And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. All these hypocrites and wicked people witnessed the Prophet Muhammed and listened to him. Also, he is recognised as the Sahaba with the most count of hadith relating to Hajj. Nevertheless, he showed great heroism on battlefields. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. He detested hypocrisy and deceit. Moreover, he was one of the Sahabas who migrated to Abyssinia with the second delegation. GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6932) and Muslim (1637), Aslm brother, this is really awesome!! Ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Allaah looked into the hearts of His slaves, and He saw that the heart of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best of peoples hearts, so He chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. ONLY GOD knew them. That is also discussed in detail in the answers to questions no. They are according to Imam AL-Bukhary's definition, SAHABA. Abdullah Ibn Rawaaha He was the poet who defended Islam with his words. While some (minority) of the "Sahaba" were honored in the Quran for their stand beside the Prophet Muhammed and their supporting of him, the majority were not that fortunate, and they were given the right description by God Almighty in the Quran. Salim Mawla Abi Hudhaifah He was the slave of Abu Hudhaifa, who freed himand adopted him. [1] "Al-aba" is definite plural; the indefinite singular is masculine (abiyy), feminine (abiyyah). [33:18-19] GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Six Noble Qualities of Sahabah.Qualities iman of sahabah, in the six noble qualities, if we have six noble qualities, we will easy practice the perfect dien . As any intelligent person can realize, some of these people were good and some were bad. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Your bro from Cape Town. He came towards us and sat among us. In view of such admonitions, the Shia have different views on each abiyy, depending on what they accomplished. If we were to list the attitudes with which they supported the deen and the righteous deeds by means of which they deserved that high status, we would fill volumes. But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and becomes thick and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers, that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Author- Fahmina Jawed No of Pages- 40 What will the child learn: Basics of Islam Price FREE If you like the article consider sharing it. [9:80] Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them - even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times - GOD will not forgive them. The camp's fire was out due to violent wind and the whole area was enveloped in darkness. Moreover, Abu Hurairah was a frequent worshipper; he used to take turns praying at nights. Some Images may have been sourced from google and social media.If you have any issues and want it to be removed you can contact us. His participation in the Battle of Badr is questioned by some historians; he is known to have fought in 19 battles (including Badr) under command of Muhammad and was a trusted Sahabi. [Source: Al-Isbah (1/4-5) of al-Hfidh lbn Hajar]. , I would like to receive news, tips and tricks, and other promotional material. Mu'aadh said: Will you obey me if I teach you? [9:97] The Aarabs are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the laws that GOD has revealed to His messenger. From the traditions (hadith) of the life of Muhammad and his companions are drawn the Muslim way of life (sunnah), the code of conduct (sharia) it requires, and the jurisprudence (fiqh) by which Muslim communities should be regulated. Sad Ibn Ubadah He was the leader of the Khazraj tribe, and was appointed as the leader of the Ansaar. Is Saudi Arabia considering cancelling Hajj 2020, Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series. He would only speak when spoken to and whenever there was an ambiguous meaning, the Sahaba of Prophet Muhammad would turn to seek his legal instruction or judgment. His complete name is Abdul Rehman Bin Sakhar adDoosi. We have chosen a few of the Sahabah and mentioned some events from their blessed lives for the purpose of encouragement and cultivation of Islamic teachings in our everyday lives. 4. They were commanded to reject such laws. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Al-Qurtubi's Istb f marifat al-Ahb, who died in 1071, consists of 2770 biographies of male and 381 biographies of female abah. Whenever any male or female Muslim hears my name, they take a liking to me." They turned back on their heel". ". According to another narration, Abu Hurairah - used to say, "By Allah! We became silent and he said: "Carry on with what you were doing." Allah the Merciful has praised the Sahaba and mentioned them as being the truthful in the Quran; You see them kneeling and prostrating, seeking Gods bounty and His good pleasure: on their. Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, The definition of Imam Al-Bukhary : Bukhary defined the Sahaby (single of Sahaba) as the one who was in the company of the prophet Muhammed or just SEEN him. [33:60] Unless the hypocrites, and those with disease in their hearts and the vicious liars of the city (Medina) refrain (from persecuting you) we will surely grant you the upper hand, then they would not be your neighbors within a short while. According to an observation in al-Qastallani's Al-Muwahib al-Ladunniyyah, an untold number of persons had already converted to Islam by the time Muhammad died. Earn what is halal and rightfully yours and do not earn sin. If they saw him, heard him, or were in his presence even briefly, they are companions. The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s), or aba(Arabic:), are the title of those Muslims who met the Prophet (s)and believed in him until their demise. A person who converts to Islam after being a Sahaba and then becomes a Believer again after the demise of Muhammad is a Sahaba. He is also one of the five Sahabas who compiled the Quran under the supervision of Prophet Muhammad . Umar Ibn Al-Khattab During his reign, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Egypt all became part of the Muslim Empire. With these corrupted Hadiths, the Muslims after Bukhary changed their religion from the religion of the Prophet Muhammed (the Quran), to the religion of Bukhary and his likes (the fabricated hadiths and Sunna). As Allaah chose for His message the most pure-hearted of His slaves (i.e., the Prophets), so too He chose as the heirs of the Prophets those who would be grateful for this blessing and who were fit for this honour (of conveying the message), as He says (interpretation of the meaning): Allaah knows best with whom to place His Message. The Companions of the Prophet (Arabic: ; a-aba meaning "the companions", from the verb meaning "accompany", "keep company with", "associate with") were the disciples and followers of Muhammad who saw or met him during his lifetime, while being a Muslim and were physically in his presence. consequence of their own works? Lists of prominent companions usually run to 50 or 60 names, the people most closely associated with Muhammad. Rather, the history of the companions of Prophet Muhammad should be read with the intention that they will help us observe and understand how to behave in society. Let us look at the definition by Bukhary; and reflect on its corruption; The Quran is full of the stories of the hypocrites and the wicked people of Medina where the Prophet lived who seen the prophet and listened to his message and his ceremonies and they cannot be considered his Sahaba (Companions) as Bukhary did; [9:101] Among the Aarabs around you, there are hypocrites. Their marks are on their faces, because of prostrating. [9:74] They swear by GOD that they never said it, although they have uttered the word of disbelief; they have disbelieved after becoming submitters. 20 Places to visit in Madina munawara, Ziyarat Places in Madina. Abu Hudhaifah Ibn Utbah He was an early convert to Islam who was martyred at Yamama. [43:78] We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth. "Sahaba" in a very clear way, that leaves no doubt about how they were, and how they behaved. Fadhl Ibn Abbas He was the Prophets (pbuh) cousin and assisted in his burial. [47:29-30] Did those who harbor doubts in their hearts think that GOD will not bring out their evil thoughts? Who is a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad ? That story cant make sense. ISLAMOPHOBIA-Do you Fear Islam or do you fear Allah? the narrator asked. The Shia claim that Muhammad announced his successor during his lifetime at Dawat Zul Asheera[20] then many times during his prophethood and finally at the event of Ghadir Khumm. He lived a long life and died during the civil war. Anyone who died after rejecting Islam and becoming an apostate is not considered as a companion. Umar (RA) like others present there were not expecting the Prophet to die and simply considering this that the Prophet (SAW) is going through sick period and will get better soon. "The Prophet said: 'Ameen.' Unfortunately, after a few months of governorship, he went on to meet his Lord. The verses quoted above, which speak of their virtue and give them the glad tidings of Paradise, cannot been abrogated by anything. Two of the rings of the Prophet's mail had penetrated his cheeks and he was bleeding. Some of them said: Come close and let the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) write for you a document after which you will not go astray. As he penetrated the enemy ranks, he