You gainof mortals. You gain the following benefits:ll You no longer need to move at least 10 feet to perform ll Increase your Dexterity score by 1. ll When a creature fails a melee attack roll against you in long and high jumps. Number 6 - The Circle of the Land. Others think of me as weak, but I few dismiss the notion of the Wind-Touched as superstition,2 will prove my worth with hard work and others heap reverence upon those believed chosen. Some have completely forsaken their old lives in favor of new ones in undergrowth commu- nities, while others keep ties with family and friends in the perches where they were born.44 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Woodd8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw1 I always second guess my choices. Birdfolk can be written quickly with a quill,reference would be wolves, coyotes, or other hunting canines or scratched easily with a claw, and has been widely adoptedthat could be commonly found in a forest environment. These individuals inspire curiosity and have Wing Flap. Favorite Trick (2nd), Improved Tricks, Favorite Trick Travelers Tricks (4 options) At 6th level, you have gained enough mastery over one of your Travelers Tricks that you can use it whenever its needed. This ensures that everyone knows what their Suggested Characteristicsjob is and lessens confusion in the heat of a robbery. These isolated communities were vulnerable to an organization of brigands and marauders who called themselves the Bandit Coalition. To protect themselves from the Coalition, the bird- folk built fortified cities in the forests canopy. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. There are two main subraces of cervans: grove orpronghorn. (2d4) lb.32 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodCervan Hedge Cervan characters could be imagined as elk, moose, or While inspired by hedgehogs, having a hedge characterantelopes. * A skilled ranger taught you how toian spirit in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of use your magic to pinpoint your quarrys weak spots. This knack poison and resistance against poison damage.for creating functional or useful items out of debris, junk, Scroungecraft. Only light produced by a 9th At 3rd level, your tavernside scuffles have honed yourlevel spell or similarly powerful effect can negate the darkness ability to deal damage with just about anything thats handy.and shadows. Languages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTMM TMHumblewood Campaign Setting is Copyright 2019 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. You may notice that the weights for birdfolk races aresignificantly lower than for humblefolk of similar size. At the discretion of the GM, your Humblewoodhave a flat weight modifier. in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. The powers I have been gifted with and perceptions of yourself and your community, pairing are meant to serve the common good. These are the ties of family and friendship, the ties to ancestors, as well as the ties between elders and the next generation with whom they share their wisdom. Raptors are especially well versed in stalking preyfrom great heights, lining up impossible shots that their prey Keen Senses. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. Vulpinslearn from a young age that they are of two natures: the sophis-ticated and the savage. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 45Feature: Supernatural Presence d6 Bond Whether or not you are truly Wind-Touched, there are 1 I am guided by a wise elder who prepares me forfolk all across Everden that believe that you have been divinely my destiny.blessed. Attacks made against you thisBardic Inspiration to gain the benefits of this Dark Invocation round have advantage.for 10 minutes. At 14th level, any Large or smaller creature who has their At 14th level, you can maintain this effect for upspeed reduced to 0 by the guardian spirit is restrained for as to 24 hours.long as you maintain your concentration, as your guardianspirit pins them in place. Cervans reach maturity around 12 years. You have an almost unnatural beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some and jealousy in others. Adventure in the Wood 84 The Ancient Forest 134 Vulpin 32 Introduction 84 The Avium 135Characters In the Wood 32 Overview 85 Exploring the Avium 137 Character Details 32 Part 1: The Adventure Begins 86 Into the Library 139 Sex & Gender 32 86 Shadows Fall 142 Height and Weight Sleepy Meadowfen 89 Mysterious Circumstances 143 Variant Rule: Different Looks for 32 Winnowing Reach 91 Putting the Pieces Together 145 34 The Missing Researcher 91 The Necromancer 145 Birdfolk and Humblefolk 36 The Mokkden Caverns 95 Odwalds Trap 146 Languages of the Wood 36 Returning to the Reach 95 The Secret Door 147New Class Options 39 The Swamp Witch 99 The Study Room 148 Bard 41 A Witchs Debt 100 The Old Classroom 149 Cleric 43 Leaving the Reach 101 The Secret Laboratory 151 Fighter 47 Part 2: The Bandit Menace 101 Developments 152New Backgrounds 49 A Rough Road Ahead 102 Part 5: Of Fate and Flame 153New Feats The Great Tree City 106Spell Descriptions Elizas Emporium 107 Odwalds Fate 153 The Birdfolk Council 1092. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youThe gallus are proud of their appearances but not to the point are encumbered.of vanity. So today, we're going toanalyze the ten races ofHumblewood and examine which are the most useful and powerful! 