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please assist is there an add on to this formula to just show K20 as CH, this is the full formula i'm looking for, but no joy. The formula I am currently using is: The second part of the formula, FILTER(table, expression), tells SUMX which data to use. If you need to perform an OR operation on multiple expressions, you can create a series of calculations or, better, use the OR operator ( ||) to join all of them in a simpler expression. i have the following. } IF((A1=0),"-","TEAM1") , IF((B1=0),"-","TEAM2") , IF((C1=0),"-","TEAM3") , IF((D1=0),"-","TEAM3") AND SO ON.. Hi! So, the formula classifies each product as either Low or High. I need to fix below multiple criteria IF formula to show me monthly commission percentage in a column B applied on column A (Subscription Term): Subscription Term Commission Percentage Months Monthly Commission 72 And the result will look similar to this: Looking for a formula that can do something more complex than return a predefined text? ABC-1 B-1 0 I want to delete from the report, "lots" with only A-locations as it makes my current report go from 20 pages to 150 pages. Returns the first expression that does not evaluate to BLANK. Hi! Here's is an example of the IF OR formula in the simplest form: =IF(OR(B2="delivered", B2="paid"), "Closed", "Open"). Using syntax like && and || and using the function IN are very code like. It's impossible to guess what value you want to return. } Print - IMAGE (Full page) A4 Grayscale | B/W 10.00 I don't know how to thank you enough for your Excel add-ins. Beyond the 20th year the nth term is incorrect for some of the years; 21th, 23th, 31th, 32th. So how would I do this? If{ Itll help me understand your request better and find a solution for you. I am getting #NAME? To evaluate two or more conditions and return one result if any of the conditions is TRUE, and another result if all the conditions are FALSE, embed the OR function in the logical test of IF: In plain English, the formula's logic can be formulated as follows: If a cell is "this" OR "that", take one action, if not then do something else. AH15 is Number or Text "ND" i.e. Print - Digital photo 4R Colored 30.00 THAN 5000=15% I can't check your formula because I don't have your data. Print - IMAGE (Half page) A4 Colored 12.00 Select Index and Unpivot Other columns. A4: 42 B4 C4: 60 to 72 D4: 0.45% These formulas use different values and are not connected in any way.Please re-check the article above. Hello! It offers: Ultimate Suite has saved me hours and hours of brain-draining work. Last Review date = 1st review date + 12 Months Such functions are called nested IF functions. Column B shows me location in the warehouse. Example: Pay attention to the following paragraph of the article above - Multiple nested IF statements. Is there a more simple formula that achieves the same result? Naturally, you can nest more functions if needed (up to 64 in modern versions). How about the formula? Print - IMAGE (Half page) A4 Grayscale | B/W 7.00 If cell A1 is equal to 10, I want to multiply B1 by ten, but if A1 is equal to 25 I want to multiply B1 by four, but if A1 is equal to 50 I want to multiply B1 by 2. I do not need to have my team consolidate LOTs that only have locations in the A-locations because no consolidation would be needed. by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on February 7, 2023. Thank you for that correction that one does indeed work. =IF((D3="Non-Profit Organization")*(L3>6000),"Rebate","No Rebate"), I haven't tested, but this should work for your problem, =IF(OR(AND(D3="School";L3>6000);AND(D3="Non-Profit Organization";L3>6000));"Rebate";"No Rebate"), it seems both conditions either "school" or "non-profit Organization" and cell L3 is more than 6000 would be "rebate", but if its not more than 6000 would be "no rebate" Combine IF & AVERAGE Functions with 3 Conditions in Excel. Thank you very much for your explanations, you helped me solve lots of complex conditions on Excel. I am running a formula in a cell, and when the result is a specific value, I wish to display text, rather than the numerical result, but when the result is not that specific value, then to display the numerical result. I NEED TO ENTER MULTIPLE RESULT IN A SINGLE CELL, FROM DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. Column F would ideally calculate today+1 for daily or today+8 days for weekly. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. customer = govt AND account_open_date 23-June-2006 What is "Next Shift, ENTER DATE"? Thank you so much for the help. For example, if A is 7, then A=5. =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(E1, A2:B10, 2,FALSE )), "", VLOOKUP(E1, A2:B10, 2, FALSE)). How could I create a formula for this problem? Ill try to guess and offer you the following formula: =IF($I5="Employment",DAYS360(M5,N5)/30*2.5,IF($I5="Collaboration",DAYS360(M5,N5)/30*1.17)), Good day, I have 2 columns, work email(D2) & personal email(E2). Let's see the process below. So More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. EX: =IF(D6/7=E6,G6) OR (D6/7=E6,H6) OR (D6/7=E6,I6) OR (D6/7=E6,J6) OR (D6/7=E6,K6), Hi! Column Q is a sum of hours for operations. The difference is that IFERROR and ISERROR handle all possible Excel errors, including #VALUE!, #N/A, #NAME?, #REF!, #NUM!, #DIV/0!, and #NULL!. I wanted to have the formula that B8 is less than or equal to 10, the answer would be 1, when B8 is more than 10 but less than 20, answer would be 2, if B8 is more than 20 but less than 30, answer would be 3 and so on until 100. Print - IMAGE (Half page) Long / Folio Colored 15.00 The following two expressions return the same result. You can put two or three conditions in your If statement for different results. If it is not a single text string but several cells, which you did not mention, use these guidelines: Excel INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria. You can read more details here: Excel IF OR statement with formula examples. Thank you very much! Scan 10.00 Hi! You are always prompt and helpful. =IF(PRODUCT(--(A1:D1="approved")),"approved","disapproved"), I want an excel formula. IF [DeviceType] = "ValveC" AND [Extension] = ".Out_CV" Then [PointTag] OR. XYZ2000 AG100A01 1 What I am trying to achieve, is, if the E6 result is 1 (eg if the value of D6 is 20 instead of 10), then instead of displaying 1 as the result, cell E6 instead displays the text "Not viable"., How to Get Your Question Answered Quickly. Watch the syntax. If you need logical operators or nesting of conditions, you have to write them "manually". If both conditions are true, the formula will return "Pass"; if any condition is false - "Fail". DAX IF statement where Field has blank values. IF B6=25% and if C6 id <=48 than to return the value in C Colum. What is the best way to combine the two following statements. IF J = "REG", E = "4", L = 173.33 , L 173.33 (For email) Click to read more. Your email address will not be published. I need the response in column D , labeled "link", to substitute the number of the column with the actual entry in that column of the row. Last update: Aug 8, 2022 Contribute Show contributors, Contributors: Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo. Hi, AbleBits suite has really helped me when I was in a crunch! I don't have your workbook. DAX Price Group = IF( 'Product' [List Price] < 500, "Low" ) The second example uses the same test, but this time includes a value_if_false value. XYZ A We now have 3 conditions to be met to get a true result. Try this formula: =IFS(CEILING(B8,12)/12=1,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"st", CEILING(B8,12)/12=2,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"nd", CEILING(B8,12)/12=3,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"rd", CEILING(B8,12)/12>3,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"th"). As an example, we are going to flag rows where the item in column A is either Apple or Orange and the quantity in column B is greater than 10: =IF(AND(OR(A2="apple",A2="orange"), B2>10), "x", ""). As the result, you get the following IF formula with multiple AND / OR conditions: =IF(OR(AND(B2>50, C2>50), AND(B2>40, C2>60), "Pass", "Fail"). In the first part of our Excel IF tutorial, we looked at how to construct a simple IF statement with one condition for text, numbers, dates, blanks and non-blanks. Hi, I need to write a formula that will give me the following Checks a condition, and returns one value when TRUE, otherwise it returns a second value. If you want to calculate the sum for these fruits, use the SUMIFS function. Last Review date = 1st review date + 12 Months In our case, the functions are arranged from largest to smallest: =IF(B2>=60, "Good", IF(B2>40, "Satisfactory", "Poor")). I need to derive a result(column title) if ALW(column title) is 1.56 and up its Oversize, if ALW is 1.20-1.55 its Goodsize, if ALW is 1.10-1.19 its Undersize, if ALW is 1.0-1.09 its Offsize, and if ALW is below 1.0 its Runts, Hello! Column B - Appointment date Is there a way to combine these into one function? in B11 I have a fruit names like Apple, Banana, Grapes etc. sorry, the spacing between the formulas didn't pull over: =IF(K4<=9,"Exceptional",IF(K450,"Needs Improvement")))), =IF(L4=0,"Exceptional",IF(L4<=9,"Exceeds",IF(L420,"Unsatisfactory"))))). This