Thank you for sharing this beautiful work and inspiring story! By Chenchilla. I literally wolfed down whatever book I could when I was a kid. As a child I loved From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. My favorite books started out by authors like Madeleine LEngle and C.S. They were funny and they were how I learned to read with my mom because i was homeschooled. I read dozens of them! Ive read this with my own kids many times! With the help of my husband we took first place on our design, so much fun. I loved Nancy Drew books. They were biographies of folks like George Washington Carver, Amelia Earhart, and Abraham Lincoln. Now I read more scientific and humanistic books. Thanks for the opportunity! This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. As I got a bit older I spent hours outdoors with a sketch pad drawing landscapes and horses. Im glad that these days the wonder and magic is often (but not often enough) centered around these cultures, so that hopefully todays readers have a better understanding of the true history alongside the wonder. I loved The lion, the Witch , and the Wardrobe. Truth be told. Cu alii malis albucius duo, in eam ferri dolores periculis. Loved the interview! Today, I am a bit silly when around those I am close to, and I certainly walk to the beat of my own drum. I cant wait to read your new book. Weve been talking about wanting to visit New Zealand, it seems like such a magical place. I remember just looking at this same page over and over. I had a strong imagination and really felt like I was following the characters on all their adventures. and finding the objects. I loved the idea of a secret place neglected at first which comes alive with some care and attention. We see the world through the eyes of this small creature who would fit in your hand. Definitely one of my all time favorites. When i was young, kids in school were always interested in Captain Underpants books at reading time. One particular favorite that comes to mind is Big Max. Perseverance is important with gardening too! I see the pattern fantasy, mysterious woods and characters. , Especially stories that featured their homes and communities. What a dream come true! When we went to the beach, I would spend hours picking up seashells and then I would go and buy books so that I could identify them and make a display. Ive been following for awhile now, & love the blogs, photos & inspiration. If you ever find yourself writing a poem that involves food, especially a list poem, you may find it helpful to have a list of foods that rhyme with one another. Me I always preferred I Spy books. Follow the links to read more about each one or buy them on the World Book Day store. They were an exciting outlet as a boy. Its all about the Lupine Lady who plants seeds to make the world more beautiful. One of those illustrations pictured a hot summer day. And that includes catalogs!!! Books were gateways into another persons world for me. My parents were constant readers. And perhaps most importantly, the resilience human beings are capable of in the face of adversity. As a child I loved the magic of National Geographic magazine and spent hours looking at the pictures and exploring the world in ways that I couldnt do in real life. When I was 12, I found Pearl Bucks The Good Earth on my mothers bookshelf. Maybe that is where love for gardening started. As a child, I loved this book called Pickles the Cat. My favourite book was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.. Confucius. We have many more tools to help you be a better writer. Zoe, first congrats on your book , the collage of flowers and color is very inviting , well done. It is beautifully illustrated in soft gentle images. Anna and her mother didnt have much money, but they had love, friendship, and contentment, and that was enough. Duo at placerat consulatu reprehendunt, te bonorum invidunt legendos vis. And that has inspired my gardening, its constant unfolding, its surprises and its sadnesses. My favorite books as a child were softly adventurous ones like The Secret Garden and The Door in the Wall. I also have always dreamed of growing flowers a dream I am at last achieving and would love love love to have a walled garden with a secret door. I see life to be lived in the moment with joy, and not to worry so much about the future or things that I cannot change. These pages are a feast for the eyes, and the soul. I grew up reading The Girl of the Limberlost, The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, The Little Princess, Little House on the Prairie and The Chronicles of Narnia, among many others. We had horses and goats but no pigs. Anne of Green Gables. Now in my 60s I finally have my creative life. I loved historical fiction as a childthe Dear America series was a particular favorite. First, hearts out to the people of New Zealandtoo much suffering in the world. Nearly everything I read was historical fiction, especially the classics. No matter if its fiction or non- it all works my imagination. My favorite series of books to read as a child was the adventure series The Boxcar Children. I read dozens of them! My favorite books as a child were Dr Seuss books. It looks like a wonderful book. And they covered all the hills every spring, for everybody to enjoy. My Mom also had magazines from her era which had beautiful pictures of Flowers to grow where we were located. One of my favorite books from childhood is A Time To Keep, by Tasha Tudor. I still love eye-spy pictures! This lovely book offers gentle reminders of our responsibility to protect the earth. Today I know so much random facts about animals, that only helps if we are playing trivia games or sometimes when watching Jeopardy lol . I Spy books were favorites of mine growing up and still are, as Ive introduced them to my children. Full of kindness and life lifting lessons. My favorite book as a child was The Velveteen Rabbit. I have been creating landscape gardening for many years and I can always find an new inspiration to my designs. When