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This high position allowed them to be worked during heavy weather, as they were less affected by waves and spray compared with the casemate mounts of earlier British capital ships. [106], As a result of a collision off the coast of Spain on 23 January 1935, one of Hood's propellers struck the bow of Renown. Despite the appearance of newer and more modern ships, Hood remained the largest warship in the world for 20 years after her commissioning, and her prestige was reflected in her nickname, "The Mighty Hood". [34] However, the US continued with their established design direction, the slower, but well-protected, South Dakota-class battleship and the fast and lightly armoured Lexington-class battlecruiser, both of which were later cancelled in accordance with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. [9] She carried enough fuel oil to give her an estimated range of 7,500 nautical miles (13,900km; 8,600mi) at 14 knots (26km/h; 16mph). [40] In addition, she was grossly overweight compared to her original design, making her a wet ship with a highly stressed structure. The HMS Hood at Table Bay in Cape Town with the HMS Repulse behind, January 1924. . [44], Shortly after commissioning on 15 May 1920, Hood became the flagship of the Battlecruiser Squadron of the Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Rear Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. It was, in fact, the culmination of the German effort to use capital ships like battlecruiser . . [45], Captain John Im Thurn was in command when Hood, accompanied by the battlecruiser Repulse and Danae-class cruisers of the 1st Light Cruiser Squadron, set out on a world cruise from west to east via the Panama Canal in November 1923. The heavily armoured conning tower is located by itself a distance from the main wreck. Armed Merchant Cruisers such as HMS Jervis Bay, were made up of various naval forces, and although she was a British ship, her crew were not all British, with some from the Commonwealth countries around the world. Bismarck was temporarily able to evade detection, but was later spotted and sunk on 27 May.[69]. Later that year, her crew participated in the Invergordon Mutiny over pay cuts for the sailors. They were and are the very heart and soul of the ship. No hits were scored, but the submarine crash-dived and retreated. Furthermore, the current position of the plates at the edge of the break reflects only their last position, not the direction they had first moved. [103] A metal container holding administrative papers was discovered washed ashore on the Norwegian island of Senja in April 1942, almost a year after the Battle of the Denmark Strait. A shell, falling short and travelling underwater, struck below the armoured belt and penetrated a magazine. HMS Hood bore the motto "with favorable winds" and was named after Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, a victorious commander in the Seven Years' War, the American Revolutionary War . One of four Admiral-class battlecruisers ordered in mid-1916, Hood had serious design limitations, though her design was drastically revised after the Battle of Jutland and improved while she was under construction. HMS Hood, battlecruiser, lost two men in 1935 - one drowned, one to illness (Maritime Quest, click to enlarge) on to 1936 or return to inter-war casualties, 1918-1939 . She was above all the proud steel ambassador of the whole Royal Navy and of the country. Albert Edward Pryke "Ted" Briggs was the last survivor of the battle cruiser HMS Hood, sunk by the German warship Bismarck in the North Atlantic during the Second World War. [14] When they detonated, the rockets shot out lengths of cable that were kept aloft by parachutes; the cable was intended to snag aircraft and draw up the small aerial mine that would destroy the aircraft. While dry-docked for repairs, Renown had fragments of this propeller removed from her bilge section. The bulge was backed by a 1.5-inch-thick torpedo bulkhead. Captain Thomas Tower replaced Captain Binney on 30 August 1933. It has been suggested that the fatal fire spread from the aft end of the ship through the starboard fuel tanks, since the starboard side of Hood "appears to be missing most, if not all of its torpedo bulge plating". "[101] There is a second inscription on the side of the bell that reads "In accordance with the wishes of Lady Hood it was presented