Why dont you read my other posts? There's a lot of information about Demri and interviews with family and friends. She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. Maybe her mom or her friends have some but are not interested in posting them. I always hope to be able to tell myself if I become terminal someday that death is a part of life and hopefully itll bring me some comfort and I will look at it a different way. And I agree, no one should die the way he did, junkie or not. Perhaps because her obituary mentions she loved to play in front of the camera, people have a particular hope that a video of her will someday surface. Layne Staley & DEMRI PARROTT's Relationship: Tragedy, Love & Grunge Then there was some stuff with his mother that I just cant share here. Thanks Dave! 17 talking about this. He didnt seem to want to do it because he had a bad feeling about it. Why do you think it is so hard to stop? That doesnt mean nobody cares that simply means people have priorities. I am sure that he was pressured to go on tour and not feeling well decided that instead of letting the fans down and letting them see him in that state he felt he had a better chance stating away from that pressure. Half of this sounds made up..this Koa girlJesus, what people do.. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-234414-p-11.html, Any comments about this? But when people are addicted to heroin, they have to want to stop or you cant really help them. I dont think you can get shorter from heroin abuse Im not sure though, from what I know the only way to actually get shorter is from getting old, and thats because you will slowly lose the cephalorraquid liquid thats between every vertebra (I dont know how to say that in english lol, the vertebras are the little bones that form the column), but maybe affected his posture like you said Liz still there are a whole bunch of other side and long term effects, Ive read that heroin is the most addictive opiate right after desomorphine (its like heroin little cousin only nastier), and its getting pretty big un Rusia, Ucrain, and starting to come to my country, too. Im confused. I didnt go to shows and I was ecpected to. Or did he just appear that way because of being really thin and probably feeling sick a lot? Demri Parrott was buried at the Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA. Or did others drive her to where she needed to go? For those that have been debating on whether to buy it or not, I say, save your money. Demri has haunted me on a regular almost daily basis since I first learned about her story. I love this picture of Dem.. her hair.. her style..her attitude and her smile.. everything that made her Demri is in this picture. I hope you read this, it could really help you. there is something so special about her. Its been a doubt to me, because Ive also read in a lot of interviews from 97, 98, that Mark was already living in La because of rehab and stuff like that but sometimes would come to Seattle, although he moved to LA in 98but yeah, it might be possiblethanx again! Haha! In October 1996, Staley was deeply shocked by the death of Demri Parrott, the vocalist's long-time girlfriend and fellow drug addict. As for Mike Starr, if youre wondering, he was living in a crappy old apartment (same building that I used to live in,) with his father. The saddest thing about Demris family is that there were 4 children and now there is only 1 left. Its so sad to hear that she wasnt in one place for long. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, . He directed me to your site which is beautiful. I hope they are in peace and my prayers are with the family and friends. Thanks for all you are sharing. I just wanted to share that with you and everyone else on here. Those guys literally made magic and Im so grateful to even have existed when they all did. Unconditional love? Dark features (eyes and hair), long dark hair, Arlington High School, Washington (1984 -1986), Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986). She is thanked in the liner notes of Facelift, which was released on August 1990. Stop!! Thanks for visiting the website and sharing the video but that video has been around for awhile and it is not Demri.. You were like a mom to them,making sure they were eating and breathing. More about Demri Parrott edit Dating History # Rosheen Raugi She loved creating decopage with 30s and 40s vintage style images cut outs from wrapping paper or old greeting cards. More rehab for both. Frank Micelotta/Getty. By the way by the way , I am a female b. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. She would be in there for months at a time following serious operations on her heart that left a foot long scar on her chest, and she had a pacemaker installed. Its easy for people to judge and if they can stick with you during good and bad thats a wonderful thing. For life. It is not easy because our brain chemistry is so damaged its hard to live life again with out it. He just didnt tell anyone that he was leaving. 