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These people are so sure of their abilities that they think they can do as they please. I think you might mean Christine Grahame? 1 Christine Graham ER 2022 Billingham, TS22. The work of Tommy H- At 2:35 the reference to the order from the High Court. Beat it. Whatever the outcome of Evil Queen Nic v Honest Scot Alex, surely the Yoons are going to play on this for a long, long time afterwards. The difference is significant. [19] In May 2009, Grahame visited Megrahi, in Greenock jail. The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. So sad that some people here are crossing the line in what they post. Christine is related to Terrence Davis Graham and Ronald J Szypajlo as well as 3 additional people. 07291783. Amazon is blossoming as hairdressers and pubs go bust. Find out what motions Christine Grahame has submitted recently. Christine Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, came out on top with her one-year-old hound Mabel, but the politician was humble in victory. Its a GLOBAL-WESTERN system DESIGNED to FACILITATE false accusations of domestic abuse, driving exaggerated statistics of Violence Against Women & Girls for mainstream media PreCrime amplification, to demonise, dehumanise and *normalise* the courts-judicial criminalisation of men as STANDARD, which is intended to lead to the destabilisation of the family unit and the subsequent *divide and rule* fracturing of multiple societies being gaslight set-up just to be put back down. Because we all know it exists, even Alex Salmonds lawyers know it exists and anyone who was at the criminal trial knows it exists, including the Judiciary! Amber Rudd: if I were PM, Id fire all the men and have all-female Cabinet. He was reasonably composed until he hit the point about not seeking to limit the evidence blah blah about 15.57.20. The man is obviously very ill and he is desperate to see his family absolutely desperate to see his family so, whatever it takes, that's the priority. I love convening it suits my temperament, she remarks, insisting that her principal role is to ensure that everyone round the table has an equal say. i.e. 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. Joan Hutcheson SNP Conference Committee. NS has shown contempt for our democratic system. the current trade issues, and the prior brexit WA and TCA negotiations. 24 February, 2021 at 9:12 pm Where is he now? Those supporting Alex Salmond, Wings Over Scotland, Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill et al. I mean that seriously. Oh dear, I do not know what to say regarding my previous comment about Christine Grahame. Like many of you, I suspect, I grew up with Labour. The Bill was approved in principle by 64 votes to five, with 57 abstentions, including Grahame. Why have you come to this decision? She can really be really effective when she needs to. Its nothing to worry about. And he is innocent", "Megrahi desperate to see his family, says MSP",, Members of the Scottish Parliament 19992003, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20032007, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20072011, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20112016, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20162021, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20212026, Deputy Presiding Officers of the Scottish Parliament, Female members of the Scottish Parliament, People educated at Boroughmuir High School, Articles with dead external links from November 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 07:54. This really is the sort of thing the CIA gets up to in South America. Or they might simply refuse to answer, YET AGAIN. She is also ranked in the richest person list from England. If my experience is anything to go by, this will undoubtedly bring many, many visitors to Midlothian and the Borders as well as encouraging people to stay and live in the area.[13], In late 2015 Grahame became involved in a public dispute with Scottish Borders Council over the siting of the Great Tapestry of Scotland in the constituency. Margaret Grahame, my paternal grandmother, was born in 1877. In 2004, Grahame ran as a candidate for deputy leadership of the SNP after deputy leader Roseanna Cunningham entered the contest to replace leader John Swinney. I watched the whole thing live. My bet is on the MI5 crown agent. Was he aware of what was going on? Real professionals! 24 February, 2021 at 5:35 pm Even the most pathetic softball questionfrom the suddenly-ubiquitous slimy Sturgeon superloyalist Tom Arthur appeared to disconcert him, as hehesitantly waffledwithout actually answering it perhaps because he didnt want to endorse Arthurs flat-out lie that previous Lord Advocates have alwaysbeenmembers of Cabinet. Interesting that even the BBC is, after months of pretty much ignoring this, now giving it proper attention: It was the lead story on Radion 4s P.M. programme tonight. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 2 February 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made, as part of its cross-government coordination of Covid Recovery policies, of the wider ongoing impact of COVID-19, including on the economy. [6] Following her election, she was again selected as Convener of the Justice Committee for the session. I used to think it was just some of the gang well most of them over the wall in La la Land that were a bit loopy now I know where they get it from ,The message from the top is stick with the SNP or you will jeopardise a vote for Independence fk me ok when , where and when is this just round the corner event likely to happen do I need to put it in my diary ,circle it on the calendar ,write its my forehead , With the absolute disaster that was redactiongate on Tuesday I dont think even the MSM could overlook things from now on. I had absolutely no idea of that ladies affliction. Latest Tory list of their illegal activities! Wonder if he made a mistake there somehow. Stuthe reason it was so short is because everyone in the chamber recognized bullshitters when they see them. 