Their refusal to receive Truth!) (quoting Arnold Fruchtenbaum's "The Footsteps of Messiah") the Shechinah Glory is the visible manifestation of the presence of God. Only John reports the early Judean ministry of that year ( John 1:19 - 4:42 ). What an august revelation of the glory of Christ's Godhead was this which broke upon the view of the lowly prophet! Caution is also advisable when one attempts to associate theological significance to the number three (eg, E W Bullinger says that "three denotes divine perfection" but again a "Berean-like" [Acts 17:11] mindset is advisable when evaluating such comments. (A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments) (Bolding added). Who did Isaiah see? Jesus is Jehovah in the Old Testament (See caveats). ), he responded with a cheerful readiness, though he knew from the beginning that his ministry would be one of fruitless warning and exhortation (6:913). Hezekiah became very ill with a life-threatening disease, but he prayed and God graciously extended his life for 15 years (2 Kin. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6 Pauline Epistles Even with our best intentions and desires, our worship of God is imperfect. John 3:16, Jesus faith love), The Whole Bible Christ is again represented under discouraging circumstances, as despised of men, abhorred by the nation, and a servant of rulers; who is encouraged by divine promises that kings should rise up before him, and worship him; that God would be faithful to his promise to him, and yet choose him, hear and help him, at a proper time; preserve him, and 36:237:8). Pastor John MacArthur. God sometimes, in righteous judgment, gives men up to blindness of mind, because they will not receive the truth in the love of it (see 2Thes above). They also speak on the call of Isaiah and his response to God. Smoke is sometimes the mere sign of the presence of God, as in Isa 4:5; but more often it indicates his presence in anger or judgment (see Ex 19:18; 20:18; Rev 15:8). 1Sa 20:1 Ps 59:3, or against God, mainly in the historical and prophetical literature. Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; (This picture of the exalted Lord brings to mind Michael W Smith's song - Above All), The train - This describes the hem or fringe (cf Ex 28:33, 34) of His robe which appropriately filled the temple. In a spiritual sense, rapha means to be made whole as in Isaiah 53:5 where because of the divine scourging and chastening that fell upon the Lamb of God at Calvary, "we are healed (rapha)". Isaiah written by John A Martin. Isaiah knew he was standing before an awe-inspiring God when he had his vision in the temple. Above the throne were stately seraphim; Note that in Isa 6:5 Isaiah laments that he is morally unworthy to be in the King's presence. Having received his commission, he is to go forth in the name of the One who sends him, declaring the message committed to him. John, on the Isle of Patmos, wrote, "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead " (Rev 1:17-note). He saw Jehovah which is enough to know. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. THEN HE HEARD THE LORD. Vol. Even today while Israel as a nation is blinded (2 Cor. 38) until 686 B.C. It is not exhaustive because no one can see God and live. O Lord, he was saying, Lord, you called me to be a fisher of men and I failed. No man has seen God at any time (John 1:18). Further, in this our own rightful attitude before Him we learn to identify ourselves with the condition of those fellow members of the Body of Christ who have proved unfaithful and lapsed into evil ways, and to confess their sins, as ours. When you think of the disco craze of the '70s, the music of Donna Summer immediately comes to mind. Minor Prophets A new form appears in the New Testament: the Incarnate Word [John 1:14]. Raymond Ortlund feels that the burning coal, belongs to the place of sacrifice and atonement and forgiveness. He sent an angel with a live coal, an image associated with Old Testament sacrifices. To do what God purposed will be glory. 26:35, 810, 1315). The altar - John describes an altar in heaven (Rev 6:9, Rev 8:3), but one cannot state with certainty that that is the same as seen by Isaiah. Beloved, we all do well to ponder the truth that the Lord always fulfills His Word, even though the fulfillment may be long in coming. Therefore, we need to have the redemption of Christ applied to our lives again and again and again. 3 The voice of one calling out, "Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make [ d . my course (dromos = race - see 2Ti 4:7-note), and the ministry which I received from the Lord (kurios = Master - Greek word used to translated Adonai) Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel (euaggelion) of the grace (good news of unmerited favor, in contrast to the bad news of the law) of God. ), And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. 