formula only works for rows 19-54, but incorrectly starts the 1st year from the 12th month. The below formula examples will show you the most effective ways to do this. I am not sure I correctly understood your issue. To generate a report with locations where the first letter is not "A", try the formula. If you would like to start collecting rewards quickly for learning Excel then you should try: 10+ Excel Learn and Earn Activities YOU can do Today, The Professional Training Academy Limited T/A The Excel Club. Now, wi. I don't know how to thank you enough for your Excel add-ins. Your examples helped me find a solution - thanks for posting this page. help would be greatly appreciated, =IF($K20="DE",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="FR",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="SE",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="ES",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="IE",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="IT",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="DK",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="NL",IF($Z20>150,GB 320000),IF($K20="CH",IF($Z20>0,CH). 24 In Excel 365 and Excel 2021, this also works as a regular formula due to support for dynamic arrays. Hi! If your data is numbers, then no quotes are needed. Any help would be welcomed. Please pay attention that an IF OR formula in Excel does not differentiate between lowercase and uppercase characters because the OR function is case-insensitive. Hi Farzaneh, Satisfactory: between 40 and 60 (>40 and <60), Sort and filter links by different criteria, Find, extract, replace, and remove strings by means of regexes, Customizable and adaptive mail merge templates, Personalized merge fields depending on the recipient or context, "Send immediately" and "send later" scheduling. The filter expression has two parts: the first part names the table to which the filter applies. =IF(OR(B:B={"Third Party & Terminal PIU Unit","Shaybah Projects Inspection Unit","Dist & Refined Product P/L PIU Unit","RT Refinery & Juaymah NGL Unit","RTR Clean Fuel Complex Unit","Riyadh Refinery Unit","Cross Country Pipeline PIU Unit","Master Gas System Proj Inspection Unit","Pipeline Upgrade & Crude Delivery Unit","WR Refining & NGL Projs Insp Unit","WR Pipelines & Terminal Unit","WR Bulk Plant & Dist Unit","Jazan Complex Projs Inspection Unit"}), "DPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"Maritime Yard Dev Project Inspection Sec","Ship Building Projects Inspection Unit","Off, Rigs Platform & Utls Proj Insp Unit","Maint & Support Vessels Proj Insp Unit","Special Kingdom Projects Inspection Unit","Community Projects Inspection Unit","Communication & Security Unit","Batch Plants & Civil Testing Unit"}), "MBIPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"Gas Compression Projs Inspection Sec","NA Gas Facilities","SA Gas Facilities","Fadhili Project Insp Unit","Hawiyah Increment Projs Inspn Unit","Haw/Una Gas Reservoir Storage PIU","North Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","Haradh&Hawiyah Comp P/L Proj Insp Unit","Satellite Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","South Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","Infrastructure & Support Proj Insp Unit","Jafurah Util, Sulfur & Intrcon Sys PIU","Jafurah Gas Processing Trains PIU","Jafurah Pipelines, IT & Site Dev PIU","Jafurah Infra & 3rd Party Coord PIU","Wasit-Jafurah NGL Fractionation PIU","Jafurah Pipelines, & Downstream Fac PIU","NGL Recovery & Fract' Unit","Utilities, Flare & Piperack Unit","Site Prep, ISF, SSF Unit","Inlet Storage & Compression Unit","Downstream Pipeline Unit","Gas Treat, Sulfur Rec' & Han' Fac Unit","Unconventional Resources Projs Insp Unit"}), "UGIPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"SA Oil MP Projs Inspection Unit","NA Oil MP Projs Inspection Unit","Gas MP Projs Inspection Unit","Marjan Offshore Gas Facilities Unit","Marjan GOSP-4 Unit","Marjan Offshore Oil Facilities Unit","Marjan Onshore Oil Facilities Unit","Zuluf Onshore Facilities Proj Insp Unit","Zuluf Offshore Facilities Proj Insp Unit","Infras, Pipeline & Comm Proj Insp Unit","North Ghawar Oil Facilities Unit","NA Oil Facilities","South Ghawar Oil Facilities Unit","Berri Increment Processing Fac Unit","Berri Onshore Facilities Unit","Fabyards ProJ Insp Unit","Installation Projects Insp Unit","Onshore Proj Insp Unit"}), "UOPID", ""). Cell C21 has a value of 650 If you come from an Excel background, just like most of the Power BI users including myself, you are probably used to writing complex IF statements. The value is TRUE if any of the two arguments is TRUE; the value is FALSE if both the