in memory of her husband to HMS Hood battle cruiser the ship she launched 22nd August 1918." You can also click below to view a single list of all names Hood Association Facebook Page [4], The additional armour added during construction increased her draught by about 4 feet (1.2m) at deep load, which reduced her freeboard and made her very wet. Already under construction when the Battle of Jutland occurred in mid-1916, that battle revealed serious flaws in her design despite drastic revisions before she was completed four years later. One was on each side of the amidships control tower and the third was on the centreline abaft the aft control position. [102], Some relics from the time of Hood's sinking still exist. [107], Coordinates: 6320N 3150W / 63.333N 31.833W / 63.333; -31.833, This article is about the Admiral-class battlecruiser. Three torpedo-control towers were fitted, each with a 15-foot (4.6m) rangefinder. All the 5.5-inch guns were removed during another refit in 1940. Force H took part in the destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kbir in July 1940. Afterwards, she patrolled the North Atlantic before putting into Scapa Flow on 6 May. (Public Domain) Launched in 1913, the battleship HMS Warspite saw extensive service during both world wars. HMS Hood Walk-Around HMS Hood was something of a majestic design in terms of warships. The Admiral-class battlecruisers were designed in response to the German Mackensen-class battlecruisers, which were reported to be more heavily armed and armoured than the latest British battlecruisers of the Renown and the Courageous classes. When the threat of an invasion diminished, the ship resumed her previous roles in convoy escort and patrolling against German commerce raiders. [51] On 23 April 1937, the ship escorted three British merchantmen into Bilbao harbour despite the presence of the Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera that attempted to blockade the port. They were supplemented by two additional control positions in the fore-top, which were provided with 9-foot (2.7m) rangefinders, fitted in 19241925. HMS Repulse was one of two Renown -class battlecruisers built for the Royal Navy during the First World War. During the brief battle, Prince of Wales scored three hits on Bismarck. The forecastle deck ranged from 1.75 to 2 inches (44 to 51 millimetres) in thickness, while the upper deck was 2 inches (51mm) thick over the magazines and 0.75 inches (19mm) elsewhere. Answer (1 of 4): Three. [11], During the 19291931 refit, a high-angle control system (HACS) Mark I director was added on the rear searchlight platform and two positions for 2-pounder "pom-pom" antiaircraft directors were added at the rear of the spotting top, although only one director was initially fitted. The HMS Hood, originally launched in 1918, . H.M.S. Hood's crew gained their first clue that something was developing at 1939, 23 May when full speed was ordered. Hood Rolls of Honour Updated 01-Jan-2020 These memorials are dedicated to those who died whilst building and serving aboard Hood. [31], Although the Royal Navy always designated Hood as a battlecruiser, some modern writers such as Anthony Preston have classified her as a fast battleship, since Hood appeared to have improvements over the fast Queen Elizabeth-class battleships. [64], Just before 06:00, while Hood was turning 20 to port to unmask her rear turrets, she was hit again on the boat deck by one or more shells from Bismarck's fifth salvo, fired from a range of approximately 16,650 metres (18,210yd). Hood Crew Information- To these were added five unrotated projectile (UP) launchers in 1940, each launcher carrying 20 seven-inch (178mm) rockets. Its main conclusion is that the loss was almost certainly precipitated by the explosion of a 4-inch magazine, but that there are several ways this could have been initiated, although he rules out the boat deck fire or the detonation of her torpedoes as probable causes. In 1934, the "pom-pom" directors were moved to the former locations of the 5.5-inch control positions on the spotting top and the 9-foot (2.7m) rangefinders for the 5.5-inch control positions were reinstalled on the signal platform. The Royal Navy kept no lists of ratings serving in individual ships and, therefore, for ratings any crew list can only be assembled from information relating to individuals. List of crew killed in action aboard HMS Prince of Wales on December 10, 1941. Hood Association-Battle Cruiser Hood: Crew Information - H.M.S. Here you will find our attempt at creating such a listing. For officers, the situation is easier as The Navy Lists do list all Commissioned and Warrant officers serving in Hood at any given time. It endorsed this opinion, stating that: (c) (The) probable cause of the loss of HMS Hood was direct penetration of the protection by one or more 15-inch shells at a range of 16,500 yards [15,100m], resulting in the explosion of one or more of the aft magazines.