30:1). (Isa 37:31), Grogan -How astounding that God should use the word holy (qadosh) of the remnant of His people when it has been used already in Is 6:3 in relation to His own transcendent being! Second Chronicles 32:32 records that he wrote a biography of King Hezekiah also. This revelation of God as the absolute Lord ruling over the affairs of people caused the prophet to lament over his own sinfulness. The main thought is that of the hardness and blindness of the nation. Ep 3:8 (61AD) To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ. John You might have a vivid childhood memory of reaching out to touch that hot stove Mom warned you against. The volcano has been mostly in-active since 1986, and scientists see little danger of another eruption any time soon. 686 B.C. Isaiah 6:11 THEN I SAID, "LORD, HOW LONG?" After crushing the Gentile kingdoms Messiah establishes His Millennial Kingdom(Da 2:34-35-note,Da 2:44-45-note). Isaiah 3:9 (note) declares that the people of Judah "have brought disaster upon themselves," but Isa 29:9, 10 indicates that the Lord was involved to some degree in desensitizing the people. I can only imagine what my eyes will see Word Biblical Commentary. Back to John MacArthur's Bio & Resources, David Guzik :: 1 Corintios 7 Principios Sobre el Matrimonio y la Soltera, David Guzik :: 1 Juan 2 Impedimentos para una comunin con Dios, David Guzik :: Gnesis 3 La tentacin y cada del hombre, David Guzik :: Gnesis 2 La CreacinTerminada; Adn en el Jardn del Edn, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), 1 Samuel 1-10 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 15-18 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Third Person of the Trinity (Chuck Smith), Prophecies concerning Judah and Jerusalem (, Redemption of Israel through World Judgment (, First song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Second song of thanksgiving for redemption (, Israels chastisements and final prosperity (, Woe to those who trust in horses and chariots (, A cry for justice against the nations, particularly Edom (, Sennacheribs Attempt to Capture Jerusalem (, Results of the Suffering Servants redemption (, The Lords answer to Israels supplication (. That live coal told of the fire of judgment having burned itself out upon the offering. THE GOSPEL IN ISAIAH Whats more, the Lord sent an angel to him with a live, cleansing coal from the altar before His throne. (Isaiah 6 Commentary), Commenting on God's holiness Fish writes that, There is an incomprehensible contrast between what is divine and what is human. (Gal 3:16, cf Ge 22:18 where "seed" = Messiah), the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward. Scofield -Hebrew kaphar means to propitiate, to atone for sin. Major Prophets 28:3). Ryrie - Though the people would not pay attention, Isaiah was to continue to prophesy of the Babylonian deportation. He is so unlike us, so exalted over His creation, that we can't control Him or make Him simply a reflection of ourselves. ", Ray Ortlund -As this awareness forms in Isaiah's mind, he blurts out the obvious conclusion: "Woe is me!" The Old Testament Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books) (Bolding added), In Isaiah 6 the prophet was described as seeing the glory of God. Isaiah: John F. MacArthur: 9780310123804 - The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the entire Bible. You will spend eternity in heaven getting to know God.. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press), Isaiah is an excellent OT illustration of the powerful principle taught in 1John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That is how great Gods holiness and grace can be. Uzziah was the prophet's king, therefore his lord and master, and perhaps his hero too, in spite of his tragic end (died a leper). Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. Do we take this commission at face value? Ezekiel It was when this passed away into shame and disgrace that Isaiah saw the Eternal King on his throne. But whether suddenly or slowly, we should aim to increase our awareness of Gods holiness and our sinfulness, coupled with an ever-deepening understanding of the meaning and application of the gospel. (SeeIsaiah 1-39: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition), John Fish offers a sobering summation of the last section of Isaiah 6, The preaching of Isaiah in Isaiah 6 calls us to remember a solemn and important message of Scripture. And with the other twain aloft they soared, (1) Ruined (2) Unclean (3) Live among unclean people (4) Seen the King. God Himself tells us, 'Be still, and know that I am God' (Ps. It is absolutely essential that He be lifted up, because He came down to this earth and became one of us that He might become " the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29). (The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. Unclean lips - The words of one's lips reflect the state of one's heart, for as Jesus said "The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." 