A compelling one, though! So why was Radu a traitor if he decided to accept that Ottomans snapped Wallachia in the fair game of war? I am a horror hound and a history buff. Just look at his eyes. I need help I rented I believe a VHS movie from the library about 2 Turkish Prince says it talked about when they were really little and took in from Romania and beaten starved and forced to learn how to fight in the ottoman army , and it talked a lot about radu when he was younger , how he was favored because he was the much better looking brother .Im search the Internet and I cannot find anything on this movie they were not famous people in it it looked to be 1970s 1980-ish Im trying to remember what the name exactly was does anybody know ? I agree with your assessment. Radu the Handsome - Wikipedia The barbarity of Ottoman 500 year long occupation of the Balkans, that kept the entire region in the Dark Ages much longer than the rest of Western Europe, is well documented. As he was wont, Vlad III responded to this by being even more overwhelmingly terrible. Because Im recently more interested to Radu, because about Vlad III there is more than enough to read, to Listen to and to watch on TV or on streaming portals! The biggest blow, though, was being forced to leave his two young sons, Vlad and Radu, in the fortress of Edirne as hostages. So long as its understood to be fictional, theres nothing wrong with making changes for the sake of whatever story youre interested in telling. In 1462, a massive Ottoman army marched against Wallachia, with Radu at the head of the Janissary. On this day in 1477, a letter sent by Stephen III of Moldavia confirmed the death of Vlad the Impaler and his retinue. Radu cel Frumos atau dikenal dengan panggilan Radu saja, atau julukan Radu si Cantik atau Radu si Tampan, atau nama Turkinya, Radu Bey, adalah anak keempat dari Raja Wallachia, Vlad II Dracul, dan adik dari legenda drakula Rumania, Vlad III.Ia juga memiliki dua kakak lainnya, Mircea II dan Vlad Clugrul. Radu would have expected this. There is no way they could accurately portray him in-depth and not piss someone off in a very public way in this climate. If a bat bites you, you will likely feel it. It is, of course, a Rumanian production. The last time they left, they had to come running right back and it was all very embarrassing for everyone involved. A sun-faced angel, the moon of the universe, saw I. However, thats a very, VERY cynical reading, and one I think can be disproven by the idea that, should Radu have felt the need to artificially bolster his legitimacy, hed have relied on the name of the Ottomans; they were still alive and just brimming with soldiers, and, further, that would have cemented the Ottomans as the final authority in the region, which would have been politically convenient for Radu, and beneficial to the Ottomans themselves. What history I presented, and admitted is not academically rigorous, serves as context for that fiction. [3] Chalkokondyles adds that the sultan along with people of his nation had the custom of using favorite boys, and with such as Radu Mehmed "spends day and night together". They just dont know what to do with Hephaestion. Radu III "the Handsome", voivode of Wallachia - geni family tree In the course of it, when he was well flushed with wine, someone whispered to him that Notarass 14-year-old son was a boy of exceptional beauty. People do not use reason to Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and Radu, who ruled Wallachia bountifully for 12 years, is demonized because he never rebelled against the Ottoman Empire rather, he created a peaceful ambience for the Turks doing commerce, and the taxes due to Mehmed being payed as was due to a vassal reign. 22 sierpnia 2022 . Within six days, Philip the Handsome died at the age of 28. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The idea of Vlad being a woman is surprisingly fitting in my mind. Radu Basarab | Cassandra Palmer World Wikia | Fandom Seria B ara Romneasc. But we do not know why the brothers got apart. I dont think youre being fair with this text and I think you are misrepresenting what Im saying. Preceding unsigned comment added by 17:22, 16 October 2014 Reply[reply] Vampires can echolocate, in either form, by producing high-pitched squeaking noises and interpreting the echoes. All around, there are dead and dying men sliding down stakes, a forest of death in which the only clearing is the field of battle. A wrong link perhaps? Had you ever heard of Radu? Feel free to rearrange this. He didn't get along with his tutors and trainers and was angry at his father for favoring his older brother, Mircea, and betraying his pledge to the Order of the Dragon (into which Vlad III had also been inducted at . His brutality informed his leadership. 