Its funny how a pimp like VLAD TEPES is accepted and sometimes glorified for his rhetoric of cut and paste (fake news) values but a person who simply chooses a different way of carrying is villified and demonized by those who scream for personal freedom. I ran a corner thru the trigger and around the other side up the grip. I notice that you had to go look it up though. There was also some discussion of Fairbairn and Sykes experience in the Shanghai police with what is commonly referred to as Israeli carry. There are some inherent problems there. As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. Or a DA/SA auto. For gun owners looking to maximize the life of their firearms, it's important to understand what type of ammunition is acceptable and safe to use in their guns. Carrying A Glock With One In The Chamber. On the other hand, most other striker-fired pistols count on the recoil spring to cock the striker. A loaded Glock is a little more dangerous than a striker with a heavier trigger and when you carry a missile behind the hammer and like a lite trigger , like I do , I advise people to carry a thumb safety , like I do . Considering the odds of handling a particular weapon every day for years or possibly the rest of your life hoping to never have a brain fart in the process, and many people wisely choose another option. Glock then redesigned the weapon as a striker fired weapon because they knew the average low I.Q. I would like to carry at the ready, but doing so really gives me the heebie-jeebies. Normally, empty chamber carry adds an average of maybe 2/10ths of a second. One other one was very tragic. Or a musket? Options are good. They have defense of the State, of their comrades, or of other citizens. Here's my situation: Carrying the pistol with a round in the chamber freaks me out. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. Someone with little firearms experience who feels over confident in his/her carry technique is more likely to find him/herself in trouble. Glocks have a blade in the trigger that is very light so that if the pistol is dropped, the inertia of the fall will not pull the trigger ( as the pistol is partially cocked). Much longer than a Glock, twice as heavy as a Glock. Even pistols with no manual safety, like this Glock, are safe to carry with a round chambered. I dont condemn those who carry a striker with one in the chamber. 5 Reasons Not to Carry a Gun with An Empty Chamber Its your right to be retarded. To chamber or not to chamber? You rotate the cylinder halfway between the nipples and lower the hammer on the carry notch. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. I made a folder called TTAG comments, and put all pages Ive commented on in there. I only know my own lifes experiences, fwiw, too many LEOs cant hit chit no matter what the tool, and Im an honorary. But otherwise it still is a pretty good gunfight scene. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. Then you have the big, scary, single-action magnums by IWI (the BFR) Freedom Arms and custom guns from Jeff Linebaugh. Is it just something one has to get used to? This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. Even though everyone who has ever used and examined a SA revolver can easily see that the firing pin is ALWAYS in contact with the primer when the hammer is down, if the chamber under it has a round in it?, And, again, absolutism that is far too easy to refute. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the trigger will not move rearwards and allow the pistol to fire. Are Glocks Safe To Carry Chambered. A un-chambered carry gun is useless. Because criminals dont follow laws, and as long as you stay off the radar, nobody is checking your gun. Ive said it once, Ill say it again. The Glock Model 48 slimline 9mm is a state-of-the-art fighting pistol with a small grip frame any cop can master. You may need your weak side arm to hold an attacker at bay while you draw, etc. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six??. But Knute is fine, and nobody else seems to want it. This is especially true when it comes to the popular Glock line of handguns. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe. If you cant respect the power and danger of an automobile why would you think you could be trusted with a firearm at all let alone one without a safety? It worked before. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Practice your procedure till it becomes a natural reaction without thinking.You will have other things that must be accessed in those fractions of a second. I will always carry chambered because I keep my fingers where they belong and therefore don't worry about it. I assume the manual safety was also engaged, but such a strap on the holster sounds pretty good, as well! No external safey, DA trigger that goes bang when you pull it.. I agree about the Colt SAA. Place your loaded, chambered G19 into the holster (not attached to your belt). Do you carry with one in the chamber or not? : r/CCW Still disagree? I have for almost 40 years and have it properly holstered. The Last Word. Or tell them to carry only 5 bullets instead of six?? . How Long Can You Keep a Round in the Chamber? - Option Gray there's always a round in the chamberBG's don't usually give you a timeout to rack one in +1 Besides everyone knows the cool racking sound scares off any bad guys : ), Yes. For me I often carry without one in the chamber, like when I am in the woods doing stuff. Well your odds of dying of heart disease is about a thousand times more likely than dying from a criminal attack, so, maybe something to think about. Dry fire and have a friend rush you with a fake knife. Smith & Wesson EQUALIZER Review: Crafted For Carry Almost as good as a ball peen hammer. What kind of a moron thought THAT was a good idea? The odds of a holster obstruction triggering a Glock in that case is an acceptable risk due to the greater risk of being too slow. Just saying. But still a nice catch. However, there still isnt a compelling reason to carry a gun or keeping one for home defense that isnt loaded which cant be gotten around with a bit of training, a bit of brains, or a bit of extra gear. OFC, most people would rather just follow the herd, but that isnt reasonable, logical, nor wise. What Glock Is Most Used By Law Enforcement; Who Makes The Glock 22 . I am sure you will tell us that since you are a stable genius it will never happen to you. Hes squirmy and all over the place. When the fight starts, ejecting a live round onto the ground, or hearing the click of a empty chamber, will just mess up your day, maybe your last day. Perhaps why they werent interested in this modification, even though the investor designed it to be visually unobtrusive and to require minimal modifications to the original design. Carry it in your home in the holster you're going to use in public, without a round in the chamber, but with the striker in the ready position or "cocked" and see if you have an issue with the trigger being pulled. Each new design enhanced the pistol and its features. Want to vent about something? OH NO! I'm not exactly a diehard with pistol-caliber carbines but I definitely enjoy them. I help equip people with knowledge and skills so they can be safe and effective with firearms. All except for that one guy above who thinks muscle memory means hell never make a mistake, ever. But the real benefit is in the noise. Your family is worth it. I like having a gun ready to shoot but I need a second chance when Im juggling. Descriptions: Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Guess what? I have no problem with a 1911 locked and loaded, there has been one in my car since I bought it in 2010. JavaScript is disabled. The first Glock safety that you will interact with is the trigger safety, which takes the form of a spring-loaded lever located in the center of the trigger. You can also watch plenty of guys who have never once needed their guns in a confrontation, yet shot themselves because they kept one in the chamber. However, with an unchambered semi-auto, that may be a more credible concern. When I was new to guns I bought a DA/SA pistol with safety/decocker because I lacked the confidence to go with a hot gun without the safety, never fell for the empty chamber myth as a safe way to carry, always thought it was a sure way to get killed.. Once I was confident enough, now I only carry a gun without a safety and it always has one in the pipe, always carried in a holster. Uberti, for instance, makes some models with a transfer bar safety and also a few with a floating firing pin, which drops below the channel to the primer when the hammer is fully forward and can thus be carried fully loaded. So the trigger pull is utterly irrelevant *if* you are paying attention to your firearm which you should be doing, again, with *any* firearm. That makes a takeaway more likely to succeed if attempted. For those of you that don't know, "Israeli Carry" is the practice carrying a pistol without a round in the chamber. Sad, isnt it? Clinging to God and guns. As a top performer in reliability and safety tests, it quickly entered into the Austrian military and police service. uncommon_sense: I would hope that, by now, you know whether or not the handgun you actually OWN has a firing pin safety. But carry the way you feel comfortable. It's a little bullet with a decent velocity, but will it actually fill the freezer? Fuck off gov. Always, recent training with Instructor who suggested to always carry chambered. Every time I drive. Training is nothing more than repetition. you would do well to keep in mind that some people dont carry with a round in the chamber not because theyre so afraid or lack of training but because simply of where they live and the laws that exist there if they did they would be constantly administratively chambering and unchambering a round throughout their day while doing so in their vehicle I think it's more about . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I hope to later, but I just moved to a state that allows it, and our first child just turned one. If you are a dumb person who cannot immediately see why it is dumb, go to Youtube and watch dumb people like you dying in a hail of bullets while they struggle with the slides on their unchambered guns. This is a particularly great idea. So, as DG said, its a problem in search of a solution. How To Train If You Don't Carry With A Round In The Chamber The list of pistols that have a drop safety to prevent the gun from going off unintentionally when impacted is quite long you need to look no further than any of the handguns allowed in the . Modern revolvers with some sort of disconnect can be carried full up. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon. But, it has a decocker, so I can put a round in the chamber, decock the striker, and walk around with a much better feeling about it all. I cant believe this is even a subject for discussion. I feel its foolish but its my thought. Jul 18, 2010. One of them is as you describe (a 3-screw Single Six). However, it is not unusual for some new to guns like Glocks to be concerned about carrying a round chambered. U.S. Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered. That photo of the safe is cute, if completely patronizing to those who make the kids argument. Theoretically, the slide safety could be accidentally disengaged in your holster rendering a cocked and locked 1911 significantly more susceptible to a ND when drawn given the user didnt know the safety was disengaged. You would probably be more likely to survive in a Banzai charge. Agreement. link to What is a Pistol Caliber Carbine. Doesnt come into play until youve already fired 5 times. My bedside gun is always a DA revolver. A lot of guns, particularly the early revolvers, were considered too dangerous to carry with a loaded chamber because a sharp bump or drop could cause it to fire. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective it still gives me options. This is why. The Glock 19 is one of the most popular models of Glock that is available on the market. These are: 1. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I carry a Glock 21 with a round in the chamber I constantly handle the gun to keep excellent muscle memory if you dont want to have the gun fire dont touch trigger. The same as SJWs or those who suffer from TDS. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. 7. I got rid of that one, I didnt really need it, but now, sigh, I wish I had it back. Its part of being human. We can talk about the merits of being able to shoot effectivly one handed. Width: 1.18. And thats only firearms. What I meant was: As all who have examined a REGULAR single action revolver, like a Colt SAA or the old three screw Rugers before the transfer bar, would know. In my own case I carry a gun because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT and being prepared for the defense of my life is a purely secondary concern. Yes. The Series 80 was a solution in search of a problem ie, it was created by lawyers. Is really shouldnt be that hard. Yes Sir I do and the ones scattered in the house also. Why the Glock Model 48 is ideal for smaller cops - Police1 In the past, I've heard people say they aren't comfortable carrying a loaded firearm on them or want to just scare people away. Glocks are awesome little handguns. like i said You can get a lockbox for $50 or less from Amazon or from most hardware stores. Glock and carrying with chambered round | SIG Talk Pretty soon, it became standard for guns to have a manual safety switch. But youll likely carry for years and years, manipulating said weapon an uncountable number of times in the process. Because there are a lot of areas where carrying a firearm will bite you if you cant get it right. Its decocker is better than a thumb safety. OFC, there are those that only want to own one gun. Therefore, its unsafe(ish) to carry or store with one in the chamber. Just go to there web site, or go to your gun store for more information. You are not going to change my mind. It was being carried in an improper holster or the operator got careless in putting the pistol back into the holster, by not making sure the path was clear. It was a girl participating in a shooting contest. . I wouldnt worry about it. Its kind of unneeded though, because inertial firing pins can only build firing inertia on their own if the whole gun accelerates, and then stops suddenly. With any decent holster you will be fine. P.T. Unlikely. I would hope that all semi-auto handguns have some sort of striker/firing-pin block that absolutely prevents detonation from dropping the pistol. Again, though, training is the answer. The idea behind the floating firing pin is that if the firing pin is heavy enough, but made too short to actually be driven into the primer by the hammer, then when the hammer drops, the pin will be struck hard enough to give the pin enough of its own inertia to fire the round, yet then rebound to the rear. With hammer fired guns, we have more options to prevent guns from accidently firing. So you have no quibble with the line; If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire., in relation to SA revolvers? Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." Farago sells out, the site gets taken over by snowflakes who spend every minute lining up sponsored content, and the content section gets taken over by trolls and vlads. The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have actually ended up being popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. I wonder how it avoids the googlebots? the safety doesnt enter into it. 21 foot rule gets those people every time. The stone cold killer blows a hole in the braggarts forehead and his buddies stand there with their jaws agape while he starts shooting them. Carry your GLOCK pistol chambered without worry, the same as every other modern striker fired pistol on the market. He also runs his own Gun Blog and YouTube Channel. I have no issue using any of my Glocks as a SD gun, nor do I have any issue using any of my 1911s, any of my revolvers, or any of my other guns. Muscle memory is a life saver when things go adrenaline slow MO mode, and those Taurus, PT-111s, have that thumb safety where Im used to one being, the pipe is red hot, and, eyeball to eyeball, it will fire again without re-racking the rear sights on someones nose. 1 you many not have time to chamber. Its like arguing Android is better than iOS. I can cycle the bolt almost as fast as I can take the safety off, even when I stepped on a black bear who was sleeping under a downed tree. Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a decent holster that completely covers the trigger. Capacity: 15 rounds. PS: I have never had an ND with my EDC G23 chamber loaded these past 22 years. CCW - Is it Better To Carry With a Round Chambered or Not? Ugggghhhhhh why are we still talking about this? I dont understand why anyone who carries a modern firearm is afraid to carry a round in the chamber??? You shoud not count on having both hands available while being attacked. Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. If you need to defend yourself, you cannot afford the time to rack the slide. Question of the Day: Are GLOCKs Unsafe? - The Truth About Guns You know, due to the stress of OH MY GOD SOMEONES BREAKING INTO THE HOUSE AND HES GOT A GUN! In that book, they suggest that the proper way to carry a semi . The internal Safe Action System will not allow the pistol to go off accidentally. I just grabbed a shirt from the laundry pile. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. We have lots more on the site to show you. I was shown( Thank You RES), yank that sucker out, moveaim, fire. Or would it it take more movement of the slide to do that before an impact could trigger potential discharge? If carry my Glock its in a solid Crossbreed holster with one in the chamber. I turn it into the five gun question instead. So yes, its completely safe. I am thinking G2S, my ankle sometimes gets chilly, but, Im happy with my PA-63 In 918, and I have a CZ, in 918, that has the best SA trigger Ive ever felt, since the Smith S.S. Model 66, .357 which was accurized, and tweaked by a smith, that was flat out dangerous, hair wasnt the word. But, on the bright side, ammoland just revamped their comment section so comments now dont take days/never to show up. The Israelis didn't invent the practice but it got the name from Israeli armed forces policy. says: How often do you train your driving abilities?. What you are overlooking is the odds. It was called Fractured Fairy Tales. Height: 5.4. Glock 17. There we go. A S&W Model 329. In reality, the 1911 with only the grip safety would be as safe or safer than the Glock. I carry my Jericho the same way. I think they heard how bad its getting over here and want to provide a better place to be, so that TTAG will be left with nothing but trolls and snowflakes. Each brand-new model enhanced the pistol and its functions. He has earned black belts in four martial arts and is a certified Krav Maga instructor. However, that also creates issues. The practice of empty chamber carry continued with the introduction of magazine-fed, semi-automatic pistols. In meantime, happy to train Israeli carry and take the tragedy buffer. In fact, when applying for a gun permit in Israel, self-defense is not an acceptable reason to get a gun. No, but it requires that everything go right when theres a higher chance of something going wrong. With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have actually ended up being popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. She had the edge, rock steady hands of a brain surgeon. Id have to go with the DA revolver. Do other people carry Glocks in IWB holsters with chambered rounds? 