Loved by salespeople, recruiters, and marketers. aristocratic or having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals. I never imagined how this question would resonate with people. This is how I measure success! With that in mind, consider describing yourself with words that correlate to these four aspects to help build your personal brand: Only a small number of people can legitimately use their achievements to fuel their personal brandstastefully, anyway. What adjectives would you use to describe your business? This person describes herself by what she loves to do: Writer, Designer, Researcher: Sr. Even though its time-consuming, your personal branding statement should be revised at least once a year to reflect changes and advancements in your professional career. Thats where verbs come in: they do a better job of demonstrating your brand rather than just advertising it. Personal branding builds your reputation. Make sure to keep it consistent across platforms, however, because using the same sentence every time will help others remember it and associate it with you. The best brands have a clearly defined personality that is specific in their . It shows that youre focused on doing something instead of just talking about it. Successful companies today see the value of investing in employees personal brands and are using tools to help their teams develop those skills. While some might think this feels too forward, the best examples of personal brand statements do this well. No matter your occupation or personality, you should have your own personal "dress code" that follows your unique look, tied to your personal brand and goals. The hype around their products and services is unreal because they invoke certain emotions in the customers with their creativity and passion. It shows that youre focused on. Austin Belcaks personal branding statement is a lesson in how to showcase your value simply. Since the purpose of a personal brand statement is to briefly list your primary skills, it is necessary to target the industry where those skills are most useful. These personal branding statements have absolutely nailed it and are compelling, engaging, and extremely effective. Sadly, some people don't know who they are. Mix and match them to create a professional persona that accurately reflects who you are. We expect that with correspondence with a bank, not a person. I am straightforward and reliable, and I support others with compassion. thinking and good judgment in times of stress. Hope this helped you stand out from your competitors! Having that alter-ego, almost like a superhero, is a great example of how to establish expertise while showing off his creative and entrepreneurial skills. to describe yourself when building I am a determined and resilient individual who is always eager to learn and evolve. The. Aaron Ward is an entrepreneur whose passion is to help creators create and sell digital products online. shun away from using your integrity for short-term financial gain? Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? They correspond to the four Keirsey temperaments. Hard-working 2. You spent time on it, dont you want others to see it? Being resourceful requires applying good critical And if your feedback comes back different from your words, you need to fix or adjust. Then, ask a close friend or co-worker what 3 words they'd use. If you look at any strong personal branding statement example you will find that this is the main focus. I recently started with a new coaching client who stated he wanted to gain real-life best practices and achieve tangible results through our coaching. Odds are, you probably are one yourself. Activity 1.1 Write four words to describe your ideal self-concept (personal brand). As you know by now, your personal brand statement is not something you create once and then forget about. And he throws in a Star Wars reference that both shows off his sense of humor and appeals to his audience. B and C in case Plan A didnt work out. Content Strategist.. To date, Ive had 32,415 comments. The first step to building your personal brand is knowing yourself and your personality. When you present your personal brand statement to someone else they will likely circle back around to you later if they want to work together. Professionals are embracing social media to share advice and unique insights about their industry. Feeling inspired by those personal brand statement examples? LeadFuze aggregates the world's professional data and the companies they work for, to give you an easy way to build the most targeted, and accurate list of leads imaginable. something instead of just talking about it. You can plaster self-praise all over your portfolio website, your resume, and your LinkedIn profile, but it runs the risk of appearing tacky at bestor disingenuous and self-serving, at worst. Contact us and let's discuss your ideas! This may seem a little bit too simple, but when you are trying to find some quality or skill that only you and a few other people have it really helps a lot. A la mode means "in style" or "trendy". Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. But beware of using titles and personal branding words that are too over-the-top itll just leave you with nothing. By honing in on these areas, you can start to build a strong personal brand that will serve you well both professionally and personally. You want to be approachable and interested, but realize that most actions are not taken on the initial day of contact. Your Expertise Your Personal Brand. Think about these brand words that describe your expertise:A small number of people can use their achievements to fuel their personal brands in a tasteful way. What was somewhat surprising was the responses fit into three overarching categories; Expertise, Character and Drive. How to describe your brand in 3 words: Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in. The big picture of the business, the intricate details of the solution at hand, and key stepping stones of the process are collective aspects of the work you do. Some examples include: "I help individuals reassess their life choices to discover their true paths to success.". it comes to a grey area that you have never been exposed to. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see you. about your character and credibility. Our next featured user is the Builder of Things and Communities, who is pictured below. After all, recruiters are pressed for time. Goal - oriented What steps are necessary to make your desired personal brand a reality? Press Esc to cancel. If not, it's . Begin typing your search above and press return to search. They see you as organized. Additionally, think about how you react during tough times and if you are the type who can be trusted by executive partners to proactively build cohesiveness within the infrastructure and lead teams to become stronger and more resilient. You can visit if you need to get a signage. 2) Your brand is your self-impression. You can even quote them in your headline, as long as its an honest quotebut using titles and descriptive personal brand words on yourself that fly too close to the sun will leave you. Product Brands: It involves promoting one individual product which requires good market research and accurate targeting for your market and personas. Active Adventurous Ambitious Approachable Bohemian Bold Brave Bright Bubbly Calm Candid Carefree Casual Charming Cheerful Classic Collaborative Colorful Cool Cozy Crafty Cultured Daring Delicate Down to Earth Dynamic Edgy Elegant Fearless Fun In life (as distinct from branding), the three most used and most powerful words are, "I love you." Together, they are definitive. Creating a three-word brand that works for you in your future job and is recognizable will add to your credibility with a potential employer. LinkedIn profiles have reference sections where people can say nice things about you. Its always good to keep learning! And your brand is what attracts your fans to you. function load(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("link");return n.type="text/css",n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,t.appendChild(n),n}load('//'); Everybody tells you that you have to have an effective 30-second elevator pitch.. It should be short and catchy but also contain enough compelling information to convey your value and show your personality. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and . As we just covered, a personal brand statement is a concise way of letting other people know what you do and why youre different and are usually no more than two sentences. These adjectives describe my personality: I am a culture champion, creator, and teacher. Brand Adjectives: Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date. 1. For Character words include honest, reliable, sincere and trustworthy. Its straightforward and shows the kind of approach and value she would provide her clients. Powerful. also lean in on the personal growth you have achieved by being collaborative. I consider myself to be driven because I'm always working toward a new goal and refuse to give up if met with any obstacles. In my coaching, workshops and key note speeches I seek to make an impact. For example: Creative - think out of the box, innovative, inspiring Passionate - enthusiastic, heartfelt, expressive Too often we see people try to present their personal brand statement in a way thats robotic or overly professional. Most professionals on LinkedIn use adjectives to describe themselves, but this is not the best way to communicate your brand. So they end up sounding like everyone else. As with anything, these should be looked at through the lens of your own experience. dishonest. These keywords that describe your industry expertise are: I am an effective and versatile creative strategist who is resourceful, methodical, experimental, and curious. as part of the process is the following question: Give me 5 words to This is crazy specific, but you could find all the people that match the following: Want to help contribute to future articles? Knowing how you want to present yourself to the world is just the beginning; what comes next is the hard part. So, perceive how your brand influences your customers' life and create a special effect. Relaxed.". I explained my philosophy in one simple word, my coaching makes an impact. Synonyms: aristocratic, patrician, high-born . You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. Thats a pretty lofty title, and its a lot like buying a mug for yourself that says worlds best boss. I guarantee this person in the example isnt even close to being widely known enough to make a claim like that. If you dont have much experience at something, then it can be about any area that you want to become an expert in so long as you dont exaggerate. They think marketing their personal brand is all about putting themselves out there when the best do it with more tact. Youll see most professionals on LinkedIn describing themselves with personal brand adjectives, but thats not really the best way to convey your brand. and overcome those trials and tribulations that will resonate with prospective employers 10 Bold Personal Brand Statement Examples. Having a professional philosophy and a solid professional track record are more effective than calling yourself results-oriented or something similarly canned. The most powerful words in your profile are your descriptors. If you want to download this list as a PDF, you can do that right . It will help with networking, gaining trust within your industry, and standing out from others in your field. Describe yourself with professional words that are appropriate to use in relevant settings. Meanwhile, Expertise contains descriptors of tough-minded Rationals while the final category of Drive roughly corresponds to the active Artisans. If you want your projects to take center stage, then pair them with personal brand concepts that denote humility, such as curiosity or self-improvement. People skim online, even when looking at LinkedIn profiles. If so, youre off to a good start. I work with creative women who have a . , but they can definitely support it. the times in which you have caught someone cheating, stealing, or even being Its also about having good sportsmanship and 6 Steps for Creating Your Personal Brand. When Im not advocating for exceptional candidate experience or teaching my coworkers the ins and outs of LinkedIn, Im on Linkedin sharing professional insight, in my home office making lightweight clay earrings, or watering my plants. We've seen thousands of resumes and CVs that say people are "motivated team players." Those are great things to be, yet too many people write the exact same words. It must only be 3 exactly. While you wont have that challenge, you should be inspired by his precision. . If youve ever cringed a little at someones LinkedIn profile then you know what Im talking about.