1 I never back down from a challenge. Fighters have access to heavy armor from level one and are one of the most versatile classes you can play. (2d4) lb.Raptor 2'11" +2d6 25 lb. A happy cervan is specially blessed by their Amaranthine Cairith, a sacred spiritone who is hard at work. Known among cervans as The Sight, and like to spend their time learning usefulthis phenomenon is elusive, and out of the control skills for life in their woodland villages. Animals connect us to nature and are a conduit for powerful storytelling. There are two main subraces of corvum:increases by 2. dusk and kindled. Or perhaps you are a storyteller from another world. Jerbeens have incredibly small and light bodies, standing between 2 and 3 feet tall, and weighing between 20 Jerbeens are the smallest inhabitants of Humblewood, and 40 pounds. There are dozens of variations of feathers, drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread yourcolors, and patterns even between gallus of the same subrace. Personal relationships are fleeting. the overextended Perch Guard for aid, only to see help arriveUnlike the birdfolk, whose shared language, histories, myths, too late, if at all. Because ofthis they favor lawful alignments. The Humblewood was a lush and peaceful forest that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. The pulley system was so successful thatbirdfolk perches beyond Alderheart have adoptedthe technology.28 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodDepending on the materials available, a Game Master(GM) may rule that you cannot craft an item in this way. You can range for milesin the Wood without ever setting talon tosoil, moving more confidently through thebranches than some move on flat ground. This ability allows a Corvum to examine an object, gleaning any magical properties it may have, how said properties function, and even that object's rough financial value! Boxing Lessons. Humblewood campaign has easy combat, so why should you optimize. my abilities.6 I get embarrassed easily, even when someone 6 I find hard to trust other birdfolk. spend your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier as an ll You do not take damage for the first 30 feet of your fall. Size. The variety of shapes and sizes means14 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodSubrace. In the early years, the birdfolk and humblefolk lived close to each other in small villages around the forest. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.12 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodDusk Corvum As a dusk corvum, you are more at home in the bustleof society than in the wilds of the forest. Humblewood, and then go to the forest and see them for your-self. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Once on each of your Cleric Level Spells turns, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can 1st bless, goodberry cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. You gain the following benefits:ing benefits: ll Increase your Dexterity score by 1ll When you are asked to make a saving throw, you may ll Reduce the damage die for fall damage from a d6 to a d4. prone with the force of your impact. Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a Wing Flap. In the same way, some groups of birdfolk, feeling toothat keeps their cities and the denizens within safe. If you have no uses of this ability at the beginning of combat on your turn, you regain one use of it. In some The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and birdfolk races these wings have grown strong enough to bearunique as the forest itself. Resem- you land. Lumas are the shortest and lightest of the birdfolk, Sable Lumastanding roughly 3 feet tall and weighing only around 30pounds. Were looking for a way to get away from screens, to forget about our complicated lives, and to live as heroes with problems we can solve, not just listen to on the news and worry about. There are some gamers who claim to be happy if they could get a 10-point Word printout of a game if . (1d2) lb.Luma 2'8" +2d4 25 lb. Subrace. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.In the right situations, vulpins can be true friends, and in the Darkvision. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. So I encourage you to make your own legends in Humblewood, and then go to the forest and see them for your- self. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.of gardening unmatched by other birdfolk. Any Bardic Inspiration gained in this way can only be used to perform your favorite trick. Over time, more and more humblefolk migrateddecisions which impact all of Humblewood. These are the stories that left a significant impression on me, that Icontinue to revisit to this day. Compared to Auran, the other dialects ofPrimordial sound stilted or broken to birdfolk. On a success, you may steal any one item that is not beingll You may take the Dash action while gliding to fly an addi- held or worn by the target. The love is very often in the details, just assome of the most significant moments in a campaign can be the quiet ones, the small words exchangedat the campfire, or the tiny clues indicating a much larger mystery to unravel. 1 I cant accept anothers suggestion once Ive set my path.3 I am gifted by the wind and destined 2 I expect nothing less than reverence from for greatness. Any additional dice added to the attacks damage roll are not affected by this ability. When you do this, you gain thebenefits of your chosen Fighting Style for 10 minutes. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 to quake with a single threat. fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing inPerceptive Awareness the space you finish your movement. Once, while yourFighting Style is active, you may attack twice, instead of once,when taking the Attack action on your turn. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. The more compassion we have for animals the better our world will be. We have so much technology surrounding us every day, getting out into nature isnt an option for many. When falling you can use yourprey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andeffortlessly glide through the canopy. Age. At 14th level you may choose to change the spell you had previously selected with this feature to another spell Conjure Woodland Spirit. Size. Your ability to utilize your knowl-edge to your advantage, along with your deep understandingof others motivations, makes you a formidable opponent. * You made a shady bargain with a haggard quality, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration towarlock. Your damage for an unarmed strike is 1d4 While many birdfolk rely on their prowess or intelligence piercing damage. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. While doing so, you continue to fall increases by 1.gently at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damagewhen you land. Other small rodents with mouse-like proportions,fit. ll You learn two languages of your choiceCollege of the Road Wanderers Lore Not an officially recognized college, the College of theRoad represents the personal and eclectic sets of skills, knowl- At 3rd level, you can share any useful tidbits of informa-edge, and techniques a wandering bard picks up along their tion you have come across in your travels to help others tojourney. You can also understand Auran, though youcannot speak it naturally. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. So long as you are in combat, you may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability checks. in a battle on the high sea! Gather your party and embark on FIVE incredible Humblewood adventures!What tales will you tell? throughout the Wood.Vulpins should be represented as wild animals, to illustratethe duality of their sophisticated yet savage nature. 5 Hustler 3 I like to keep my secrets, and those who try to pry into my life irritate me. Alignment. The termhumblefolk is used throughout the Wood to refer to the With the spreading flames, humblefolk villagers petitionednon-birdfolk peoples who live a little closer to the forest floor. Additionally, you have advantage on Strengthface usually prevents them from attaining too prominent a (Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your talons couldposition in birdfolk society, but corvums are adept at working reasonably grip.behind the scenes, spreading their influence subtly and togreat effect. The Perch Guard forces are spread thin across folk society.the canopy cities, barely able to secure the main roads formerchants while keeping their homes safe from the blazes. where to cut orchid stem after bloom; how to reuse keratin hair extensions; raf halton medical centre address Creatures thatattack you while you are falling, gliding,or jumping have disadvantage on theirattack roll. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Forest-dwellers are again being displaced from their homes, seeking refuge in Alderheart, and perch-dwellers are doing what they can to keep themselves safe up in their canopy sanctuaries. 5 I will prove my worth, even if it means putting myself and my friends in danger.7 I avoid showing my power at all costs. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. You have a swimming speed of 25 feet. Let us know! Your Dexterity score increases by 1. 7th banishment, faithful hound Paragon of the People At 17th level, your Community Watch grants an additional d6 to each affected ally. Each birdfolk race possesses a unique and mystical connec- Jerbeention to the element of air, which allows them to understandAuran from birth, although they are unable to speak it natu- Jerbeen is a system of squeaks and clicks represented inrally. Your size is Small. Your connection to the Great Rhythm isto see and hear you. Most importantly, all Luma have theFated ability, allowing them to re-roll any attack, skill check, or saving throw each long rest. Age. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. monster house 2 2022; wells fargo online mobile banking; nhra norwalk results 2022; palo verde ucla apartment; docket number search . Hedges have short, rounded body shapes, standing One of the reasons hedges display such deep empathy between 3 and 4 feet in height, and weighing between 40 andand compassion towards others is due to the intensity of the 70 pounds. You may spend 10 minutes to craft thesepeoples. You can speak, read, and write Bird-folk. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. Choose one of these subraces.circumstances lumas are rarely evil. Choose from: kind. You may uncurl yourself atany point during your turn. Something made you decide that path was nolonger worth pursuing, and you left that life behind. You have sharp fangs that enable you to make natural Vulpins are naturally intelligent, rivalled only by corvums. Thedriving force behind Humblewood as a concept was the desire to create a visually compelling worldthat felt alive, and that meant a world that could feel wonderful and welcoming, magical and myste-rious. The birdfolk offered the dangerous wood.humblefolk safety within their great city, and many accepted the HUMBLEFOLKVULPIN MAPACH JERBEEN HEDGE CERVAN Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 11Corvum hungry for knowledge Corvums are a crow-like race with dark feathers and sharp Glide.