6. I think youre his new favourite person, Tony teased as Peter rolled up his sleeves. He also knew he could also always have his glorious room that none of the other avengers could get to all to himself. peter watched him carefully, eyes flicking between the screens of diagnostics and doctor octavius standing in front of them. ^_^ (always from an outsider's POV, not specific to any spider-man series). "No, you just wanted to get out of a bone crushing hug." Seriously - go give her a listen she is simply amazing!! He enters school, meets some interesting people (who are the Bats? The next afternoon, Tony was actually excited to have someone in his space. He says he will meet you on your private floor in 15 minutes time. Peter called up to his AI friend. Oh, dont be sad buddy, Peter said as he patted Dum-Es claw again. They weren't. And the Avengers thought their team was full. "Tell Mr. Stark I'm up and even though I'm grateful for the sleep I'm not happy about him conspiring with my AI. At first, Peter had been an asset. Something he really wanted to test out in the comfort and privacy of his own room. (aka my own Spider-Man iteration with a few twists from the usual formula.). Good to see you too.. Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 12, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover From the videos Tony had seen, this new player on the hero scene was as strong, if not stronger than Cap. ), Boy Juice is another word for testosterone, The avengers are in this but they're secondary characters, trans characters w diff transition experiences, Peter Parker/Sam Wilson/James Bucky Barnes, can i tag pet play if peter wears cat ears once. This is an Irondad fusion between The Mandalorian and the MCU with a lot elements of both: He had been hoping for republic credits at the most, but this is Beskar. Tony wasnt sure if hed ever understand the extent of the anomaly that was Peter Parker, but at this moment he didnt really care. What the hell are you doing? Tony asked. A Change in Chemistry. They were going to read his file and see the freak they had to deal with! No need for Hap to keep bringing him up, Tony said, and FRIDAY responded affirmatively just as the elevator doors opened and Peter entered the lab. Until it was.____________________. His wrists were hot at the thought of finally being able to use his real webshooters. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Coincidences are another. Please read that first before this one!). Organic webbing means you have an unlimited amount of webbing. He moved away from the bench and sat down on the couch in the corner of the lab. at first, one sleek, mechanical flower at the tip of an actuator bloomed; soon followed another, and another, and the last. I want to see what amazing things you are going to do with that brain of yours. 34. None of them have pasts to return to, even if they could- but maybe, together, they could have a future. Once Pepper and Rhodey mulled this idea over, they both nodded in agreement. He stared up dumbstruck. Then Deadpool and a half-eaten chimichanga show up, and the rest is history. The best. Like any other totally normal college student, he has totally normal things to worry about. Even he can admit that spiders can be a bit creepy! Hey Mr Stark. Work Search: Clint Miles Morales Needs a Hug. The Avengers (Tony, Steve, Nat, Pepper, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Sam, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, and of course, Peter) were all sitting and watching a movie when suddenly there was a BRIGHT flash of light. He's used to life being chaotic, messy, and downright upsetting at the best of times. He is a dad. Dr Strange + Wong (aka Sorcerer Supreme and Bey He could deal with everyone's reactions later. A Parent's Worry "Where are we?" "I'm getting tired of saying this again and again." "You haven't even said anything yet," Tony said. Sam I'm an orphan again (Spider-Man fanfic), The Avengers (Marvel movies)-all media types, Spider-man Homecoming (Tom Holland movies), Peter Parker is a sweet innocent angel who deserves all the love and attention in the world, Quiero que sepas que nunca voy a dejarte (porque soy la Sra.Stark), James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, I Needed the BATHROOM but I'll take the job, Peter has had his powers for several years now, Idea that was based on a fanfiction.net fanfic, Tony is the first one who initiates the kiss kiss with petey, You get more Andrew Spidey sassTM than Tom Holland sass, They're actually kinda creepy with how possesive they are, He's a bit of a douche to start but he's my fav character so he doesn't stay that way for long, Characters are from different tv shows/movies/comics, Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, tbh the avengers are actually pretty sweet, ig i really wanted people to know that this isn't a platonic relationship thing, Clint Barton/Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), avengers are awful but they're not murderers, peter parker/bucky barnes/sam wilson/steve rogers, Heaven Is In The Red Fog (Gee Thanks Thanos! 