We want to make sure that where our new Local Plan can tackle the issues and address priorities for the area, we have effective policies in order to do so. The tables separates policies into strategic policies and non-strategic policies. In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. Phasing plans and triggers to secure the timely delivery of the various elements of the project, its supporting infrastructure and associated development will be necessary to ensure the control of impacts to acceptable levels, including, for example, and where relevant early or advance implementation of: Archaeological investigations and wildlife surveys to ensure that these inform site selection and site planning; and Strategies for procurement, employment, education, training and recruitment, that take account of long lead in times; and Transport infrastructure and worker accommodation proposals to avoid impacts on, for example, the road network, community facilities and the rented housing market; and Habitat creation, landscape mitigation and/or screen planting where significant impacts are predicted. The response from staff, business and residents has been incredible and has epitomised what South Gloucestershire has done well for many years, pulling together our skills, expertise, and commitment to support and strengthen our local communities. 14:27, 28 FEB 2023. The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. For non- residential development, only one policy option is presented which requires 100% reduction in carbon emissions (net zero carbon) arising from regulated energy use. Topic-based policies shape the quality, type and way we build new types of development. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. The credibility of monitoring information should be ensured through provision for independent analysis and verification, as well as the establishment of theme specific monitoring and advisory groups involving relevant stakeholders. The Local Plan is made up of a number of documents which you can view in ouradopted planssection. Our priority is excellence in education and skills, ensuring equal opportunities for all. South Gloucestershire New Local Plan Phase 1 Responses 1. Development proposals are required to demonstrate how they will mitigate and adapt to climate change and help deliver radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and generate renewable and/or low carbon energy proportionate to their scale and type. To inform the Councils largely discretionary role in: Pre-application engagement on Oldbury New Nuclear Build power station Responding to informal and formal consultations Input to the Examination and any responses to the Secretary of State. However, given the sensitive location, scale and complexity of the proposed NNB development and its potential for broad ranging negative impacts particularly on local communities, transport infrastructure and the environment, the Council will seek to ensure that: 1. The site would fall within the requirements of the Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Public Information Regulations (REPPIR) 2019 and would require off site arrangements to be put in place in the event of a release of radiation. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. In 2019 the average earnings for a full-time worker living in South Gloucestershire was 31,609, higher than the national average (30,661). To set out SGC approach to discharging its: Largely discretionary role as pre-consent consultee on Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), and Role as determining authority role for development related to NSIPs; and Post consent role in determining applications to discharge requirements / conditions and as enforcement authority.Policy to: cover all stages of scheme development from early pre-application engagement through to post consent implementation and Discharge of Requirements; and recognise the need for engagement to be proportionate to the potential scale and extent of impacts on South Gloucestershire and its communities. The charity makes a positive contribution to the lives of hundreds of older people in South Gloucestershire every week. Reference should also be made to saved Core Strategy Policy CS4 Renewable or Low Carbon District Heat Networks. The local plan for Slough - Slough Borough Council The plan comprises a number of separate documents: Core Strategy. The Magnox site is located in a rural, sensitive and visually prominent location on the banks of the internationally designated Severn Estuary, in an area of high archaeological potential and immediately adjacent to the nominated nuclear new build (NNB). It will include where. The criteria and expectations in relation to the use of resources, materials and re-use of buildings will be contained in a proposed new policy Sustainable Design and Construction, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. South Gloucestershire is a diverse area consisting of the urban edges of Bristol, market towns and rural communities and the new approach seeks to create parking standards that reflect these diverse environments. Creating well-designed places requires an understanding of a wide range of principles, across numerous disciplines. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can safeguard areas where there is potential for renewable energy generation (demonstrated through the RERAS) from sterilisation by other types of development/ land uses? This might be to increase private living or amenity space or public realm improvements, for example. The council is currently working on a new Local Plan. This policy addresses the emissions from the operational phase of a building/development, in terms of heat and power. How to pay any council bill, fine or invoice . Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). ; avoiding over-glazing; and by reducing solar gain and external temperature through orientation, built form, massing, fixed, mobile and seasonal shading and green/brown/blue infrastructure; then, Maximise passive cooling through natural ventilation, diurnal cooling, placement of thermal mass and green/ blue infrastructure; and then. South Gloucestershire encompasses large areas of distinctive and high quality built and natural/rural landscape, which should be safeguarded and enhanced, and where possible, incorporated into development proposals. However there are also other NNB technologies being developed including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and nuclear fusion through the Governments Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP). The East Fringe spans from the M32 eastwards, towards Downend, along the A4174 corridor to Hanham and Willsbridge. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional. The Council acknowledges the potential for NNB to deliver low carbon energy and high quality education, training, supply chain and employment opportunities and will work with a project promoter to maximise benefits and legacy for local communities and businesses. The Guidance will also provide detail on the information required for compliance with the Energy Management in New Development policy and the related clauses of the Creating well-designed places policy. 5) Use, homes and buildingsDevelopments should be adaptable over time, in order to be able to accommodate changing work/home, employment and shopping patterns, and people potentially choosing to stay in their homes for longer into older age. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. Given the location of the existing power station on the edge of the Severn Estuary and surrounded by low-lying Levels, and the timeframes involved with decommissioning, resilience to flood and climate change will be important considerations for both decommissioning and planning relating to radioactive waste. Saved Policy CS4 Renewable or Low Carbon District Heat Networks will be addressed too. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. 3. You can read more in the Action Plans 1 6 document. The zones are areas of the district considered to have a high level of access to services and facilities and high level of public transport connections. You need to pay in advance using the online payment system. The Phase 2 consultation ran from 7 February 2022 to 4 April 2022. traffic or workers for a relatively short period of time. This could include the provision of new facilities or the upgrading of existing. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. Whilst this table sets out a range of issues known at this time, with such long construction and operational phases, it is recognised that there may be changes in the wider and/or local socio economic and environmental context of a NNB project, and also that aspects of the project design may evolve. If so, there will be a charge of 290 plus VAT. We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. These policies will be informed and refined from the feedback obtained from this Phase 1 consultation; particularly if we have the issues and priorities for the plan correctly identified. The existing nuclear power station at Oldbury ceased generation in 2012, and is now being decommissioned. Magnox applies the Waste Hierarchy , Best Available Technique (BAT) and Best Environment Practice (BEP) to manage the waste from its nuclear liabilities. Housing developments must be tenure blind/inclusive, with the same attention to detail and use of high-quality materials and boundary treatments used in affordable housing provision as market housing. Completion of the current fibre broadband deployment across South Gloucestershire will achieve 99% superfast fibre broadband coverage by 31 March 2021. It may be necessary for context and character appraisals to look further afield than the immediate locality or most numerous buildings in an area to identify and respond to distinctive building types and other features of quality, such as boundary treatments, plot size and shape, and landscape treatments, to inform new development. As Early discussions have also contributed to the development of a new planning policy relating to decommissioning. Active Provision:An active OLEV compliant chargepoint, such that each dwelling has the opportunity to charge their vehicle at the same time with a total charging time not exceeding 8 hours. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones. Economic health South Gloucestershires Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was 12,865m, ranking us 11th highest GDP of all local authorities in England outside of London. Once greater detail is known, for example the number of new homes or jobs we need to plan for, we can begin drafting those new policies. d) An appropriate level of space and facilities are provided and designed into the development for the sorting and storage of recyclable waste materials, the composting of household waste, and the collection of these and other waste materials; and. * In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Town and Parish Councils are integral to community engagement. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? This Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation is the first step in preparing the Local Plan 2020.Follow the links below to read each chapter of the plan on this website, or scroll down to download the whole document as a pdf file. The aim of this design policy is to shape and direct development proposals to create resilient and exceptional places, spaces, and buildings in South Gloucestershire. It is a broad, holistic approach to the energy system which integrates measures such as energy efficiency, energy storage, demand side response, and renewable energy generation (micro and macro scales) to create a flexible system that meets the need for energy in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner.