Shortwave Frequency List: International Shortwave Radio Frequencies to Monitor, ICOM IC-7300 Review: A Crystal Clear and Seriously Sensitive Rig, BAOFENG UV-5R: How to Program your Radio with CHIRP and Get the Best Performance, Icom IC-7610 Review: A DXers Dream Base Station Radio, Yaesu FT-991A Review: Next Generation Compact HF Ham Radio, KENWOOD TS-990S REVIEW: A HIGH-END HF BASE STATION, Communications Monitoring: The Importance of Radio Monitoring and Intelligence Gathering During Crisis Situations, Ham Radio Antenna Connector and Adapter Types, HAM Radio Abbreviations: Q Signals and CW Abbreviations and Beyond, Ham Radio Resources: The Top Blogs and Websites. Yes, CB radio is actually shortwave, just limited as a low-power, non-licensed transceiver radio medium. Best during the summer. This is the mathmatical formula: 468,000 divided by 6015 (this is 6.015 MHz in kHz), the result is 77.8 feet. Recently, I picked up a HAM operator over 1,400 miles away using a 40-foot long wire. For hazardous waste spills, riots, bad weather, or other local emergencies, monitoring CB can be almost important as listening to scanner radios. As you can clearly see from the above samples, our unique layout represents by far the most clearly arranged frequency and schedule tables worldwide. Department of State Police (MSP) The usual leftist organizations attacked these shows and even one called host Stan Solomon a racist, even though hes Jewish and his wife is black (the leftists didnt make any sense back then either). Copyright 2023,, All Rights Reserved. wont hurt to try. A Beginners Guide to Monitoring Shortwave Radio for Survival You will hear a good mix of broadcasts from around the globe. ]Y^}wa:O\Rtwuv!eb,u,5=T?a~]*)h=Bgf*h W3L0+ PZ. Many countries are better heard in non-English broadcasts. New York City, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This makes pages 11-14 and 19-22 partially illegibile. ARTCC. WTWW broadcasts rock and roll and pop music to the world from the great state of Tennessee on 5.085 MHz from 8:00PM to midnight every day of the week. Another show which covers alternative and herbal medicine is Essentials of Life and Wellness with Dr. William Wong. A band is simply a specified frequency range where stations are located. Skyking, Skyking, do not answer. is to inform the contact at the other end not to respond as it may give away its location to the enemy. In the late 1980s, a federal case was won by WRNO in which the decision allowed shortwave radio to become commercial. Most countries broadcast at least an hour of English-language broadcasts every day, some do a lot more. Tuning into HAM radio traffic or commercial radio station broadcasts, from thousands of miles away, is fun and can be really exciting especially during emergencies. The FM band is 88 to 108 megahertz. Foreign Government Broadcasts: The internet, namely web-based broadcasting, not only negatively affected the amount of shortwave radio shows but also affected the many foreign news broadcasts. Restricted to 7300-7450 kHz in the Americas. China Radio International (CRI) is the most aggressive government shortwave broadcaster which beams programming worldwide 24/7 in over 50 languages. The fact that stations can be found .025 increments apart gives them the ability to have several different program types ranging from informational to educational. If you want to listen in your vehicle, it can be done, but you will have to get the antenna outside. During the 1980s, channel 7 was allocated by survivalists as Survival 7 or the React channel on 27.035 MHz. Shortwave Listening Tips: Listen to Asia and Australia in the morning and listen to Europe at night. 2310, 2325, 2485, 4835, 4910, 5025, 5995, 6020, 6080, 7240, 9475, 9560, 9580, 9590, 9660, 9710, 11650, 11880, 12080, 13630, 13670, 15160, 15230, 15240, 15515, 17715, 17750, 17775, 17785, 17795, 21725, 7400, 9400, 9500, 9700, 11700, 11900, 15700, 5960, 5990, 6005, 6020, 6040, 6080, 6115, 6190, 7285, 9570, 9580, 9690, 9730, 9785, 9790, 9870, 11885, 11900, 11970, 13675, 13740, 15230, 15240, 6000, 6060, 6180, 6300, 9505, 9550, 11760, 5930, 6200, 7345, 7385, 9400, 9430, 9435, 9890, 9955, 11600, 13580, 15710, 5920, 7315, 9720, 9765, 9805, 9865, 11615, 11725, 13680, 11995, 15160, 15275, 15605, 21620, 5905, 6140, 6180, 7225, 7240, 7280, 7285, 9565, 9735, 9755, 11690, 12045, 15275, 7410, 9425, 9445, 9690, 9705, 9910, 9950, 11620, 11645, 11715, 11935, 13605, 13710, 15020, 15075, 15155, 15235, 17510, 17670, 17800, 17895, 6010, 6120, 6250, 7160, 7320, 7330, 9855, 11695, 15460, 17660, 6280, 6985, 7545, 9345, 15640, 15760, 17535, 17600, 5965, 6010, 6035, 6090, 6120, 7170, 9760, 11800, 5975, 6110, 6120, 6145, 7230, 9505, 9535, 9875, 11690, 11695, 11715, 11730, 11740, 11935, 11970, 13650, 15195, 15355, 17685, 17810, 17825, 17845, 17870, 21610, 21670, 3560, 4405, 6185, 6285, 7570, 9325, 9335, 9345, 9730, 9850, 9975, 9990, 11535, 11545, 11710, 11735, 12015, 13650, 13760, 15100, 15180, 7275, 9560, 9570, 9640, 9650, 9770, 15575, 6020, 6040, 6165, 7120, 9345, 9795, 9895, 11655, 11675, 12065, 12080, 15315, 15525, 15595, 17725, 17810, 3935, 5950, 9765, 9870, 11725, 13840, 15720, 17675, 6055, 6115, 6150, 7105, 7145, 7180, 9515, 9610, 9640, 9690, 9755, 11895, 15105, 15135, 17745, 6240, 7150, 7250, 7350, 9840, 12010, 12030, 13665, 15425, 3345, 7240, 7390, 9685, 15235, 15255, 17770, 5950, 7130, 7445, 9355, 9680, 9785, 11550, 11850, 1995, 15215, 15465, 5890, 9535, 9680, 9725, 9805, 9810, 13770, 5960, 6020, 6055, 7240, 9525, 11735, 12035, 5875, 5975, 6005, 6040, 6130, 6195, 7130, 7160, 7320, 9410, 9480, 9660, 9740, 9750, 11675, 11750, 11765, 11920, 12095, 15105, 15285, 15360, 15400, 15575, 17640, 17830, 17885, 21470, 4319-USB, 5446.5-USB, 5765-USB, 6350-USB, 7811.5-USB, 10320-USB, 12133.5-USB, 12759-USB, 13362-USB, 4930, 4960, 5960, 6080, 6105, 6110, 7125, 7175, 7205, 7405, 9645, 9760, 9785, 9885, 11655, 11885, 11890, 11975, 12015, 12150, 13600, 13640, 13710, 13735, 13755, 15150, 15185, 15205, 15290, 15445, 15580, 17640, 17715, 17730, 17895, 5810, 5850, 7560, 7570, 9450, 9955, 9975, 15785, 17595, 4005, 5885, 6185, 7250, 7305, 7360, 7365, 9310, 9610, 9635, 9645, 9660, 9755, 11625, 11740, 11850, 13765, 15595. Fascinating screenshots of the PERSEUS Software-Defined Receiver (SDR) applied for the reception of professional utility radio stations are included. Daily. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Sun Zhu. All times GMT. If you live near a highway or turnpike, tuning into CB channels is a great way to hear information from people who may have been in trouble spots and passing through your area. Some have much higher transmitter powers than others, and propagation and your distance from the various stations means that some will be received better at your location than others. Shortwave radio isnt as popular as it was back in the days before cell phones and the internet. The new ATS-909X is a great new option. Click here for more package deals! Live Worldwide Shortwave Guides (updated by the hour), Lauren Witt, Interdependence Public Relations. Many are easily heard; some are difficult and rarely audible. Shortwave - Shortwave Bands Use these frequency ranges when tuning around the shortwave bands to find international broadcasters. Shortwave radio listening is definitely better than depending on the Government-controlled-Media (TV,FM radio and newspapers)for information! You can download the free charts on his website: Many thanks for sharing these, Alex! Department of Corrections (DOC) Public Safety. What's the difference between the two? Although a $15-$20 pocket-sized analog shortwave radio is a great addition to any bug-out pack, I strongly recommend a compact digital shortwave radio for your main radio as these digitally tune and lock on to shortwave frequencies. Usually theres a two-hour window for optimal listening, but it may extend up to three or four hours. role in your ability to gather intelligence and news from outside of your area. These transmissions are broadcast during the day at random intervals and usually consists of dialogue, or a close variation to, K5XL17 stand by. Shortwave radio is a type of radio transmission technology that uses Shortwave frequencies (between 3.3 and 30 MHz) to carry voice or music. If the grid goes down, and the internet is out, you can listen in to determine what you should do. From. In some countries extends above and below these limits. mostly during daytime hours. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Pretty much unused; rumors it may become a DRM band. Short-wave frequencies and bands used for radio broadcasting Printable Shortwave Band Chart? | Forums Morse code is also heard a lot on shortwave. If you find one, there are many restoration companies that work on these as the vacuum tubes usually need to be replaced, and if theres a bad humming sound coming from the radio, the capacitors need to be refurbished. Tango, lima, papa. Without getting too technical, SSB is basically where a frequency is modulated on either side of a carrier wave. Remember that time is crucial for some of these locations. I now have a world map, the entire USA as well as Illinois and Missouri state maps. Shortwave radio | communications | Britannica The FCC's Table of Frequency Allocations consists of the International Table of Frequency Allocations ("International Table") and the United States Table of Frequency Allocations ("United States Table"). It may not display this or other websites correctly. PDF Shortwave 101: How to Listen to World Radio A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types of activity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If it is stated four times, it may be time to head for your bunker as nuclear go codes may follow. With all of the Russian military planes coming close to our airspace near Alaska, and elsewhere in the last few years, you may want to tune to 8.992 MHz and 11.175 MHz now and then. Hb```f``[ 6P#IaCBW:| (sIeko6?`CO!yN& Chicago (ZAU) Air Route Traffic Control Center. Another 9,307 entries cover all professional utility stations worldwide from our international bestseller 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. Theres even something for you with Live Theatre Organ from the Ozarks at 7:30 PM CST every Saturday, also on 5.085 MHz. The British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) is a mega news organization which broadcasts 24 hours per day worldwide on about two-dozen frequencies. Shortwave Frequency List - C.Crane Alex updates frequency charts and upgrades format 2 Replies Radio spectrum - Wikipedia Dr. Dabbs tells us all about the weapons used in the his personal favorite war movie, Kelly's Heroes. Shortwave Frequencies | KV5R.COM Some of these later radios also had the ability to pick up MW (Medium Wave) as well - you know that as commercial AM radio which receives broadcasts from 520 kHz to 1710 kHz. What ones do YOU use to post in the shack? There are two types of sidebands, one lower and one higher. Note that 280+ broadcast stations are still active on shortwave! 1901! Do they even have those in schools any longer? If you do run the antenna outside, it's a very good idea to ground it especially if you have it off of the ground by six feet or so. Although my grandfather would translate German, Polish, Russian, and other language broadcasts for me, we also listened to Voice of America which was a U.S. government broadcast, in English, to the world. Best reception is at night. Basically, a HAM radio operator with his/her HAM radio is a licensed, non-commercial, mini-radio broadcast station. Your search produced 69 results and took 0.020 Seconds. They also transmit time information, usually as a series of 'ticks' each second plus spoken messages each minute. Some stations only air a few minutes of English; or only in ID announcements (Mexico); or only language lessons (Ecuador). These radios began being sold commercially in the 1920s when commercial radio stations started broadcast programming which consisted of news, music, dramas, and other programs. That meant that shortwave radio stations could sell commercial airtime and operate like any other AM or FM radio station. HWFCObDy'a%qq kClIyQxY[T5o HOSU-~OR-E/v?Rdbx@zbwQ`CZ@?