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{ textField.value = msg; Turning Point of Transformation. Ananias not only accepted Gods word in faith while it was still unclear what Sauls intentions were, but also he accepted Saul as a brother. frames.quiz_status.document.clear(); 16-21 and Acts 1-14 What does the Holy. if ((valid[n]==-1)||(maxScore[n]==minvoto)) if (valutaQuiz==1) { It's easy to do. His haughtiness at the time of Pauls arrest was characteristic of his whole tenure. textField.value = msg; The only distinction given for Ananias is that he was from Damascus. It's easy to do. June 22, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; if (PrintAnswer.arguments.length>1) But if we were SURE that this was what God said, we would go. Ananias was a member of that body, and if you and I are to be used by the Lord the same must be true of us. } doValuate(17,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score18,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta18); What would Saul do next? Ananias is not the last believer who has seen fit to keep God up to date." But then Ananias surprises us, once he answers God's call, and goes the extra nine yards, calling Saul "Brother." I like to think that he began the sentence with uncertainty and confusion, and perhaps with with the words UmmmGod. { doc.writeln(", "); While we recognize Sauls intense hatred for the followers of Jesus, his complete devotion to what he believed was right, and his evident sincerity and good conscience, still he lacked what the Lord was offering salvation through the blood of Christ. Why was Ananias reluctant to go to Saul? if (tipo == 2) { A certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias. It is significant that Ananias was simply a disciple (and not an apostle) in that Pauls apostleship was not founded on the ministry of another apostle (Gal. doValuate(15,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score16,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta16); I love the fact that there is no small talk. allAnsReport[18] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate19(); CountAnswers(); I will show him how much he must suffer for My name! Acts 9: 11-16, HCSB). How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things! (Romans 10:15). March 2015 Paul is the last man to describe a Christian as a devout man according to the Law.When Ananias laid he hands on Saul, he received his sight and was filled with the Holy Spirit. January 2023 In this passage, we have the visions of the blinded Paul and the Christian Ananias which took place In Explain why Ananias did not want to do what Jesus commanded him to do? document.location = GetLinkFromMark(voto); March 2021 June 2014 To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Ananias went to see Saul right away. After all, he has done harm to Your saints in Jerusalem and is now ready to bind all who call on Your name in Damascus. This was doubtless one of the most soul-wrenching conversions ever to take place, and Sauls level of repentance was clearly as deep as humanly possible (Acts 9:1-9). 8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus. if (valid[n]==1) { He was warned by God in a dream. function PrintBottomFrame() PrintStatusBar(); PrintJSResult(frames.quiz_main.document); Zealous, brutal, and loyal to his religious heritagethis was how the book of Acts introduced the man called Saul of Tarsus who quietly approved of and watched the death of Christianity's first martyr, Stephen. 2. Act 9:17 So Ananias departed and entered the house. 11 The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. Just follow the link above and get the details! June 2022 } doValuate(12,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score13,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta13); He was afraid because Saul killed Jesus followers. PrintResultsTable(frames.quiz_main.document); doValuate(3,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score4,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta4); February 2019 Another Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira was part of the early church at Jerusalem (Acts 5:1-10). October 2021 Any Amazon link on this site is an ad. Even reluctant evangelists convert when they preach the Gospel.; Luke may intentionally contrast two blind men in the middle of the book of Acts. Here we see Jesus fulfilling that promise and sending one to Saul to tell him that he must do. If you would like to write a letter to the editor, you can do so here. Sunday AM Classes: 9:30 The main idea is, that he revealed his will to him in the case. completeInitValuate(); if (valid[3]==0) { PrintResultOnTopFrame(); typeOfQuest = new init_array(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1); I was thinking this morning about one of my favorite passages of Scripture. 10 Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (""); Are we being reluctant evangelists? This morning, we want to examine the case of one reluctant evangelist. Then Saul ate and got his strength back. Ananias' protests lead to "the Lord" instructing him, saying "Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel; I myself. Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: 16 For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk 16:15). (9:13-14) 1. } The third Ananias was the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Pauls arrest (Acts 23:2). Tradition says that later Ananias became bishop of Damascus and died a Martyr. Copyright 2018, Walk With God - Wayne Nalls, All Rights Reserved. } arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22:16). Why was Ananias reluctant to go to Saul? As a matter of fact, providence dictated that He would use this man to do incredible things for His kingdom. if (nScore[n]"; October 2018 As a symbol of the end of his spiritual blindness he is baptized, probably by the hand of Ananias himself. In a vision - Perhaps by a dream. PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_status.document,"Info",1); Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [the Father] takes away (Jn 15:2). frames.quiz_main.document.close(); receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. November 2018 This meeting resulted in the scales falling from Sauls eyes and his baptism (presumably by Ananias). But Saul is understandably reluctant to give so many racist people the chance to jeer at him, and his response to Lanahan suggests he's become cynical about what it's like to play hockey at "the higher levels." Active Themes Lanahan can sees that Saul is wary about moving to a higher level. February 2017 Receive every article in your inbox by subscribing below. } 10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision. else { } August 2014 window.alert("You have answered all of the questions"); They must be filled with pain, remorse and repentance. In spite of the clear and present danger, Ananias went and began to look for the Christian hunter Saul. documento.writeln (""+title+""); allAnsReport[7] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate8(); It may seem like a small detail until you think it through, but the extent of Ananias faith was such that the man not only obeyed Gods instruction, but also fully accepted his enemy by addressing him with the words Brother Saul. The level of Ananias faith is seen again toward the end of Acts 9 which records that after his conversion Saul returned to Jerusalem, and that: When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple (vs. 26). { Acts 9:16. Christian Living Regenerating grace causes people to pray; it is easier to find a living man without the ability to breath, than it is to find a Christian who doesnt pray. September 2016 IntroductionIn this passage, we have the visions of the blinded Paul and the Christian Ananias which took place in Damascus. And laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit ." And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. } Another Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira was part of the early church at Jerusalem (Acts 5:1-10). And now here God asks Ananias to go and confront the ringleader of the persecutors. Out of a shining light Jesus calls to him and said Saul, why are you persecuting me? Saul is struck blind. Our service may not be great, but we need to fill our area of service faithfully. if (valid[16]==0) { doValuate(18,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score19,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta19); Why was Ananias of Damascus chosen to convey Sauls commission instead of the apostles in Jerusalem? February 2022 PrintResults(); Ananias overcame his fear and had the honor of helping Saul receive the holy spirit. doValuate(16,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score17,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta17); He was one of the leaders of the Damascus church, and as such, he was one of Sauls targets. In Damascus, there was a faithful Christian named Ananias. Stephen. Ananias came to help Saul become spiritually acceptable before God, and thus also help him become a candidate for the reception of the Holy Spirit. You will not be able to post a comment in this post. Many give some type of excuse as to why God's plan won't work. And he has authority here from the chief priests to arrest all who call on Your name. 1:28). frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); Philippians 4:8 We might say that we dont know how. } November 2021 Ananias had not only heard of how Saul had been systematically destroying the church in Jerusalem, hunting down men and women and turning them over to the authorities, but also knew that he was on the march to Damascus, ready to destroy that church as well. July 2022 } His apparent cooperation with the conspirators who were seeking to assassinate Paul (Acts 23:12-15) further reveals his unscrupulous character. function init_valid() Even though Ananias was a reluctant evangelist, he converted Saul. It is significant that Ananias was simply a disciple (and not an apostle) in that Pauls apostleship was not founded on the ministry of another apostle (Gal. May 2021 Why was Ananias reluctant to go to Saul? Acts 9. if (valid[13]==0) { September 2018 This shows the power of conversion belongs to God, not to man. He knew Saul was a Pharisee 5. In obedience to the Holy Spirit, however, Ananias greeted Saul lovingly. His friends snuck him out of Damascus in a basket. And he said, "Here I am, Lord.". Ananias was instructed to come to Saul, restore his sight, baptize him, and reveal his commission to him. In Acts 9:10-19, the Bible reveals how the Lord was working to prepare Saul of Tarsus for his new life as the apostle Paul. frames.quiz_status.document.writeln(GetCopyrightMsg()); } Can you explain, "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks? How? doValuate(7,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score8,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta8); Family Second, Ananias affirmed that the person Saul encountered on the Damascus Road was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight (Acts 9:10-12). \n"); } Fasting and praying might indicate a change of direction, but still, Saul needed to come in contact with the Lords will for his life. else if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)==3) { January 2021 Thats a large number , Be transformed Seek Godly council Read the Bible , Sometimes Before You Ask, You Know the Answer. if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)==4) { Having trouble logging into your account? Ananias represents a doubting Christian. The men would give Saul food. Imagine you lived in Soviet Russia, or today in North Korea, where Christians are routinely executed, and were told to go help the head of the secret police responsible for eliminating Christians. Saul, the chief of sinners, the persecutor of the church, was Gods chosen means of bringing the gospel to great and small, Jew and Gentile alike. The commission is given in verses 15-16. The chapter not only tells us that Saul was breathing out