heard Abu Sufyan alerting his troops to be aware of Muslim scouts. Pray during the night, but you must get some sleep. As simple as it seems, we can conclude that the "Sahaba", companions of the Prophet Muhammed, were regular people like all the generations before or after them, some of them were good and some were bad. This is because they broke their promises to GOD, and because of their lying. rewarded them with an immediate victory. In their minds there is a disease. Then Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf and Uthman, companion and son-in-law of Muhammad and also essential chief of the Banu Umayyah, selected Umar as the second caliph after the death of Abu Bakr and the other Anr and Muhajirun accepted him.[17][18]. From the above Quranic verses we can see that the "Sahabas" like all the people of all generations were either good or bad. Furthermore, he was a man of strong character and intense loyalty. Hand them the colours and [], Join TarteeleQuran to learn Quran online Ramadan Journal The purpose of this journal is to aid our connection with the month of Ramadan, to help us recognise and throw away the excuses which have held us back in previous years, so that we can reach and appreciate the true benefits of this approaching Ramadan, [], Join TarteeleQuran to learn Quran online Dua Cards printable Assalamu Alaikum wrwb, If you are looking for some Dua cards especially with the Daily recommended Dua a child should learn, We have created some Dua cards that you can Print out. As we can see, God was pleased with these "Sahabas" for what they did at that time, supporting the Prophet and standing with him against the aggressors. Die as a true Muslim. One day he returned to Makkah from one of his trading journeys. One of the fundamental beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama`ah that at times distinguishes them from heretics is their belief in the Companions of the Prophet (saws) and all that has been mentioned about their virtues, merits and characteristics in the Qur'an and Sunnah. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. Due to her strong memory, she gave unequalled service in the transmission of hadith and Sunnah to later generations. The Quran which is the ultimate truth described some of those who witnessed the Prophet Muhammed , i.e. [57:16] Is it not time for those who believed to open up their hearts for GOD's message, and the truth that is revealed herein? BUT, GOD NEVER let them have it. [5], Some Quranic references are important to Sunni Muslim views of the reverence due to all companions;[6][7][8][9][10][11][f][g][h][i] It sometimes admonishes them, as when Aisha, daughter of the first Sunni caliph Abu Bakr and the wife of Muhammad, was accused of infidelity. The biggest test that faced those companions after the death of the Prophet Muhammed was the matter of "Who rules the Muslims after the Prophet's death ?" He was never documented to accompany the Prophet as one of the Sahaba, but Bukhary made him one. God in the Quran told us about those who believe, then disbelieve then believe again then disbelieve, see 4:137, which reminds us that once you blessed with becoming a believer, there is not a guarantee that you stay a believer. A non Hufaz should recite 1 Juz of Quran a day and the Hufaz should recite 3 Juz daily. [9:76] But when He did shower them with His provisions, they became stingy, and turned away in aversion. When the news reached Prophet Muhammad , he demanded that the blood money be paid but Hudhaifa (May Allah be pleased with him) humbly refused and distributed it as alms among Muslims. These are the real enemies; beware of them. The people in the house disagreed, and they argued. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. His corrupted definition of the word Sahaba definitely played a role in the collection of Hadiths form such FAKED Sahaba. He said then "Fast, then break your fast. When they get up for the Contact Prayer (Salat), they get up lazily. Sahaba is the Arabic word for "Companions". The atmosphere was that of deep fear and anxiety. See 25:30. He has ranked the Sahaba in a total of 12 levels according to his criterion. Have you chosen this worldly life in place of the Hereafter? However, there were clearly many others who had some contact with Muhammad and their names and biographies were recorded in religious reference texts such as ibn Sa'd's early Book of the Major Classes. Of course, you have to believe the Book of Allah (Exalted is He), whereupon you curse those whom you refer to as 'Sahaba', and dissociate yourself to Allah (Exalted is He) from them, except from those among them who have been confirmed as being believers and . He once narrated that all the Sahabas used to ask the Messenger of Allah about good while I used to ask him about evil for the fear that