Now, challenges for a specific member level are now possible where only Newbies are allowed in, or for Masters only. Algorithms play a big role in GuruShots, a much bigger role than the quality of your pictures or your talent. You can access the voting page from either 'My Challenges' or the top of the Challenge page: 1) In the 'My Challenges' or Challenge page press the "Vote" button. It is a fantastic way to get your 'photographic' feet wet. Finally, for the contest creators Start it near the end. Funny enough, I entered a challenge entitled Rusty & worn. And so on for four photos challenges. Occasionally you may not have time to vote but still, want to receive maximum exposure boost. There is one or more team leader who decides which challenge the team enters as a whole. . I have a couple of questions: Spending time on Gurushots. Track your progress in real-time throughout the game. Gurushots is a gaming platform, not an art contest site. People actually need to vote positively to at least 100 photos a time to get full exposure. Sorry to hear about that, and thank you for sharing your experience, Raymond! If you enter late in a challenge, you may be asked for a key as the challenge may be in a locked state. Users without special keys will be kept out. Low exposure levels equal low (but not no) exposure, naturally, and the images for users with the highest exposure levels get rotated so that everyone with a high exposure meter level gets an equal shot at getting their images seen by voters and viewers. My advice would be to go through the top 100 photos in a challenge you like, then try to work out how to do something similar. Without going into detail, basically they do this to get the maximum amount of votes at the end of the game for that image. Not everyone feels positively about it though. This is a summary of things I learned over the year playing the game. And use your Boost near the end of a challenge and apply it on the best performing photo. Answer: In order to unlock Guru you have to (see image below): 1. While many challenges ask for images that arent exactly worthy of framing and hanging in a gallery somewhere, there are several challenges that do ask for great photography. The game is SO rigged and used as a crowd funding so the execs can go from country to country, exhibition to exhibition on the players dimes. It has to be a four photo challenge. My goal here is to help other players benefit from my experience in a way that let them better understand the implications that come with playing and being successful at GuruShots. I would like to ask about how to recive the prize in gurushots. You will also want to make sure that you swap in when your exposure meter is maxed out, and as with voting or using auto-fill at the most opportune times make sure you perform your swaps when your images are most likely to be seen by the biggest audience. Gurus who pick photos like to see the metadata. It is all about being opportunistic for the currently running or future challenges. If you become one in GuruShots, you have the privilege of running challenges and are in a position to issue Gurus picks and Gurus top picks. I enter most challenges at the beginning. Youll need a key for this. Its a good enhancement to the gameplay. So far, as I play, I have used swaps only for poorly performing photos in a challenge. Im sure itll be useful to a lot of people who are thinking of joining GuruShots or are a part of it, but wonder how honest/legit it is. I do have a challenge waiting in review called Rusty places which never passed the review process. It takes a combination of triggers (keys, swaps and fills) to win a challenge. If you think this game is all about photography, think again. Copyright 2023 | While two teams are engaged, there has to be an equal number of up to 20 players. how is it possible that some challenger stay days on the same counter; i used a flashlight symbol and nothing change spectacular, this is not possible that nobodys like uor pictures at that time, very strange do you have an explanation. This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. Absolutely there are bots that have been placed in the game, often using images that are copywritten. What surprises me is how often the winning photo is just, well, average. 2. Photographers compete against one another to . See this map for your state's voter laws to find out what form of ID you need to vote in person on Election Day, or if you can vote without an ID. Im sorry but I dont do support for them. If at all possible, however, you want to keep your exposure level meter filled at all times so that when the exposure for everyone elses images starts leveling out, your images will be primed to start rotating through the top spots in the voting feeds. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This game is so twisted in its conception; it is mind-blowing. It was head scratching to say the least, but it didnt stop there. On one challenge, Combine a Swap (change a picture with less votes) with a Fill (maximum views). If you want to move up in the leaderboard, you have to participate in many challenges at any given time. After I told the truth about Gurushots, number of people they are able to fool declined drastically. That being said, not all is bad about teams. Some people might have difficulties finding enough photos to enter a four-photos challenge. To calculate the factor, here is the formula Factor = POINTS / (Total_visitors -initial_visitors) 7) Respecting the times indicated . Those things are: (1) selective use of the auto-fill option (or your voting ability); (2) advantageous use of swaps; (3) reading (and complying with) the challenge guidelines; and (4) submitting great photos. For speed, challenges enter in the last 4 hours. Get 30 All Stars 3. Make sure you take photos that are worth submitting to a photo challenge. You dont have to think be creative, original, master the technique when deciding which of your photos you upload on your profile. When uploading your photos, make sure to keep EXIF metadata. What I found was they were swapping and boosting a new image then, filling the meter around 5-10 minutes before they game. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The game design is based on the same principles behind social media: to get you engaged as much as possible. Again it rose up to just over 1300 votes and promptly stopped. Trust me. The dynamics at the very end of a challenge play a big role in the final results, time zones are critical in deciding which challenge to join14. Before entering a currently running challenge, have a look at what are the Gurus pick to see if it fits your style. Paste the script and then watch it work. After swapping a new image to replace the existing one, the new one gets an exposure bonus, the same as your other existing photos. I had a phenomenal photo that matched the name of the competition perfectly. Press J to jump to the feed. How does this give an advantage with receiving votes? The site uses an algorithm ensuring that each submitted photo gets equal exposure regardless of when it was uploaded during the challenge. Up above, Mike B. mentions swapping the highest performing photo out and later swapping it back in. Would you like us to create an actual GuruShots review or does this FAQ page suffice? It's time for our readers to vote for their favorite business and individuals in Nacogdoches and be wary of scammers. Hi Strelok, thanks for sharing your experience. This exposure diminishes by, I don't know, let's say 20% per day. As an online gaming platform for photographers, it emphasizes prize winning more than the participants talent. With voter turnout already showing an increase over previous elections, and with concerns over mail-in voting, voters can expect to see long lines. Basically a best-of-the-best approach from the viewpoint of the Guru who created the challenge. As your team wins, members receive rewards like fills and swaps. I played a few years ago and made it to guru but the mechanics of the game are too frustrating and (like you say) have nothing to do with photography or the quality of your pictures. Does this also apply if the swapped in photo out performes the swapped out photo? When joining a team, you cannot participate in a match while one is currently being played. Its an incredibly small greedy group of people who are after you hard earned money. It is hard to say when is the right time to join one thing is sure, they now require a key in order to join a challenge 24 hrs or less before the end of the challenge. What are your thoughts on this platform/game? I love GuruShots. Its a trick, so you feel the need to spend more time in voting sessions13. They often belong to people for whom half of their achievements consist of successful swaps, which is why this is a game first and photography can take a back seat. your photo will be showed in the top of the pool for voters. Thank you for sharing your experience with GuruShots! Id be most interested at seeing your ptf. (Image: Micro image of small cactus plants bristles.). This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. Without a doubt, there are pros and cons to platform. GuruShots photography competitions can be a fun way to gain experience and exposure while networking with photo-lovers from around the world. (Which is not exactly fair.). But what I think really counts is when people with highest voting power vote (it's better to have 1 guru vote than 3 newbies) and this is towards the end of the challenge. Its a great way to discover a new talented photographer. ), Before reading this post, make sure you read my short and sweet guide-slash-tutorial on Gurushots to learn more about the app and how to use it. GuruShots is not a platform for selling photos. To respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. I will be gratefull for the answer. PRO version of the script? This doesnt mean, however, that you can start a swap avalanche and flood a challenge with swap after swap and expect it to be successful in terms of votes. Get more Points 2. Its like walking into a casino, where the dice are loaded and all the games are rigged. I use the free boost and I just vote to get my exposure meter up. If you are not sure to understand the theme meaning, open the challenge and look at the current guru picks or the current ranking. I received none of those prizes when I won. July 9, 2021. Thanks for your comment. Here is a bit of advice regarding Gurus pick. Im just one win away from Guru, but dont seem to be able to get that one win! A good photo has factor 3. The theme focused challenges attract a more defined crowd. Also, the app does not require any sort of membership fees to use. (Learn More), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), How to Become a Guru at the GuruShots Game, #079 Fotominuten Der Fotografen Luciano Bonacini und Bouldern in Daone | Portrait Foto Kunst, News Tips and Updates About GuruShots Game | Numeric Citizen, A Message to my Readers & Followers on, The Craft Story Continues The Year 2022 in Review And Looking Ahead, My Photo Processing Workflow As Of 2022-11, GuruShots Tips and Tricks Guide The 2021 Edition Part I, A Few Notes on my Experience with Photomyne, How To Become A Guru At GuruShots, The Photography Game, When War in Ukraine Influences My Application Choices, My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-11, My Review Of Flighty And Comments On Flight Trackers In General. You can leave a team at any time (or being kicked out by team leaders). The concept behind is a bit different than other photography-based websites (that hold contests). My photos have definitely improved by doing the challenges and whereas when I started I was delighted when they reached premier level, now I'm quite surprised if they don't get 'all star'. Youll also have answer to your question: Here are the 10 ways to make money with photography. You