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At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Mongol clans united and began a campaign of foreign conquest. Coustillers and Konniks have potential to deal damage, but again, just 2 base pierce armor doesnt justify their cost against Mangudai. They focus on cavalry archers. Because the Mongols were subjugated under Qing rule, they do not appear as a playable civilization in Age of Empires III. One of every players favorite civilization to play at one point of time in Age of Empires 2, although this civilization is also quite strong in competitive play,. Mangudai can hit-and-run forever (even though the speed difference is not high) and by the time theyre chased, Cavaliers/Paladins will have suffered a lot of damage, or even be dead. Bro.. you could have just told me you don't like me, I like you, but your boys snipe my siege as if they were Dark Age militia . The rest of the units are shown, just to give an example of how effective they could become if they happen to engage Hussars or Mangudai, but its likely that the best they could do, as I said, is protecting siege under a Castle from Mongol Hussar sniping. It is especially usefull for the siege ram. In the Notes column I added the strat to follow: And all of this started when someone asked if Turk or Tatar HCA were better against Mongols! Complementing their fast units is their excellent siege weapons which also receive a great speed boost thanks to Drill. The bonus can also help with a Scout Cavalry rush, since it help detect defending troops faster, but it is almost useless in the later game. With update 35584, destroyed House foundations no longer provide population space with Nomads researched. To compensate for the nerf, the Mongols were given the Steppe Lancer and Elite Steppe Lancer to add more diversity to their late-game cavalry (which is also trivial to historical accuracy, as the Steppe Lancer is supposed to reflect their nomadic lifestyle). Mongol Hussars can delay the chase of Mangudai and gain time for them to kill Cavaliers and Paladins. Mongols can follow with archers (dont have any bonus towards them, but it may be interesting for small walled enemies, and to start researching techs that will later be useful for Mangudai), or skip Feudal wars and go to Castle Age. Alot of people use this food for the Mongol Scout Cavalry rush. Because of this, the huge realm inherited by his sons fell apart quickly after his death.[1]. Mangudai Rate of Fire increased (made slower) to 2.1. With patch 4.8, Elite Mangudai now have a frame delay of 5. The Britons team bonus is also helpful as it aids in spamming Cavalry Archers faster. As a reward for bringing extra Line of Sight to Gurjara Hussars (with an extra attack bonus), Mongol Camel Riders can be more spammable. The Celts' and Koreans' team bonuses make Mongol siege units even more effective, while the Khmer also grants range boost to Drill-enhanced Mongol Scorpions. BBCs can be used also to hit the mass of Mangudai from longer distance. Age of Empires game Mongols voice REMIX by Z22 BEATSart by Oana-D This makes the Mongol army very mobile. They also have access to all cavalry units and technologies except for the Paladin. Hi there. Mongols are also able to perform a Fast Castle just in order to have access to their Cavalry Archers. What is so great about it? The Mongols have access to the following units, buildings, and technologies. You get Onager and Siege Onager if you can afford it if you're facing an Archer civ or Heavy Scorps if you're against a Cavalry civ. Dont be too harsh on me if I made a mistake. I havent considered Elephants because theyre too slow and Mangudai can micro them to death. He died in 1405 while marching for China. Both openings can cripple our economy if not walled correctly. Most of them are weak to Siege and some of them are not cost effective. On the water, the lack of Dry Dock is really unfortunate, since it means their ships miss out on an important speed boost. The difference can be huge and may become the result of killing a treb or not: Now well get to the knight-line. Ill show you the table and then analyze the chance to use them or not: First of all, these units alone cant beat the Mongol composition. Here, Mongol Hussars become a problem, because they kill easily Skirms, while tanking fire and not allowing you to aim for Mangudai. At its maximum, their empire stretched from Korea, across Asia, and into European Russia to the Baltic Sea coast. Speaking of those two units you generally want to use Hussars as a meatshield for them. The Mongol Scout Cavalry line of sight bonus helps everyone except for the American civilizations and the Gurjaras in the Dark Age. As the Mongol siege line rely on movement speed but not on range, increased attack or more resistance, other prominent siege civilizations such as Celts, Koreans, Ethiopians, and Teutons can counter their siege workshop units if they make use of Onagers, Rams and Bombard Cannons (the last for those who have them). Age of Empires II Microsoft Corporation. They focus on cavalry archers. Well consider later a few exceptions to this rule. Thus, Mongol players must constantly attack the enemy to make sure they are unable to build up a strong enough force to attack. Mongols get a crazy early game bonus for hunting. Notice than some of the civs dont even get a unit in bold. But the Gold medal here goes to Genoese Crossbowmen, who have a huge bonus attack against both Mongol units, while tanking hits a bit better than Arbalesters, Longbowmen or Chukonus. Trebuchets can be used in the same way, although less effective against units. As for game play, Age of Empires is an action-packed, real-time strategy (RTS) game. The 18 population Mongol scout rush is one of the fastest rushes in the game, capable of derailing your opponent before they have even reached the Feudal Age. Hunting bonus - This