4:8). Job had an experience similar to Isaiah's, and his reaction was, "I abhor myself." John MacArthur is pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California and president of The Master's College and Seminary. (Acts 20:24). (Ref). by being cut in two with a wooden saw (cf. Six wings had they, these messengers of Him. Proverbs And they immediately (eutheos = instantly, straightway, forthwith) left the nets (abandoned the temporal), and followed (for the eternal) Him (akoloutheo = literally "to walk the same road"!) 46:10). First, after gaining a greater appreciation for Gods holiness and his own sinfulness, Isaiah said woe acknowledging his own uncleanness. We learn much about heaven in these few verses. Iniquity (05771)('avon) is a verb with the basic meaning of to bend, twist, distort. Isaiah was God's man before he had this experience, but it still had a tremendous effect on him. (He 1:14-note). Woe is me - It is interesting to note the prophet himself pronounced 6 woes on Israel (Is 5:8, 11, 18, 20, 21, 22 - a different, albeit synonymous Hebrew word [hoy in Isaiah 5, 'oy in Isaiah 6] than that translated "woe" in this verse), but when confronted with the transcendent glory infinite holiness of God, in alarm and despair, he could only cry "woe". If the foundation is shaky, things will start to crumble. In Exodus we see how Pharaoh's decision to harden his heart was followed later by Divine hardening. Isaiah 6:1. Jesus has taken Peters humble faith and scared him to death with Gods presence. He is still calling for consecrated men and women to carry the offer of salvation and the warning of judgment to a lost world. Despite her best efforts to find help, her terrible condition worsened and she desperately sought Jesus (Mk 5:26, 27). Historical Books (See context in Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testamentor borrow Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament), Luke records a similar teaching by Jesus that "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. 2 Peter It will again be subject to burning - This is a difficult phrase. These are frightening words to me, for my heart too often "prone to wander, Lord I feel it", and it always crosses my mind that God might do just this to my heart! Then Solomon said, The Lord has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud. 695642 B.C.) Keaon Koloamatangi 12 . To be where God is will be glory. Girdlestone in his classic work "Synonyms of the OT" says that Adonai, indicates the truth that God is the owner of each member of the human family, and that He consequently claims the unrestricted obedience of all The claim upon man's service which is set forth in the title Adonai is well illustrated by Mal 1:6, where Jehovah says, "A son honors his father, and a servant his master (or masters); if, then, I be a father, where is mine honour? Beloved, let this truth be ever present to your mind that as we increasingly see glory in Christ, we shall increasingly see that there is no glory in ourselves. When Moses called God Adonai, he acknowledged that it was not his place as the slave to choose his work; he had to heed his Masters directives. ), Assyria captured Samaria, capital of the northern kingdom, and carried many of Israels most capable people into captivity (2 Kin. In the OT glory is a technical term for Gods manifest presence (Ex 16:7), often connected with the Shekinah glory cloud (Ex 16:10) and with the Ark of the Covenant. A. Isaiah 9:1, 6-7 John MacArthur tells the story of "A little girl came home from Sunday-School triumphantly waving a paper. All rights reserved. For my eyes have seen the King - God was always to be the true King of the Jews. (Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6), When the nation was thoroughly cut down and burned, there would be a little spiritual life in it that would eventually sprout. John Macarthur 1995 Audioband ""Die Vergessene Seite Gottes"" Isaiah 6 790739 B.C. Pastor John MacArthur. God will send upon them a deluding influence (Their repeated rejection reaps righteous retribution from God!) Acknowledge your "ruined" state and cry