We've been playing this for an hour and this is my first sex question. Tony points an accusing finger at his colleague. Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. Seriously. Tony said. Ben and Devi, the morning after their first boink. Lifted Mjlnir" Wanda said. Moving on from THAT awkwardness; never have I ever had sex with a woman who was on her period," said Rhodey. Given the fact that they were all heroes and grown-up's or teens, the questions were going to be odd but I never thought it would be this odd. "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Scott says and everyone but Uncle Rohdey, Aunt May and him takes a drink. he said grinning. She huffs a laugh and drinks again. Of course Spider-Man is a klutz, Sam rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Ok, so, never have I everperformed a strip tease, Steve said, moving the game forward. He even puts a hand on Steve's shoulder and squeezes. So why does she keep freezing up when he touches her? Holy shit that was a amazhang thing to come back to, I can't thank you lot enough. Nice. It Multi-fandom oneshots. Finally, stories regarding Asgard will not revolve around old-time talk. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. Requests open again! Clint usually figures it's total bullshit, but in moments like these, he can't help but see Tony as a kid who just wants someone to pat him on the head and say you did good. What she didn't expect, however, was to catch the eye of a devilishly handsome ex-Russian assassin with a metal arm and a desperate need to be loved. C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. She is dating The Paxton Hall-Yoshida! he said, staring intensely at Peter, who now had three fingers. None taken, she says, and Clint can practically feel her preening. "Peter!" Clint can't help but laugh. Then again, Tony is equipped with a curiosity almost as big as his ego, and although people like Thor love boasting about their life and their past battles, Clint knows it's killing Tony to know so little about Natasha and Clint's pasts. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, "Never have I ever," Tony says with a wolfish grin, "battled motherfucking aliens.". So does Thor. Ned shook his head, as if to say; 'No, don't do this, jeez Pete! Yeah, Im with Vision. The Defenders (Netflix Marvel Universe) You know what really sucked though? I have no Asgardian blanket, Thor says, and it's half a question and half just a resigned Thor who's long ago realized that along with Steve, he'll never be able to understand more than half of the stuff Tony says. No, Clint says, because they didn't. And then adds, as an afterthought, pre-serum, by the way. It was at this moment, team red knew, they fucked up. Pepper Pots Clint was next "Never have I ever, uhh, kissed a dude? And it was for science, Bruce says to Steve, if you wondered. It's a totally valid question!. The silence prompts Clint to pry open his eyes. Tony laughs more, and so does Thor, and then Natasha pushes at his back and says bed, now, and Clint stumbles off. Nalinis words wont get out of Devis head so Ben gives her something else to think about. My homework was in the building " Matt explained. I don't know if that makes me gay or something else.. Damn, I was so sure, Tony says and taps his finger against his chin. Please tell me you're awake, Barton. AU: Devi and Paxton never broke up, and Devi and Des are just friends. Work Search: Sowhat was the object? Bucky smirked. Mostly because Im messy and spill, Peter mused. Awww, Tony says and sits down across the table from them, chugging down his murky green milkshake like he's getting paid for it. I saw it on F.R.I.E.N.D's and wanted to know what it was like!" Moving on! Okay so this guy called Adrian Toomes was going to steal from Mr. Starks jet -the one that was suppose to be moving the stuff to the new tower. "Okay, we're pausing, Peter, what in the actual fuck?" Good night, everyone.. So why can't he get Eleanor's words from the winter dance out of his head? Hmmm, Tony says and pins Bruce with his science-stare. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? Clint remembers reading Tony's file, and how much of it had culminated in Howard Stark and Tony's father issues. Clint shrugs and looks over at his boyfriend? And they were all wrong. She joined HYDRA's ranks at the age of thirteen and has steadily been risin Lucienne "Lucy" Ridley has lived for almost 1000 years, predating the first Avenger himself. He walked over to over and kissed her passionately. Also this is kind of a rewrite of episode 3x04 but there is no Navarathri celebration and Kamala moved out long ago. Really no time in actual canon, but events through Ragnarok will be mentioned. Right, yeah, that makes me feel a lot better, Tony huffs, but he doesn't move away. So you're not running away? Clint hears himself say after, when he thinks he's about to take a nap. Enjoy! That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. He's lying with his head in Tony's lap, and Tony plays with his hair while he watches a re-re-re-run of Beverly Hills 90210. "Even if you don't believe the internship, I have heard from his Aunt May that he was saved by Iron Man at the Stark Expo when he was younger, so he has definitely seen the guy very close. Come on, that one was obvious, Clint complained. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? Everyone stared at Peter for a solid five seconds. JARVIS won't be there to pick you up if you start choking on your own vomit.. Fare thee well, good Banner, Thor slurs, whose Asgardian-ness is even more pronounced now that he's drunk. Would he say yes or no? I'm a weak, weak man., Clint smiles, but it feels odd on his face, and the last two months suddenly spin through his head to add an uncomfortable amount of evidence. #wanda Write by: . Clint feels safe and warm and a little loved, which is pretty much his peak moment when he's drunk. Should we proceed? avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony (No Ratings Yet) . Bruce looks contemplative. Which is pretty often. Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. Sorta, Clint says. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. , The spider bite enhanced everything- strength, metabolism, healing, sex drive.. Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 100, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Yeah, oh, Tony snipes. Oh, yeah! Like he could scrub out the last remains of Loki by somehow belonging to Tony's reactor instead of the Tesseract. "Tortured," Everyone but Shuri, Uncle Bruce, Aunt May, and Scott says at once. Also any that come to my fruity brain in between my slow story updates. Paxton Hall- Youshia wasn't used to being confused by girls. Oh, come on, Clint sighs and sips his coffee. I live with my father in our bakery, my mother died when I was young, I've been plagued with horrific nightmares since I was little, and apart from my father, I've always been alone. Never have I ever, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Tony actually fucking whoops, a fist in the air and everything. Got a hangover, Clint says, but he pushes into it when the hand moves to trail up and down his thigh, slowly, languidly. Anyone we know? Right, Tony says and drapes himself over Clint. (The universe has a terrible sense of humor. Tough mission? Tony says and glances at the bandage covering Clint's shoulder. We've got all the fun questions left! He swirls his mostly-empty bottle and makes a thinky-face. You're an Asgardian. Alone. Never have I ever kept and used screenshots as blackmail, Tony said eyeing Natasha. Steve's gone red again. Okay, okay. You have my permission to 'cuddle' me whenever you so please, Captain.. Could he do something about the fact that he had a bunk bed? Tony makes a disgruntled noise against Clint's ribcage. Tony smirked, leaning forward in his seat and looking down at a blushing Peter. This is going to be so awesome, you guys, he babbles, and don't worry because I totally wasn't going for shawarma this time, I mean I really like it, and I know Thor and Steve do, but Barton, you've got that thing that you get because of Agent and I get it, so we'll just get some pizza or something wait, how do you feel about Greek? Clint rolls his eyes. She waved at them. We're never gonna get started, are we? He lets himself fall back against the fluffy pillows and feels Natasha poke a finger into his side. Wait, Clint says. Flash was surprisingly silent, dipping his head up and down, as if listening to music only he could hear. Ok, never have I ever cried to get out of trouble, Bucky declared. There certainly wasn't a lot of it in the circus; only a couple of times with Barney and the older kids, mostly just as a ploy for Clint's brother to get laid. 374 guests Aunt May says and I shrug. They always did one dumb ass thing for his birthday each year. Bad luck more than anything. But his spidey-sense did nothing, so he guessed he was fine. This will probably be a few chapters or series. I'm too I'm fucking beat, man, he sighs when he's down to his boxer-briefs, and climbs onto the bed. Before sex, during, after. You said that last night too.. But Steve smiles and nods, still looking sad but not too much. And why is it that the only boy she can talk to is her ex? It's important to establish routines. He nods faux-seriously. Secondly, I