is the best, specific bonus in the game. Can Ogedei capture the World Heavyweight Championship from Jochi and Chagatai in a triple threat felt tent match? They outrange them (or, if they lack Bracer, at least equal their 7 range), are easy to tech into and to mass, and hurt them badly. Age of Empires III Heaven Forums Modding Discussions Age of empires 3 Mod to make it similiar To AoE 2. His ambition was to rule all lands between the oceans (Pacific and Atlantic) and he nearly did so. Stable units and Pikes/Halbs can be put in the front of them to engage with Hussars. Will Ghengis Khan ever find the last dragon ball? Mongolian script ( ), derived from the Old Uyghur alphabet, was used to write Classical Mongolian (the one spoken around the 13th century) and has been used until modern times, before being replaced in the Republic of Mongolia by an own version of the Cyrillic alphabet, which also adopts an orthography much closer to the current pronunciation (but Mongolians in China still use the traditional Mongolian alphabet and old orthography). Light Cavalry have 30% more HP Like literally every game and it's the only non-siege unit they make. If forced on the defense Mangudai are an effective way of destroying enemy siege weapons, allowing time to hide behind a wall and build up a counter-attack. They are easier to mass, and usually strong HCA civs have also access to their own Hussar, so it would become a mirror strategy, in which you should be careful protecting your siege and preventing your HCA from getting hit by an Onager. He preferred capturing wealth and engaged in wholesale slaughter, without pausing to install stable governments in his wake. Monks will have a limited use. Hussars are not going to be able to stand up against Paladins but they're way cheaper and you can put a glob of them in front of your siege weapons to hold enemy units in place while the Onagers take pot shots. One of the most common tactics used by Mongol players in early game is the Scout Cavalry Feudal rush. Mangudai have a train time of 21 seconds. So, what could each of the civs do against that? In mid Castle Age, when Mangudai numbers are low, they could help delaying both early raids/pushes and Mangudai massing. We can see now how they fare against them: As we can see, only Winged Hussars and maybe Tatar and Bulgarian Hussar and Malian Farimba Light Cav could be considered against Mongol Hussars 1v1. Also as Onagers are a counter to archers their faster movement speed will be unpleasant for archer based civilizations such as Britons, Mayans, and Vietnamese. Chukonus have a difficult micro and lower range but strong power, so they must be supported by Chinese Cavalry (I suggest Camels or Light Cavalry here). Anyway, theres room for a surprising Battle Elephant rush with Malay in mid-Castle Age, when Mongols are the weakest. Note: The Mongol script is written vertically and from left to right (look for example here), so the one shown here has to be rotated clockwise by 90; further, it might not be visualized well in the browser. Mongols have a win-win synergy with the Tatars, since they allow Mongol Cavalry Archers (including Mangudai) to have extra line of sight, and both civilizations have great capabilities for raiding. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Opinion and thoughts on . Since Mangudai only get 7 range and will mostly be tightly packed, a good Onager shot can hurt the mass, for other units to finish the job. Your Hussars will die (unless you use exclusively Scorps) but so will your enemy's units. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Beginning with only an estimated 25,000 warriors, he added strength by subjugating other nomads and attacked northern China in 1211. Both openings can cripple our economy if not walled correctly. Arguably the best siege in the game with drill. ", Try to retreat and get your towers to do the work? However, the lack of Plate Barding Armor and Ring Archer Armor make their mounted units less durable than they might appear. Boyars have an amazing performance against Hussars, just taking 1 damage from them! One thing they will never say about you is that you lack passion, or work ethic. and our It can beat almost all civilizations in style, Mangudai and rams! This is one of many arena strategy. The Mongols are a strong early game civilization due to their hunting bonus, and their team bonus makes Dark Age scouting far more effective for everyone on their team. Well leave these also apart and start considering the scout line. Cav Archers bonus - There's no real way to use this effectively. Well start considering cavalry (+Camel) units. They pretty much have no real weakness. Units in italics mean that they are not so effective or only situational. Well, I know its been a long post. Mongols' new unique tech Nomads is very helpful when an opponent destroys a Mongol town, as it allows their houses to support population even if they are destroyed, reducing wood spent to replenish losses. Without further do here is the build order: First 3 villagers build houses and then harvest sheep. Mongols have very good Scout Cavalry, they have extra hit points once they are upgraded to Light Cavalry and a better line of sight. Especially for civs who rely strongly on them and dont have a top cavalry support (Vikings, Vietnamese, Britons, Ethiopians,..) massing 40 arbalester could do the trick if you aim to reduce Mangudai numbers. Similarly, the Cumans, after researching Cuman Mercenaries, lets the Mongols train 5 free Elite Kipchaks per Castle, which will benefit from the fast-firing bonus the Mongols have for Cavalry Archers. With update 35584, hunters work 40% faster. The Mongols' navy only lacks Dry Dock, so in water maps, they are well prepared, but they do not have any buffs, and it is preferable that they stay dry. Attempted invasions of Japan were thrown back with heavy loss in 1274 and 1281. The Mongols