I know for sure that I wouldt want my own sin, and hypocrisy exposed for the whole world to see. Yes, Praise God He has, but forgiveness does not always cancel consequences. I actually have people Im accountable to and I speak with them almost daily. well is that what you did? CC has deleted him from their history. Of. I already said he can be restored as a brother, and I have said that God can show him grace and forgiveness and provide restoration. Coy was a conmanthis was going on for a long time and he was basically giving Jesus the finger?? Jesus must be so proud of all of us right now:(. If I remember correctly-Fidels was before he was saved. Blogging by nature is a difficult medium and it can be problematic at times to understand the intent of a poster. He will heal it. 8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adders den. I completely agree with you that if it had been done to my loved onesI would have kicked his sorry can up around his shoulder blades and repented later. One of the gals from Saturday Night live attended- I forget her name and they really used that to their advantage-she was mentioned. Does Satan have a body? Again, shout it to the masses when its other peoples sins like gay marriage etcor make assistant pastors go before the church and confess (Bob Grenier did that stuff)but grace and mercy and lets give the family their privacy etc when its the Senior Pastors turn to face the music. How am I sure there are details? In 2009, a fatal wrong-way crash caused by a soccer mom killed eight people. Others who knew of this pastors sin and felt the Lords call to also speak up, had dead birds put in their mailboxes and were threatened in other ways as well. Tell me one Christian that doesnt consider Jesus Lord and I will tell you they are not a Christian. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. Some of Coddington's signature innovations were his custom-fabricated alloy wheels, typically machined from a solid aluminum billet, an industry first. My husband and I were members of Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale for 14 years, we left 7 years ago to move to South Carolina..We loved Pastor Bob and his family and what he and Pastor Fidel did to bring Calvary to where it is today it is amazing. Have you ever had a hairball? I know it is difficult to understand that something good will come from this. Same story with sin throughout the scriptures, with example after example. I have read here for many years, but only post occasionally. The interpretation is right there in the text he is telling the listeners that they are witnessing that very event.. You can keep attacking Luther it doesnt phase me one bit. You must be great at bringing people the Good News. But then, in April 2014, he resigned in disgrace after admitting to multiple affairs and a pornography addiction. , , , , . It scares me when I read he should still be the pastor. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. I did not start the Monday discussion on baptism nor yesterdays on end times. Great article to consider: http://touch.sun-sentinel.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-79853971/, The only ones that are monogamous are the ones who have no choice because theyre either too old, too fat or too ugly or too poor. Want it to stop. Lots of stories here. calvaryftl.org is wasting no time wiping out the name of Bob Coy from their webpage. A few of the jurors turned in their seats to stare at Crist as his daughter furiously mouthed and signed the words. Now lets help him get back to his feet. Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? So that Until the Whole World fund raiser was never used for a new sanctuary as planned. #469 Fidel dumped his own church to go back to CCFL because his church was failing. THIS IS DISGUSTING and not of God. I actually have a lot of experience in having to deal with unwanted attention from married men both at work and at church. He can immediately be restored to God. These are well documented facts. At times like this we as Christians need to be more like Jesus and have lots of compassion towards a man who at least for me taught me how to have a true relationship with God and no one can take that away from Bob. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. They also had a singer who wore tight jeans that may not have been by todays standards showy, but her mannerisms drew attention and I would look at the men in the audience and see all their eyes were on her- and I am sure she knew it. The ones with the largest pledge or most generous givers, got a more intimate dinner with DC and BC. Diane Coy is on Facebook. Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. Calvinism and dominionism are two different things. Lets not use this thread for our personal theological musings, please. In 1997, Coddington was inducted into the Hot Rod Hall of Fame.[11]. Decades of life wasted. I like Bob, I served there for over a decade and he has proclaimed from the pulpit he struggles in the area of pride and women. "I was brought into the Lutheran church without a choice that's where I learned what a religious environment was like, but I was missing the spiritual thing.". "We take every allegation of abuse seriously, and our prayers are with the Coy family as they pursue redemption and healing.". The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged, raise new questions about the pastor, his church, and the police who handled the case. You wait your turn. Give it to God. Indwelling our hearts, He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to us for service. Was he so selfish that his ego got so big he was ABOVE THE LAW??? 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. needed payment. May God have mercy, and may God use situations like this to remind all of us just how vulnerable we are when we do that which is right in our own eyes. Instead, other churches were bought out. What does numbers have to do with anything? Given the opportunity of beautiful young women throwing themselves at at men, 99.9 percent of men would fall. . or are you just repeating here say? As New Times revealed in an investigation published Tuesday, former Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Bob Coy who once led the largest megachurch in Florida was accused in 2015 of. No excuses, no buts. They were given based on what you pledged/gave. It sounds so super spiritual for Bob to say, but I dont recall Paul saying that, or Peter, or John saying that, anywhere in Scripture. The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. Coy himself was not present at the Sunday announcement in which his resignation was announced, but church elders read a statement and answered parishioners' questions. If his marriage survives and I hope it does Bob will have to spend the rest of his days on his knees begging their forgiveness and thanking God for giving especially her too him. Michael Newham, have you ever committed adultery? . The root of Calvary's problems, critics say, lies in its unique structure. If I had to choose between a repentant Bob Coy or even a Moses model pastor teaching correct doctrine or someone who is morally correct under a board that makes the decisions for the church, and yet teaching false doctrine like that Jesus only died for the Christians and not for the whole world, that there is no free will involved in salvation, when the Bible continually tells us that there is, and when part of their foundation is replacement theology, that is, that the church has replaced Israel and that the tribulation has already happened, then give me the Moses model pastor, sometimes and in many cases we have to choose the lesser of the two evils, as Jesus said, The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. He didnt say stop hearing them. Let the people who preach the forgiveness of sins demonstrate the message. God forbid he get a real job like the rest of us. in fact, when the idea is brought up, Jesus denies he has a reign here on earth. In fact, at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network around the United States have been charged with abusing children since 2010. Yes, I was on staff a long time ago and didnt like the behind the scenes stuff. I hope wiser minds prevail. Ill be blunt. I am not honking my own horn here, either. They need our prayers. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the THOUSAND YEARS were finished. The children at the school were told that DC and the family is in California. I am not too sure he wanted a small group of believers because the building kept getting larger to accommodate all that were being brought in. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. His publicist stated that Coddington was a long-time diabetic who died from complications that were brought on from a recent surgery for a perforated colon along with sepsis and kidney complications.[13]. Not only of church/pastors in my past, but unfortunately, I know too well the pain Diane Coy is feeling having been there myself. Many asked what where his motives for this if not selfish and serve serving and THAT is NOT of GOD!!!!!! He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on. This is bad for the pastor, bad for the general congregation. I have to agree. Lets pray for him , his wife and his children until they are healed and restored and he is forgiven by The Lord , if not already ! And they are legion. Total identity loss. dont condemn someone on rumors. The only thing that covers ALL of us who are fallen to begin with is the Blood of The Lamb of God which was shed at Calvary and that covers Pastor Bob right now too ! And I did ask Andy and others if they could make a connection between Isaiah and the millennium? Why do you express yourself behind screen names ? For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Eph. They had to buy mens magazines to see those images. . > Steve Wright, ( obviously a real person, one of the brave ones): as you correctly state, I am in fact a visitor, and apparently one arriving with nievte (relative to a newcomer).as you so poignantly state, caught in the wreckage Yours is the only post that reflects some of what I would expect/hope for amongst believers , (and for that I thank you i.e. I was there. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL) is an evangelical, charismatic megachurch in Florida, with over 20,000 worshipers attending on average. Coy's preaching career ended with shocking speed, but his sex scandal was far from the first for Calvary Chapel. What is Bob Coy doing now? to attract a crowd, something is wrong. Isnt it cute when we call it moral failure. The PCA is a family of churches that are doctrinally Reformed and governmentally Presbyterian. The article noted that in total at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network in the U.S. have been charged with abusing children since 2010. Thankfully, this isnt my first rodeo. Matt Tague, former assistant pastor at North Coast Calvary Chapel in San Diego, was fired by the church after he was arrested in May on six counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a minor under 14 years old. She told Payne she was "moving tomorrow [overseas] on a mission trip with the church, and asked if it was possible to destroy any record of [her] abuse," the detective wrote in a closeout memo. Pastor Bob has said time & time again that you dont go to church for him you go to church for a connection to god. Andy, How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. Chuck Missler and John Hagee wrote exactly what you are trying to sell. You have brothers and sisters in the world that are not able to mention their faith without fear of loosing their freedom or life. Were closed for the night. This is exactly why we are to rely on God and not in man. Read slowly. Who is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Miami? Coy aligned his fledgling church with Calvary Chapel, a movement started in Southern California in the 1960s by Chuck Smith, a laid-back West Coaster who wore Hawaiian shirts while he preached a fire-and-brimstone, old-school religion. I suspect you are an attendee at CCFL and you are angry, but dont shoot the messenger.. there was a guy who did so once, reluctantly. I remember in the late 90s Pastor Stefan asking Bob, when is big too big? and Bob claiming, its never too big. My heart goes out to his wife and kids. CP reached out to Calvary Chapel for further comment but no response was received by press time. You never know what youd do if you were in his position.thats like a bum saying hed never do what a rich man would do. I have consciously stopped being friends with certain guys because there was too much of a bond being created that could have gone on to be something more. If God says He does it with a chain, then He does it with a chain. I guess the comment should have read In lieu of that verse, should a dog return to its vomit?. Miami New Times, which first reported on the child abuse accusations against Coy on Tuesday, said that the 61-year-old founder of the 25,000-member megachurch in Florida is denying the allegations. Michael says: February 9, 2020 at 7:20 am. I dont think so, would the owner of a Christian blog be joining in the attacks and ridicule directed towards a fallen brother? It was supposed to be raised for a new sanctuary that was to be at the North-East part of the property near the canal and would take up part of the main front parking lot. Then there was another put up for bid winning at a lower price. Amid that legal battle, the movement essentially split in half shortly after Smith's death. MLD, I dont know anything about Babylons Dread. That has calmed my spirit a little. Ya because he has 20k followers that he lies to daily. True spirituality is to be able to live with unanswered questions, dear Lorenzo. After the announcement, the congregation had a prayer and worship service. 32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. Hence, 3 1/2 years of tribulation. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay!!! Show me one person who has not or does not. Big difference. I have documentation. As churchgoers held their hands up in ecstasy, Sauder read from Matthew and promised that Jesus was ready to heal. Who is the current pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa? I can just throw out stuff also. Getting professional help gives you a partner to help you resolve these. It will do him wonders. Money creates a disconnect. As one who lives here in S.FL, there is nothing in the news about this. This is where the church will be tested, was it Bob Coys church or the Lords church? The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. Bakker was a victim of his own beliefs. Police say the victim wasn't a church member, and Calvary Chapel says it immediately fired Tague upon learning about the claims. Because, they know where you got your doctrine, and they know going in, all the errors and twists of interpretation. Oh yeah lets take care of that child playing with a snake, the snake is actually a licorice stick, nope no millennium there! And I also said that I would not give him the keys to another church.