murderous threats against the early disciples, but also that he was hunting them down and conveying them to prison. if (valid[1]==0) { July 2019 doValuate(4,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score5,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta5); } The Lord called to him in a vision, Ananias! Yes, Lord, he answered. frames.quiz_top.document.clear(); And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name. Ananias had not only heard of how Saul had been systematically destroying the church in Jerusalem, hunting down men and women and turning them over to the authorities, but also knew that he was on the march to Damascus, ready to destroy that church as well. if (end_test==1) { (9:13-14) A : He was warned by God in a dream: B : His wife said for him to have nothing to do with this man: C : He had heard from many how much harm Saul had done to the saints in Jerusalem: D : He knew Saul was a Pharisee: E : if (silent==1) {; The Lord called to Ananias in a vision, and Ananias said, Here I am, Lord. We here see a willingness on Ananias part to obey God. When honest individuals hear the Gospel today, they will arise and be baptized. February 2016 allAnsReport[14] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate15(); If we are reluctant evangelists, we might miss opportunities. As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Ananias himself was murdered by assassins for his cooperation with the Romans. Many of the Jews hated Ananias because of his ruthlessness and corruption, but he was protected by Rome even after he was deposed as high priest. msgFormat = "" + msg + ""; The story of Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus is told in Acts 9:1-19 and retold by Paul in Acts 22:6-21 and Acts 26:12-18 . } Remained in Jerusalem. } Ananias did as commanded and laid his hands on Saul, and immediately Saul received his sight and was filled with the Holy Spirit. allAnsReport[9] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate10(); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(bodyTagFrame1); Here we have the Lord sending a servant. December 2014 function SetClock(timeStr) } if (window.confirm("Print quiz ?")) for (var i=0;i'); window.status = ""; This makes you unworthy to be with God in Heaven, and unable to do anything about it. Bible Study But thats the story as we know it, from our perspective in nice safe hindsight. } return end_test; Acts 10:44-48, Acts 13:14, Acts 21:39, Acts 22:12, Acts 22:16, Acts 23:12-15, Acts 23:2, Acts 2:4, Acts 25:10-12, Acts 25:23-26:32, Acts 4:32-37, Acts 4:8, Acts 5:1-10, Acts 9:10-19, Galatians 1:15-2:10, John 16:9, Luke 4:40, Mark 6:5, Titus 12:5, Sermon Topics: I wrote this short, fast-paced, practical guide to productivity to share what I have learned about getting things done in todays digital world. At the very least you could set up a Bible study to be conducted by someone who knows how to evangelize. Just follow the link above and get the details! voto = ComputeMarks(); Damascus expressly to arrest Christians, To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. of faithful David. July 2018 textField.value = "Selected answer"; 14 And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name. Prayer "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. Ananias. Ananias had heard of the harm Saul had done to the church in Jerusalem. After his encounter with Jesus, he had nowhere else to turn but to God in prayer. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes (Rom 1:16). Books Of The Bible } Ananias himself was murdered by assassins for his cooperation with the Romans.Why was Ananias of Damascus chosen to convey Sauls commission instead of the apostles in Jerusalem? He consented to the death of Stephen (Acts 8:1). frames.quiz_top.document.close(); In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias enter and put his hands on him to restore his sight." His apparent cooperation with the conspirators who were seeking to assassinate Paul (Acts 23:12-15) further reveals his unscrupulous character. After all, this Saul guy was dangerous! Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What profession was Luke?, To whom was the Book of Acts written?, After the stoning of Steven, who went house to house putting men and women of the church in prison and more. May 2019 if (valid[5]==0) { if (valid[14]==0) { Go to the straight street to the house of Judas Ask for Saul Saul was chosen to preach the gospel Saul would be later shown what to do . He is praying. doValuate(14,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score15,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta15); (1 Samuel 18:12, 28+29), Continue Learning about Religious Studies. Ananias was understandably reluctant to approach this notorious persecutor, who had come to Damascus expressly to arrest Christians like himself. Dispersion. msg = "Good ! PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_status.document,"",1); In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him so he can regain his sight., Lord, Ananias answered, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. Ananias objected that Saul had been persecuting "thy saints", but the Lord told him that Saul was "a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel". PrintAnswerOnTopFrame(msgFormat,explan,GetSoundName(n)); February 2015 Most of us know the story of Saul, persecutor of the early church, who was knocked to the ground, blinded by a bright light, and addressed by the risen Christ Himself. PrintStatusBar(); if (valid[9]==0) { Are you an honest person? God was working with Ananias and Saul at the same time. October 2017 July 2016 Listen to Acts 9:13-14: 13 "Lord, I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. { doValuate(13,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score14,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta14); June 2018 It is in Acts 9 and involves just two people, the disciple Ananias and Saul. 17 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, t, he Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest. David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel because if (valid[4]==0) { Only then did Saul eat some food. Be ready for Sundaybefore Saturday night! { str += ""+voto+"/"+maxvoto+" ( "+Math.floor(voto*100/maxvoto)+"% )"; When the three days are over he is free from his . Placing his hands on Saul, he said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Sauls eyes, and he could see again. 