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on You can get involved with the Scottish Parliament by joining a Cross-party group, submitting a petition, lobbying or exploring our education resources. With the real Covid costs in the NHS and Furlough type schemes Grahame, a veteran having been through four parliamentary elections, says she has never held ministerial ambitions and has never felt her freedom to speak up curtailed. ", See all of Christine Grahame's questions submitted in Parliament, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Animal Welfare, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Gardening and Horticulture, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Older People, Age and Ageing, Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee, Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Amendment Bill Committee, Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Bill Committee. Not only does the trust in the Scottish government, but also the trust in parliament and more importantly for the British state, the trust in the crown that sponsors COPFS and the lord advocate, is at stake here. the 2 TRILLION OF DEBT before Covid must now be down to Grandchildren She attained a Scottish Master of Arts degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1965 and gained her Diploma of Education from Moray House College of Education in 1966. Although it was undoubtedly a skirmish, we can tell that neither Sturgeon or Wolffe are confident. The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion. Ms 1 fears that this may be an opportunity for Alex Salmond to get back into Hollyrood. A stalwart of Holyrood since its inception in 1999, Grahame is both a formidable and highly respected character having been called on to convene four committees two of which, justice in her 15 years. She is affiliated with medical facilities Northwest Medical Center and Tucson Medical Center. The dividends of which are now starting to arrive by the bucket load. Salmond did (pretty much) say in his recent submission that he thought the conspirators would have been successful in stitching him up and falsely imprisoning him had it not been for the protection of the court and jury system and in particular the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary (which are I think the two highest courts). My mother turned to me and says, dont just moan, Christine, phone somebody about it, she recalls. That tells you that Donald Gorrie was a bit of a rebel. For a little over eight minutes, the Lord Advocate was allowed to ignore and avoid a series of questions put to him regarding the abjectly corrupt Crown Offices recent interference with the work of the Fabiani inquiry by redacting evidence which in no way identified anyone as a complainer in the trial of Alex Salmond. 6 High Street This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. Unbelievable though, the biggest gig in town and the big cheese doesnt know or control whos doing what or when. I am neither a unionist or a nationalist, but I have a strong mistruct, based upon experience, of Scottish lawyers. Hearing Holyrood is to: Lord James Wolffe in particular should be utterly ashamed. He said he saw the letter after it was composed. Grousebeater mentioned that there was a new party in the offing yesterday on twitter. You know, our marvellous First Minister is obsessed with bringing more women into Scottish politics. Obfuscation in parts and unconvincing. OT [9] In April 2020, Scottish Labour's Lewis Macdonald was elected as interim Deputy Presiding Officer in her absence. Ah didnae dae it! Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 1 March 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on introducing legislation in Scotland similar to the UK Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Bill. My mothers lesson about if youre not prepared to say or do something, I dont want to hear about it has remained with me sometimes to my cost that if something really is wrong, I spoke out, she says. I have to assume Stuart Campbell is correct in his comments about Alex Salmond separating both posts while in office if thats the case , both the Lord Advocate and the SNP MSP Arthur have just told blatant lies in their presentation to Parliament, The SSPCA was called and checked out the animal. "[20] A month later, Grahame arranged a second meeting with the prisoner, Megrahi. 452 Msb M, Gainesville, Florida, 32610, United States Family Medicine . Alex Salmond is due to give evidence on Friday. The pile of evidence is growing so fast that it will take Poirot Sherlock Holmes and miss Marples to get to the bottom of who did what and who authorized it .The scary thing is some of not all will escape any form of prosecutions and some will stay in positions of responsibility in the event of any outcome In 1984, she graduated from the Edinburgh University again, but this time with a Bachelor of Laws degree. The Lord Advocate: The world is closed. Better to have an independent scotland that is clean. She could have been nodding in agreement as well, one doesnt negate the other. In 2005 Christine Grahame MSP (an for the SNP) was allegedly shaggging a married Tory MSP and nodding her head saying yes to a different sort of question. It can be strange, what you find on Tinternet. Now is the time. Grahame ran for Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party in the 2004 leadership election, but was defeated by Nicola Sturgeon. [26] She has stated previously she has a harmless neurological tremor, which is hereditary and can cause visible shaking.