\o/9Bn!>Pky~MxEc$m cuA\u:BPIjQ4DY'Un~ b8hUlu]6Jm]4QM:ZNr+ZZZ17XP8Z5ZMU[F*u ZlUeyVP{}Ucje/E%n]ggMK1xD|9*]O2VT-V5|!1t|U Of course, he would attack shortwave as the liberty-minded programs were becoming very popular, and because of the hundreds of show episodes exposing his extramarital affairs, transfers of U.S. military technology to China, and even his visits to Moscow as a college student during the late 1960s. These frequencies are broadcast in single side band (SSB) mode so your shortwave must have this feature to listen more on that later in the article. Better yet, if you are into privacy, no one knows what you are listening to. The Headrest Safe is the ultimate in discreet storage for your valuables (gun, money, credit cards, jewelry, medicines). There are many more programs so refer to the links listed under Live Shortwave Guides. It sounds like a no-brainer, but some folks will plod along one segment at a time until they find something they understand or enjoy. The following stations are believed to be on-air: Note that time signal stations are not generally listed in the main database and that you won't necessarily hear all of them. Other U.S. military agencies can also be heard such as the National Guard, Army, Navy, etc. Do not confuse this type of HAM radio with local FM HAM radio. Is the Biden administration shooting down Ham Radio Hobbyist Balloons? Refer to the printable frequencies chart using the QR code later in this article as well as the links below. It looked cool for the ones it worked with though! The Great Lake that, New Worldwide Spectrum Allocations Poster Request Form : Tektronix, What to listen to? What ones do YOU use to post in the shack? During hurricanes, the USAF will deploy Hurricane Hunters which are specially-equipped aircraft to closely monitor the strength and path of hurricanes as well as weather conditions. Using a normal AM receiver, SSB sounds as if someone is talking with several socks stuffed in their mouth. Radio Havana beams in loud and clear with English broadcast programs every day from 7:00PM-11:00PM on 6.000 MHz. I mounted a pocket on the ceiling that hides the rolls when they are up plus the pocket does double duty by housing and hiding a 4 foot fluorescent lamp that shines down on the maps when I have one pulled down. Anyone recommend a good, concise one that can be downloaded and/or printed? Receiving SSB needs specialist equipment but even relatively low cost receivers will often do the job. It may not be as concise as you had in mind for shortwave specifically, but it is very useful in identifying frequency allocation blocks in general. Regarding interference, also understand that fluorescent lighting, electric motors, power transformers, dimmer switches (set half-way), will cause radio interference on shortwave bands. Alternative News and Talk: Currently, there are over of dozen pro-gun, conservative-, libertarian-type-alternative talk and news shows to listen to. Interactive UK Frequency Allocation Table (for an optimal . memorize it? Don't assume any particular frequency is actually coming directly from the originating country. This show airs Tuesdays from 6:30-7:00PM CST on 6.115 MHz, and on Saturdays from 9:30-10:00PM on 3.215 MHz. Sure, the news isnt right-wing conservative, but the BBC has reporters in almost every country on earth, and during any regional conflict, or global disaster, the BBC will at least give you an idea of what is going on in real time. That means that the 11, 13, and 16 meter bands are jusst about useless. Give it a try, you might be surprised. Contrary to traditional publications in this field, our business