[71]. She embarked a Fairey IIIF from No. In March Janus was involved in the battle of Cape Matapan, whilst a unit of the 14th DD Flotilla, under Captain Mack aboard . HMS Hood was the pride of the Royal Navy. The turrets were designated 'A', 'B', 'X', and 'Y' from bow to stern,[10] and 120 shells were carried for each gun. [30] During her 19291931 refit, the platform was removed from 'X' turret and a rotating, folding catapult was installed on her quarterdeck, along with a crane to recover a seaplane. Hood in 2001", "Relics of HMS Hood Ledger Container Lid", "HMS Hood v HMS Renown propeller fragment", Battle of the Denmark Strait Documentation Resource, Imperial War Museum Interview with survivor Robert Tilburn,, A direct hit from a shell penetrated to a magazine aft. HMS Hood (pennant number 51) was the last battlecruiser built for the Royal Navy. Many men - particularly those who formed the crews of the late 1930s and early 1940s - fall outside the publicly available records. It is estimated that as many as 15,000 men may have served in her from 19201941. A Queen Elizabeth -class battleship, Warspite was completed in 1915 and fought at Jutland the following year. Bertie Jack Tomlinson TELEGRAPHIST CLASS A Served from 1943 - 1946 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Paul Graham Duddle L/COOK Served from 1970 - 1979 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Nicholas Sparey LEADING HAND Served from 1990 - 2002 Served in HMS Royal Arthur Lawrence Johnson [49], While en route to Gibraltar for a Mediterranean cruise, Hood was rammed in the port side quarterdeck by the battlecruiser Renown on 23 January 1935. [90] The eastern field includes the small piece of the stern that survived the magazine explosion, as well as the surviving section of the bow and some smaller remains such as the propellers. Hood Rolls of Honour [52] Hood was refitted at Malta in November and December 1937, and had her submerged torpedo tubes removed. . After a brief overhaul of her propulsion system, she sailed as the flagship of Force H, and participated in the destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir. We are particularly grateful to Barry Roberts who has dedicated many hours undertaking this task and has identified several thousand "Hood men" thereby. They were and are the very heart and soul of the ship. Aboard HMS Lapwing (U 62) when hit on 20 Mar 1945 to P.O. 1,415 members of its crew perished. [4], The main battery of the Admiral-class ships consisted of eight BL 15-inch (381mm) Mk I guns in hydraulically powered twin gun turrets. The bell was rung eight times in a commemorative service at midday attended by descendants of crew members who died in the battle before being placed in the museum's exhibit on the Battle of Jutland. [48], Hood was given a major refit from 1 May 1929 to 10 March 1931, and afterwards resumed her role as flagship of the battlecruiser squadron under the command of Captain Julian Patterson. [13] In 1931, a pair of octuple mountings for the 40-millimetre (1.6in) QF 2-pounder Mk VIII gun "pom-pom" were added on the shelter deck, abreast of the funnels, and a third mount was added in 1937. The discovery of the ship's wreck in 2001 confirmed the conclusion of both boards, although the exact reason the magazines detonated is likely to remain unknown since that portion of the ship was obliterated in the explosion. [72] This investigation was "much more thorough than was the first, taking evidence from a total of 176 eyewitnesses to the disaster",[73] and examined both Goodall's theory and others (see below). 