ucc worship resources

All materials can be found on the Conferences Vimeo channel. Can I access Resource Booker on my mobile device? https://www.ucc.ie/en/build/roombookings/resource-booker/, Cancelling the room if you no longer need it so others can book, You must comply with room bookings terms & conditions. The Conferences offer a host of resources for United Church of Christ (UCC) ministers including standing requirements and how to keep them up, worship resources of all kinds, and information for new ministers. Iowa ConferenceNebraska ConferenceSouth Dakota ConferenceOur CommitmentsFind a ChurchNew to the Conferences? Shame that does not reflect the good news, that we have been given eternal life.Let us be obedient to the work Jesus entrusted to us,Let us hear his teaching, and through it learn how we are to treat one another.Hear this prayer of our hearts, O God. Additional assembly song may reflect the theme and text of the day. To maintain ministerial standing, UCC authorized ministers must complete the following: (Black Hills, Dakota Oahe, Prairie Lakes, and Two Rivers Associations). The United Church of Canada. You can view a list of all your bookings under 'Accepted' in this section. Out of the places we hide Out of insecurity Out of shame Out from under that which silences love and justice. 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 Do this in remembrance of me., He then did the same with the cup of wine, saying,This cup that is poured out is the new covenant.And so, in remembrance of that night and the sacrifice of your child who refused to conform to a world that too often harms, we join in this communal meal as a commitment to the Kindom promised, where all are free to flourish, not just survive. Lead us, and guide us with your steadfast love, that we might channel your gifts to all we meet. We can help you get situated. Be blessed. Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, safe from those who would harm me. The Christmas season lifts up the baby Jesus in many ways through many names. We reject our neighborsothering them for being different from us. The form and content of the service focus on the dual themes of sin and death in the light of God's redeeming love in Jesus Christ. Can I access Resource Booker outside the UCC network? No further licenses are required. (resources to links indexed by scripture text) WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH TEXTWEEK. You can find the homepage from there. (MK, 2020), One: We come today, representing all the majesty of creationALL: Diverse and beautiful, blessed and beloved, all made in the image of the Creator of all things.One: We come today, called to this time and this place by an infinite GodALL: Who hears our cries and responds with love and mercy.One: We come today, Transgender, Nonbinary, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Intersex, Gay, Queer, AllyALL: We come today, knowing you will listen and answer our needs.One: We come today, to deliver our joined prayers of hope. (Enfleshed), Prayer: Blessed Are the Queer Blessed are the wanderers, Seeking affirmation. On the night of his arrest, Jesus gathered around table with his chosen family, his companions, his friends. God chose every single one of us. When you use 'Refine search' it filters all rooms to show only the rooms that are available at your preferred time/date. Worship Ways. The Deputy Director of Transgender Law Center, Isa Noyola, once said that, Transgender people are medicine, spirit, and leadership. Indeed! We are here to create a new humanity which values every life: the life of every person in an immigrant caravan, the life of every child taken from their parent at the border, the life of every trans woman, especially trans women of color, fighting to survive, the life of every trans person, period. When chaos and trauma cause distress, we counter by reaching for love and remembering joy. Find trans organizations, trans friends, trans instagram accounts to follow. A life in the unity of the Trinity is one of being shaped and sent daily in the image and in the purpose of Holy Love. Prayer after CommunionALL: God of abundance, we give you thanks for the grace we experience at your Table. Forge from this fire a new world One filled with justice and with peaceTogetherOne blessed by strength and tendernessTogetherOne called to challenge and to sootheTogetherOne able to strain and to healTogetherOne that is grieving and rejoicingTogether. (KFR, 2020, inspired by Psalm 89), Holy One of Blessing, eternally we co-create ourselves in your love.All companionship orientations;All gender identities and expressions;All ways of having family.We celebrate LGBTQ+ peoples everywhereKnowing that many are still not safe to come out;To be free;To live life abundantly.Heal all who are ill in body, mind, heart or spirit.Bind up all wounds and provide adequate care.Extinguish any stigma people are enduring.We celebrate because everyone should be