10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. } As a matter of fact, he reminds me of me! Then all who heard were amazed and said, Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem, and has come here for that purpose, so that he might bring them bound to the chief priests? (Acts 9:19-21). } allAnsReport[0] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate1(); Saul could not see; maybe Ananias wanted to convey warmth and good will to this blind persecutor. Dont be a reluctant evangelist! why was ananias reluctant to go to saulmarc d'amelio house address. The book of Acts indicates that when someone needed to hear gospel, the gospel was presented to that person by a preacher. The gospel is communicated by a messenger. PrintLinkBack(frames.quiz_main.document); if (valid[10]==0) { July 2017 After this incident with Paul we hear no more } frames.quiz_main.document.close(); str += ""+voto+"/"+maxvoto; documento.writeln (''); window.alert("QUIT PRINT"); Tradition says that later Ananias became bishop of Damascus and died a Martyr. if (valid[6]==0) { Home|About Preachology|About Me|Contact Me|Free Newsletter|Free Blog, Join in and write your own page! if (printCpRg==1) { Right after his conversion, God told a Christian by the name of Ananias to go and restore Saul's sight, Ananias expresses reservations because of Saul's reputation. PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"",1); For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My sake. God knew exactly who Saul was and gave Ananias the assurance that He was still in control. } Did the light and voice on the road greatly affect Saul? Saul's Conversion. What these days are like we can only imagine. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (", "); Scripture In Question And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.It was the Lord Jesus who spoke to Ananias. This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel (Acts 9:13-15). if (soundFile!='') frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(", "); God told Ezekiel to go to the wicked man whether or not the wicked man listened (Ezek 33:9). Ananias Baptizes Saul 11 "Get up!" the Lord told him. And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight. God tells this disciple to run an errand on His behalf. Jesus told him in a vision: 'Go to the house of Judas on the street called Straight, and look for Saul.' When Persecution brought Dispersion, where did the Apostles go? if (valid[0]==0) { UmGoddont you know that that country is closed to missionaries? end_test = CountAnswers(); Encouragement Saul received some food and was strengthened. Be an evangelist who talks of what Jesus has done for him. April 2022 When the Lord revealed himself to Saul, Saul asked what he should do. His relationship to Christ changed. window.status = ""; The obedience and faith that Ananias demonstrated in going to Saul and helping to restore his sight were incredible, to say the least. } } November 2020 The "light" Saul saw (9:3) was brighter than the sun (26:13). Saul had selfishly turned away from God. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (", "); Why was Ananias reluctant to follow this command, and what reassurance was he given? Post author: Post published: junho 10, 2022 Post category: aries constellation tattoo Post comments: muqarnas dome, hall of the abencerrajes muqarnas dome, hall of the abencerrajes God's approval and spirit, his personality traits became more and The disciple who baptized Saul, the greatest missionary the church had ever known, was simply a certain disciplehe was no great leader in the church. Ananias takes the opportunity to remind God of Sauls credentials. He was obedient to the vision he received from Christ. The third Ananias was the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Paul's arrest (Acts 23:2). We might say that it wont do any good. Paul will now frames.quiz_status.document.writeln (noBorderBodyTagFrame2); His haughtiness at the time of Paul's arrest was characteristic of his whole tenure. March 2017 setTimeout(deleteTooltip,2000); Ananias was called by God and told to go get Saul. FinalActions(); Paul describes him as a devout man according to the Law, with a good testimony before othersAnd one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, (Acts 22:12). Ananias, at first, was reluctant to go to Saul. As Donald Davis notes, "In case God has overlooked Saul's atrocities, [Ananias] takes occasion to issue a brief reminder. named Ananias; a Jewish name, the same with Hananiah, Daniel 1:6 there was an high priest of this name, Acts 23:2 and it was a name in much use among the Jews; frequent mention is made in the Misnic and Talmudic writings of R. Hananiah, or Ananias: and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias; by "the Lord", is meant the Lord Jesus Christ, as is evident from Acts 9:17 who appeared to Ananias in a vision; the Arabic version adds, "by night"; perhaps in a dream, as the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph the husband of Mary, and called him by his name Ananias, to which he answered: and he said, behold, I am here, Lord; in like manner as Samuel did, when a child, when the Lord called to him; showing his readiness to hearken to his voice, to do his will, and obey his orders, be they what they would. allAnsReport[4] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate5(); Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God. He said, "Ananias." Ananias said, "Here I am, Lord." Then the Lord went on to tell Ananias to go to the street called Straight and go to the house of Judas and ask for Saul of .