3 your support hand may not be available. I submit never. If soft iwb holster freaks you out then get a nice, quality leather or kydex holster. I have handguns that have a magazine safety I leave the mag out a 1/2 inch in the lock box and the mag cant be rammed home while in the box(like if it were dropped). The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. I doubt it. By all means, carry what you are competent to handle effectively and safely. I do not carry a Glock and sorry 1911 fanatics I would only carry a 1911 with the hammer down (series 80) and chamber empty with a Series 70 and since I do not like to carry any gun with the chamber empty that is why I do not carry any longer my series 70 and pre-series 70 (original 1911) . So instead of just grabbing said gun from the night stand and chambering a round, I should keep it loaded and put it in a lock box so that I can fumble around with a tiny key and try and put it in a tiny hole in the dark? The ground is about the best bullet backstop one can get. We can put a bullet thru the eye of a bunny sitting still but its hard to get a head shot when its running, us being the bunny. If you cant train yourself to keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot any gun is dangerous in your hands. Are Glocks safe to carry chambered? - Quora Of course all of those Glock NDs were due to human error. Ive been carrying mine daily for five years and will continue to carry it as long as I can. * I dont understand why anyone who carries a modern firearm is afraid to carry a round in the chamber??? One or two chances to mess up with an empty chamber, but thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of chances to ventilate your own leg while taking a piss. I carry a LC9, no problem. Which glocks are the best for concealed carry? - Police1 Marshals (1998). Well, now, lets analyze this a bit deeper, shall we? You cant just twitch and accidentally shoot one. Go. In my 3-screw, yes. But that would be true for almost ANY gun that didnt have a manual safety engaged. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . Amen brother. (Some chance remains, of course, given extraordinary circumstances that can be described but have statistically no chance of happening.). I used one of those saf-t blocks that can be pushed out of the trigger real easy. Say, if you can make that mistake (and you did), are you willing to admit that maybe, just possibly, youve mad other mistakes? While numbers vary, reacting to something - anything - takes a . Most 1911s come with a half cock safety, but again, you would have to ensure it was engaged properly and its prone to breakage. My home defense guns are locked and loaded ready to go. I still dont get any notifications that someone has replied to any of my comments. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. One never knows who one is talking to. And the latter is where a Glock is dangerous as is *any* other firearm. The gunfight at the end was pretty good otherwise, but at one point Costner gets 16 shots out of his Colt SAA without reloading. There is an old article in the LA Times and National Intrest that claims Glocks are accident-prone and overly dangerous pistols. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it. To fire the pistol, the trigger safety and the trigger itself must be deliberately depressed at the same time. If you don't just pick ONE, then IMO you are always going to wonder if you're chambered or no. Mad about covers it. So when does your Glock actually have a likely chance of discharging in those two most common klutz behaviors while handling a firearm? More : Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a . I carry "Mexican" and don't want to end up like Plaxico Burress. Some militaries wanted to normalize carrying a pistol or rifle with a loaded chamber for obvious reasons, but they ran into some of these same issues on old guns. On paper? Yet, most of us will also admit that we sometimes make mistakes while driving, despite all the practice/training. PS: There was a 12 yo kid recently that subdued an attacker with a common socket wrench after Dad missed 39 times with a pistol. Pull back the hammer, you notice how it clicks 4 times? At least the DA/SA or DAO provide a long hard trigger pull. In order to fire, the pin needs to be hit hard enough to continue forward, past the point of contact with the hammer, and then into the primer. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. All it takes is knowing what the word; inertia means. I submit extremely unlikely. Passive safeties Are Not A Replacement for an active safety. I once owned 12 of them. Is It Safe To Carry A Chambered Glock. Can You Shoot Aluminum Cased Ammunition In A Glock? Understanding The Each new design improved the handgun and its features. Big Bill: Yup. So, us non-glockentines keep a low pro on discussing polymers and plastics, but if I had to go to war tomorrow, you can it would be an all steel weapon. Carry chambered? | Glock Talk I've carried both extensively. So far there have been 14 production experiences.Has a professional production and R & D team, and . (AgCatJHS at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)Here we have a conundrum.