celebrated.We are your body on earth.May our love and hope be sent on the wings of this prayerTo all who need refreshing, affirmation, and loves embrace.May it be so. All Belong Here The Many (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJBEwqBfw3I). All prices USD. Songs for the Holy Other:This collection emerged from a desire to make queer hymns hymns by, for, or about the LGBTQIA2S+ community accessible to a wider range of congregations. We have been blessed with gifts so manifold!Heaven and earth, and wonders yet untold.Proclaim your love divine, O God of Light.May we, your people, reaffirm our covenant in your name.Pledging to walk as allies, as disciples, as friends committed to the Way of your child, Jesus.Amen. So that all know love, safety, belonging, and dignity. We want to pass on the good news through this offering and by the way we live each day. This service was created and edited by Kimi Floyd Reisch. In Jesus, the Sacredness of those on the margins of the world is centered and affirmed, the tables upended, love overcomes hate. The season of Lent invites introspective, an inward act, that often gets concretized through spiritual disciples, action, to reinforce their meaning and to translate them into a way of living. Learn More Spiritual Directors Find a Spiritual Director to help you process experiences and grow in your faith, ministry, and leadership. Blessed are the queer Disciples of Truth, Living, breathing, sacred Reflections of Divine Love. You also find ideas for your worship leaders, ushers and others who support your worship ministry. The power and glory of the resurrection forges forth a new way of being. Rend Our Hearts: 2023 Lenten (and Holy Week) Sermon Seeds Series. Why are we called to be the UCC in this time and place? Narrative Lectionary:A four year process for preaching on Sacred Scripture, developed by Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Look for Sunday, festival and special UCC worship services here, organized by seasons of the Church Year. Where we share in joy or concern, let us respond together, God, hear our prayers., For all the queer, trans, and intersex children and youth across the globe. When we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit within ourselves, we can embrace a divine community of creativity and love that can propel us into a fight for justice, free from hatred and unnecessary violence towards others, each other, and ourselves. Our ways of knowing God within us are through body, through movement, through being in community with one another. Credit abbreviations: Kimi Floyd Reisch (KFR), Mak Kneebone (MK). Our transitions are spiritual quests, pilgrimagesof searching and discovering different parts of ourselves through surgery or gender affirming accessories/clothing/items, different gender expressions, new bodily sensations through hormonetherapy, and alternative ideological understandings of ourselves in relationship to others. (Enfleshed), We Know the Love of God: A Reflection On the Trans Day of Remembrance, https://thehymnsociety.org/resources/songs-for-the-holy-other/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJBEwqBfw3I. Revised Common Lectionary:A three year rotation of scriptures for preaching developed by protestant churches. what are human beings Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology (lindsayc@ucc.org). The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a taste of the Kin-dom of God. For those who have no safe place or people to retreat to. (MK, 2020), Based on We are Descendants by Lavon BaylorWe are descendants of your righteous ones,Those who obeyed, you Beloved children,Greeting your covenant with joyous praiseThrough fearful nights and problem laden days. It is the darkness that shelters us and keeps us safe. You are the transgender and gender-fluid person, you are the same-gender-loving and bisexual person You are each of usmade in your image, incapable of limiting your vast expressions of beauty. You can view up to date timetables on the Web Timetables section. Worship Resources. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Worship Resources Follow the Lectionary Worship Resources In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God's service in the world. We must write the stories of our trans elders and trans visions of a trans past. We hope these links will assist your worshipping community. Your child did not see outcasts, but only your own people. In you, we are free from the pressure of our world to conformto all become like. We ask this in your many names. We can recognize this when the impossible happens, when inside us, despite our despair, there is the tiniest of lights, the smallest sign of hope, the little bit of energy that seems to be coming from within us. Repentance, reconciliation,and repair require an inward transformation of mind, body, and spiritrepresented by the heart. Over the past several years, the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences and Council of Conference Ministers have created several worship services for your congregations use. Instead, too often, it has enacted spiritual violence on children and adults alike. This day, when people are angry and hurtful, give us forgiveness to offer. As the fires of experience burn scorching hotIn the life of every Trans person,Grant that these fires may burst forthInto a world eager for the warmthOf the truth of abundant Trans Life and Thriving. Council of Conference Ministers Offer Worship Resources The Council of Conference Ministers developed a worship service centered around the Parable of the Talents which is usable in many seasons. On the night of his arrest, he gathered around table with his companions.He took bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to his disciples and said, This is my body which is given for you.Do this in remembrance of me., He did the same with the cup after the supper, saying,This cup that is poured out is the new covenant.. If the spiritual transformation is missing, however, the actions become meaningless and a mockery. Each week, youll find that Sundays Lectionary texts and Sermon Seeds, a reflection on the focus text from theSeasons of the Spiritcurriculum. The work of the people of God continues Sunday by Sunday and throughout the year. (adapted from Embodied by KFR), Call to Worship One: God is calling us out. How do I ensure the room I book is accessible? Through you Spirit, Christ was raised from the grave. Do you use this website weekly? (silence)Jesus Christ, lover of all,ALL: bring healing, bring peace. In stressful lives and a world in turmoil, Morning Prayer will reconnect you with God. You can edit or cancel bookings using the buttons at the bottom of the booking details window. Blessed are the worshipers, Praying from closets, Pulpits, pews, and hardship. Amen. ALL: Be kind to us, O God, were sinking again. I'll be working on updating these and finding new resources. For the ones who were forced to the fringes of their own movements. Amen. Jesus Christ, lover of all, ALL: bring healing, bring peace. From the Day of Easter to the Day of Pentecost, we find God in flesh and in spirit moving in the world and in usfrom the tomb. The Holy Spirit resurrects us and allows us to see our own sacred divinity. Connecting United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations, lay leaders, and clergy with the resources they need for healthy and vital ministry in their contexts. A room will appear as 'Unavailable' if the room has already been booked or if the booking is outside of opening hours. For the ones who take risks, who dream, who feed and pray, who fight for bread and roses, both. Teach us to honor and celebrate their gifts and help us to create a world in which gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and nonbinary teenagers and adults are loved, accepted and celebrated, in every gathering and every congregation. Bring healing, bring peace. Global . Information about AV equipment in each room is available in the system. The Holy Spirit is at work within and through us. Find a Spiritual Director to help you process experiences and grow in your faith, ministry, and leadership. O Come, Advent, a video resource including an Advent Candle-Lighting song and ritual from United Church of Canada and United Church of Christ. Free us from hidden traps. At the end, the submit button forwards this information review to the conference office, the correct COM chair, and to the preferred email address used on this form. The Working Preacher site offers an introduction to the Narrative Lectionary, sermon preparation, and worship service planning preparation. Be prepared and committed to witness, testify, and demonstrate the realization of the kindom. National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry, Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century, 'Credo' virtual choir anthem for United Methodist worship celebrations. And so we turn to Jesus, who showed us what it looks like to live into our true selves as people of God. For more information on how to make a recurring booking, please see theResource Booker User Guide. Our major contributors represented a diverse chorus of voices through age, race, culture, and orientation. Joy given by and through you. Contact Aidan Spencer. We hope these links will assist your worshipping community. A life in the unity of the Trinity is one of being shaped and sent daily in the ima, Black History Month Call to Worship February 2021 Year B, Martin Luther King Weekend Service January, Office of the General Minister & President, The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries, Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ La Declaracin de Fe de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, Center for Analytics, Research & Development and Data (CARDD), About The Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD). You were our refuge through