arguments are FALSE. If either Cell A1 or Cell D1 contains a term, say "ENGLISH", then the consequent grade of ENGLISH from the C1 or F1 should be filled in cell G1. In a way the formula should only affect the Cell that says Child then the rest would be blank. ,IF( [Calls]<300 ,"medium" ,"high" ) ) or better solution would be to use multiple condition in if logical test using && for AND or !! Assuming the total score is in column D, you can identify the highest and lowest values with the help of the MAX and MIN functions: =IF(D2=MAX($D$2:$D$10), "Best result", ""). I pasted this formula into cell A8, where the data begins, but this did not work however; I get a #N/A error for rows 8-18 (months 1-11) and a #NAME? As there are only 2 conditions we can use the OR function as shown in the image. Access All Areas, Unlimited Learning Subscription, We also have a video to go along with this which you can view here, READY FOR THE VIDEO SOLUTION? SWITCH for simple formulas with multiple conditions - Trainings, consultancy, tutorials Description = IF ( Sheet1 [Brand] = "Alfa Romeo"&& Sheet1 [Color] = "Red", "Red Alfa", IF ( Sheet1 [Brand] = "Opel"&& Sheet1 [Color] = "Silver"&& Sheet1 [Price] > 4000, "Expensive silver Opel", BLANK () ) ) Description = SWITCH ( TRUE (), Hello! 72 and more (commission 0.65%), NOTE: The percentages in the formula needs to be hardcoded (with ""). If { All rights reserved. Is there a way I can uniquely have a formula identify a LOT that has locations only in the A-locations? I would want to automatically get the rates when these combinations are selected. To many arguments etc =IF(C4:C13=Aqua,B22,, AND(IF(C4:C13=Rec,B23,, AND(IF(C4:C13=Behavior,B24,, IF(C4:C13=Massage,B25,, IF(C4:C13=Music,B26,, IF(C4:C13=Training,B28,, IF(C4:C13=PRN,B27,))))))). J18.9 A41.9 1 J18.9 Hi! Combined with the logical functions such as AND, OR, and NOT, the IF function has even more value because it allows testing multiple conditions in desired combinations. 1 2 3 4 =IF(B63=TRUE; (G63)-(F63*1,21*D63); 0), Tried this way, but it's not working: it's working but the other way around. Dear, hi everyone, XYZ3000 AG101A01 1 Microsoft and the Office logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. If cell A1 is equal to 10, I want to multiply B1 by ten, but if A1 is equal to 25 I want to multiply B1 by four, but if A1 is equal to 50 I want to multiply B1 by 2. In addition, Excel provides a number of functions to calculate data based on conditions. My formula for D20 is =C20-C21 giving a value of 50 The following tutorial should help: Excel FILTER function - dynamic filtering with . But if I add in a AND function it breaks: =TEXTJOIN(", "; TRUE;(UNIQUE(IF(AND('Asset Inventory CPT'!L4:L2000="Borrowed from campus"; 'Asset Inventory CPT'!B4:B2000="PC");'Asset Inventory CPT'!D4:D2000;"")))). Any help would be . 2 - Mr Jet, Nina Sven or Mike Young the result should be 600 Can someone point out where im going wrong? It is like having an expert at my shoulder helping me, Your software really helps make my job easier. AND, OR and IN are common statements used in DAX to create conditional logical tests. Hello Joanne! It should be simple, really. For example, you can use the IF function to check the result of an expression and create conditional results. You may find 70+ other data tools useful. XYZ1000 BA100 10 XYZ1000 BA100 10 THAN If you have a lot of conditions, I recommend using the IFS function. You can see instructions and examples here: Excel IFS function instead of multiple IF. In a similar fashion, you can embed the AVERAGE function in the logical test of IF and return different labels based on the average score: =IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>65, "Good", IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2)>55, "Satisfactory", "Poor")). You will find the info about the IF function in Google Sheets in this post. B is either jetski or boat for or and if needed using nested if as well. From text: Print - Plain TEXT Long / Folio Grayscale | B/W 7.00 - formula extracts 7.00 Anyone who works with Excel is sure to find their work made easier. Hi! Or explain the problem in detail. It enables us to simply write condition - result - condition - result - condition - result etc., with no necessity to nest the IF functions. Hi! 1000 1499.99 578.00 Excel nested IF statement - examples, best practices and alternatives, Excel IFERROR function with formula examples, If cell contains then count, sum, highlight, copy or delete, Compare 2 columns in Excel for matches and differences, CONCATENATE in Excel: combine text strings, cells and columns, Create calendar in Excel (drop-down and printable), Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria formula examples, Extract a substring after the last occurrence of the delimiter, How to use SUMIF function in Excel with formula examples, Excel IF OR statement with formula examples, IF AND in Excel. 