can confirm this yourself. I am in CET time zone. This is a place where discussion about the game GuruShots can happen naturally. Want to update or remove your response? Suppose the photo gets to the top, swap 12 hours and 6 hours before the four photo challenges and six a single photo challenge, respectively. With these tips, I hope you get better at GuruShots and eventually become a Guru! Entering the challenge will require to unlock keys even before 24 hours. The main reason for leaving the game the first time was that I noticed I was spending too much money to play the game. WTFwhat happened ??? I havent spent a nickel in at least 6 monthsonce you enter a lot of challenges you can coast by on the fills, keys and swaps you earn from them. View all posts by Numeric Citizen. While the highest number of users are between 20 and 40 years, some are in their 60s using this website. Guru's have the same voting system as everybody else. To win a challeges you need to swap and hide your top photo and swap back the last 3mins before the ending. Thats why, in order to play the game, you have to agree to their terms, which state that they can only be prosecuted in the state of Israel. As a guru, you can create your contests and decide on the winner. The Fill allows you to skip voting by automatically filling your 'Exposure Meter' in all of the challenges you are participating in. I am not able to log in to the game on my laptop. The best way to win a nonprofit voting competition is by not entering. Some challenges have the winner locked 10-20 hours ahead of time while other challenges swap leaders during the final hour. One per day. While a challenge is running, the Guru Pro who created it will have a look at the best pictures and pick a few of them. It does not keep the 'Exposure Meter' up for the entire challenge. It's a place where photographers and GS enthusiasts can communicate naturally - a place where fun and photos matter! Answer: In order to improve on GuruShots, you need to work on a few 'buckets': 1. Unless they have a swarm of bots voting for them I just don't know how they've done so well. I am stuck! You can do it with Facebook, Instagram, or just create an account. Many of the original gurus9 are still there and run challenges from time to time. Late afternoon and early evening are great times during the week, because people have come home from work, eaten dinner, and are settling in at home and checking all their programs, apps, platforms, and networks. Step in GuruShots, the Israeli startup that's created an online platform for budding photographers. Get Guru Picks Some tips to get there: 1. Gurushots is a scam. Also, your photo has been selected as a winner of the Guru top pick award. This means that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. While the GuruShots app is free to download, there are some very real prizes that users compete for. Oh dear god, I feel you! Note - The Fill does not automatically vote for random photos, it simply fills up your exposure meter. Also, you are a guiding light of inspiration that ensures all members earn the same amount of exposure and experience. I know it is all about timing, so I am asking for the precise time! Writing about Apple, Photography, Privacy and Climate Change. While the highest number of users are between 20 and 40 years, some are in their 60s using this website. For a two photos challenge, dividing the result by two is required. Are you looking for an online space where you can gauge your photography artwork skills with another artist for fun? 2. As a reader, you have an opportunity to get the Creative Photography Cookbook for 80% OFF. To respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. Ciao! To ensure you receive the highest votes on your images, you must ensure its of high quality. This way seems to get you much more votes all along the process. GuruShots users include both males and females. Youll see lots of photos, the best ranking ones are the themes best representation of the theme. If you think this game is all about photography, think again. One Nashville lawmaker has figured out the best times to avoid the crowd. A team can have standby members waiting to participate as two teams in a match must have an equal number of players. I used to watermark my photos too but know now it doesnt make sense . If your picture gets selected, it earns 50 votes, increasing your chances of becoming a guru. I have spent money on this game but I am not going to play it anymore. This guide is based on my gaming experience1 after returning to the well-known photography game, GuruShots, after a very long pause away from it2,3,4. GURUSHOTS - The "World's Greatest Live Photo Challenges. Also, you are a guiding light of inspiration that ensures all members earn the same amount of exposure and experience. Youll find the same pictures again and again in many similar challenges. Voting for our Best of Nac opens this weekend and will continue through 5 p.m. March 27. Its a major problem in the game platform as it shouldnt make a difference if votes were evenly distributed during the challenge running time. At that point, I knew the game was rigged somehow. They cant even keep up with challenge suggestions11. The 30 All-Star finishes and the 5 Guru Picks I got in just a few days. How to look at past contests to see how I faired. Period. In any case, heres what people do to get more votes: Choosing the right time to vote or using auto-fill is the best strategy to maximize your photos exposure level. That was pretty fast and I think it is because I was lucky. More photos give you more votes so the higher you will finish the challenge. Skip challenges where you wont be able to actively vote in the last few hours. One of your other responders stated theyve been stuck at Master now for quite some timesame here, one Top 5% finish shy of Master, a win and two more Guru picks and Id be a Gurubeen that way now FOR MONTHS despite being on a