24. No, for once proving himself wasn't his worry. My stepdad will beat me if he ever sees this.READ TAGS PLEASE. Thwip. ?, Don't READ. "Characters Watch Their Movies" fanfiction? - Avengers Fanfic/Fanworks He could spend Saturday in the lab with Tony while the Avengers would get the whole debrief on who was under the spiderman mask, the guy they were to share their residence with. This is the thanks I get for allowing my protege a little extra shut eye. This is U and Butterfingers. As was tradition, the Avengers asked again, but this time, the new recruit accepted- after saying he'd help clean up their mess first. Will he be placed in foster care? Dum-E, we need to clean this up, Tony said as the little bot chirped and approached him. T'Challa He waved his hand over it and Peter let out an excited noise as hologram blueprints appeared. There was no way that a kid that young could have given him such a hard time in Germany. That should scare anyone away from classified secrets. 01 Como te extraa mi cama de la #LatinStarkerWeek2021. Black Cat is Animal Alias- she's a Badass Normal who calls herself that because she's a cat burglar. Loss and unanswered questions about his family have made up Peter Parker's life for as long as he can remember. Also - please go to YouTube and check out the channel PJs Reads. Yeah but dont drink anything Dum-E gives you. dreams have a certain amount of power in the city that never sleeps. So, Tony flew the Spider-Kid to Germany, revamped his suit and pointed him in the direction of the fight. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it. Peter's face hurt smiling. Peter is Tony and Pepper's biological child. He tries to figure out how this all happened and how he got there in the first place, and he wonders if a suspicious sorcerer had something to do with it.___. Michelle Jones is a ten year old half-orphan with an enhanced mind and a chip on her shoulder.Ned Leeds is a twelve year old computer genius who may be magic.SX-24 is an experiment. Rhodey stood to start clearing their trash while trying not to be too obvious in his eavesdropping. #TobeyMaguire #SpiderMan #NoWayHome DISCLAIMER: All of the content in this. What the hell? Happy put up the divider without so much of a "Hi there kid" in fear of the rambling storm that was sure to be unleashed if he spoke a word. little note: redoing the story a little. She knew better than most what children are capable of and the thought of Stark using a child in a war sickens her. 7. You are just Peter. sculpted_sapphires, ctruth7539, Alice_AAS, Al1v3p00l, DragonPlusWolf, TheNightsSun, KuckooKat, Starprincess426, Emilka989, Sirperin, GalaxiaDraconican, Deku3657, Rubi131313, SilverSceptre, lilwolfboi, PeggingLesbianMothman, Hewwo_meme, Icryinfam, 21RNMortis66, Who_cares000, IaconArchivist, ThisIsEmma, Kabaneri, Dont_be_Gay_Now, Lollie0024, Godmeow24, kuroxmahiru2641, SketchWitch333, Larimart, SilverVenom, TimidErica, ValentinaCano131, PandorasBox43, RenaFujoshi, PeskyImmortals, InnanaZoa, Damian_Luther_Morningstar, LunaPhantom559, Deanial_losechester, parkpeterson, Waffle_house33, Moon_Godess_Celtic, oEmpty_Spaceo, Agustina__01, fruition_lmao, Prince_Shinx, HoardingVulture, Halpalumps, potatoheads25, R3dt4b, and 791 more users Please consider turning it on! He already knew Peter Parker isn't the most exciting person outside his mask. Listen close kid. Sam reasoned that it was probably just a late intern or something. This place is awesome! Seriously - go give her a listen she is simply amazing!! Soulmates are put together in a red fog after Thanos's snap. This was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom. They wouldn't hate him like that! He still used his mechanical ones on patrol even though he had started developing his own organic ones 3 weeks ago. two more emerged from either side of him. Matts heard from everyone that he runs hot. But dont go to too much trouble on my account, Peter said with a blush and Tony could practically feel his heart expanding. You are so intelligent Peter. Some comments from under the original fic by ru17 gave me this idea. He was tired of trying to fit in and make other people comfortable all the time. 16. peter's altered spider genetics show up in an unexpected way. It really was the perfect room. Hank Pym Dum-E let out an excited chirp and spun his claw in what could only be perceived as happiness. ", "I'll text them to you. Peter, this is Rhodey. I love biodad fics so here ya go. The father and son duo rocked back and forth crying and laughing. Alternatively: How would Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be different if MCU Peter was pulled in? He turned the coffee pot on and asked FRIDAY to put a movie