out for God's cleansing. The Hebrew imperatival forms (Commands) are employed rhetorically and anticipate the response Isaiah will receive. You can never come into the presence of the Father because of who you are. Isaiah refers frequently to the doctrine of the remnant (and a term often used synonymously = "survivors"), Remnant - Isa 10:20, 21, 22-note, Isa 11:11, 16-note, Isa 15:9, 16:14, 28:5, 37:4, 37:31, 37:32, 46:3, Survivor = Isa 1:9 Isa 4:2, 3 (he who is left and remains) Isa 37:32 Isa 66:19. (, The Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Translation: 1995. It is obvious that the phrase to see God is used in two different senses. That happened to Israel in Isaiahs day and to many of the individuals in it. In his commentary, John MacArthur reminds us of the dire consequences of elevating an unqualified shepherd: "The church must heed Paul's warning and not lift up those whom the Lord will later have to cut down." Used with permission from John MacArthur. 40:30; Ezek. The primary function of pen at the beginning of a clause is to express precaution. Wisdom Literature They are already rebellious and hostile to God. Concordia Self-Study Note - The nearer one comes to God, the more he feels his own sinfulness and unworthinessas did Abraham (Ge 18:27). Isaiah 60 - The Glorious Light of God's Kingdom A. This suggests that their utterances were antiphonal, though not in song. 6, he sought the Lord for understanding and instruction When he saw Him in the temple, he pronounced a woe on himself: Isaiah realized two things in ch. March 19, 2018. Pauline Epistles For the first time his mouth speaks with "the highest sort of simplicity, of naivet, the intuition of a soul which has seen itself in the light of the divine holiness." Those from among you. (Ibid), Wycliffe Bible Commentary asks "How could the prophet's impure lips repeat that angelic song? (Bolding added), JEHOVAH, (is) a name implying His immutable constancy to His promises. Isaiah was thus cleansed and equipped for praise, intercessory prayer, and the proclamation of God's word. (Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Thomas Burgess 11. Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God's Word, John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. Sennacheribs effort to take Jerusalem failed, just as Isaiah had said it would (37:6, 7, 3638). Ask Pastor John. God did not lay a strong compulsion on Isaiah; Isaiah was in the presence of God and he overheard the call, and realized that there was nothing else for him but to say, in conscious freedom, "Here am I, send me." In the next chapter we will see the prediction of the birth of Christ, but it is not the incarnation of Christ that saves us, it is His death upon the Cross. The threat of an Assyrian invasion forced Judah to promise heavy tribute to that eastern power. isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur - Although the nation of Israel like a great tree might have been felled (North exiled to Assyria in 722BC, South exiled to Babylon 586BC) and therefore appear to have been completely destroyed, "a tenth" pictured as a "stump" will retain the "holy seed" (cf Isa 4:3-note), which in turn appears to picture faithful Jews who believe in their Messiah (they are part of the believing remnant), the holy seed of Abraham. Whatever the case, being burned wasnt a pleasant experience. John Piper Perhaps we could expand our paraphrase: "Otherwise they mightrepent, and be restored, and they certainly wouldn't want that, would they? It was a time of national darkness, for Uzziah, Judah's great king, had died. It was Jesus Who Moses experienced in the burning bush. 29:4; John 12:40; Acts 28:26,27; Rom. Temple (01004) (bayith) describes a fixed, established structure made from some kind of material and in many context (such as the present passage ) bayith refers to the place of worship, the dwelling place (house as it were) of God. (Jn 12:41), Comment: John MacArthur writes that "John unambiguously ties Jesus to God or Yahweh of the OT (see Jn 8:58 - Jesus declared Himself to be Yahweh, i.e., the Lord of the OT). (See context in Be Comforted (Isaiah): Feeling Secure in the Arms of God) (Bolding added), Chapter 6 also serves a literary function as the conclusion to Isaiah 2-5 and the introduction to Isaiah. Isaiah 6:7 HE TOUCHED MY MOUTH WITH IT AND SAID, "BEHOLD, THIS HAS TOUCHED YOUR LIPS; AND YOUR INIQUITY IS TAKEN AWAY AND YOUR SIN IS FORGIVEN. He is glorified when He is allowed to be seen as He really is. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' The glory of Israel in the Kingdom of God. Over the past few days, we may have given you the idea that forgiveness is only pleasure. Wisdom Literature : Matthew 8-15 by John MacArthur. With twain in reverent awe they hid their feet. It is the majestic presence or manifestation of God in which He descends to dwell among men. The servant of GOD is responsible to the Lord Himself. Get out of your mind the idea of expecting God to come with compulsions and pleadings. Filling with smoke - Given that there is an altar, that could be the source of the smoke. We still have to live in a sin-scarred world, of course, and that can wear us down at times. isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur - Isaiah 58, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, Charles Haddon Spurgeon and if I be a master (Adonim), where is my reverential fear?". (Lev 13:45) even as did the prophet Isaiah, who recognized his sinful "leprous like" condition in the face of God's perfect purity. The future exaltation of Jerusalem will be on earth, not in heaven. Luke-Acts Only so can we really be prepared to give an effectual testimony. Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? (a) worship God and praise him with the heavenly hosts; (b) repent of daily sins in order to enter the presence of a holy God; (d) speak the message God gives regardless of its popularity or severity; (e) cause some to harden themselves for destruction; or. This message is also a message that grace really is grace. Job Isaiah gave his life in service to God. Isaiah 6:9, which ostensibly records the content of Isaiah's message, is clearly ironic. 6:1-8). The Lord Jesus even said, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matt. Habakkuk If we walk in the light of His Word, we are going to see exactly what Isaiah saw -- that we are undone and men of unclean lips. For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lipsfor mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." Paul uses this as an example of the inscrutable will of God and of His mercy toward men (Ro 9:14, 15, 16, 17, 18-note). In other words - heart ears eyes see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts. Roma Downey, who has never renounced her extensive New Age involvement, is now firmly entrenched and aligned with contemporary Christian leadership. Exalted (05375) (nasa') is a common OT verb (some 612 verses) and conveys the sense of lift up or lifted up as in Isa 6:1. Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, third and fourth terms 735715 B.C.). Go and tell - Beloved, these two commands should greatly encourage us because they show that although we, like Isaiah, are men and women of unclean lips, the thrice Holy God is ever willing to use vessels who are willing to be used for His holy purposes (cp 2Ti 2:21-note, Jer 15:19). The Gospels As an aside, this surely points to an amazing display of grace from God to man, that the man Isaiah would even be permitted to look upon such a sight without dying (cf Ex 33:20, Jn 1:18, 6:46, 14:9, Col 1:15-note, 1Ti 6:16), Thine angels adore Thee, He hears it from the very moment that you are seized with helplessness, and He becomes actively engaged at once in hearing and answering the prayer of your helplessness (cp He 2:18-note).. One cannot be dogmatic, but that is certainly a possibility! Fish adds that "Symbolically the fire had a purifying effect, but the cleansing came not from the fire, but from the initiative of the Lord and the fact that a sacrifice for sin had been offered. Holy, holy, holy! Him - Is a collective pronoun which includes the company of the seraphim. Isaiah In the setting of death, God prophesies there will be life. The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. All the saints adore Thee, The approach of these notes is to accept Isaiah 6 as the prophet's call into ministry. Pauline Epistles Though Isaiah may have been at the earthly temple, this describes a vision which transcends the earthly. Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God's Word, John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. If you walk in the light of the Word of God, you will see yourself, and you will know that even as a child of God you need the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse you from all sin. In this verse Isaiah's prophetic warning was given some 150 years in advance of its fulfillment. All unclean, my lips, my spirit, vile and foul in all I do! Isaiah Tass 4. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications), Nathan Stone comments on use of Adonai in Isaiah 6 noting that. The Son is the King Jehovah Who rules in the Old Testament and appears to the elect, as in the New Testament the Spirit, the invisible Minister of the Son, is the Director of the Church and the Revealer in the sanctuary of the heart [Olshausen]. 