Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. She made a run for the front door, until a voice stopped her. Once you finish breakfast, you had better go and fix this mess, understand?". Canterlot Wedding Fanfiction Stories | Quotev However, the pony she opened the door to was unlike anypony she could've possibly expected, her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping to denote her shock. However, despite the fact her mind was still full of memories of what happened in the library with Twilight, she was determined to put it behind her and focus on the task at hoof; reconciling with Twilight using whatever means necessary. asked Night with a hint of disappointment. Applejack had nothing else to say. As a teacher, Celestia was extremely disappointed in herself. In fact, she looked about the same as Pinkie. May I come in?". However, that was the least of her concerns. ", "That's not the point Princess! "Is that my Shining Armor?!" "Now I must return to the palace. ", "Only the Royal Guard garrison ma'am. distant, and to make matters worse, she cannot rest for fear of a dream that she cannot remember. Stepping forward, she spoke with newfound determination. After a long and hard trudge through the Black Widow's Peaks, Chrysalis, along with what remained of her army and the prisoners they took from the Canterlot settlement arrived at the Changeling hive, one of the tallest peaks in the entire mountain range. Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. "But nonetheless. If the Princess had guessed correctly, this wouldn't be good news in the slightest. Replied Rarity. Now, I want the prisoners, all the prisoners, to be rehabilitated. . Replied Luna. "What is it Granny Smith?" From the numerous cracks and windows that dotted the structure, a sickly green light glowed, with trace amounts of smoke rising from them. Together, Chrysalis and her ragtag, yet respectable strike force hurried to the village, intent on razing it to the ground. princess twilight ts - twilight sparkle rd - rainbow dash ry - rarity aj - applejack fs - fluttershy pp . Celestia screamed in her Royal Canterlot Voice as she woke. Spike barked firmly. Don't they realize what they've done? "Royal Guards!". Remember, I'll be staying in Carousel Boutique while I'm here, so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. Do you have any idea..?". Leading the Earth ponies was Commander Barbarousis. Twilight looked up at the door, which she had locked earlier after slamming it shut. Nodding to signal their replies, the Mane 5 followed Cadance out of the castle to the train station, leaving the Princess alone in the hall. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer, twilight sparkle, twinkleshine, pony, unicorn, canterlot six, female, initials, mare, unicorn twilight - Derpibooru Home Upload Forums Tags Rankings Filters Galleries Comments Commissions Channels Donate Cadance was about to speak, but her train of thought instantly derailed. Engagement at this time is a no-go. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close, appeared. Muffins which ah' and the royal cooks had spent so much time working on! a canterlot wedding. Could you explain the basics of what happened?". You want to say sorry? "Princess, I'm curious. "Oh honey! From the sound of the plan, this new operation would succeed where the previous attempt failed. Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic By: VickyT36. It is I who should be remorseful and ashamed.". But what was I supposed to do? You, her friends and her princess put her and all of Canterlot in jeopardy! The Changeling Queen later returned to dispose of her by sealing her in the caves beneath the castle, so as to ensure she would not meddle with her plans again. Eventually, she reached the door to her room and opened it. I think I need to lie down". "Excellent." "Proceed" Answered the Guard, who proceeded to open his door to the study. All three had very well-developed and clever minds, which could use the full capabilities of their respective species to full advantage. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. Despite being calmed by magic, Twilight still let out small sobs. Growled the commandant in annoyance. "Next stop, Ponyville! As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door. "Let's go home Spike. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? How are we going to deal with them? What is that?" Despite being armed with weapons and armor, the Royal Guards were finding it tough fighting the vicious and determined Changelings. With that, Luna spread her wings, before flying off into the distance. ", "Ok Twilight." Barked Chrysalis. It was obvious to the cowpony that Big Mac had been busy. Passing through the massive double doors that led to the junction connecting both sister's bedchambers, Celestia led Shining through the door on the right. "Anyway, shall we get onto discussing the plan?". Merciless, unforgiving, unwilling to spare even the smallest quarter. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc.. Do y'all remember the day I left with Twilight to go to Canterlot for the wedding? "I am sorry, dear sister. "Of course we did!" When I betrayed our friendship, I betrayed everything I stood for, and I deeply regret it. Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. Prepare the prisoners for their rehabilitation.". The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? But in order to keep up appearances, she smiled warmly. There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. They had a job to do, and they would get it done. Following an unbridled facehoof, Rarity used her magic to lift Rainbow out of the mudhole and brought her inside Sugarcube Corner. With that, the interrogation was over. As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. "Take that back Twilight! She has enough on her hooves without us being may cast the spell Princess. It is because of this that I understood why she was your student. One did not, and that was Rarity. Trust me girls, I've known Twilight for a long, long time. I just didn't think that what I did would hurt her so badly. Entire towns and villages had fallen mostly by his hoof alone, hence why Blade saw fit to pick him for this job. "And that's why all this has happened." ", "Thank you your Majesty." Cadance asked inquisitively. Shining stopped dead in his tracks, the equivalent of a spear slamming into his heart. How?". To be precise, the only traceable source of conflict to be found in Equestriawas in my heart.". They betrayed her trust, they crushed her spirit and left her to die all in one fell swoop.". "Twilight please! The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. I think they have marinated long enough. I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but I do remember asking her what spell she had learned.". "Oh shut up!" One of our garrisons was attacked and defeated by Chrysalis and the remnants of her army. Replied Rainbow confidently. This has refined my ability to also sense ponies' aura.". Surely they won't allow themselves to be defeated as easily as last time! The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. When it all comes crashing down, the night will fall. Night Light immediately hurried to the front door, before bowing to greet the princess. Will I let you out? ", "No Luna. Added Maugrim. "Shut up Spark!" Back at the library, Twilight's sobs were beginning to slow. She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. Cried Applejack, trying to defuse the situation. Replied the lieutenant happily. With that, Shining left the war room. Pinkie piped up. Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. "Well, OK, I'll take your word for it. She, too, is sorry for betraying you, and she is willing to settle the matter using any method possible. Therefore I must inoculate both you and your husband using a special spell which will hinder the Nightmare Forces' ability to sense your emotions. She may not be happy to see you, but if I know her, she will forgive you. It is with honest hearts that we apologize for abandoning you when you needed us most. Her throne possessed the ability to channel the love from her prisoners into her body, giving her extra magic power and increased strength, a much needed boost considering the toll Cadance and Shining's spell took on her. Celestia started tossing and turning, her hooves planting themselves against her temples. Tell her I will seek an audience when the time is right.". You will also find me your finest spy. Did you, all of you, forget that Canterlot was under threat of an attack?!". What greeted the Guard Captain was a sight he had seen often enough, but still awe-inspiring in it's visage. "Changelings! "What if I was wrong about the impostor? "Your Majesty, I wish to inform you of an attack on one of the settlements outside the city. "The aim of the pegasi attacking the castle is to cut off the princesses from their guards and divert them somewhere we can corner them. How dare you lecture us on how to be Twilight's friends!". If that wasn't already a slash to her heart, then the knowledge that what happened then draws similar comparisons to the rehearsal would absolutely double it. ", "I got called into a meetin' with Granny Smith and Big Mac. Something he couldn't quite put his claw on. "I didn't know that she wasn't the real Cadence! Still, it needed to be done, and the stallion knew he could not forsake priorities for his own wellbeing. Then it hit him. It was almost unfathomable, how far he had fallen from grace. The words "You have a lot to think about" continued to ring throughout the young unicorn's head, a constant reminder of her loved one's betrayal. Now ah' know it may seem pointless to be getting upset about trashed muffins, but the point ah'm making here is that the real Cadance would have loved what we did for the wedding. With little hesitation, the yellow pegasus embraced Twilight in a hug, silencing any further sobbing. A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath Chapter 1: Prologue: Dreams - FanFiction "Girls" Sobbed Twilight. ", "Very well." Having opened the letter and read its contents, Shining learned of how Chrysalis and the remnants of her army had attacked a settlement near the border, burning it to the ground and taking the inhabitants prisoner. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction Not the sort of difficult where Shining could not recall Night's exact words, but the sort of difficult where emotions and mentality were concerned. The two princesses stayed close so that one could be there for the other in times of distress, but for now that was not to be as Luna was monitoring reconstruction efforts down in the city. The rest of the Mane 5, along with Cadance and Spike, joined the hug, doing all in their power to console the distraught unicorn. One of the guards said gruffly. We couldn't be more grateful for your help. Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. In the aftermath of the wedding, Twilight has found that her friends have grown. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, Pinkie had also just woken up. I believe that Twilight's parents should be informed of these events as soon as you are finished.". Within hours, the village was ablaze, and Chrysalis and her Changelings, with their prisoners in tow, proceeded to return to their hive in the mountain range known as the Black Widow's Peak. Meanwhile, Princess Luna had flown out from Canterlot Castle to the home of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. ", "I failed the Element of Loyalty because I did not stand by you when it was needed most." "I slept just fine. "Has she lost her mind or something?!" mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight Prepare your troops for battle!". Applebloom told me about it, y'all were attacked by the Changelings. Applejack wasn't the only one who betrayed everything she stood for, we did as well. "Aunt Celestia, Twilight wishes me to inform you that she is no longer your student. Rainbow tried going after him, but Applejack raised a hoof to stop her; it was best that they did not disturb either Spike or Twilight at this time. For now, it was just her and Twilight. After a while, she grinned confidently, settling Barbarousis's nerves. But we did, so in all honesty, we can chalk that up to being a big fat lie. We will take our revenge on Celestia and the ponies of Canterlot, and there's nothing that they can do to stop us! Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. "It'sIll fill you in on everything inside", said Shining as they went into the living room. Celestia assured her she would be fine under her tutoring and she held that for years but the moment she and the others betrayed Twilight, she broke that promise. The hour is nigh. We thought leavin' her alone to think about what she had done would be best for her.". HOME; ABOUT US; PRODUCTS; CONTACT US; Home / Trends / a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. Unfortunately, in this scenario, there was no "would've". As for Celestia, even though her mane still billowed proudly from her scalp, she looked very forlorn and remorseful. "Why did I ever doubt her? Shining assured the company. ", "No Fluttershy,I haven't. He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others? You have not only brought shame to our family Applejack, but you have brought shame on yourself and your Element. The Royal Guard was out and about, not only patrolling the streets to find and arrest any Changeling stragglers, but to assist with repair and resettlement efforts. "We understand darling." A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. "I will not leave anypony to fall victim to the same force that once held me, certainly not this night, nor any other. The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. Celestia cried. "Eeyup, there ain't nothing in Equestria that's going to break this shield." Celestia had tasked Luna to occasionally broadcast an announcement for any and all displaced ponies to meet inside the castle's Hall of Neighyeux, where they would be briefed on the situation of their household. by | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues #3055738 - safe, artist:prixy05, rainbow dash, pegasus, pony, betrayed I did it because I was left no choice. My proposal is to send emissaries to towns and villages in which they live, so that we might entice them to join our cause. Spike took it to mean Twilight rejected his request, until he heard the door unlock. With that, Celestia was beaten. It was a plan she was very much impressed with. SubStar Prowler! Still, that is not the reason you summoned me.". Twilight tried sharing a hoofshake with her from when they were young, but the Princess didn't recognize it.". If no resolution could be reached, fighting could then begin. Please wait here.". "Iknew Twilight trusted me. His face was initially grim with dread, but Shining recomposed himself, and dismissed the sentry. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? The Changelings bowed to greet their queen, before casting hard and menacing looks upon the line of prisoners that were marched inside. "Last night, Big Mac heard y'all crying harder than a timberwolf who had both legs cut off.". "Nothing sinister darling. Meanwhile, a second echelon, made up of thugs and lowlives from neighbouring towns and villages in the Badlands will advance northeast towards Canterlot, where upon arrival they will smash their way through the city and, through sheer brutality, cripple the Royal Guard's defensive perimeter.". The part that struck them the hardest was when he scornfully scolded Twilight and cut her off from his life, Twilight's friends leaving her to melt into a puddle of misery and Princess Celestia stabbing the final dagger into her heart by saying what she said. I cannot explain how I believed that impostor to be my niece. Without Twilight to lead them, the Elements of Harmony would become useless, and Equestria as a whole would lose its greatest means of defense. It left a horrible panging feeling in her heart as once more, the magnitude of her and the girl's collective actions hit home. Total duration Stepping through them was Spike. Nodding to their sergeant, the Changeling troops assumed their disguises, as did Icy Tone and Snake Bite. Any Changelings they find, living, wounded or dead are to be brought back to the castle immediately for treatment as seen fit by me. Replied Twilight, who headed back inside. ", "But it can't be too long, right?" ", "I understand." After a while of walking, Spike eventually reached Twilight's quarters, where he saw Princess Cadance closing the door leading inside. Additionally, because you said she had a lot to think about, after taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she has resigned from her post as the bearer of the Element of Magic. As a result, my thoughts and feelings turned to darkness, and it was not long before the Nightmare Forces found me languishing in my bitterness and hatred. Afterwards, I will update her on the situation". "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. The yellow pegasus croaked tiredly. I'm just wondering why the girls are trying to make it up to me. Everypony has learned from their mistakes, not least the girls. Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 were aboard the train which followed Twilight's to Ponyville. Twilight dashed through the halls of the castle, passing by several Royal Guards, servants or guests. Shining's actions had badly damaged their honor, something the family had proudly carried and improved from generation to generation. Shining proceeded to tell his parents of the events of the rehearsal, doing his utmost to retain his composure. According to testimony from her friends, she told them that she saw the impostor embarrass and humiliate them without them even realizing it, something that my niece would never, ever do. The look on her face was neither smiling nor frowning, but one of concern. She tried explaining to her friends, but they dismissed her concerns as mere wedding stress. I want to make up for my actions at the rehearsal.". ", "But they shouldn't be here in the first place Cadance! You fools, don't you know who I am? Only the Creator knows where they are right now." "Very well. The pink alicorn could tell this shield was no ordinary shield spell. He even refused to recall what he did to her, considering the price his actions carried placed a heavy weight of shame on himself. She loved them all very dearly, which explained the great pain she was feeling. If your levels of bitterness increase, so too will the strength of the forces, to the point where the spell cannot protect you. That was when the two elder Apples understood Applejack's point. This day should have been just perfect, The kind of day of which they dreamt when they was small. That would mean telling his mother and father, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, of the events that had transpired since the rehearsal, and by the Creator, they would not take it well. "This shield spell contains traces of Twilight's anger, hence it's dark coloring" Said Cadance grimly. Said Rarity. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. Adventure. "You have nothing to be sorry for. "Hi girls." You're always welcome here.". "It's going to be OK.". Around her, some of her Changelings were also coming to, but their numbers had been severely depleted following the massive pulse of magic released unto them by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Yelled both commanders as their forces clashed. He didn't stay with Twilight not because he willingly chose to leave Twilight to wallow in her misery. If that wasn't enough, Princess Celestia, your benevolent sister and the object of Twilight's idolisation and inspiration, did not even look her in the eye when she crushed her spirit. The outside world didn't matter anymore. "Just who in the hay do you think you are Spike? Replied Snake. All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! The valley through which the convoy walked was dotted with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes, with the surrounding mountains acting as a perimeter wall which surrounded the hive. How do I know? Twilight also begins to suspect that . Their disguises were as solid as their nerves. Everything that's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". "Come in!" "Yes Fluttershy, you really were that cruel to her. As was customary with the rules of war, both parties would first try to talk each other out of it. But that was the thing. "You heard her. His strict side came to the fore once more. All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. Even if she had managed to find an answer, it didn't matter anyway. However, Cadance did take into account that while upsetting a bride before her wedding is an undeniably despicable act, the knowledge that the fate of Equestria was at stake managed to outweigh her crime, but only a little. ", "Funny you should mention that Fluttershy, because I didn't either." Nightshade! With that, Twilight galloped back upstairs, utterly offended. "Immediately!" ", "It's OK Applejack." Do you realize, Princess, that had Twilight not found the real Cadance, who was also imprisoned down there, they could have both died? It was just a slip of the tongue. Celestia snapped in frustration. Aegis's Guards stood to attention, poised to strike on his word. Perhaps she had been a bit too scathing in her criticism of her sister. Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. The latter turned to Shining Armor next. Cried Rainbow. "I can remember spending most of the night cr-". It was my own darned pride that led me to abandon my loyalty. ", "If it is any help Rainbow, I would advise you do not beat around the bush with her. It is unknown to us what became of Shining and Celestia at that time, but Twilight had nopony else to turn to, hence why we believe that her friends basically betrayed her just for the comparably petty glamour of being the bridesmaids of the wedding. Barbarousis answered assuredly. Mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight To ask for her forgiveness and to get her to resume being your student, or simply to resume being your attack dog?". State your business!" "I just wanted to check on you, make sure you were doing OK after yesterday. She must know that her resignation spells doom for Equestria and life as we know it". Despite being originally hesitant, Applejack quickly swallowed her sorrows and stepped up to the plate. She was glad there was still somepony loyal to her. Those girls have no right to even look me in the eye! With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. Replied Shining. ", "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. Still, we are confident there will be no problems with the execution of the mission.". She seemed lost in thought, but to be sure she was OK, Spike decided to get her attention. Cookies I'm your number one assistant. With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. Velvet and Night looked at each other in surprise, before returning their gaze to Luna. Ah' told the girls we should go and check on the princess, and with that, we walked out on her. ", "I have no doubt Twilight was gravely hurt by what her friends, her brother and Celestia did to her," Luna replied, "but what prevented the Nightmare Forces from corrupting her is that she had no bitter feelings towards them or desires of their destruction.
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