all times of change,When the world seemed harsh and strange.We followed your lead even when the path was obscured, the way to grace hidden behind our own fear. ALL: Amen. Of hope in the grip of evil. ). Tearing ones clothes was an outward sign of remorse and commitment to change. Scripturally-based, crowd-sourced, and curated set of resources for worship planners and leaders. He was humble yet grounded in your love for him. With thanksgiving, we celebrate your manifestation in all its glorious forms. Songs for the Holy Other: Hymns Affirming The LGBTQIA2S+Community (https://thehymnsociety.org/resources/songs-for-the-holy-other/). Capacity refers to the number of people a room can hold. Hear our prayers and deepen our willingness to show up with and for one another, sharing in each others burdens and working to protect and care for one another. We remember days of our past, heritage, and history as a testimony to the evolution of time and circumstance. (Lavon Baylor, 2014; edits by KFR, 2020), God, we come before you in these mortal bodies,Pledging that we will become instruments of peace, love and hope.Christ called us to serve as disciples to all nations, to all people.We commit to serving without fear, learning how to serve as Jesus served,Seeing the beloved-ness of your people, people set free from sin through the sacrifice of the Cross.Let us be instruments to glorify you, O God. The Book of Worship has suggestions about how to mark this occasion in worship. We pray in gratitude for all that nourishes and sustains us. ( Directory for Worship, W-1.1001) Offered below are worship resources you may find helpful. The distinct names attributed to the sacred meal Jesus instituted with his companions attests to more than denominational and doctrinal differences. What are 'Location Folders'? Office of the General Minister & President, The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries, Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ La Declaracin de Fe de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, Center for Analytics, Research & Development and Data (CARDD), About The Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD). He confronted every power that belittled, marginalized, and oppressed. Bring healing, bring peace.One: Jesus Christ, lover of all, may it be so. We pause to remember each other as those whose precious and precarious lives are inherently bound together. (MK, 2020), One: How long, O Lord?ALL: How long must your lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people hide, afraid to come out to wholeness?One: How long, O Lord?ALL: How long must our Black, Latinx, and Indigenous siblings bear the scars our legacy of white supremacy and racism have left on this nation, on this world?One: How long, O Lord?ALL: Before the lament we carry in our souls is heard and comforted?One: Divine Beloved, we have trusted in your steadfast love.ALL: Our hearts have rejoiced at the promise of your mercy and compassion.One: This Open and Affirming Sunday, let us sing to the Lord, Our God. For the ones forgotten and betrayed. And so to the One who is Love, we bring the prayers of our communities. Many cultures mark birth with a celebration of the naming of the child. We participate in systems that privilege sameness and uproot difference. Confident of your commitment to wholeness and healing, we lift before you the wounds inflicted on your beloved queer and trans children. Anything and everything UCC: merchandise, books, resources, and more. As trans people, we know the love of God. There is sacredness and divinity in understanding the deep meaningfulness of coming into our being. Connecting United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations, lay leaders, and clergy with the resources they need for healthy and vital ministry in their contexts. But we have not always honored the gifts you have given. We have, at times, sided with political and religious powers that refuse to recognize your image in all people. ALL: Blessed are our bodies. Working together, we are excited to grow GatheringWorship.ca with you. (PAUSE) God in your mercy ALL: hear our prayers. The Psalm appointed for each week in the Revised Common Lectionary cycle is reinterpreted in poetry and art as a reflection of Gods work of justice and compassion in our midst today. Worship Ways are original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Cleveland, Ohio 44114, The longest season of the liturgical calendar are filled with Sundays called Ordinary Time. It begins with Trinity Sunday and ends with the Reign of Christ. About Resource Booker. You are loved, cherished, and one of Gods children. Oh Holy Flame, spark of all creation,You who we greet as the Great Flame in our lives,Providing shining light for our visionAnd soothing warmth for our hearts;Help us be attentive witnesses todayTo the extraordinary wonder That walks among us Daily in grace. If you click on the 'Show Availability' button it will