3:15), God is still saving individuals (Rom. But in the uncertainty that often surrounds faith comes the divine honoring of its presence and a calm voice that says, Dont be afraid. Grace is active. Trembled (05128) (nua/nuwa) means to move back and forth, to and fro (cf Ex 20:18, 1Sa 1:13). The side-expedition failed, however, so in a second attempt he sent messengers to Jerusalem demanding an immediate surrender of the city (2 Kin. God then took the initiative to spiritually cleanse Isaiah. Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8. The day of grace will end and there will be no more opportunity for salvation for those who have rejected the Lord Jesus. No doubt visitors to Mount St. Helens will gasp as they look into a crater almost two miles wide. Isaiah 53:4-6. How to Go from Fearful to Forgiven John MacArthur. Nashville: Thomas Nelson), Holy, holy, holy - The Seraphic attribution of holy in triplicate is the Hebrew way of denoting "intensity". He condemned the empty ritualism of his day (e.g., 1:1015) and the idolatry into which so many of the people had fallen (e.g., 40:1820). (See context in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament). But too many of our schedules allow too little time for reflection and meditation on God and His Word. 53, portraying Christ as the slain Lamb of God. What prostrated his soul thus low in the dust? It is then that the young man experiences one of the most solemn and significant visions of Scripture. For us (cf Ge 1:26, Ge 3:22, Ge 11:7) - First we observe the singular pronoun "I", followed by the plural pronoun "us" which is at least suggestive/supportive of the doctrine of the Trinity (tri-unity) of God. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Jehovah Sabaoth, LORD of hosts, of armies, Knowledge Of The Holy - A W Tozer's classic book on God's Attributes, He Reigns - "Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God Almighty.". In Jerusalem? In that year (740BC), Isaiah had a vision of the Lord [Adonai] sitting on His throne, lofty and exalted (Isa. (cp Job 42:5, 6), - When Simon recognized in JESUS the Creator of the fish of the sea, he fell at His feet and cried, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Fatal wounds proclaim His praise! (Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Kaphar - 101x in 93v in the NAS - appease(1), appease*(1), atone(3), atoned(2), atonement is made(1), atonement shall be made(1), atonement was made(1), atoning(1), canceled(1), expiation can be made(1), forgave(1), forgive(4), forgiven(5), made atonement(3), make atonement(71), makes atonement(2), making atonement(1), pardon(1). The centerpiece is Isaiahs unrivaled chap. In His character and essence, He is "Spirit," and thus invisible to man (Jn 4:24), but He has made Himself known to man through revelation by His many names and titles, by His attributes, by His written Word, and finally by His living Word, Jesus Christ (Jn 1:14). retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. ), And it will come about in that day that living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter. Living for God can only be accomplished by divine grace. ; Is. You come into His presence because you are in Christ. It is ever thus when man is brought consciously into the presence of GOD. John MacArthur Not one single word of lament for the lives affected by this disease in their community. Since God is perfectly holy and heaven is His dwelling place, it follows that heaven must be a holy place where no sin can exist. Series: The Gospel According to God. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point Psalms Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah 9:6 may be the most familiar Old Testament prophecy about the birth of Christ. I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Because Sin continually chases after us, seeking to drag us into the miry clay!) Hits like "Hot Stuff" (1979), "Bad Girls" (1979), and "Macarthur Park" (1977) were ubiquitous in the music scene then. Ironside-The divinely-sent messenger proclaimed the good news of redemption and purification from sin through Him whose one offering was pictured in the sacrifice of the altar. David prayed for this end (and so should we considering that it is a prayer for the Lord's return and the real peace of Jerusalem! Isaiah The Promise of the Messiah by John F. MacArthur 9780310123804 Judges Have we sought to veil-not our beauties, for beauty we have none-but our innumerable and flagrant deformities, even the "spots upon our feasts of charity," the sins of our best and holiest things; and, renouncing all self-glory, have we sunk, as into nothing before God?