2016 is also the centenary of the Hood's keel laying. The official Admiralty communiqu on the loss, broadcast on the day of the sinking, reported that: "during the action, HMS Hood received an unlucky hit in a magazine and blew up. Hood's wreck lies on the seabed in pieces among two debris fields at a depth of about 2,800 metres (9,200 feet). Hood Crew List -H.M.S. Hood Crew List Updated 11-Apr-2022 Background It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. She would have received new, lighter turbines and boilers, a secondary armament of eight twin 5.25-inch (133mm) gun turrets, and six octuple 2-pounder "pom-poms". You can learn more about these men here. For this reason . Each turret was also fitted with a 30-foot (9.1m) rangefinder. HMS Prince of Wales caught a disastrous direct hit to her bridge that forced . [59], Hood was relieved as flagship of Force H by Renown on 10 August, after returning to Scapa Flow. This change increased the ship's vulnerability to plunging (high-trajectory) shells, as it exposed more of the vulnerable deck armour. [65] A shell from this salvo appears to have hit the spotting top, as the boat deck was showered with body parts and debris. Deborah. HMS Hood: Crew, History, Status. C.P.O. [8], The Admirals were powered by four Brown-Curtis geared steam turbines, each driving one propeller shaft using steam provided by 24 Yarrow boilers. As such, it remains a protected place under the Protection of Military Remains Act of 1986. hms hood: crew list. Robert Wyllie. Although these give the date on which any man joined the ship, they do not give the date on which he left. [60], In January 1941, the ship began a refit that lasted until March; even after the refit she was still in poor condition, but the threat from the German capital ships was such that she could not be taken into dock for a major overhaul until more of the King George V-class battleships came into service. [27], Live-firing trials with the new 15-inch APC (armour-piercing, capped) shell against a mock-up of Hood showed that this shell could penetrate the ship's vitals via the 7-inch middle belt and the 2-inch slope of the main deck as a result 3-inch plating on the main deck over the slopes was added alongside the magazine spaces at a very late stage of construction and the four aftermost 5.5-inch guns and their ammunition hoists were removed in partial compensation.. A proposal was made to increase the armour over the forward magazines to 5inches and 6inches over the rear magazines in July 1919 in response to these trials. For almost 2 decades, she was the largest and most powerful warship afloat. H.M.S. On 25 September 1939, the Home Fleet sortied into the central North Sea to cover the return of the damaged submarine Spearfish. The exact cause of the loss of Hood remains a subject of debate. The RN conducted two inquiries into the reasons for the ship's quick demise. Hood Roll of Honour Database. In January 1941 Janus assisted with convoy operations between Malta and Piraeus. The relevant series of documents are ADM188 (men joined before 1926), ADM362 (men joining 1926-1928) and ADM363 (service after 1929 for men joining before before that date). HMS Hood was a battlecruiser not a battleship, a flawed concept from the Edwardian age that sacrificed armour for speed in the mistaken belief the latter would protect her when under fire from 'heavy' opponents. Inspection of the wreck has confirmed that the aft magazines did indeed explode. Previously K 64910 (further details absent), Re-entered as Stoker 1st Class (Pensioner) now KX88498, Re-entered for 3 years non continuous service, Transferred to Supply Assistant MX50989 (service record not available), Victory I (Reverts from N.Z.N. Retained after World War I, it moved between postings in . Illustrious, H.M.S. Positions authorised to be filled aboard Hood, Crew Biographies Roster entries: 90,827 (for 89,120 people) Service Persons; Merchant Navy: 43,355: RN: 13,428 . The first, held soon after the ship's loss, concluded that Hood's aft magazine had exploded after one of Bismarck's shells penetrated the ship's armour. The ship had a metacentric height of 4.2 feet (1.3m) at deep load, which minimised her roll and made her a steady gun platform. Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Hood after several members of the Hood family, who were notable naval officers: HMS Hood (1859), a 91-gun second-rate ship of the line, originally laid down as HMS Edgar, but renamed in 1848 and launched in 1859. In addition to the two inscriptions, the bell still wears vivid royal blue paint work on its crown as well as its interior. The spectacular end of HMS Hood demonstrated what many in the Royal Navy already knew . HMS Hood (pennant number 51) was a battlecruiser of the Royal Navy (RN).