highlight the times in which the room is available to book. Blessed are those who stay. Remind us that we are all born holy and deserve love and tenderness. Find resources for your weekly services including liturgy, music suggestions, prayers and sermon starters as well as ideas for special services and those in settings outside the church. ALL: Do not allow us to make our ideas of you into an idol. Jesus Christ, lover of all, ALL: bring healing, bring peace. For those imprisoned by the state. Be strong. Even if you have to go underground, if you have to stop your transition, if you cannot come out, if you have to go stealth it is okay. For your presence within and around us, in our highs and lows, our hope and our despair, God, we give you thanks. We pause to remember the basic gifts of water, of trees, of beauty, of the land we gather upon. Sincerely, Alydia Smith (on behalf of the Gathering Worship Team) P.S. UCC Open and Affirming Coalition | Worship and Music Worship and Music for ONA churches Celebrating your ONA covenant The resources on this page will help your congregation celebrate your ONA covenant. Write, paint, photograph, sing, dance, pray, celebrate, love, gather, protest, and speak your truth. This service was created and edited by Kimi Floyd Reisch. (MK, 2020), For all the great and wondrous things you have done for us, O God, we are grateful. This resource is for you! United Church of Canada - Gathering Worship. ALL: God, hear our prayers. We must do our best to rediscover our transgender histories, cosmologies, myths, and stories. We praise the works of your creative hand that fills our life with beauty. Independence Day is not on the liturgical calendar for lots of reasons mainly it is a holiday for only one country even though countries besides the United States have an independence celebration or national day of some sort. For questions regarding Worship Ways, please contact Rev. God, we witness the violence of the world,Too often callously dispensed against the most vulnerable,Too often targeting our Black, Latinx, and Indigenous siblings.You deliver us from a world filled with inequities. Lectionary-based video sermons by some of Americas best preachers for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes, or for individual use. You are great enough to hold us all in your arms at the same time. Many links are active with current information even when my guiding link points toward an earlier year. University College Cork is a registered charity with the Charities Regulatory Authority, Sustainable Development Goals in UCC Research, Centre for Continuing Professional Development, Deep Retrofit of the Enterprise Centre, North Mall Campus. Worship resources include sermon ideas as well as complete sermons, a litany, unison prayers and more. Blessed are those Who hunger and thirst for justice For they will be satisfied. Fill our hearts with a pride rooted in resistance to all that seeks to destroy. Based on ancient Christian practices of daily prayer, this 20-minute service includes a Taiz chant, psalms, a reading, prayer and silence. Discover more worship and music resources for all your needs! Please see the Resource Booker User Guide on how to make, cancel or edit a booking. Hymnary: An online hymn and worship music database for worship leaders, hymnologists, and hymn lovers alike. They are available in full and in pieces. Office of Public Policy & Advocacy in Washington D.C. Our understanding of gender can heal the wounds of this oppressive system, from which every person of every gender is punished for doing gender wrongly. For pleasure. We move from concentrating on the event of Christ in the world and shift to the impact of being in Christ in the world. Copyright 2023 - The United Church of Canada. You can download from YouTube at youtu.be/-dTb7fc43Tk. Each week the service will stream live at 10:00 am on the Pilgrimage UCC Facebook Page. Generosity / Stewardship - 2023 Stewardship Theme Materials | "Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives" from $6.00 $49.99. ALL: We come today to celebrate our deliverance from that despair and to give thanks to you, Loving God; We know you God, God who takes care of all who stay close to them. A four year process for preaching on Sacred Scripture, developed by Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. So that all know love, safety, belonging, and dignity. Wider Church Ministries. Life and death have been transformed through the work of Christ. It has been crafted and offered by Conference Ministers from across the country, including our own Marilyn Kendrix. That is the joy of Epiphany. This raises questions of how to use content from hymnals online properly. However, the folders remain! Help us create a world where all queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay people can flourish. In ancient Hebrew tradition, the heart reflected more than emotional response; it encompasses both reason and feelings in an