imagining these stories and pretending outside, I was always drawn to the plants that my mom had around our home. Filled with a small creek, wildflowers and an abundance of trees, I would wile away the hours being the main character in my own adventures. I think I read every Nancy Drew mystery book, some more than once. Any and every kind. It was the strength of that momma rabbit. I loved anything funny! I enjoyed reading the collection of Nancy Drew books and over fifty years later still have them. When I was a child I had a full set of Beatrix Potter books, and later my mom gave me an young persons version of an autobiography of her life. Im definitely intrigued to venture into this artistic beauty contained in a book. I love nothing better than to create a fairie/ woodland environment Im my gardens and property to enjoy the adventures as much as I did. Helen Keller Its amazing how your question prompted how a book might have had such an impact on me. How fun. To be immersed in such moody and extravagant detail that each page brought while being taught the principle of integrity and value of hope, that book has been a gift to my life! This book looks amazing a feast for the eyes! My favorite book as a child was A Childs Garden of Verses. Thank you the way you present your product. We just have to borrow the farm animals experience because our HOA wont allow them, Where The red fern Grows. How did you come up with the concept? The place one in particular that caught my eye was Palenque Archaeological site in Mexico. My favorite books were about animals, farming and gracious living. I loved those dreams adventures limited only by imagination. I loved the search and find books as a child, too! . Im still so fond of all of these stories and my love for the natural world certainly stems from my imaginations of the secret worlds and lives of animals and gardens and forests. I may not have acted on all of them, but I still find it fun to dream up a hypothetical future whether it comes to fruition or not. Floral and lovely, with tiny animals and all things nature, this book, is more than likely how I have come to Adore the natural elements, that make up our world. Thank your for all of the wonderful teaching you do through your work. When I was a little girl of about 7, my Dad took me to the library for the first time. They dont seem to be similar, but I can still feel their emotional pull on me, only child in a family of adults. Zoe, I enjoyed reading about your love of flowers. I loved reading any book about a different place or culture, I always loved learned about how other people live. Thank you so much for this gorgeous glimpse into Zos life, her flower farm, and her first book! I memorized many of the poems and loved the beautiful drawings. Excited to see this! So I try to win one. We would escape to imagine something only to find it in our neighborhood and celebrate that find. and whimsical illustrations- which were from the 1960s or 70s! My mother loved to garden but was allergic to fresh flowers, so we seldom had fresh flowers in the house. I loved series because I could really deep-dive into the characters Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, Judith Bloom books. I love this format and can remember hours of joy shared with our kiddos as we searched the pages for all manor of wonders!!! Now Im an avid gardener and love gardening books. My favorite book as a child was Little Women. I had a wonderful Mother Goose book filled with fantastic drawings accompanying the rhymes always a favorite. So versatile and always delicious to eat. When I was young I found a book of poems on the bookshelf on the bookshelf in our familys game room. I have now retired from my full time job at the university and in the last year have worked part time at a local flower farm and taken a bee keeping course and started my first hive. I believe that her curiosity helped me to learn thats its good to be curious too! I get lost in it and then I go into my garden and dote on my flowers. Sign up above and receive all new No Time for Flash Cards posts directly in your email inbox. Read the books to our children too and will pass them on to grandkids hopefully one day. This book looks beautiful and will be fun to share with my grand daughters. My mother worked, and when she was home she was in her own world, so consequently we usually felt alone. I am forever grateful that I had access to all of these beautiful stories, and cant wait to introduce my new baby to them. I clearly remember that even as a young child, my heart was always captured by stories telling how people helped animals or other people in need. It truly fueled my imagination which is still going strong. These creatures, usually horses or dogs, often overcame great hardship in order to find their way home or win that race. There was an element of sentimentality but also often a sense of adventure and wonder. I was that girl who loved all things horse, spending hours drawing them and living for every other Thursday at 4pm when I could have a riding lesson on my favorite old black horse, Peanuts, at Jimmy Rainwaters Flying Horseshoe Ranch. The story has become a part of me as no other story ever has and Im sure that is why Ive spent my life trying to create the same magic in my garden for my family. I am new to growing flowers and it is so fun to see them pop out of the ground to blooming. I read all of Beverly Clearys books as a kid and enjoyed the emotional realism and antics of Ramona the Pest. These we read aloud and we enjoyed all the lessons of character and self-sustainability! I was obsessed with gardening and animals. And Eternity in an hour Thank you, for the look back and the interview. Ive now just finished writing a childrens book Zaras Zany Worms @zaraszanyworms featuring my sweet niece Zara! I was a bit partial to Tiger as he was carefree, nothing much could get him down. What could be more enjoyable than immersing yourself in this type of work with someone you love!!! I especially loved the Little House on the Prairie series. I remember we would take laundry baskets to the library every month and fill it with books; I loved mystery like Nancy Drew or historical fiction such as The Shenandoah Sisters series. Now she is sharing that love of reading with her niece Lilly who is almost 2 years old and also loves books! I was always encouraged to get on my hands and knees work in the dirt. My son has gotten me interested in organic gardening and I am trying to work toward that. Once I could read, I spent most of my time in fantasy books. I cant get enough of that citrusy flavor. Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew were my books of choice 10 12 year oldplenty of adventure and hi-jinx to keep me entertained! Sandwiches or salads, either way is great. Another stand out for me was the Secret Garden, the first time flowers and magic reeled me in to a beautiful story. In all of the book, there is a reflection of how important nature is to all of us, especially trees. It was thrilling to me to read about each precious girls adventures in their gardens and it filled me with such joy. We also liked the fill in the blank short stories closure activities that my 4 th graders would listen to me read to them after they supplied me with nouns or adjectives or adverbs to tell the zany story. The places I could explore. Its interesting to think that some of the inspiration for what Im trying to achieve with this place visually comes from those books. We have an extensive library with collections of favorite authors. Every child in every grade planted one seed. It was horse books all the way for me when I was little! There were was a story on one side of each page and a picture on the other. I read a lot as a child. It tells the tale of a bright, curious girl who embarks on an adventure to discover the mystery behind the ever-changing colors of snow on the mountain in the distance. She noticed the rolling hills and had the greatest idea. One of my favorite books ever was this book called The Adventures of the Black Hand Gang. Those simple lessons still ring true. What I realized as I had not been picking books that were interesting to me. As a child, I really enjoyed Slavic folklore stories. Vincent Van Gogh wrote Color itself speaks a language, you cannot live without it.. I was really into Stephen King when I was younger. My father gave me as a gift the secret garden. Piggle Wiggle series because I loved her kindness and the magic! My favorite book when I was little was The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear. As an adult, Im breaking free from the golden child complex and finding what my heart truly desires. They take place in the late 1890s and the early years of the 1900s. Magic + adventure series called to me, and still do! It would be a fun one to share with my granddaughter! My favorite books as a child were The Little Lost Kitten and The Mystery in the Pirate Oak. I think thats the magic of this book. I loved paging through the World Book encyclopedia tomes. Lewis. My grandmother had a bookshelf full of them in the leather-protected cover. Will keep NZ, Zos family and farm in our prayers. As a child I loved reading Little House on the Prairie. And not to mention, which one of those books doesnt mention gardens?! food that rhymes with alexis sheetz employee stock ownership June 23, 2022. social dynamic synonym Words rhyming with FOOD.. - My favorite book as a child (and still now in my 88th year) was (and is) The Secret Garden. It combined a bit of mystery with a bit of horticulture which I have always loved. Looking back, I wonder if this is the reason I cannot lie and in some cases can be brutally honest. I think I also loved the challenge of trying to figure out the solution of the story. I have a passion for gardening and cooking and simply love being transported into another world in those area through books. It told he story of a small house in the beautiful countryside where she was happy but after many years the city and noise crept up all around her. It makes you want to step in and explore. Nancy Drew was a favorite series but I also enjoyed books on animals and nature as well as poetry. My love of the written word is quite contagious, and the best way it was used is to ignite a passion for all things wordy with my students over the years, no matter what age. My early years of first reading was my parents daily newspapers and I love looking through the pages and pages of words that I could not read yet then Pretending to be able to read them with pictures of flowers or animals on the side or top of it is a splendid delight of moments with my parents. I of course love that the main character is a whimsical little mouse named after a beautiful flower. Nancy was so clever and confident! I also loved fiction stories with strong female leads. Whether its getting a tattoo, coloring my hair or playing around in the dirt with my lovely planties! My grand daughter helps me and it is teaching her the process. When I was younger, my favorite books were fantasy stories. Now, that I learned a lot about her life, the paintings and her great love for flowers and nature of this outstanding woman , I can say , that she gave me so much inspiration for my own way of live and my passion for gardening as a grown-up person. It holds those stories in my mind. The secret garden a novel by Frances Hodgson that helped heal children both mentally and physically. Funny thing is that I really didnt like reading as a child, I couldnt sit still and would rather be outside immersed in imaginative play creating Daisy and dandelion flower chains . I wish I knew where those books are now as they were beautifully illustrated. Her love of flowers & nature & imagination drew me right in. My favorite childhood book was The Farthest Away Mountain by Lynn Reid Banks. Sometimes the magic is my own appreciation for friends, family, nature, or what we can cultivate ourselves. Some of them (looking back now) were kind of scary but I loved them all the same.
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