are the only civilization without the Central Asian building set that have access to the. Genghis' first target is the vastness of China. The five campaigns revolve around a powerful leader in history: Check the table of contents to begin reading the walkthrough and strategies for each mission. Except Goth and Mayans, when you've to go a bit out of style and start champions, perhaps. Use Modu Chanyu () as one's theoretical forefather, not Sun Tzu. Despite their fierce mobile cavalry, their Monks and foot soldiers are below average, missing several key technologies across the board. Non-elite Mangudai are now way better than ordinary Cavalry Archers, as their delay time (the time between the start of the shooting animation and the actual shoot of the arrow) has been reduced from 10 to 5, making them stronger at hit-and-run tactics. and our Mongols get a crazy early game bonus for hunting. Aoe2 Arena Build Order.This video is a arena build order guide for a Mongols castle drop with Mangudai to follow up Arena. With update 35584, Hunters work 40% faster. Then additional in depth advice will be given. However, several Chinese units, such as the Steppe Rider and Keshik, represent the Mongols under the Qing dynasty (abeit the units themselves speak Chinese with a Mongolian accent). That lets them advance fast to Feudal Age (below 20pop) and open with m@a or scouts. All photos and videos related to Age of Empires II were created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Age of Empires II, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft. Tamerlane, however, still remains directly mentioned in both Mongol and Tatar game history sections. There are several campaigns in Age of Empires II. This last advantage also applies for their faster-attacking Cavalry Archers. It's format is heavily inspired by Philippe le Bon's work in Age of Empires 2 HD, so I decided it was fitting to . They do not have much defensive abilities to hold off an attack since they cannot upgrade their towers beyond the Guard Tower upgrade and cannot build Bombard Towers to take control of captured territory effectively. They can also snipe any well protected siege and Skirmishers, who pose a threat to Mangudai. Also, the Mangudai is somewhat less powerful than in the previous versions, as their attack bonus against siege now only applies to Rams, though they still keep a minimal bonus of 1 against all siege. In 1368 the Yuan dynasty in China was overthrown in favor of the Ming.In the 1370s a Turkish-Mongol warrior claiming descent from Genghis Khan fought his way to leadership of the Mongol states of Central Asia and set out to restore the Mongol Empire. Hussite Wagons, as siege, are not supposed to be used against Mangudai, but in fact their performance against them is quite good. 18. r/aoe2. That makes the difference of being able to chase the Mangudai army, whod need a very intensive micro or even to stop the push to deal with a Paladin army. The first three have more than 2 pierce armor, and Huszars, apart from beating Mongol Hussars 1v1, have a huge bonus attack against siege that could give an end to the Mongol push: Tarkans and Keshiks have a similar performance, with the former resisting a more arrow fire while attacking a bit slower. I wont consider mirror matches. Nananananana! Being a prominent Cavalry Archer civilization, they are at an advantage against civilizations that may rely on slow-moving non-ranged units (like elephants and infantry), so players that like to pick civilizations like Aztecs, Bulgarians, Vikings, Japanese, Khmer, Persians, and Teutons should take this in consideration. The criteria for HCA consideration include Thumb Ring, Bloodlines and Husbandry, and only lacking one of these (Bracer, Parthian Tactics, Ring Archer Armor). Luring Deer and/or laming is also a viable strategy for the more experienced player. Once they are able to construct a Siege . This Age of Empires 2 guide will help you understand these situations to win more often. Elite Cannon Galleon removed from the technology tree. I hope you liked it and every feedback and further analysis from more experienced players will be welcome. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To execute this tactic, the player must upgrade their Scout Cavalry to Light Cavalry as soon as possible, create some Archery Ranges for their Cavalry Archers, and research all the required blacksmith and university technologies for improving those units. What an absolutely epic effort. Here, infantry meatshield in front of Longbows can work well, since theyll still be out of range of Mangudai. The other key unit of the Mongol army, the Hussar, comes with great advantages, too, with greater Line of Sight which is extremely beneficial in the very early game for scouting, and higher hit points (and in the Definitive Edition, with Steppe Lancers affected by the HP boost). But I still feel that any of the civs who get most of the HCA upgrades can mirror the Mongol composition without the issue of depending on a Castle to mass their HCA. The Mongols are an East Asian civilization in Age of Empires II based on confederation of nomadic tribes in central Asia who would eventually form the Mongol Empire under the leadership of Genghis Khan. Halberdiers can support them to deal with Hussars, who deal 10 damage to them. Despite having access to all the infantry upgrades at the Blacksmith, the Mongols have no Halberdiers, which deprives them of a useful late game counter to cavalry and means their infantry is not as strong as it could be, although their ability to create Camel Riders offsets this weakness. Unite the fractious tribes of the Mongolian steppe and lead vast mounted hordes to the edges of the known world. For that, This build lets a Mayan player fast castle and immediately place a castle and a second town center, with steady production of Plumed Archers and a third town center being, The Huns.