1 lot may be 10 rows if there are 10 stored pallets in the warehouse. But a comma was missing in the formula. Did you find any issue? You can round a number to the nearest 12 using the CEILING function. - query the table and add Index, nothing more. How to create custom column based on multiple conditions in power query. Column A (Salary) has values ranging from 10 to 100. Working well. Hello, I need your help please, I have tried several times to use IF function as the examples above to have a formula which compares the result from 2 different cells and then gives an statement as result but my formula is not working and shows every time a problem with the formula. 5 if A1<1 or B1<1, I have student totals,I want to apply comments, 400 and above should have good performance, 300-400 should have fair performance, below 300 should have poor performance,the cell for total is I. I need a formula in google spreadsheet that will: =IF(OR(G10 > 159,H10 > 99),"2",IF(OR(G10 > 139,H10 > 89),"1",IF(OR(G10 > 119,H10 > 79)"PRE",IF(G10 < 120,"NORM")))). Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. For this, use this generic formula: If the lookup value in E1 is not found, the formula returns zero. (i.e =IF(F113-"x",(J126)),=IF(G113-"x",(K126)),=IF(H113-"x",(K126)), H126 want to be the value of one of three cells depending the selection of another value in three cells. DAX Price Group = IF( 'Product' [List Price] < 500, "Low", "High" ) Hi.. need help. As you can see, we dont reference a DAX function. If you want to check if multiple conditions are true, use a nested IF function. Hi! Excel IF statement with multiple conditions (AND logic) The generic formula of Excel IF with two or more conditions is this: IF (AND ( condition1, condition2, ), value_if_true, value_if_false) Translated into a human language, the formula says: If condition 1 is true AND condition 2 is true, return value_if_true; else return value_if_false. In Columm Q i have the following formula =Sum(K3+Q2). Most users usually are not big fans of writing of complex logical functions, neither in excel formulas nor in DAX. For more information, please see How to use multiple nested IF statements in Excel. #1 ~ ~ ~ IF(AND(B7="~",E7="~",F7="~"),"YES1","Enter (L)1") Hi, I would like to know a formula to show if something if greater than or less than a number to show a figure for example. In Excel formulas, nowadays, is the IFS function. Please, report it us! The tutorial shows how to write an IF OR statement in Excel to check for various "this OR that" conditions. Column title is a letter. I have a report that displays "lot", "locn", and pallets (example on the left). Thanks! I'm really sorry, is not possible with the standard Excel options. Using index or match. else. =IF(AND(K2="Not Urgent"),IF(N23, "Fail"))). The DAX version of the Power BI IF Statement operates using the following syntax: IF (<logical_test>, <value_if_true> [, <value_if_false>]) The terms mentioned in the above Power BI IF Statement syntax represent the following: Logical_test: An expression) that will give a TRUE or FALSE value. This function is deprecated. by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on February 7, 2023. What result do you want to get from your data? =IF($A$1=2,(calculation),(IF($A$1=3,(calculation),(IF($A$1=4,(calculation),(IF($A$1=5,IF($B$1="Plan",calculation,IF($B$1="LE",calculation,IF($A$1=1,IF($B$1="Plan",$U8,IF($B$1="LE",calculation,0)))))))))))). Nested formula, multiple statements, and more. The formula below will do the trick for you: I'm trying to use IF to show "ok" or "out of balance" if a value is over or under by more than 5%. You can merge cell values using the CONCATENATE function as described in this article: Combine text strings, cells and columns. lot_ location pallets lot location pallets The OR functions tests to see if either of the conditions are true, in which case a true value will be returned. If F34 value = "Dealer", then used values Column K OR =IF(B63=TRUE; (G63)-(F63*1,21*D63); 0) or Trying to validate this if condition basically I have thresholds for test scores and validate I would like to see "lots" (which there are more than XYZ1000) that have locations in A/B locns, A/C locns, or A/B/C locations. 