens actions. Now with thoughts regarding sexual assault, I dont think it bad for a school to have a policy, but the presumption that that must mean they condone it, or dont care about it, isnt realistic. Along with converting I made friends with a bunch of conservative catholics (not trads, but your typical intellectual ratzinger fan types). I cant stop him, apparently, she recalled thinking. Yes they would hang out in more open areas because they could be openly affectionate. That often results in rapists going free and never even getting charged for lack of evidence. I am not only respected by my peers but also my teachers. "[29][30] This statement has since been removed from the college website. This really sucks because it probably means hes going to get away with it. We Dare to be Great. higher education Discover more about Christendom College Others Named Mark Fusco Mark Fusco Account Executive at Black Kite Mark Fusco Im no longer Catholic, and I think the disillusionment I developed there is part of why or at least sped up the timeline of me leaving. One professor was quite emphatic than women are less rational, and when I got upset about that well, naturally he put that down to my lack of rationality, plus perhaps a dash of pride. Location & Contact Address 134 Christendom Drive Front Royal, VA 22630 United States Contact Mr. Ben Marsh Associate Director of Admissions Email: Phone: 500-227-7233 Update my info Larger Map Majors & Degrees The college was criticized for in the past not including rules against sexual assault in their handbook, while not offering any idea on what is now included in the Christendoms policy on sexual assault. Because Simcha has an ax to grind. I felt him, she said. We dont stand for PDA, we certainly dont allow for men grabbing arses in public. Christendom College will continue to do everything it can to understand how to best respond to these very difficult and tragic situations. Unfortunately sometimes the police are notified and when they investigate the alleged crime they find out that everything does not add up as the accuser states it happened. But I think what this often boils down to is he said vs she said. There are women who lie, even if they are a tiny minority. He kept saying, Hit me. He kept grabbing my hand and trying to make me slap him, Smith said. Supposedly that sentence should stop this from happening again. Smith claims they are dangerous. Its not 50% excitement its 100% terror. Civil authorities operate under much greater constraints. What was he going to say? I know even as a young adult my guard was down, and I was vulnerable, as are so many others, especially when we have no reason not to be trusting. No, it takes opening a word document and writing it up: Dont rape people. If theres a single member on your board who has an issue with that, they shouldnt be on that board, Smith said. But hes also smart enough to skate around any blame when there isnt any proof. It would be good if Christendoms response was similarly specific. : Any other apostate Cdom grads out there, or anyone with a relatable experience of Catholic higher education? Simcha does that, see? I distinctly remember going back and forth with a friar who had a terminal degree in theology about whether the immaculate conception implies hard determinism and thus refutes the notion of moral responsibility and therefore Catholicism in general. So now my daughter must endure the presence of her attacker on the campus. Religious Affiliation:Roman CatholicYear Founded:1977Degrees:Associate of Arts (A.A.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Men should feel degraded by this way of thought. All I can say is, be happy the shackles are gone. Rights to presumption of innocence meaning the burden of proof is on the prosecutor. When someone returns to campus drunk there is solid proof, and it is easy to immediately punish the person for the offense. Justice, and not just criminal secular justice, but justice from our institutions, is a part of Catholic moral theology. Not quoted or described? I hate to think theyre covering up what needs to be exposed. If you admit to being a feminist, well, you might as well admit to worshipping Baal. And Im sure you also understand our need to be loved an accepted. Karen wrote, reads as if composed by a hypnotized 5 year old.. . These are some of the difficult questions the college should have asked itself.