12 Unexpected Facts about Vlad the Impaler, the Real Dracula They treated you better than your own father! After five years of torture, Radu had died in captivity. . Radu, on the other hand, was a complete traitor on his people and he wanted to subdue our country to the Otomans. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Between battles, Mehmed II devoted some of his leisure time to poetry, scribing homoerotic verses to the young men he admired. It is not fair, is it? Youre known for being pretty. Humankind changed during the centuries, and so did notions of love, friendship, family ties ecc. Different sources relate various dates. Once I was interested in the Hostage subject, but I let it pass I love this article. Who killed Lapu-Lapu? Philippine history questions answered Feb 21, 2021 - Sultan Mehmed Han and Radu cel Frumos (Radu the Handsome) | "Flame and the moth" Plus some poetry by Mehmed II. Once you go far enough, the fastest way to defeat isnt an enemys weapon, but a lull in ones self-confidence. I.B.Tauris, 25 October 2013, George Marcu (coord. Radu was among the forces who were met with the horrific sight of 20,000 of Ottomans impaled outside of Trgovite. There [in Galata] I saw him, named Jesus, and Frankish-mannered, Whoever saw Jesus would say, by his lips is He resurrected.. I thought it had to do with homophobia before as well, but after some readings and much reflection, my personal opinion is that homophobia does not play a relevant role here. sleeping in daytime and being awake at night then 80% of todays generation are vampires. Early life, Britiannica.com I. Now comes the most interesting part.some historians believes that Radu and Mehmed, inspite of having a rocky start (it is said that Radu stabbed Mehmed and climbed up a tree), did actually "fell in love". But instead of receiving help he found himself arrested and thrown into the dungeon over false charges of treason. Hed been trying to woo him for some time and finally got him into his private rooms. You know, like in Game of Thrones where it just lingers on the architecture and food and stuff? Vlad had a horrible temper (shockingly enough) and was constantly being punished for lashing out at his captors, while Radu got along fine, doing well in his studies and not causing a lot of trouble. In 1436, Vlad II Dracul ascended to the throne of Wallachia. Narratively speaking, the brothers are excellent foils to one another. Meanwhile, his brother Vlad III, due to his harsh policies towards the boyars (whose power struggles he blamed for the state of the realm), was betrayed by them. I also enjoy hackathons and adventures around the world. p. 127, 128), Laonicus Chalkondyles Joannes Oporinus, Conrado Clausero 1556,"De origine et rebus gestis Turcorum." Radu memimpin 90.000 menerobos hutan dan tanah berbukit Rumania untuk menyerang kakaknya Dracula yang bertahan di benteng 'Poenari' miliknya. [11] Slavo-Romanian chronicles relate that Stephen III had a "war with Radu voivode for Soci". Thats before you even BEGIN to consider his personal feelings about the people, rather than the polities to which he swore those oaths. Mehmed II summoned Vlad, the son of Dracula He had with him his younger brother (Radu cel Frumos), who became his homosexual lover and lived with him.. So much so that we have the beggining of the impalements during Vlads quest for revenge. In his final book, written shortly before his death, Radu traces the genealogy of the Florescu family back to the Middle Ages, when one of his ancestors married Radu the Handsome, a brother of Vad Dracula. how did radu the handsome die. And many scandalized people in the process! Romanians live on their wishful thinking. And, speaking of it, it lasted for at least 12 years. Thus, when the Otomans attacked, he made sure that the inhabitants would safely leave and burn the cities on the way so that the Otoman army was starved and demoralised. Radu the Handsome Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Furthermore, if you would bother just to take a look at an Eastern-Christian Orthodox calendar you would see an endless list of martyrs killed because they refused to convert to Islam (for example, take a look at the story of Constantin Brancoveanu, a Romanian leader that had his whole family slaughtered in front of him because he refused to renounce Christianity). But see Isabels wonderful comment also for another vital perspective. Its clear that this means a lot to you, or you wouldnt have bothered commenting. Its vital to understand the viewpoints of the players in a historical situation, but I also think our modern understanding of the macro-situation and whats harmful to the human psyche is important. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Some of the spookiest medieval literature Ive ever read was from people of Radus station, albeit in what is today France, talking about how great war is but people have always been people, with the same emotions. They do not frown upon those who engage in this lifestyle. But instead of receiving help he found himself arrested and thrown into the dungeon over false charges of treason. Well, I said not causing a lot of trouble, but the truth is, there was a famous incident involving the young Sultan and his passionate attraction to Radu. Citing a chapter from Danilo Madrid Gerona's book "Ferdinand Magellan: The Armada de Maluco and the European Discovery of the Philippines," which is based on primary sources in Spain and Portugal, Ocampo said Lapu . As for your very nice text I have had some good laugh reading it! On June 16 and 17, he again defeated a sizable Ottoman force in what has become known as The Night Attack, which resulted in heavy casualties to the Ottoman army, as well as logistical losses. Theres plenty of pathos to be had in the mans real life, though, and Radu could be at the center of it. Its a great way to inform the audience about your characters without falling to exposition. It was not difficult to convince them; he only had to promise the boyars that he would restore their privileges and assure the defectors from Vlad IIIs camp that they would not be punished. The Golden Horn is and was the major urban waterway in Istanbul/Constantinople. Why, when they were raised in identical circumstances, did Vlad turn out to be well, Dracula, while Radu was by all accounts a good-natured sort? Or is it fair to take sides? Vlads older half-brother, Mircea, was killed alongside his father. The extremely handsome man stepped forward without consent from Integra or Walter, and embraced Alucard, who remained as stiff as a board. We will never be. I was shaky on using the word queer because a lot of baby gays in this climate, at least in the circles Im in, seem to dislike it, but ended up going with it because 1) its been the umbrella term for all sorts of identities since forever, 2) applying modern terms to historical figures is a mess of the necessity of labelling queer figures and queer versus the lack of compatibility between modern ideas of sexuality and historical attitudes. Its not an interpretation of the character I would necessarily enjoy, but I definitely see how it has value and would bring the Dracula character closer to something Romanians for whom Vlad III is a beloved hero might enjoy more. There is no indication of his changing name while in Edirne/Istanbul. Was Joanna of Castile truly 'mad' or a pawn for the men in her family? They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. ), I think its because even pre-transition, she was incredibly pretty and very obviously Eastern European. But, Radek does bring up a valid point, in my opinion, that even as he was nobility, Radu was a child, so there might have been a sense of personal betrayal that informed his feelings, even though it would have been viewed as unseemly and inappropriate for his station. I suggest reading this article: https://dionovertoun.com/2017/06/28/radu-the-queer-brother-nobody-cares-dracula-had/amp/. Eventually Radu did come back and rekindle his "friendship" with the Emperor. Documenta Romaniae Historica. 14 88. Vlads love and dedication to keeping Wallachia free of Ottoman occupation as well as his bravery in the battlefield, are also a matter of historical record and not in dispute. According to the Serbian Janissary Konstantin Mihailovi Radu was a commander of the Janissary; in the campaign against his brother Vlad III, Radu was at the head of 4000 horsemen. Radus Prince Charming counter to Vlads Prince of Darkness is an angle I didnt really think about before. So in my opinion, the article's title should stay as it is.Joyson Noel Holla at me! The boys' father, Vlad Dracul, with the support of the Ottomans, returned to Wallachia and took back his throne from Basarab II.