attitude is more customer-oriented. PDF Cheat Sheet Ham Radio for Dummies Cheat Sheet - W8dyy Shortwave Frequencies Texas 2-Meter Band Plan Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations and Band Plans Icom 706MkIIG 706: New Setup 706: Calibration 706: Location 706: Computer Control and Soundcard Interface 706: Tune Control Activator 706: Frequency Expansion 706: Filters 706: Microphone Tips 706: Links Headset Adapter and Footswitch DC Buss Box This is Andrews, out. This type of EAM is directed at Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) assets which are nuclear bombers, nuclear submarines, and military command planes. If you have ever listened to AM or FM radio, then you already know what a band is. David Fortier gets a look at Roundtable with Nathan Robinson. %PDF-1.2 % Not used in the Americas. In the table below, weve expanded the normal band ranges to include those operating outside the bands these are sometimes where you will find the most interesting content! An EAM which starts with Skyking attached is a bit different: Skyking, skyking, do not answer. 90 meters-3200-3400 kHz -Mostly used locally in tropical regions, with limited long-distance reception at night. I wish I had room on my wall for that. So, if you cant pick up Jones on a local AM station, you can hear him on 12.160 MHz from 11AM-3PM CST M-F, or on 4.840 MHz every M-F from 9PM-1AM CST (the show also airs on weekends). People who were sick of left-leaning news were flocking into Radio Shack to get their own shortwave radios and soon getting a conservative perspective no matter where they lived as the broadcasts reached from sea to shining sea. Shortwave radio has been around since the advent of radio in the late 1800s and is basically long-range radio. Klingenfuss Shortwave Frequency Guide During emergencies, such as hurricanes, HAM radio operators take over certain radio frequencies and report on developing weather, passing information on the injured to emergency services such as FEMA or local medical services, report power outages, traffic info like evacuation routes, etc. Even Larry Pratt, from Gun Owners of America, got his first talk show on shortwave, via WWCR, every Thursday night as the guest host of Americas Town Meeting. The only other short-wave frequencies which it is usually legal to receive and which require no specialist equipment are 'time and frequency standard stations'. In general, the best time to use your shortwave radio is around sunrise and sunset. Shortwave Frequency List Home This is a quick-reference list of frequencies from each country which carry some English and which may be heard in North America. To. Any antenna is better than none. Radio Educacin is an official Mexican broadcast on 6.185 MHz. Shortwave Radio Frequencies and What They Do, Shortwave Radio Station Frequencies in USA, Europe Shortwave Radio Station Frequencies, 4930, 4960, 5960, 6080, 6105, 6110, 7125, 7175, 7205, 7405, 9645, 9760, 9785, 9885, 11655, 11885, 11890, 11975, 12015, 12150, 13600, 13640, 13710, 13735, 13755, 15150, 15185, 15205, 15290, 15445, 15580, 17640, 17715, 17730, 17895. Before this time, amateur radio operators, or HAMs as they are commonly known today, built their own equipment to listen in on ocean liners and military transmissions as well as speaking to each other over long distances. A few of the most popular stations on shortwave radio are: Heres the list of all Shortwave radio broadcasters operated by private broadcasters in the US. U.S Amateur Radio Frequencies, usually LSB single sideband mode, can be heard from 3.500Mhz thru 4.000Mhz. I have heard these many times. |LrrxMn (#47u gJ3z-g\?PA7uW# *B%oVkw'Yoz Authentication uniform papa. Most short-wave radio stations are on a 5 kHz raster meaning that their frequency in kHz will either end with a '5' or a '0' (eg 15205 or 6110 kHz). When you DX as much as I do you sort of remember what stations are where when-but that thing would look nice. There are also