Her visitor would be revealed soon enough. After committing treason, Zuko spends months in prison, and even after both his father and Azula go missing, the guards can't coax him out of his cell. I offer myself as your prisoner, then., They looked at each other, then back at the Prince. No matter. Though the letter is addressed to her apartment, Katara is decidedly not Ursa Sozin. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. She gasped and he took advantage of her mistake by slipping his tongue in to taste her sweet mouth. Now youre gonna be taken from me too.' That was the problem, really. Plus the moment when Sokka shows up with him at the Western Air Temple and Zuko is just like, hello, your once and future prisoner Zuko here, where is my cell this time, and the Avatar better be up at sunrise for firebending because thats when the daily training session/breakout is going to occur, thanks in advance, sleep now. When Zuko was locked up in the cell, then forced to chase the impossible on a ship, his only companions were his numbers. Zuko has to learn navigating through his new reality of rules and people who were trained to hate his kind. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. But have you considered: Zuko goes straight from Dai Li custody to the Boiling Rock? I hate you! Katara said with powerful anger in her voice. Faster and faster he thrust himself into her core while grunting against her neck. : *:* You have grown more beautiful with each passing year, he breathed. He looked down at the islander with a warm smile, "But lately, I've realized I'm free to determine my own destiny, even if I'll never be free of my mark." La'kea returned his smile, reaching up to cup his face with her hand. well it happens; Daddy Issues (and not only Zuko's!) (This is me dealing with writer's block and projecting any creative energy into a brand new story I don't have time for. the-hot-zone: no one: really, absolutely no one: me: ultimate prisoner!Zuko fic where he is (and, please, bear with me here), a) imprisoned on Hakoda's ship like @muffinlance 's Salvage until he is b) handed over to the Earth Kingdom, possibly held by General Fong until the Gaang arrives. He's scheduled for a public execution. She remained as straight as a board, trying to be brave and ignore his searching hands. In the end he doesn't care who has to get hurt to achieve his goals. It's not who you think. He had wanted her for a very long time, and today he would have her. Danger. He slammed her back hard against the wall, and lifted her leg up with his free hand. His release finally came and he spilled his seed deep inside of her with a final jerk of his muscular form. Just wanted to add to this Hakoda meeting Zuko at Boiling Rock. General Fong has a special prisoner that he uses to train his men to fight firebenders. She was startled he broke the silence, "Do what?" Her words were clipped. What if Zuko ended up in Gaoling after separating from his Uncle? Miarri, (I will eventually change her name to Kida so that's why in some chapters you'll see Kida i Ivana was the granddaughter of a highly respected fire nation general. Thanks to Sokka being such a terrible captive, Zuko doesn't believe that Sokka's claims of being sick are true until Sokka collapses at his feet. You will warm my bed from now on.. This is the first fanfic that I've ever written that was NOT about Sesshomaru and Kagome from Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha. ------- The firebender prince glared at her, and the light from the torches danced in his eyes. They were so obvious about their affection for each other that even Smellerbee and Longshot had figured out there was something between them, without having ever seen the two directly interact beforebut Aang had no clue prior to this, and is left "aghast.". Azula listens, standing outside the throne room doors, waiting, frozen, as she hears her brothers fate. Katara confronts him on this, but eventually decides not to do anything yet because she's come to know him enough to trust that he'll make the correct choice when the moment comes. She has already posted the first chapter on mediaminer.org and I will ask her to do the same on AFF.net. And finally in book three, Iroh goes through a list of prisons looking for his nephew; starting with Caldera prison and working outwards. 18. His powerful thrusts increased and the slapping of wet flesh sounded through the air. When his hand moved closer to her inner thigh she began to struggle, but he refused to let her go. Now for the summary. Or maybe it's because it was just a one-shot piece of dirty smut and I didn't have time to build a damn novel out of it. Theres a father figure that Zuko deserves and *fanfare* a cousin figure that Zuko also deserves.b) Its basically a spinoff of a part of my main fic in which the gaang hadnt appeared in the town and Zuko went with Huong, CAN WORK AS A SEPARATE STORY, so don't worry <3(not a part of the series, just a separate instalment). She runs into Iroh on her way to the royal gardens. Will he help? Her heart skipped a beat. - Because Where you can find smoke, you are sure to find hot headed firebreathing nephews.. Haha! Apparently the human body wasn't meant to hang at such in such an odd position. Desperate, he decided to try one last time. the Gaang get seperated from Zuko after the Seige of the North. Sam sat down on her side of the