His seven-year reign as a crime boss ended when he went to prison at the age of 33. He was elevated to the rank of prince in 1815, a title that his descendants would keep until the 20th century. The timing, location and admixtures of these samples fit with the Illyrian colonisation of the Dinaric Alps, which is thought to have taken place between 1600 and 1100 BCE. About 16 princesses of Yuan dynasty were married to khans of the Ongud. There is a high diversity of J2a in Italy, but the most common branch found all over the peninsula and therefore most likely linked with a Roman diffusion is L70, and particularly its subclade Z435. Oppenheimer played a major role in the Manhattan Project and is considered one of the fathers of the atomic bomb. One of his cousins was George Clinton (1739-1812), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, who served as 1st Governor of New York and 4th Vice President of the United States. The DNA of two male Minoan indivuals was tested in 2020 and they belonged to G2a-P303 and J2a1a-L26 > Z6055 > Y7010 > Y13128 > Z36834 (a branch found in Portugal today). Most branches (Towie, Collairnie, Fife, Kilbirnie, Perceton) were found to belong to haplogroup I2a1a-M26 > L160 > PF4088 > PF4189 > Y84594 > BY68371. Several other descendants of his patrilineal ancetsor Eutaces Gates (1580-1626) from Suffolk, England, also tested positive for that haplogroup in the Gates Surname Project. J2b was also not found among Neolithic Anatolian or European farmers, and is absent from central Anatolia. This has not been officially confirmed yet. The U.S. politician Bernie Sanders (b. Hayes was a lawyer and staunch abolitionist. The most prominent carrier of the Randolph name was perhaps Peyton Randolph (1721-1775), who served as the the first President of the Continental Congress during the American Revolution. The Minoan civilisation emerged from 2,700 BCE and could have been founded by colonists from the Kura-Araxes culture who would have brought bronze working with them. It is very possible that bronze technology spread from the South Caucasus across the Iranian plateau until the Indus Valley, giving rise to the Harappan Civilisation (see below). This subclade is the most common Scottish variety of R1a. Actor Kevin Costner (b. Prior to this, Admiral Horthy served as commander-in-chief of the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the last year of the First World War. The male lineage of the medieval Bure kinship from Sweden has been identified as Y-DNA haplogroup G2a, based on several BigY tests carried out in 2014 on people living today. Napoleon I had previously been identified by Lucotte's team as a member of mtDNA haplogroup H. The acclaimed theoretical physicist Albert Einstein is presumed to have belonged to Y-haplogroup E-Z830 based on the results from a patrilineal descendant of Naphtali Hirsch Einstein, Albert Einstein's great-grand-father. The most prominent members were King Robert II of Scotland, Kings James I, Charles I, Charles II and James II of England & Ireland. Assuming that there hasn't been any non-paternity event on either line, all the He was the progenitors of all the Earls, then Earls and Marquesses of Exeter and the Earls and Marquesses of Salisbury would belong to this haplogroup. The testing of Thomas Jefferson's DNA revealed that the third US president belonged to haplogroup T. Descendants of his father, Colonel Peter Jefferson, tested on the Jefferson DNA Project and belonged to haplogroup T1a1a-L208 > CTS11451 > Y6671. This is the case of the Asakura clan. Bacon has won a Golden Globe Award and three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. [citation needed]. His father was of Romanian Jewish ancestry. [45], He was the first Vice President and second President of the U.S. His Y-DNA Haplogroup was R1b1. Several branches of the Lowland Scottish Clan Barclay were tested at the Clan Barclay International DNA Project. Immigration from the eastern Mediterranean to Rome during the Roman Empire, then from Anatolia, Thrace and Greece during the Byzantine period (particularly in north-eastern Italy) further increased the incidence of J2 in the peninsula. He, the Minamonto (Genji) clan and patrilineal descendants of the Imperial family of Japan should belong to the same Y-DNA haplogroup D1a2a1a2b1a1 (D-Z1504, CTS8093). The study revealed that he belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1. the study from publication in a reputable journal. 1955) descends from George Adam Costner (Kastner) from Edenkoben, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and his father Andreas Kastner. He is praised by advocates of smaller government and laissez-faire economics, while supporters of an active central government generally view him less favorably, although most praise his stalwart support of racial equality. The other main J2b2 subclade is Z2432, which split from L283 some 10,000 years ago, during the Early Neolithic. 1957) a former American television news anchor. He was wounded five times, earned a reputation for bravery in combat and was promoted to the rank of brevet major general. 1969), most famous for playing Chandler Bing in the sitcom Friends, probably belongs to haplogroup R1b-U152 > L2 > Z49 > Z142 > CTS2819 based on results from members of the Perry Y-DNA Project (Family 7). The great American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) appears to have belonged to R1b-S1200 > S14328 > SZ5489 > Y28597 > S10242 according to the Edison Y-DNA project (lineage 1). Haplogroup J is believed to have arisen 31,700 years ago (plus or minus 12,800 years) in the Near East (Semino et al. In 2019, Leonard Sax published an article titled "Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitlers paternal grandfather". According to the Stewart Stuart DNA Project, the House of Stuart, who ruled Scotland from 1371, then also England and Ireland from 1603 until 1707, belongs to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > DF41/S524 > Z43690 > S775 > L746 > S781. Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), the 29th president of the United States, belonged to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > DF49 > DF23 > ZP75 based on the results from the Harden/Harding DNA Project. The oldest evidence of a cult of the bull can be traced back to Neolithic central Anatolia, notably at the sites of atalhyk and Alaca Hyk. List of haplogroups of notable people - dnareplicationsystem - Google American inventor and painter Samuel Morse (1791-1872) presumably belonged to haplogroup I1-L22 based on results from the Morse/Moss DNA Project (Family 1, descendant of Anthony Morse, 1606-1686, from Wiltshire, England). A six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner, he is known for his popular hit songs and compositions from the late 1950s through the 1980s. They established that both men belonged to haplogroup E-M34, a subclade which is thought to have reached Mediterranean Europe from the Levant during the Neolithic period. The main Scottish branch descends from John Lyon, Lord of Glamis (c.1340-1382), who was Chamberlain of Scotland between 1377 and 1382. Yo-Yo Ma (b. The Clan Graham DNA Project identified the ancestral Graham lineage as belonging to J1a-P58 > [] > YSC234 > L858 > YSC76 > Y3442 > FGC8223 > BY65 > ZS1541 > L1253 (aka Z18183), a clade that formed about 800 years ago. 1928) is an American singersongwriter, composer, record producer and pianist. The man who is the most recent common ancestor of this line is estimated to have been born around 25,000 BCE. He was taken prisoner and eventually convicted of crimes against peace, serving a life sentence until his suicide in 1987. The clan is said to descend from Anselan O Kyan, a son of one of the kings of Ulster, who landed on the northern coast of Argyll, near Lennox, about the year 1016 and helped Malcolm II of Scotland in repelling the Danes. He is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. J M172 - J2 Y-DNA. He is assumed to be a member of haplogroup J1 according to a discussion on the Poreklo Forum. [46], Y chromosome haplogroup C2c1a1a1-M407 is carried by Mongol descendants of the Northern Yuan ruler from 14741517, Dayan Khan, who is a male line descendant of Genghis Khan which was found out after geneticists in Mongolia conducted tests on them. Catherine the Great is 11-knee relation of Queen Victoria on this lineage. All Jewish Q fall under the Q1b branch. According to commercial tests conducted by other members of the Jewish Oppenheimer family, the American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) belonged to haplogroup Q1b. The Hashemites are the royal family of the Hejaz (19161925), Iraq (19211958), and Jordan (1921present). The remains of the great Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio (1571-1610) were excavated to confirm the circumstances of his mysterious death at the age of 38. The Polish princely House of Lubomirski appears to belong to haplogroup J2b2a-L283 > Z585 > Z628 > Y15058 (aka CTS3617) according to the testing of a member of the family (reportedly Ladislas Jean Lubomirski, father of the photographer Alexi Lubomirski) at Family Tree DNA. 1951), was revealed to belong to haplogroup I1 by the PBS TV series Finding Your Roots. Minoan Crete, Hittite Anatolia, the Levant, Bactria and the Indus Valley also shared a tradition of bull leaping, the ritual of dodging the charge of a bull. Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), the general, politician and nationalist who played a large role in the history of Italy, probably belonged to haplogroup E-V13 based on the Y-DNA results from another Garibaldi from the same province in his ancestral Liguria. In 2020, a genetic study showed that the figure of the French Revolution Jean-Paul Marat killed in 1793, had the haplogroup H2 (mtDNA). He was accompanied by a woman with similar admixtures, and both possessed typical Pontic-Caspian Steppe mtDNA (I1a1 and W3a). His results matched those of a cousin, Prince Nikolai Trubetskoy, but showed a heteroplasmy a mix of two different sequences indicating a recent mutation. Predicted Y-DNA haplogroup G2a, based on ancient Y-STR profiles. The branch found in the western Balkans (Y22069) is distinct from the East Mediterranean and Caucasian branch. A paternal cousin of his tested his Y-DNA and belongs to J2b2a-Z631. The sacred bull of Hinduism, Nandi, present in all temples dedicated to Shiva or Parvati, does not have an Indo-European origin, but can be traced back to Indus Valley civilisation. He is known for his roll in creating the TV show Seinfeld. The famous Protestant reformer Martin Luther appears to have belonged to haplogroup I2a-Din-N (L147.2, aka CTS5966 or CTS10228) according to probable relatives whose haplotypes can be found on the Luther Surname DNA Project, including one genealogically traceable 1st cousin 13 times removed, as well as other relatives on ySearch (especially ySearch ID: YTE6E). According to descendant research conducted by Brad Michael Little, the Reginarids' lineage was identified as R1b-L21 > DF13 > FGC5494 > FGC5561 > A913 > A7607. Hattori Hanz (1542-1596) was a famous samurai of the Sengoku era, credited with saving the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu and then helping him to become the ruler of united Japan. Another branch descending