[6]. how did radu the handsome diewhen to separate betta fry. Thats not so bad, I think. After the victorious campaign north of the Danube, the Ottomans placed the young Radu (then 26 years of age) as the Bey of Wallachia. Required fields are marked *. And I agree, theres no real way to make EVERYONE happy. Thank you for your recommendation and the reasons behind it! Do not fancy that the bonnie one submits to you, o Avn. I hope its not just because of homophobia. However, a bat bite can be superficial and not easily noticed. As for why Faith picked Andreja (she recently transisitioned officially! This atrocious, gut-wrenching sight was too much even for them to bear therefore they returned to Ottoman forces to regroup. Vlad's brother, Radu the Handsome, had died a couple of years earlier and had been replaced on the Wallachian throne by another Ottoman candidate, Basarab the Elder, a member of the Dneti clan. But we like to think of him as a man sitting alone on his bloody throne, surrounded by his forest of corpses, the only man with agency on his side of the battlefield. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia. Dead, Death, and Dying Chapter 1: Nostalgia, a hellsing fanfic | FanFiction He had a family. Radu the Handsome. AND I am not commenting on or about the historical factual lives of the men who did live. Ruler of Wallachia and Vlad the Impaler's brother. Similarly, we'll never know for sure the nature of the relationship between Mehmed and Radu. Which, well, looks Handsome enough for bearing the title. People can t get rabies just from seeing a bat in an attic, in a cave, at summer camp, or from a distance while it is flying. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia.They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Theres a lot to be said about the unfair favoritism of the Transylvanian Saxons that allowed them to lord over and oppress the native Vlach, due to a centuries-old mandate by King Geza II of Hungary. We'll never know for sure about Mehmed's sexuality, because at that time it was regarded in a different way. It really does mean a lot. Ill check it out immediately! You guessed it, Radu didn't die and is back with a vengeance! ), Laonicus Chalkondyles, Conrado Clausero 1556:"De origine et rebus gestis Turcorum" p.158, The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. In Americas case, I think being an androgynous model was her way to express her gender without risking her career, but once her international identity was secured, she felt safe with making her transition. There are some official documents, Radus documents. Oh, Am I so damn romantic in that I think R and M matched well enough, so that it was definite for Radu to stay by his side? He had siblings. [4] In one tale recounted by Chalkokondyles, Radu is invited to Mehmed's bedchamber, but upon realising the sultan's amorous intentions, draws a knife and wounds Mehmed. His personal Janissary guard was larger than the entire army of Vlad III. Oh, and sorry if I post this out of place. Radu is a different hero, the one who lived always in others shodow and had to submit to others for the greater good. I agree with your point that the wider public generally doesnt accept very nuanced portrayals of queers, when they accept portrayals at all. He also took sexual advantage of young male hostages. On 16 and 17 June, he again defeated a sizable Ottoman force in what has become known as The Night Attack, which resulted in heavy casualties to the Ottoman army, as well as logistical losses. Anyways. Updated: How the Muslims Killed Dracula | Virtual Mosque But many things have happened between 1445 and 2021. He is separated and left alone to rule and clean the mess of his brother. Plus VLAD THE IMPALER IS A WOMAN! Sort of a if you REALLY loved our father youd be out here putting people on stakes or at the very least cheering me on about it vs you have completely lost your mind and not only am *I* horrified at you, our father would be too dynamic. how did radu the handsome die - rowne.przemyska.pl Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! Like any fanfiction writer, I just MUST change the source material to fit my own ends.) Like most number associated with Dracula, this total is almost certainly exaggerated. The screams of the dying and of the broken-hearted! Mr.Handsome Sister Christine has died #condolense #RIP Born in Transylvania, Romania to Vlad Tepes Dracula and Chiajna Musat. In November, 1447, John Hunyadi launched an attack against Wallachia due to its alliance with the Ottomans by the treaties signed by Vlad II Dracul and his duplicity in Varna Campaign (1444). But no matter what good points Vlad brings up, its obvious that whatever he is now just wants to kill and will use any justification it can. Save 80% on Prince Of Wallachia on Steam And on the other hand, your father.you remember, he did not protect you, he gave away both his two youngest sons as hostages!!! We dislike