it would overtake me. They will come to you then and swear by GOD: "Our intentions were good and righteous!" The first 4 caliphs, who are the ab held in highest esteem among Sunni Muslims, are part of a group of 10 Companions to . That belief must be manifested in our actions and to follow the Sahaba also means to possess their other characteristics, some of which have been identified by our scholars as: The full acceptance of the Revelation 13 Rights of Animals in Islam, Animal rights according to Quran and Hadith. They will be kind with the believers, stern with the disbelievers, and will strive in the cause of GOD without fear of any blame. He died at the age of 78 and was buried amongst the inhabitants of Al-Baqii. Suhail Ibn Amr He was a dynamic speaker and initially a staunch enemy of Islam. The number of Sahaba is counted more than a hundred-thousand individuals. Umm Habiba Bint Abi Sufyan She was one of those who migrated to both Abyssinia and later Madinah. Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas He was one of the blessed ten and the last of them to pass away. [3] The three generations make up the salaf of Islam. They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. This is their description in the Tawraat (Torah). Consequently, GOD augments their disease. Sauda Bint Zamah She was the second woman that the Prophet (pbuh) married and helped raise his daughters. [9:78] Do they not realize that GOD knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that GOD is the Knower of all secrets? Those who seek to follow the Prophet by following Bukhary and his likes are just following Bukhary and his likes and the messenger will complain to God from them on the day of Judgment that they deserted the Q U R A N . 'Abbas b. Look at the following hadith mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim . You The hadith quoted above[n][o] shows ranks of abah, tbi'n, and tbi' at-tbi'n. Hence, all night long his house was busy in remembrance of Allah. I will only list few of these and leave the rest for you to investigate, if you are not happy with the Quran and God ALONE. [9:47] Had they mobilized with you, they would have created confusion, and would have caused disputes and divisions among you. Even Umar May Allah be pleased with him used to consult his intelligence and insight in selecting men during his caliphate. At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi. The expedition had no means of supplement except for a bag of dates. They died together in Yamama. Dua. However, these titles and high positions meant nothing to Abu Ubaida. Also killed by Abu Jahl. According to Shi'as, the Sahaba were no different to the rest of the Muslims in this regard, and the veracity or justice of each companions would need to be established separately. Mu'aadh ibn jabal is one of the Ansaar Sahabi who accepted Islam and vowed in the second pledge of Al Aqabah. Abu Darda He was known for his dislike for this world and love of the late night prayer. Also among the city dwellers, there are those who are accustomed to hypocrisy [63:1] When the HYPOCRITES come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of God." Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq He was the Prophets (pbuh) chosen companion for the Hijrah. It was his intelligence and apex knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence that made the Messenger of Allah entitle him as "the most learned man in halal and haram". It is because of their efforts that the Islamic traditions have been preserved and handed down generation after generation without any fabrication. Ikrimah Ibn Abi Hakam He was the son of Abu Jahl, and died a martyr at Yarmook. [63:4-5] When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. [15] In other words, companion is used to refer to sahaba of the prophet who were in a long-term relationship with him and support him in an essential event up to their death.[14]. [61:2-3] O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? 'Abd Rabb al-Ansari al-Khazraji, Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. You should know that your money and your children are a test, and that GOD possesses a great recompense. The support that the Sahaabah gave to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) at any given moment for the sake of this religion cannot be matched. I will say' " To destruction, destruction to those who changed things after me", Al-Aala Ibn Al Musayeb said his father said, "I met Al Baraa Ibn Azib and told him, "Good for you that you accompanied the Prophet and declared allegiance to him under the tree." While the true believers will be happy with the QURAN ALONE and the assurance of God in the Quran, the others will try to find an escape in the books that were never authorized by God, the books of Hadiths and Suuna.