on as background noise. Your turn., But Happy! Tony attempted to protest, and the other man simply glared. ", "Thanks for the extra sleep. Peter dropped his bag down off his shoulder and instantly gave the bot a pat on the claw. This is going to be awesome!. He ordered FRI to take him to his floor while his fingers ghosted over the phone before finally opening a message to Peter. Peter ignored how his thoughts were becoming accepting of fucking multiple women. Dum-E let out a soft, dejected sound and Peter instantly started cooing at him. as well as Nah. And so, the first Avenger fell victim to The Peter Factor. It was odd, over time, the spiderling had become less of a liability, less of just an intern or co-worker, and more of something Tony couldnt quite reach the name of yet., Peter starts coming to the lab with Tony and as the two get close, they realize that they are better for one another than they ever thought. ", "Tony, kid. At 3:30, FRIDAY announced that Peter and Happy were making their way up to the lab. The two broke apart to the sounds of Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers waving noise makers and beeping in celebration. Peter sighed and moved the gun away, resting his hands on the armrest of the chair as he pointed his chin towards his dick. Peter said as he ran off the elevator into the awaiting arms of an equally tearful Tony Stark. That would help to even the teams out since Cap had himself and Barnes as the muscle. Peter laughed. "My motives are beyond your comprehension." Tell me about your ideal bot.. The Great Meet And, I swear Ill deny this if either of you say anything, that kid could bring anyone out of their shell. Spider-Man with the powers of the Beyonder. Peter stared up at Tony in confusion. Rumors are one thing. Peter could hear a slight waver at the joke. Peter's eyes fell on an empty Coke can on the far side of the basement. Im going to completely ruin him., I dont think thats possible Boss, FRIDAYs comforting voice echoed around the lab. Peter continued patting Dum-E and the noises the bot was making soon attracted U and Butterfingers. organic webs spinnerets spider instincts Peter is 17 Smut eventually it'll take a while to get there mostly just cuteness Mutual Pining Slow Burn Mild Sexual Content Canon-Typical Violence Peter is starting his freshman year at Columbia University. Peter has the gauntlet, the stones already in place. And wakes up on the 30th April 2016, three days before Lagos. Peter struggles to find more ways to make him love him, but at what cost? If you can Miss FRIDAY. Because you are just Peter, Tony explained softly. Tony stood and shut down his tablet. You are practically mine so, you can stop that Mr. Stark nonsense. Bye Happy! It might be awkward and, Peter was definitely worried about what they'd think of him but, he also knew Mr. Stark wouldn't allow them to make him feel uncomfortable in his own home. What time does school let out? Tony asked. Although you would also have to commit to dad jokes. To the point, embarrassingly, a couple of people asked if he needed to use the bathroom. Im just Peter, Peter said softly, and Tonys heart broke at the dejection in Peters tone. Does having an incredibly powerful alien god and also (ex?) Hi there Lieutenant Colonel Mr War Machine Rhodes Sir, Peter said as he dropped the tool he had been using and shook Rhodeys hand. Rhodey smiles at him from across the room. See you later, Peter chirped happily before hanging up the phone. Platypus, this is Peter. Peter ran his hands down his face and groaned thinking about the behavioral part of his chart, they had given him a copy of what would be given to the Avengers. Being an emotional hormonal teenager with baggage is harder. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. They help me around the lab., Hey guys, Peter said. Tony doesnt even hesitate to agree with the name. Hours later, Tony walked into his lab where Peter was waiting for him idly scrolling on his phone while petting Dum-E. "Did you buy me flowers?" ", Peter couldn't help but let a huge grin cross his face as he made his way to the kitchen to make brunch. I'm to remind you that you have dinner with Tony, Rhodey, Happy, and Miss Potts in an hour.". Carol Danvers steadily, two polished chrome actuators rose above his shoulders. He even debated texting Happy to not pick him up and opt. Happy gave me your number. Aliens are beginning to swarm him and in the overwhelming panic that begins to consume, he does the only thing he can think of. Peter is the Animal Abilities variant, having gained spider-like powers from a spider bite. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. How about just Rhodey kid? It would just get in his head. Said can was now in his hand. Im nobody. So, lets brainstorm. Great. He could do that. OH MY GOD! It was nice and sometimes a bit weird to have her always there like he was never truly alone.