bed but didn't climb in. But so damn bossy. Zuzu. Chapter 4 They were in agreement then. If you're going to stoop so low as to RAPE me, the least you can do is say my name! She screamed in anger. Anyone. A wicked sound really. On the other hand, Zuko wouldve spent some time with the Gaang (and oh god, they wont have Appa on the way to Ba Sing Sethats not a trip thatll be easy), and Zukos return to the Fire Nation would potentially cause the same feelings that he experienced in the canon. When his smirk grew to a fully wicked grin, he slipped his fingers between her folds. And now, faced with his Fathers worse enemy, Zuko will have to choose the path he will take from now on. Chapter 1 avatar: the last airbender She could see the shadowed figure through the tiny window, but could not make out a face. And besides, who needs perfectly functioning fingers when you can breathe rainbow dragon fire? After that fateful Agni Kai, Ozai makes a different call. Azula spoke quickly. After being caught by Toph Beifong while attempting to You've been a servant to the Fire Nation since you first learned how to take orders. Trying to stick together when your captors will do anything to pit you against each other is hard, but it might be the only way of getting out alive.---Decided to try whumptober as one big story this year in the hope that it will keep me writing for the whole month. In an attempt to save his friends and help them defeat the Fire Nation, Zuko ends up arrested in the Fire Nation where he is left to the abuses of his forsaken nation and the insult to injury that is a visit from his father. If you're shy, too young, or strongly against rape, then don't read this! Iroh is trying to save his boy when Azula tells him Zuko is dead. He only stood there, inhaling the scent of her hair. His erection was growing more painful by the second. To round off the saga, we have e) the Boiling Rock. Knowing how to win a war doesn't mean the GAang knows how to run a government, or broker peace agreements. She moaned again, and he pulled away. In Book 2 Zuko and Katara kiss upon their reunion, forgetting that the rest of the Gaang and Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot are in tow behind Katara. getting hit by an arrow in the shoulder, then he almost gets killed by a mob, gets manhandled by Bato and when he sneaks into the North Pole with the Gaang, he is used to train the waterbenders into fighting firebenders. Sokka is just here to break his dad out. Zhao captures Zuko at the Temple. After Zhao finds out Zuko is the Blue Spirit, he doesn't hire the pirates to kill him but to kidnap him and make the world think he's dead. The rattling of metal against metal echoed off of the walls, as an unknown person prepared to open her door. I like how you think. When the fire nation's prince is banished Kir he yearns for such violent delights and wonders if kissing the sun will lead to a violent end. Instead settling for much simpler Fire Nation attire, but Fire Nation clothes nonetheless. Jee, concluding that it's possible Zuko was never given. He would have her later, where he wanted her. There the captives would be left to die, with the tribe only checking to see if any were alive months later. I want him out of the palace by night fall." I actually love the idea of, (and this sounds terrible),do not pass go ie, Zuko being a perpetual prisoner from Hakodas ship to the Boiling Rock. She would provide him with his release on this day. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. This is more of a "zuko botches his escape attempt and spends the rest of the war in prison, and then when he becomes Fire Lord they leave him in prison" kind of thing. I imagine several long, painful, and confusing conversations. That would never fit! In the end he doesn't care who has to get hurt to achieve his goals. The premise is that Zuko realizes his destiny much earlier. That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. Iroh is going into a panic looking for his miising nephew, so when Zaoh comes gloating he jumps to the obvious wrong conclusion. she just barely stops herself from screaming. Kuzon for Aang. Do not make us regret this.. He spends the rest of the time leading up to the north pole hunting the Gaang. I'd love a papaya wife.". He traced her moist cavern until she relaxed in his embrace, finally allowing the kiss to happen. He speaks calm as he follows Azula. Y/N was an air bender, she was tasked with watching over the avatar Shit just got a whole lot more complicated. He hopes that this prisoner will help him to help Aang to reach the avatar state when nothing else works. She returns the initial letter to its sender, Zuko, but the letters keep coming, and they're all from the Boiling Rock, one of the most notorious prison facilities in the country. ; or the gang tries to find peace and heal in a postwar world. Help." As hard as she tried, Katara could not ignore what he was doing to her body. Zuko has set himself up very publically as a very different (and to most, a much more preferable) kind of leader, one who is responsible and dutiful where Ozai is myopically self-serving, one who is caring where Ozai is cruel, and one who is favored by the spirits where Ozai's decisions make the Fire Nation actively despised by them. By the gods woman you are so fucking tight!. 7. That knowledge sparked her memory, and Katara gasped in fright.