old-time music programs like The Lost Discs Radio Show from 9:00-10:00 PM on 6.160 MHz every Saturday. The main frequency is 14.235 MHz in SSB. In general, the bands with frequencies below 13 MHz (13000 KHz) are better at night and the bands with frequencies above 13 MHz (13000 KHz) are best during the day. There are a lot more shows so refer to the program guides on the stations websites. DeNiro is tuning in on a 30-year old Sangean ATS-803A. James Tarr gets to talk to Steve Wilson of Rock River Arms about their RBG. | PDF Shortwave Radio Guide IV - Solareagle The main reasons were similar to the U.S. talk shows, which was to save money and take advantage of internet podcasts. In the case of China, all of them shown below are relays. Some of these later radios also had the ability to pick up MW (Medium Wave) as well - you know that as commercial AM radio which receives broadcasts from 520 kHz to 1710 kHz. What Is Shortwave Radio? - 7 Facts You Should Know - SaveNetRadio So what are some shortwave radio frequencies and shortwave radio stations? When it comes to listening to shortwave broadcasts, its not 05:00. One of the antennas I use is the MLA 30+ loop antenna which also has a signal booster that is powered by a USB plug. Even President Bill Clinton got into the act denouncing this medium, during a large press conference, by saying that Americans should not be listening to shortwave radio shows. Most countries broadcast at least an hour of English-language broadcasts every day, some do a lot more. Shortwave is a hobby these days. It is just like the big pull down things like a roll up window shade like we had back in school days that pulled down in front of the chalk boards. 162.525. Can you tune into military broadcasts? No SW frequency operates 24 hours. CB Radio:CB radio as in Keep on truckin? Yep! This show plays old-time radio programs from the 1930s-1950s like: Gunsmoke, Space Patrol, Amos & Andy, Dragnet, Lone Ranger, Martin & Lewis, and others. I have one mounted on the high point of the house. This was the reason that the late Rush Limbaugh bought shortwave airtime for many years. One of my favorite companies is Sangean as this company makes high-quality compact radios which are easy to program. Stats Page views: 44,274,576 Last visit: 12 seconds ago Software dated: 25 Jan 23 Peak memory use: 5266 kB Simply the most convenient printed frequency list worldwide! It is amazing how a simple length of wire will greatly increase shortwave reception. This is good because it allows you to dive into the SW radio world and see how much is out there to experience and enjoy. Strictly speaking not a short-wave band, but a medium-wave one. Cleveland (ZOB) Air Route Traffic Control Center. It's basically a flying meteorological lab. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Of course, the liberals didnt like it at all. Actually it is not amazing, it is basic antenna theory and expected behavior ;). Oldest M2 Browning .50-Caliber MG Still in Service? Preppers and Ham Radio Operators Not so Crazy in the Age of the Coronavirus. If you are new to shortwave radio, then the first thing you need to understand is the concept of radio bands. Some major countries no longer broadcast to North America intentionally, such as Australia, Germany, South Africa or the UK. NOAA Weather Radio This article is an expanded version of the one which ran in the 2021 issue of Be Ready! 4437 Godfrey Road, Only the 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide features a gigantic broadcast frequency list with 4,190 entries, and a superb alphabetical list of stations as well. Confused? 