really don't want to bed Natasha. He glances over at her, and she looks calmly back. But 6 minutes after I lifted the building off me I had to go fight him again in Mr. Starks plane that crashed with me on it. The room was silent for a moment and few flinched when Tony flipped the coffee table. I'm not great at relationships. Al1v3p00l, AddSomeSparkles, Gretetel, pheonixfeathers, Mani_readz, Athena_83, Son_AviAgreste, Theseeker100, Sydneyy205, Sarah_248, Bessiesboy04, Blackdahlia3000, th3_r4t_k1ng, lileolily, and_AS, 14Muffinz, Psyclopticfury, Annaparkerjones, Nicecutgee, Rahhpixy, Korbi01, Mian975, Ejiro_kiripima, localbookgirl, jnate101, minho_stole_my_cats, dxnllse, Artistik_nobody, yasammy4life, TheLyingGrapevine, apeacufulocean, Rudgiraffe, Yoosangah, rozeis, udonsuperiority, ImAHyperPotato, Madmadds01, daughter_of_apollo_7, Radzy_N3rd_time, OliOcelot, Blackwidow622, hockeyaddict, natalicja_w, charlotte1217, alilhopelessromanticgremlin, kukutajam, Alphandrew23, goldenzingy46, Tonydeservesbetter, nexttoyouboyfriends_larry, and 145 more users He sleeps around a lot. Edward had many regrets in life, ones that he probably would never get to remediate forbecause death made a sudden but wild appearance in his life, or so he thought, at least. "DUDE!" That doesn't mean I don't judge you, she says easily and cracks her breakfast muffin in two to share with him. Clint snorts. The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. That's just plain sad. yes let's do THAT" respectively. This is all my idea. Ned just skidded over to peter, even though he sat next to him, and before Peter could react to small headache that was his spider-sense, pulled up his sleeve. Other people who are not Clint, obviously. Does that mean you're single, Barton?. Tony informed me that the post-battle bonding rituals of Asgard are much different to Midgardian customs, Thor says with a serious nod. You know Thor loves any and all things that combine alcohol, trading stories, and the ability to learn more about 'Midgardian customs'. "Fine. Proceed at the risk of your sanity. "Never Have I Ever been an animal themed superhero." Wanda said. Rhodeys clothes were so much comfier than mine! These kids are amazing! Ouch, back to last names again. Clint flips him the bird without looking at him. "We - we can play you know 'giggles' truth or, or never have I Ever, we could play, with the bell, for - 'even more giggles' - comedic purposes!" 332 guests I'm not great at relationships, Clint, Tony murmurs when they pull back for air. Steve sighs. It's not about lying, Bruce explains. "Same here," The rest of the junior team says while lifting up their shirts showing similartattoos. Absolutely, Tony says and leans heavily against the wall across from Clint. Ten years later, after Ben has grown up and gotten an acceptance letter to Columbia University, he brings him back again. After a long mission in Russia, consisting of the entire team taking down a Hydra wannabe, the Avengers sat down in the lounging area to relax. Because Tony has stayed in his own bed this week, when he hasn't just camped out in his workshop (which are most days, from what Clint can see). #fieldtrip I thought it was just a month and three weeks., Nope, she says and somehow manages to get behind the Captain, driving him to the floor with a well-aimed kick to the back of his knees. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. There's only really been Bucky that I wanted to with. "You know what this line of work is like dad, and it was only one time," I say and the rest of the team nods as we did it together and then sworn not. The thought is kind of baffling. Peter grumbled. Once Clint is in bed, Tony makes a quiet, questioning noise and actually rolls over to plant his face firmly in the crook of Clint's neck. Really? 2. With Bucky, I was it was good. He breaks the stare he's got going with Bruce and opts for staring at the floor with a lost look. #deadpool Bucky-sexual? Clint offers, and hopes it won't make the Captain even more wistful. It's going to be a hell of a ride. So, even though he wanted to make some moves on her, he refrained from going near her and focused on his stuff. Guy's gotta have a fucking death wish to sneak up on Clint while he's sleeping, the fuck. Of course we do, Clint says and grins. We should fight all the time.. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. When they meet up in a hallway in the Tower, or watch a movie together while the other Avengers are otherwise occupied. NOAH PARKER AND HIS SUPER BROTHER [+ A/N ABOUT REQUESTS], BROKEN LIGHT BULBS, MIDNIGHT WALKS AND GUNS, PETER'S MOST HATED TEACHER [TRIGGER WARNING], DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU [HALLOWEEN SPECIAL], QUEENS TEENAGE DETECTIVES: THE UNFORTUNATE ENCORE, HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS [SHORT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL], GAMES, MASKS, AND RECALLS TO THE PAST [REQUESTED PART TWO], BODY SNATCHERS, LOKI, AND TEENAGERS IN SPACE (WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG), "STOP SENDING CHILDREN TO FIGHT YOUR WARS", QUEEN'S TEENAGE DETECTIVES: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER. That was really nice., I know, Clint says and doesn't so much sit down as he falls on his ass. It's like you don't know me at all. He grins and looks very lost. I don't know, Clint. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. Don't tell me you expected me to last this long.. remain the property of their respective owners. Tony grinds down against him, and Clint's hands settle on his hips on their own accord. And Peter, whose clothes did you steal? Bucky asked. He shifts his hips slightly, presses back against the hard-on there, and waits for a reaction. We never actually dated, did we? Tony asks out of the blue and scrunches his nose. Peter almost screamed, but in his dazed state (caused by the worried MJ) he didn't do anything, just let his friend roll up his oversized sleeve to reveal muscles and A giant cut, from his elbow towards his shoulder. That's you stealer, Tony says and looks wounded. The Avengers were gathered in the common room, ready with bottles of booze for the drinking game of the century. Clint hears someone enter the room, and is awake before said person has the time to get over to the bed. The Avengers get together to play "never have I ever" and some people seem to be determined to shock everyone, and some just want to pick on Tony for his partying past. There's one problem. Stupid strings, he mutters, apparently to himself, before he looks up at Clint with swimming eyes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And don't use the classified information clause to chicken out when the questions start to get interesting. Tony glares at each and every one in turn, except for Thor, because TMI has always been a bigger problem than the opposite when it comes to him. It sounds like a genuine question. Peter shrugged, it bunches weird in the suit. Two months, just about, Natasha says and twists to jab an elbow in Steve's side before ducking to avoid a fist in the face. My turn! Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver That was one time and I was drunk! I know, Clint. I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods. They don't say good night. One beat. Pete, that means youre up! as well as Nine pair of eyes looked at him. Work Search: Um, he says. And how you've managed to get him onto your side in nearly every single dispute since., Tony tries to look hurt, although he's doing a shit job at it, one hand dramatically resting against his chest in a who, me? He's honest-to-god pulled out a huge array of soft, big, fluffy pillows so they can all settle there. Do you mind if I you don't have to answer if this makes you uncomfortable. He waits until Steve's looking at him. People are allowed to go without underwear if they want, Rhodey scolded mildly. This is her journey through the Marvel Universe through the decades. Guess we gotta call it off, then, Clint bullshits, and notes how he's started to wake up in certain parts of his body as well. Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. Team Red aka Deadpool, Daredevil and Spider-man Everyone is drunk (Except for Peter and MJ) Tony winces. Welp, I'm back from the second week of the holiday-thingy. Can I just crash here? He grimaces at the awkward phrasing, but Tony nods and scoots over. Never have I evergone commando, Natasha disclosed. It kind of works, which is good enough, and he turns to wave at Tony and Thor. Just leaning against Clint, still swaying. He'd been grazed when getting out too, but it's nothing big; just nicked in the shoulder by a stray bullet. If we ever disagree on missions, please don't piss on my things, Bruce says with a wry smile. What, you think I'd voluntarily talk to you about this? I just haven't felt that way about anyone else. You make a country-boy blush.. When it was Ned's turn, a few people only had one finger left, including Peter. Earlier in the day they fought against enchanted trees and not just one but two mad scientists, which explained why they were so exhausted and in need of a good game to play. Peed in a suit., Oh, come on, Tony whines. Clint never liked those, more one for sharp, searing taste than soft sweetness himself (and wow, isn't that a metaphor for his life).