from that ancestor tested on the Hancock DNA Project (Group 01) and was found to belong to R1b-DF27 > Z195 > Z198 > Z292 > Z262 > Z201 > Z202 > Z205 > Z206 > Z208. The first appearance of J2 during the Neolithic came in the form of a 10,000 year-old J2b sample from Tepe Abdul Hosein in north-western Iran in what was then the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Broushaki et al. These results contradict earlier studies by Lalueza-Fox et al. The analysis of his descendants's Y-chromosomal DNA confirmed that Joseph Smith (1805-1844), the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement, belonged to haplogroup R1b-M222 (R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF49 > Z2980 > Z2976 > DF23 > Z2961 > S645 > Z2965 > M222). It has been hypothetised that Napoleon III was the son of Count Charles de Flahaut, who was Hortense's lover and had an illegitimate son (the Duke of Morny) with her three years after Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's birth. One fourth of the Vlach people (isolated communities of Romance language speakers in the Balkans) belong to J2, considerably more than the average of Macedonia and northern Greece where they live. 2004). Birger Jarl was one of Sweden's greatest medieval statesman. According to the MacLean DNA Project, the chiefly lines of Duart and Lochbuie belong to R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF1 > S5668 > FGC13499 > S5979 > S5982 > Z17816 > A1069 > Z17815, with a most recent common ancestor living about 1000 years ago. 1966) belongs to haplogroup J2a1-Z30390 (downstream of M67 and L210). [32], The genetic study "Population genomics of the Viking world" was published September 16, 2020 in Nature, and showed that Gleb Svyatoslavich (sample VK542), an 11th century Rurikid Prince of Tmutarakan and Novgorod in Kievan Rus', was found to belong to Y-DNA haplogroup I2a1a2b1a1a (I-Y3120) and mtDNA haplogroup H5a2a. A study conducted at Trinity College, Dublin,[62] found that a striking percentage of men in Ireland (and quite a few in Scotland) share the same Y chromosome. All three men excavated belong to Y haplogroup Q, with subclade not analysed. Their genetic analysis demonstrated that the two men were actually half brothers, sharing the same mother but different fathers. These are results from 'ancient' samples, those collected from the remains or reputed remains of the person. Another notable descendant of the same John Hancock of Chesterfield was Union general Winfield Scott Hancock (1824-1886). Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 - Nature The clan chief obtained the title of Lord Graham (1445), then Earl of Montrose (1503), Marquess of Montrose (1644), and eventually Duke of Montrose from 1707 to this day. The Lindsays have possessed the title of Earl of Crawford since 1398 (one of the most ancient extant titles in Great Britain), then also of Earl of Lindsay since 1633 and Earl of Balcarres since 1651. He belonged to the subclade J2a1b. However the clan chiefs, Cameron of Lochiel, haven't been tested yet. The Scottish Clan Colquhoun/Calhoun from Dunbartonshire belongs to the clade E-V13 > BY3880 > Y16729 > Y16721 > Y16733 according to the Calhoun Surname Project. The American actor Robert John Downey Jr. (b. J2-M172 All Subgroups. The American rock legend and cultural icon Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was revealed to belong to haplogroup I in the book Old World Roots of the Cherokee (p.42). The high local frequencies observed would rather be the result of founder effects, for instance the proliferation of chieftains and kings's lineages through a long tradition of polygamy, a practice that the Russians have tried to suppress since their conquest of the Caucasus in the 19th century. Tom Hanks. Polk is chiefly known for extending the territory of the United States through the MexicanAmerican War; during his presidency, the United States expanded significantly with the annexation of the Republic of Texas, the Oregon Territory, and the Mexican Cession following the American victory in the MexicanAmerican War. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 for his role in elaborating the Marshall Plan of U.S. foreign aid to Western Europe after WWII. Their lineage was assigned to haplogroup L1a-M76. haplogroups of famous people - magicbookartillustration The oldest known J2b sample comes from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tepe Abdul Hosein in western Iran, dating from approximately 10,000 years ago. Based on descendant testing, it appears most likely that the sultans of the Ottoman dynasty belonged to haplogroup R1a-Z93. Solo and with The Police combined, he has sold over 100 million records. An extended 17-marker haplotype was published in 2007,[57] and the company Family Tree DNA has also published results for other markers in its standard first 12-marker panel. In the 17th century, the Barclay de Tolly, a branch of the Barclay of Towie from Banffshire, migrated to Mecklenburg, and later to what is now Latvia and Lithuania. An analysis of the Hume DNA Project has provided conclusive evidence that the Scottish philosopher, historian and economist David Hume (1711-1776) belonged to haplogroup R1a-Z284 > S4458 > S5301 > S5153 > L448 > CTS4179. This identity was confirmed by match to that of her grand-nephew, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[11][13]. The Illyrians may have been late Steppe migrants from the Volga region that were forced out of the Steppe by the invasion of the northern R1a tribes who established the Srubna culture (from 2000 BCE). [58] Combining these sources gives the consolidated 21-marker haplotype below.