[27]. guilty as hell for attempting to hound Alex Salmond from the possibility of ever re-entering public life, and they MUST now face questions: questions that relate to evidence withheld from parliament; questions designed to bring to the fore what appears to be an attempt to pervert the course of justice; and however long it takes however much it costs we have to know the truth. BrianDTT is not being facetious or cryptic it is just old information that old wingers knew about but cannot be elaborated on, Garavelli Princip says: At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. It beggars belief. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Grahame and others you may know. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. What about all the other people who have been maliciously prosecuted by THIS Lord Advocate?! The comment about the nodding donkey is not nice. We know they were betrayed by their sister, Leslie Evans, who took the material direct to the Crown Agent against their explicit wishes. Governments tend to think weve got four years in or five years in this time, we must get this through. analysis, corruption, disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, video I did hear about any extra money for Scotlands schools pro rata They both know it is the end-game now. Hearing that commitee are now using their powers to compel the release of Murrels text and WhatsApp messages. Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. Second time round, she was more alive to the privileged opportunity that attending university entailed. I am no fan of Liam Fox, but if you cpompare this with the skitter we have listened to today by Sturgeon and Wolffe, I think it is obvious that there will be a change soon at Holyrood. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. You couldnt possibly do that now. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. Wolffe also appeared to be reading all his answers from his folder. Really? She will have to be forced out. Al-Stuart, others have stated upthread that Christine Grahame has benign essential tremor. I know people who feel differently in different political parties about issues which their party has taken a line [on] but they dont speak out and thats a problem.. Without them there is nothing. This is OUR democracy, not theirs. Hes so obviously uncomfortable lying to ordinary politicians rather than the legal profession he normally lies to. 24 February, 2021 at 9:29 pm Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 23 for, 93 against, 3 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: George Adam, Paisley, Scottish National Party. ", 8. I WOULD make common cause with unionists acting to protect the Scottish parliament and our democracy. I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. Not enough to make it disappear and for us all to forget anyway. Thats a problem because all political parties, not just the fact that the SNP is in government, but opposition sometimes need people on their backbenches speaking more freely and it doesnt happen in here the way it ought to, I think. The first time I was convener, we did inquiries we even did our own Act of Parliament. Twitter Jeggit. The way to force the release of the information from the COPFS which can not be resisted, is simply to pass a one paragraph Act. Skip navigation. And I know I have spoken to people about that whove been in those circumstances. There is no question now but we are in a major constitutional crisis. @ James Caithness I noticed that too he also had to put his finger on the page to remember what he was supposed to say (like a wee kiddy in P1) and got flustered when he was looking for the response on the page , maybe the loose bowels disturbed his concentration. In the criminal trial, Ms Hs testimony was trashed because two defence witnesses testified that she wasnt at the dinner, after which the alleged offence took place. Since entering the Scottish Parliament in 1999 Grahame has picked up a number of causes, notably; For more information see: Borders Railway. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. From his performance today, I suspect he did not approve the letter, and he knows he is in jeopardy. The fact that unionists are making the running on a lot of this doesnt mean the principle is wrong. (More), Stats: Im sure he can throw money about and just mark it down as Covid Costs. You see how important Ms 2 and Ms 3 are to the plot. I was just getting into the whole Come to Ghana thing from the Ghana tourism authority on twitter, then this kinda threw me: Millions for City Projects She continued to campaign for this for a number of years, with the line eventually opening between Edinburgh and Tweedbank in 2015. In the 1994 European Parliament election, she contested the South of Scotland constituency, again unsuccessfully. It just goes to show how deep the rot of corruption is here that a former FM has to go this far just to get a fair hearing and to find an honest judge. Police Scotland were pressurized to open an investigation. As a member of 30 years standing, I cant quite believe Im saying that. This website is using cookies. That is the level of intellect who wants to govern Scotland. He had the look to me of someone that knew they were in a hole and was desperately trying not to dig any further. We know this because this is what she said to the court. Ive had the pleasure of watching many members of the legal profession undertaking court work prior to my retirement. If you're a constituent who'd like to raise an issue please email Galashiels, Scotland Joined January 2019 0 Following 924 Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes @CGrahameMSP hasn't Tweeted Dont forget this guys responsible for several failed malicious (declared so by a judge) prosecutions which cost this country millions. Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Constituency. Fear is nourished. Education. "[25], Grahame has two sons and is a grandmother. Asked if she considers herself a thorn in the leaderships side, she says: No, I dont think so at all. Im hanging on until the election or a leadership election, whatever comes first. Fair point about Christine Grahames tremor, but in that film with her nodding YES, it was quite clearly well controlled, voluntary and given in agreement to Wolffes waffle at trying to STITCH UP ALEX SALMOND AGAIN. You have to wonder; if shes the Indy tip-of-the-arrow, why is the Whitehall Establishment so keen to keep her in post? Facebook gives people the. I am always happy to hear your views. This site is the glue that holds us all together. Machiavellian is better and that points to one person only. Ms 2 and Ms 3. TBH what he said was no answer to any of the questions. I found a jigsaw piece dating back to 2012 it makes you wonder about a few things. It seems to me that Scots law is incompatible with One Nation Britain and will have to be got rid of at some point. Politics has yet to run its course for Grahame, though. Her maternal grandfather was Welsh. Spanish, University of Nevada, Reno; 2006, M.D., University of Nevada School of Medicine Well. Surely not. In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame won the redrawn seat of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, defeating former Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis. CHRISTINE GRAHAM OBITUARY. Mr Salmond is in some debt to you and I know that you will believe that doing your job as a journalist is not a question of debt but rather a question of professional integrity. All my life I have lived with the pain of english rule. Millions for extra schooling in England I couldnt concentrate on what she was saying because I was so distracted by the eye-lashes. Both, in fact, appear very, very nervous. With such history of sexually impropriety, Christine Graham is seen there nodding in agreement to slithery Wolffe licking his lips with body language that give much away in the effort to stitch-up Alex Salmond AGAIN. If it wasnt waffle himself (huge if) was it his missus? Dear Me; Its a bit lame on Scotlands part that, despite state involvement, a massive police investigation, the Crown Office and MI5 our Harvey Weinstein could only be brought to trial for hair pinging and knee touching of really quite powerful women. Lodged 3 May 2018 She compares her first spell as convener of the Justice Committee and fellow members as them all showing much greater skill today. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. As a few have noted she does have a medical condition. I hope this site wont suffer due to you. More to the point, it reveals a darker side of the matter and conspiracy is too light a description. Thats what used to go on in Clarence House in the good old days. Find out how Christine Grahame has voted recently. Isnt that what lady Dorian said too? Very badly reported as Salmond v Sturgeon of course. So there are a few bloggers dropping hints now. Tuesday we take the wheelie bins out.. Apart from that, Im sure the superior intellect and years of sword-crossing with genuine political heavyweights will ensure Mr Salmond has more than a few aces up his sleeve I expect Scotlands former First Minister to take Sturgeon to the cleaners. The SNP have held Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. Craig Murray is offering a 25,000 reward for a whistleblower to supply him with a copy of Geoff Aberdeins testimony. . Did I understand correctly that among all the waffle, lip licking, mumbling and frantically making as he went along, he actually said that the interest of the COPFS in the evidence is now concluded? Lets bear in mind that the COPFS represents the crown and this is a situation where both the government and the COPFS are under intense public scrutiny, accused of abusing of power to deliberately suppress evidence and render a parliamentary committee useless. Please turn on JavaScript for the best possible experience. If she goes he goes. I think the events of today have proven my point. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. I think the problem for the Justice Committee, which started and has grown over the years, is theres no space for inquiries. This is the time of me too, when every man is guilty of rape, and every woman is to be believed. She contested Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale at the 2003 and 2007 elections, coming within 1,000 votes of victory on both occasions and being subsequently elected on the regional South of Scotland list. I have always contacted Stue to make him aware, so he could take my post down. For the record, we thought youshould see what the Scottish Parliament considers to be the appropriate treatment of an Urgent Question. Social . For Salmond, not for Sturgeon. Some poridge at Barlinnie. That was just the police, and environmental groups dont pose an existential threat to the UK. The dirty infiltrators must be removed even if it hurts. Crown Office is corrupt and incompetent.. Only the movement that he helped build could lift him up and through this. [citation needed]. Joan Hutchesons expos of the failures relating to the NEC and the leaderships response to attempts to change it are all of a piece with the conspiracy against Salmond. 12 mins ago Englands National news proclaims an extra 400 million for His performance was an outrage. Real professionals know how to lie and accept lies properly. She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. He and a few others know something big but cant say. Same with Baillie asking the urgent question in the first place. If you want justice in this country fuck lawyers, HIRED THUGS are cheaper, more reliable, and amazingly, more honest. Both South of the Border and at home here, the SNP will be portrayed as Scot on Scot tribal warfare parochial nutcases- how on earth can run a country when they would rather rip each other apart. He cannot be seriously expecting us to believe that being the head of COPFS and his neck on the line on this that he did not scrutinised that letter in detail before it was handed over to the committee.