1st I was not talking to you! She said she believes her daughter was there that night to be there with Layne as hes doing his transition.. It is believed that Layne met Demri sometime in the late 80's or early 1990, as she is thanked . They didnt have it so they ordered one for me and thats what Ive been reading these last couple of weeks. Chris Cornell talks about mikes shirt etc. I think he lived with Ian at the warehouse on I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. Lanegan was struggling to quit heroin and I would swear to this day that hes here because of Layne. Its the nature of things and I think that this is dictated by how we feel about certain people.). SORRY, but no one Ive known has ever STAYED clean for someone elses sake, because theyve been shamed or guilt tripped into getting clean. When someone you care about turns blue and stops breathing that will mess with you forever. Demri is a beautiful woman. I would stay with Layne and Demri sometimes, and I had laid on their floor kicking for a couple of days. Xana here, just wanted to let you know the photo of Demri at friends was my photo and taken at my apt in Hollywood, she did not even know the people in the photo, they m,et about 5 min before I took the photo. In no way did I mean to upset anyone on this site. She had talked him into putting a lot of big purchases in her name. Thanks for posting that. Demri was passionate about many things and excelled in art and theater. *Please watch her video called What the Cancer Industry doesnt want YOU to know and her video called Terminal Brain Cancer Cured On Raw Food. His vocals cannot be matched. Thank you for sharing this, I don't care how accurate it was. (Doubtlessly there are some people who were there at these times and knew things differently. Not to mention the way she speaks about Jerry Lets not forget that the guy wrote (and still writes) most of the beautiful and haunting AIC music. I think what we could do for the fallen heroin addicts is change. It turns my stomach. Layne and Demri | Grunge Graveyard So I get it and I consider myself to be a very strong willed woman. Try whatever it takes and if youre NOT an addict then all you have to do is never try it in the first place!!! Those things would be great, I just wanted to be there when others werent so they had a safety net at all times. that doesnt makes us bad people! He hardly ever saw Jerry anymore, but Mike Inez was still kind of close with him. Are there any photos of Demri during the last year of her life? She did her movies, needed a babysitter for many, but she got through it all. We lost so many friends its no wonder the ones that are left behind like me and Darin.. suffer from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) not unlike a war torn vet would but the only difference is people dont see us as heroes we brought this upon ourselvesthe uncontrollable addiction that is .. Heroin. Anyways, I would love to hear an update from you, as to how youre doing, and hopefully feeling better. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. So thanks for always showing us the best of Demri! God. Demri Parrott (born Demri Lara Murphy on February - Demri Lara Parrott I recently watched the Andrew Wood documentary and your words had me in floods of tears. I cant put my finger on it, but it wasnt what I wanted out of a $200 book. Layne and Demri were certainly worth knowing and there is so little about them out there. View the most popular Demri Parrott pix. Poor girl. Back in April when Rachel heard Demri had a zero % chance to live she made a B-Line to the hospital to make sure, as it was questioned repeadily and probably gave Demri incentive to live. Please write that story, for a book. It was supposedly him who reconnected once she became ill. She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. There are a lot more posts to see just click around. I could go on and on, but simply wanted to leave my mark on this site, and thanking Barbara for keeping it alive for all this time. Demri was a leech. I know he did get an infection because of his very, very stupid way of not looking after things. Demri's birth in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of Americas Pacific Northwest. It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. So right now and since june of 18 ive been sick as hell waiting to have my new valve replaced again. She had allegedly accepted that drugs would kill her, and so she continued to use. Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. I remember also reading that Layne took Andys death badly. and Layne almost backed out then, but the others talked him into it. Makes me scared to have children. Risk factors include intravenous drug use). The opposite was true for so many other women in a similar position/relationship in Seattle at that time. theres a black and white photo of Layne and a girl who looks like Demri, to me at least. (The ones that used and didnt contract it, were generally the ones that either snorted or shot with clean needles. I honestly hope so but if not.. no judgment here just love and understanding. Crazy. I think that Layne always sort of blamed himself for not looking after her, because she did need looking after. Demri in 1996 and Layne in 2002. But, success is no good, if theyre not here. He was a coke dealer. They were engaged to marry on 1992. That would mean everything to me. I think she, Nancy, and Mike Starrs mom have been through hell. We were buddies and got closer when he was engaged to Miranda because he really wanted to do right by her. I remember looking out your window at the docks one time while you were on the computer, and I was making you listen to some stupid old song because I thought it was cool. Some people say that, on tour, Layne ran out of coke, and Demri went looking but found Herion instead. Layne dated pornstar Tera Patrick in the 90s (she said so in her biography, she was 17 and worked as a model at the time) and also Simone Starr Farrow, the australian model (and then drug dealer). I think the Laynes Place being referred to was the Ward Street house they both lived in with both of their stuff. Demri Forever I do know someone who read Mike Starr biography thing he did and said he really had tickets on himselfhe couldnt express enough how much women loved him. Because it does and these beautiful people have created this place for dialogue. May your familys hearts be at ease and protected. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. A friend once said that "Demri was not a hippy, goth, grunge girl she was her own creation. I do believe in suboxone if you just use it for a short period and then detox off. Demri tried to warn me too and I also ignored her and lost years of my life.. that I can barely remember and doing almost everything I had always promised myself that ID NEVER DO I EVENTUALLY ENDED UP DOING THINGS I COULD NEVER OF IMAGINED ALWAYS JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE THAT FUCKING EVIL ADDICTION!! If so, what kind. Mad Season released only one album, Above, in March 1995. If something seems amist, you need to stay on top of the situation or find someone who can. Its hard to have someone understand that you didnt get off the couch all day because you just couldnt get up or because you want to rip the painful gaping hole out of your chest. I never met him, but thats according to people who did. https://alice-in-chains.livejournal.com/103699.html?thread=559635#t559635, https://icepicksandnukes.com/2011/12/16/setting-the-alice-in-chains-record-straight/. Layne tried it, loved it. Yes, they had other loves, yes, they were not dating at the time of her death, yes, Demri was off on a jag, staying with someone else. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . Jerry is one of the best melody writers ever, and Layne was a virtuoso vocalist and obviously his lyrics resonate with so many people. Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley and model Demri Parrott's relationship started as a fairytale but turned out a tragic love story that people can still remember. The next time Id run into those people who just meant to try it once would almost always be totally caught up and addicted. Maybe Ill find a little peace now even without credibility, just like you always thought was possible. In Demris case specific, you are doing an incredible job, because you are brave enough to tell us who was the real and captivating Demri Parrott. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. She was constantly on the run..not sure it was running scared but running for sure maybe she was afraid of missing out or just looking for the next thing to stimulate her I have no clue what it was but I definitely could NOT keep up with her and whenever I tried or whoever tried we all would end up just as sick, lost and confused and most of us would tap out. Rest in peace beautiful angels. A Subreddit for anything Alice in Chains related. Dope sick is horrible and unless you have experience it for yourself you wouldnt understand and the mental part of it is even worse. Thanks for the reply. We live in a world of selfishness. This website is dedicated to Demri Parrott, Layne Staley, Mike Starr and Rosheen Raugi with love and for anyone who ever thinks they wanna try it just once for fun.. Oh my she was so beautiful, so beautiful!!! I used to live off Denny with Rosheen and Demri stayed with us alot so it was very easy for me to picture the scene when you found your poor sister. One story has Demri trying to kick drugs & dating a coke dealer in the final days of her life. Layne later said that Demri wasnt too bothered by this, but I didnt know her then. When I was on dope I just didnt care and all that mattered was how I was going to get better or keep from being sick it wasnt even about getting high anymore because it would take $500 to vet high once for a couple of hours. Unique-Significance9 1 min. Things were mellow, Layne was doing really well. She was adopted by her stepfather Stephen John Parrott. Thats an actress and that picture is a screen cap from the video Sea of Sorrow. I just came across this site, and Im stilled to my core by the haunting beauty in these photos and the story of Demri and Layne, and so many others in her world. I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. Those pictures are breathtaking. "remembering Demri"..? I first heard nutshell about a year ago and had to find the source of that sound.It was here that I found AIC + the voice of Layne. Death is forever and you are needed in this world. Bigs hugs! If they weren't in insert thing, you wouldn't know them. He was always fighting someone elses battle when he thought he had his beat. From everything you say about Demri and what a force of personality she was, this drug seems to have had an unbreakable hold on her. One of his more moronic friends told me that he had actually died, but what little I did get from Layne told me this wasnt true. Shed stay a few nights. But, if you do, you could save a life. Later, as he got deeper into heroin, he almost seemed stooped over and maybe a little bow legged in AICs last concerts in 96. Prayers for those trying to beat opiate addiction out there. Shadows of their former selves and it happens faster then you know unless youve seen it happen before then you know exactly what I mean. This drug is so powerful and addicting that people will keep using even when theyre slowly killing themselves, ruining their lives and hurting the people they love the most! Over 15,500 Americans died from a heroin overdose in 2018. Not heroin, but pills and marijuana. Theres an interview with AIC from 1999 on RockLine (Im sure you know it) where Layne calls in, and at the end of the interview he mentions that theres a girl he was friends with that had turned into a freak. I needed to get back to work and Id drive them crazy getting up every couple hours and putting my ears to their mouth to make sure they were breathing. I watched so many people either die or just become such a broken mess they probably wish they were dead. Geez pretty uncomfortable and geeky but thats why I loved them they were so far from what you would imagine a rock star would be like.. just normal guys who had normal insecurities. Well I highly recommend it. From then on, he said, he just wanted to do art and make music for his friends. Youve lived through so much loss and heartache, and youre still there for the real fans, speaking the truth. Im telling you: Demri was here last night. Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, heard this story from Starr after Laynes death and relayed the story to David de Sola (and it was corroborated by musician Jason Buttino). She also refused to take Laynes money, and had to make her own money herself. Would love to hear & read your insights on them. Again Thank you so much for sharing your story it is important that we all share our stories with each other openly and honestly so another person does not fall into the same trap. Demri Lara Parrott, 27, of Bremerton died Oct. 29, 1996, at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland. She died of an accidental overdose, her mother will confirm this and its also written on her death certificate. I remember the first time I heard AIC I was living close to the beach and just started smoking weed and I surfed every day. I have changed it though to allow 3 and I have posted the videos for you.. all you have to do is post the link and it will automatically post the embedded video. Enjoy the site and remember the point is to remember those who have DIED due to this reason. Get over yourself and if you remember to comment then be positive and stop snapping at people. Apparently people would sayHey, are you Layne Staleys girlfriend? and shed sayNo, Im Demri. She also refused to take Laynes money, and had to make her own money herself. when the crew were dealers too. Blessings to each of you! People dont seem to understand how much Demri suffered the last 2-1/2 years of her life spent mostly in hospital several times on life support given hours to live or that she didnt complain and was always more concerned about others than herself. But it is possible with hard work and TIME. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. I know that you have a busy life, but Ill never forget that you emailed me info on Demri, such as her liking of decoupage with Angels & Victorian art, which she used & put on boxes as gifts for friends. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hi Barbara, I remember right after Layne passed that you sent me a beautiful email about Demri. No that is not true I come here today, Oct 30 to pay my respects because Oct 29th I didnt forget but rather I was being told after fighting cancer for 6 long years that the cancer had returned and given results of my scansit is now in my ovary, uterus, also back into breast and 2 lumps one blocking a duct in the breastso basically I was trying to take in that I dont have much longer to live and what I will need to do as far as my kids, etcbut still within 24hrs I came to pay my respectsjust because someone doesnt post on a site on a certain date doesnt mean that the person is still not remembered. I have wanted the book for years, but could not see me spending $200+ for a paperback book. It has nothing to do with you why they cant get clean. She stayed with whoever would let her in during her final year, and was taken in by the father of a friend. I know it can cause lots of damage to your body. Thats when he came back and Demri left. I think at that point Jerry got pissed and tired of waiting around and did his own music. I never met Demri but I used to rehearse at Naf and played at the Offramp and RCKNDY , so I met Layne, Mike, Sean and Jerry a few times. Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. I am an addict and have been for years. Im not saying they were gay, lol! I want people to know that you also had an amazingly strong and smart Mom who not only cherished you but also tragically lost you to a demon that she was powerless to fight against and so were you.. that she lost you far too soon.. which broke her heart and not long aftershe tragically lost your brothers too.Your life may of taken a wrong turn and you got too lost too find your way back but that was not your whole story. Tell them you love them every chance you get! Self: 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. If your brain and body like it your brain and your body will talk you into trying it again.. and again and before you know itand pretty soon you cant stop itand even if your brain and your body agree with your heartdrug addiction is cunning. According to Tom he drove out to Fred Meyer past Wedgewood where Demri spent half the summer (before moving into Juliets) and he went shopping. 04/05/93|04/05/02 I was a reference for him. When she was herself she was a very sensitive and fun girl. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. Layne and Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr were watching television on April 4, 2002, the day before Staley died of a heroin overdose. Thats what all 4 of my friends whose lifes are over would tell you all who are hear reading this. I thought that taking drugs is an adventure, that it makes possible to survive such a thing as great artists who are an inspiration to us, but now I know its not an adventure, it is often the road of no return. Songwriting abilities have nothing to do with personality.