1662450337 05-Apr-22 07-May-22 addt'l - Editing 3.00, Hello! It's telling me to many arguments. =IF(OR(G10 > 159,H10 > 99),"2",IF(OR(G10 > 139,H10 > 89),"1",IF(OR(G10 > 119,H10 > 79),"PRE",IF(G10 < 120,"NORM")))). When VLOOKUP or other lookup function cannot find something, it returns a #N/A error. Duplicate rows are retained. value. I'm sorry but your description does not give me a complete understanding of your task. I really appreciate Your answer! Hi! IF(A1="DELIVERY",THEN C1(CELL NO)*.020%,IF NO C1*.004% I NEED CORRECT FORMULA. The Circle of Excellence recognizes those who have achieved more than a million dollars in Touring Bikes sales or sales of over two and a half million dollars in 2007. For example, to get "Pass" if both B2 and C2 are greater than 50, the formula is: In my Excel 365, a normal formula works just fine (as you can see in the screenshots above). I am looking for a formula to apply to a sheet with 900 product lines where (fx) cell B130 text is =AW22 cell AA130 needs to be lowered with 40% if anything but AW22 is written cell needs to be lowered with 50. So if you are new to DAX, try get into the habit of writing DAX like code because if you are using DAX for a while like me, these bad habits are hard to break. Function 2: If A is between 0 and 5, then A is equal to the value itself. If cell D7 matches a cell in a list L2:L500 (and it matches L5) then insert in cell E7 cell K5. :D. I am trying to sum a range of cells if another range of cells says either yes or no. The Table Titles are in square brackets in the formula "RSN Project" and "2022 C/O (Y/N)", so as not to refer to column/row, as below: In order to support this new operator, DAX also introduced two new syntaxes, table and row constructor, which enables the creation of "anonymous" tables that can be used to compare the value of two or more columns instead of a single one. If { Excel IF multiple criteria - examples (.xlsx file). Simple formula, but I can't figure out how to use IF, or if it is IF OR or IF AND to nest the ifs. In both situations we can use the IF function when choosing from two options. =IF((OR(E2=Daily, E2=Weekly)), Next Shift, ENTER DATE). a am aim arms. result. can you advise where I am going wrong please? There is not enough information to give you better advice. ", "")&" "&IF($AH15>150,"Urine Sugar "&$AI15&". risk = high Else If{ Hi! I have 6 variables in total. The answer to your question can be found in this article: Filter unique values based on multiple criteria. The function evaluates the arguments until the first TRUE argument, then returns TRUE. Good day! #3 08-Dec-22 10:06 ~ 08-Dec-22 11:29 IF(AND(B7>0,E7="~",F7>=B7),"YES3","Enter (L)3") Saving the result of the measure in a variable generates a better query plan, improving code performance. Excess 3000000=35%. I would appreciate your help, thanks! If you'd like to distinguish text case, wrap each argument of the OR function into EXACT as shown in this example. Hi! Print - IMAGE (Half page) Long / Folio Grayscale | B/W 10.00 You must enclose text values in quotation marks, such as "Weekly". Hi! If cell Q3 is 120240 then subtract Q3-$Y$2, or if Q3 is 241360 then Subtract Q3-$Y$3, or if Q3 is 361480 then subtract Q3-$Y$4, if false then add K3+Q2. The following example shows how to use the OR function to obtain the sales people that belong to the Circle of Excellence. I recommend reading this guide: Nested IF in Excel formula with multiple conditions. In earlier Excel versions, you can use the IF ISERROR and IF ISNA combinations instead. It covers your case completely. What am I writing wrong? +5 when the value is >=25 Thank you. You can count characters of letters in a word using the LEN function. THAN In terms of my excel file the actual score will go in Column G (home team goals) and column H (away team goals) Im sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. =IF(F7>=5,H7+1,IF(F7>=10,H7+2,IF(F7>=15,H7+3,IF(F7>=20,H7+4,H7)))) First way with minimum one. If you need to evaluate more than 2 conditions then use || instead of comma (,) and instead of OR function: if(([AR Failure Mode 1] = [QC Failure Mode 1] ||[AR Failure Mode 1] = [QC Failure Mode 2] ||[AR Failure Mode 1] = [QC Failure Mode 3]), [AR Failure Mode 1]), Related article on OR: Take a look at how we would use || to test if Record 1 = Record 2 OR Record 2 = Record 3 OR Record 3 = Record 1. =IF($A$1=2,(calculation),(IF($A$1=3,(calculation),(IF($A$1=4,(calculation),(IF($A$1=5,(calculation),IF($A$1=1,IF($B$1="Plan",$U8,IF($B$1="LE",calculation,0)))))))))), Formula that doesn't work: As you can see below, its not that hard to achieve and we dont require not too many lines of code. 1662450337 01-Apr-22 04-Apr-22 Google Chrome is a trademark of Google LLC. However, we can simply use SWITCH to do something identical. When we try to enter this into DAX using a third condition with the AND function, we get an error.