162.550. Finding Shortwave Broadcasts, Frequencies, Schedules and Stations 129 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 131 /H [ 1709 342 ] /L 198613 /E 75748 /N 31 /T 195914 >> endobj xref 129 62 0000000016 00000 n 0000001591 00000 n 0000002051 00000 n 0000002524 00000 n 0000003186 00000 n 0000003337 00000 n 0000003368 00000 n 0000003524 00000 n 0000004059 00000 n 0000004090 00000 n 0000004112 00000 n 0000004658 00000 n 0000004680 00000 n 0000005129 00000 n 0000005151 00000 n 0000005619 00000 n 0000005641 00000 n 0000006187 00000 n 0000006209 00000 n 0000006664 00000 n 0000006686 00000 n 0000007141 00000 n 0000007172 00000 n 0000007334 00000 n 0000007721 00000 n 0000007743 00000 n 0000008177 00000 n 0000008199 00000 n 0000023880 00000 n 0000023959 00000 n 0000024038 00000 n 0000024062 00000 n 0000024084 00000 n 0000024106 00000 n 0000024337 00000 n 0000024542 00000 n 0000024566 00000 n 0000036678 00000 n 0000037178 00000 n 0000037422 00000 n 0000037443 00000 n 0000037684 00000 n 0000037857 00000 n 0000037879 00000 n 0000038288 00000 n 0000048796 00000 n 0000049021 00000 n 0000049043 00000 n 0000049637 00000 n 0000049661 00000 n 0000049740 00000 n 0000049762 00000 n 0000050154 00000 n 0000050178 00000 n 0000067851 00000 n 0000067874 00000 n 0000067897 00000 n 0000070110 00000 n 0000075155 00000 n 0000075291 00000 n 0000001709 00000 n 0000002029 00000 n trailer << /Size 191 /Info 121 0 R /Root 130 0 R /Prev 195903 /ID[<3f87093db4f056b98b378b031823d51a>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 130 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 120 0 R /Metadata 128 0 R /ViewerPreferences << /Direction /L2R >> >> endobj 189 0 obj << /S 192 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 190 0 R >> stream 2310, 2325, 2485, 4835, 4910, 5025, 5995, 6020, 6080, 7240, 9475, 9560, 9580, 9590, 9660, 9710, 11650, 11880, 12080, 13630, 13670, 15160, 15230, 15240, 15515, 17715, 17750, 17775, 17785, 17795, 21725, 7400, 9400, 9500, 9700, 11700, 11900, 15700, 5960, 5990, 6005, 6020, 6040, 6080, 6115, 6190, 7285, 9570, 9580, 9690, 9730, 9785, 9790, 9870, 11885, 11900, 11970, 13675, 13740, 15230, 15240, 6000, 6060, 6180, 6300, 9505, 9550, 11760, 5930, 6200, 7345, 7385, 9400, 9430, 9435, 9890, 9955, 11600, 13580, 15710, 5920, 7315, 9720, 9765, 9805, 9865, 11615, 11725, 13680, 11995, 15160, 15275, 15605, 21620, 5905, 6140, 6180, 7225, 7240, 7280, 7285, 9565, 9735, 9755, 11690, 12045, 15275, 7410, 9425, 9445, 9690, 9705, 9910, 9950, 11620, 11645, 11715, 11935, 13605, 13710, 15020, 15075, 15155, 15235, 17510, 17670, 17800, 17895, 6010, 6120, 6250, 7160, 7320, 7330, 9855, 11695, 15460, 17660, 6280, 6985, 7545, 9345, 15640, 15760, 17535, 17600, 5965, 6010, 6035, 6090, 6120, 7170, 9760, 11800, 5975, 6110, 6120, 6145, 7230, 9505, 9535, 9875, 11690, 11695, 11715, 11730, 11740, 11935, 11970, 13650, 15195, 15355, 17685, 17810, 17825, 17845, 17870, 21610, 21670, 3560, 4405, 6185, 6285, 7570, 9325, 9335, 9345, 9730, 9850, 9975, 9990, 11535, 11545, 11710, 11735, 12015, 13650, 13760, 15100, 15180, 7275, 9560, 9570, 9640, 9650, 9770, 15575, 6020, 6040, 6165, 7120, 9345, 9795, 9895, 11655, 11675, 12065, 12080, 15315, 15525, 15595, 17725, 17810, 3935, 5950, 9765, 9870, 11725, 13840, 15720, 17675, 6055, 6115, 6150, 7105, 7145, 7180, 9515, 9610, 9640, 9690, 9755, 11895, 15105, 15135, 17745, 6240, 7150, 7250, 7350, 9840, 12010, 12030, 13665, 15425, 3345, 7240, 7390, 9685, 15235, 15255, 17770, 5950, 7130, 7445, 9355, 9680, 9785, 11550, 11850, 1995, 15215, 15465, 5890, 9535, 9680, 9725, 9805, 9810, 13770, 5960, 6020, 6055, 7240, 9525, 11735, 12035, 5875, 5975, 6005, 6040, 6130, 6195, 7130, 7160, 7320, 9410, 9480, 9660, 9740, 9750, 11675, 11750, 11765, 11920, 12095, 15105, 15285, 15360, 15400, 15575, 17640, 17830, 17885, 21470, 4319-USB, 5446.5-USB, 5765-USB, 6350-USB, 7811.5-USB, 10320-USB, 12133.5-USB, 12759-USB, 13362-USB, 4930, 4960, 5960, 6080, 6105, 6110, 7125, 7175, 7205, 7405, 9645, 9760, 9785, 9885, 11655, 11885, 11890, 11975, 12015, 12150, 13600, 13640, 13710, 13735, 13755, 15150, 15185, 15205, 15290, 15445, 15580, 17640, 17715, 17730, 17895, 5810, 5850, 7560, 7570, 9450, 9955, 9975, 15785, 17595, 4005, 5885, 6185, 7250, 7305, 7360, 7365, 9310, 9610, 9635, 9645, 9660, 9755, 11625, 11740, 11850, 13765, 15595.
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