him because he was a traitor. However, a lot of the external conflict, to use writer jargon, in his and Antinouss relationship came from the fact that many citizens found it objectionable that their Emperor continued a relationship with his youth lover once that youth started growing a beard and broad shoulders. I have always thought the impaling was a liiiiiiiittle bit Fruedian, considering the possibility of assault in Ottoman custody and the reality of having your brother be the lover of your greatest enemy. They were ambushed en route by agents of Sultan Murad II, who held the sons captive, forcing . Fueling public fascination was Dr. Florescu's personal connection: an ancestor had married Radu the Handsome, one of Vlad's brothers. (And who he becomes in the game. His younger brother was Radu the Handsome. Isabela, after thought I have removed your comment responding to Maria. However, five days after the fall of Constantinople, Mehmed II gave a banquet. Theres a lot to be said about how Radus solution to the problems facing his country was to give the boyars all their power back and give the Transylvanian Saxons all their unfair tax exemptions back to appease them. But converts changed names in the Ottoman scheme of things. When Vlad's army arrived, Prince Basarabs army fled, some to the Turks, others in the mountains. Maybe not his country as far as he understood things, but definitely to the person of his brother. In the Cassie Palmer series, he was taken by a mob in Paris and delivered to the Inquisition who tortured him for well over a century, until he was . Isnt Andreja Pejic just the most handsome person ever? Your attempt to spin history is absolutely baffling. After Mehmed II suffered losses from The Night Attack, Radu and his loyalists campaigned on the Danubian plains for support to replace his brother. The king of Istanbul you are, and the king of Galata is he. Radu was depicted in the 2000 movie Dark Prince: The True Story Of Dracula. It is an effort for peace. Youre worse than an invader or a pretender. Then, at 14, Mehmed II handed the throne back to his father. To those whom his dimple kills, his lips revitalise. After consulting his astrologers, the thirty year-old sultan resolved to personally lead the punitive expedition. 5001500. But he became Sultan again at 19 when his father died. Mehmed II raised a 150,000-strong army, and he and Radu sailed at its head to Wallachia. Which oaths supersede other oaths, and when one has the right to say the other party has violated our oath to the point I am released from this. Is an oath valid if it is secured at the point of a sword? [7] He is believed to have taken part in the operations that are collectively known as the Fall of Constantinople. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian language: Radu cel Frumos. Also, I'm not 100% certain, but I believe all her children were still children when she died. Yay! Slavo-Romanian chronicles relate that Stephen III had a "war with Radu voivode for Soci". Whatever apology Mehmed gave for this attempted rape must have been real damn good, because it wasnt long after that he and Radu were intimate friends. We are no saints, you know. Vlad III and Radu were later educated in logic, the Quran and the Turkish and Persian language and literature. I do not believe that he felt betrayed, because it was just what he was expected to do (to be sent as garantee of armistice) because the polities of the situation thus required. In 1473, following an agreement with the Ottomans, Basarab Laiot cel Btrn (Basarab Laiot the Old) took over the throne. When the Ottoman forces approached Trgovite, they encountered over 20,000 of their kind impaled by the forces of Vlad III, creating a "forest" of dead or dying bodies on stakes. At the same time, people in power have always found justifications to create war to consolidate and expand that power. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Radu the Handsome - wikinone.com Moreover, the sultan opted to reward Radu's ongoing loyalty by setting him on the throne of Wallachia in Vlad III's place.[8]. . Theres a distance here in America that Americans must be conscious of when working with this subject for fiction. This is the part where if it was a movie Id be standing up hooting. Radu Dracula (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom Romanians are fully justified in their dislike and rejection of Radu for the very reason that you are citing i.e. But above and beyond this, he preached of a lasting peace, a gentle reign, and no revenge for any past wrongdoings.
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