competitive team for Matches, and spending a decent amount purchasing fills and the like. Thus, I have accumulated quite a few earned swaps (I never buy swaps, fills, and boosts) without having shots performing sufficiently poorly for me to want to swap. And then, the first day I started to follow your tips I received my first Gurus Pick and became a Champion. The site preserves users right to maintain ownership of their photos. Furthermore, nobody cares about your award-winning budges outside of this website. None others than the ones already on the blog post Im afraid, Thank you for your much appreciated tips and tricks! Social Thus, while downloading and joining the platform is free, it will cost you some dollars depending on how much exposure you want for your work and if you are looking forward to winning big. Can you help please. Appreciate it , I Totally agree with Strelok. "GuruShots is the leading social game targeting this growing demographic, which enjoys entering peer competitions with their high-quality photos and the ability to vote for the winners. I would say Its a get hooked any spend nothing big win a lot lottery..with all get hooked tips&tricks.nothing more nothing less.if U a borred, and have some spare money go for it . Thanks again. The reason the quality matters is that a lot of people have figured out the best time to use a swap (usually around 4 hours to closing time). Reddit /Gurushots is a great place to discuss strategy by the way. Also, bear in mind that the voted view differs from standard views. Please read our rules and help us to make this a fun place to be at. 5) Once Loaded Vote until the counter reaches 100%. The feature allows you to swap one photo with another at $0.99. One takeaway from my analysis of GuruShots is that it is a time and money grabber. Required fields are marked *. Thats quite an audience for your artwork. In the first part, I covered all the basics but sprinkled in some tips & tricks as well. Apply to many contests 2. Furthermore, as it is just a game, fast voting stands in the way of carefully selecting the best work of a photographer. First-Time Voters. Its definitely not something that you can find in Google lol. If you dont have a key, you cant join unless you buy one. Boosts are locked throughout the challenge and unlock in a random window of time once during the challenge. Note - The Fill does not automatically vote for random photos, it simply fills up your exposure meter. Extremely fair system . It no relevance to the competition and it was a poor photo in general. It has partnered with big brands like Skylum, Kodak, and Adobe, among others. It is a legit website that allows participants to compete and win big prizes. Check out how yo. Basically, your images get equal exposure time along with the images of all other users who have submitted photos to that particular challenge, based on the exposure level for each user. Would love to find you & follow you, I will try. Its another trick to maximize players engagement. And as a gaming platform you have to spend money, cheat, and have good luck. Again, maximize user engagement. Consumers complaining about Gurushots most frequently mention several times problems.Gurushots ranks 25th among Photography Forum sites. The Fill allows you to skip voting by automatically filling your ' Exposure Meter ' in all of the challenges you are participating in. It is by far the most complicated aspect of the game. Whe a challenge closes, you get to see your score. As such, you cannot sell nor can the site buy any photos. Early voting data shows best times to avoid long lines and polling place crowds. This post assumes you already know the basics of using Gurushots, so things like swaps and auto-fills will not be explained here. I think that's how so many mediocre photos sometimes win. Does anybody know why my better performing photos always end up with really lacklustre boosts. The best time for someone in New York wont be the best time for someone in California, or Russia or France or Madagascar. A semi-decent picture can take the lead if it happens to be entered during the short window when the average voter has the highest rank during the challenge. Time is shorter for fast challenges, which accumulate votes faster.). If a photo doesnt perform well, youll be able to swap for another one. While a virtual connection is excellent for todays business, humans still crave physical connection. Their system is rigged. The more one-photo challenges you join, the more time it will take to keep your exposure level up. First, lets put a frame around GuruShots7. The straw that broke my back was there a competition where I was leading the challenge for at least four hours. Verdict: Gurushots is a photo app that connects and unites photographers from all over the world since 2014. The numbers are very telling. Go for one photo challeges and entre 3hrs before ending. You may be ranking high at 10 minutes before the end and go downhill in the last few minutes. Join Today Check out the GuruShots review below by Stalemate Studios: NO, GuruShots does not own photos. In one case, the All-star level is set to 2000 points while in another it is set to 2300. (Refer to the previously mentioned, and linked, post to find out what those are and how to use em!). Good photos are an asset needed but not enough. The Guru moniker has lost its lustre over time; there are too many of them who can run their challenge. The one with the most votes becomes the winner of a prize worth $300 or more. Yet, you can still see a challenge lasting for 15 days from time to time (500px started something called Quests and they last for a month). Its really awsome, thank you! There are not only important for you to progress in the game, but they are also an indication of the Gurus taste. In this case, you level up by earning points and getting noticed by the photographer, and receiving specific awards. This game is so twisted in its conception; it is mind-blowing.