integrated fashion. Browse the collection of days below, or download the complete lectionary. Content on ucc.org is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here. In this difficult time, trans siblings, hang on. The Working Preacher site offers an introduction to the Narrative Lectionary, sermon preparation, and worship service planning preparation. We must share our pain, love, history, memories, dreams, hopes, myths, and visions with each other. Amen. We yield to Spirit, offering what we have to the greater good. Worship Resources. (Access is available. In the weeks of the Easter season, we journey from the tomb with Jesus and the early disciples from that perspective. You can find the homepage from there. Garth Schumacher (The Congregational Church, Rochester), Chris Bonhoff (Plymouth Congregational), Eli'jah Carroll (Mayflower UCC), and Lucas Cervi (St. Paul's UCC) for sharing their wisdom and . One: O God, you offer us life. Check out the list below for a variety of ongoing continuing education opportunities. Each week, youll find that Sundays Lectionary texts and Sermon Seeds, a reflection on the focus text from the. So many lies have been spread about God. We feel it in our bones, in the very skin that lines our bodies, in the very nature of who we are. For sustenance. CommunionOne: The Holy One be with youALL: And also with youOne: Open your hearts to the One who is LoveALL: We open our hearts to you, O GodOne: Let us give thanks to God who shapes our worldALL: For every creature and creation, we give you thanks, O God! ALL: You are mother, father, and parent. FESTIVALS/SPECIAL DAYS (includes Creation). If you are unsure of the capacity of a room, please seeRoom Facilitiessection. 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100 Together to Celebrate RCL-based contemporary music suggestions No person, no institution, no force of evil could extinguish the work of your hand. Bible study, worship, and song suggestions are available on their site. To live into Gods extravagant welcome and advocate for justice. African-American Lectionary:A four year process for preaching on Sacred Scripture, developed by African-American scripture scholars, preachers, and liturgists. Those of every generation who have faced violence, the breaking of relationships, the fading of hope when basic needs go unmet. [PDF] Download the Bulletin Covers Planning Kit for 2022 [DOCX]. UCC Open and Affirming Coalition | Worship Worship for Pride Month and ONA Sunday Worship Resources for Open and Affirming Sunday A recording of our virtual National 2020 Open and Affirming Service is available YouTube. And be safe! A variety of prayers, liturgies, and "how-to" articles for use on Sundays, Festivals, and special UCC calendar days. Free material for developing your worship services, prayers, and more. In the margins, in the hard, in the alone you are there too. The 2022 Information Review was due on Feburary 11th, 2022. ALL: God, hear our prayers. Cast out from our families, churches, and society, our fight for our existence and for our freedom is our ministry to the world. Like a tapestry, we are created with diverse and beautiful threads that only fully shine when they are braided together in creation. One: Though we may be afraid Though we will be at risk ALL: God calls us to courage! We are a community. 2024 UCC Desk Calendar and Plan Book $20.00. Even in death, O God, your love prevailed. To enter the system, you simply enter your username (this is your UCC email address) & password that you use to log onto your PC. The emptiness of the tomb demonstrates the power of what has been left behind as well as previews the promise ahead. We are Gods chosenwho like Moses were not meant to be born, not meant to exist, but do. The United Church of Canada L'glise Unie du Canada. This does not mean that we are not valuable. We pause now for a moment to allow you to silently or vocally offer your own prayers. Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education - Southern New England Conference of the UCC Homepage Make God's Love and Justice Real Environmental Ministries Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education Resources for Worship, Preaching and Education Worship and Preaching Jump to Education for Adults Jump to Earth Day Blessed is our love. You declared from the beginning that we were created in your image, a reflection of what is holy, each, in our own way, a glimpse of you. Welcome! For those experiencing economic hardship. For the ones who never tasted the freedom they fought for. ALL: Our sexual and gender diversity enriches us, creates joy in our lives. For a renewed vision of who we are. You want us to not just survive, but flourish in a world that you imaginedfilled with mercy, with love, with beauty. Amen. God is here to walk with you and lead you to a place where you can find peaceful rest. n online hymn and worship music database for worship leaders, hymnologists, and hymn lovers alike.