In the Big Apple, she instantly snagged lucrative assignments as a photographer's model for the likes of Peter Lindbergh, then discovered an inborn passion for acting and decided to make it the focus of her life. I'm not going to hurt you. He became her role model. After his plan to kill the original Marshal failed in The Chronicles Of Riddick, he found himself under the authority of Riddick, who "kept what he killed.". Further kills include a brethren of Rykengolls after she was enslaved and brutalized by them. Richard B. Riddick : Then you gotta get sent to a slam. Kyra: Did that. In The Chronicles of Riddick, he considered it an insult, when he discovered the bounty placed on him was around a million of the currency for most planets, and when Toombs has a small crew to capture him (it was originally four crew members, then it was five). She was held in the Crematoria Slam Facility. [3], After Zeke was killed, Fry and the others assumed that Riddick killed him. Kyra could have been the former sidekick-in-training of any number of heroes or villains. Riddick was born on Furya. The video game, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (which serves as a prequel to Pitch Black), clarifies that Riddick's eyeshine is more than just something he picked up in a prison. As she searched an underground cave for Zeke's remains she discovered that it was not Riddick who killed him, but creatures indigenous to the planet. One major characteristic of Riddick is his indomitable will. Itiri Ciana captain of her own ship, and employee of the Seiun Intergalactic Shipping Company, packs up her ship and travels to one of the universe's toughest slams. Despite his Human origin in Pitch Black, in subsequent sequels his race was changed to Furyan, a warrior race of adapted humans obliterated by a military campaign that left his home planet of Furya desolate and is one of the last of his kind. In the premiere installment in the franchise, Riddick is introduced as a notorious convict en route to a penal institution with his captor, a bounty hunter named William J. Johns. When it appears that Riddick is about to be killed, Kyra stabs the Lord Marshal in the back with a spear and he punches her into a column of spikes, mortally wounding her. For instance, the minor subplot in the Director's Cut of Riddick's visions, as well as his moments with Toombs's second in command, are both absent, but the ending from the Director's Cut is present. my bb Marla is making a R/K vid and when I saw. In terms of sheer power, Riddick had few equals. Riddick is hunted and need to find a hideout off the grid for the night. His only weakness (other than light sensitivity, leaving him in pain when in daylight without his goggles), as stated in the Pitch Black DVD, is his soft spot for children and anyone who really grows on him (those people become his friends), which resulted in his capture by the bounty hunter Johns (Cole Hauser). The tough ex-merc occasionally discloses an occasional aching vulnerability; she appears to be in love with Riddick in some twisted way. var pfHeaderImgUrl = '';var pfHeaderTagline = '';var pfdisableClickToDel = 0;var pfHideImages = 0;var pfImageDisplayStyle = 'block';var pfDisablePDF = 0;var pfDisableEmail = 0;var pfDisablePrint = 0;var pfCustomCSS = '';var pfEncodeImages = 0;var pfShowHiddenContent = 0;var pfBtVersion='2';(function(){var js,pf;pf=document.createElement('script');pf.type='text/javascript';pf.src='//';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(pf)})(); Jack B. Badd (later Kyra) is a recurrent character in the Riddick science-fiction movies. But you are making that very difficult right now. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the UnderVerse. [3], After it was established that Riddick didn't kill Zeke, and with the stress of deadly predators added to the trauma of the crash (along with whatever drove her from her home on Taurus 1), Jack quickly became obsessed with Riddick's strength and survival instincts. She demonstrates these powers through the art of calculations. When Riddick was mentally probed by the Quasi-Dead of the Necromongers, he not only resisted them, but also retaliated, the Quasi-Dead's containers actually exploding from the strain of trying to process Riddick. She also established herself as an antagonist of Paris P. Ogilvie, an antiques dealer. When the Hunter Gratzner crashes on the planet, M6-117, she and several survivors, led by Carolyn Fry, are confronted by certain death at the hands of the planet's inhabitants the Bioraptors. Riddick has appeared as a playable character in the Xbox game Deathrow. In Pitch Black, she had cropped cut hair, a slightly deeper voice, and wore male clothing to add to this ruse. Directed and written by David Twohy. : [2], When they first meet again they have a nostalgic conversation. What? Imam believes Helion Prime is the next planet to be conquered by a mysterious force crusading across the stars. She's also an expert sniper, capable of picking targets off from great distances, as she demonstrated in the 2013 Riddick film. Alexa continued her ascent in Hollywood by being cast in Edward Zwick's Defiance (2008/I), released in 2008, as "Lilka", Daniel Craig's love interest. Riddick, who had a bit of a soft spot for children, quietly humored her and even began to be somewhat protective of her. Jack is Lady Marshal of the Necromonger fleet. As they are leaving the planet, Jack asks what they should say if they run into bounty hunters or other law enforcers asking where to find Riddick. And even when an undead army looms, and Necromonger Commander Vaako joins their number, becoming another addition to Riddick and Alyna's mate bond, the promise of Family and Home forge bonds that cannot be broken. She likes to hide a razor in her mouth which she uses to cut Riddick on his left cheek (dubbed, the Kyra Kiss). It was how most people described him. Intrigued, the Necromongers' leader, the Lord Marshal, orders Riddick be scanned by the Quasi-Dead, half-dead telepaths, who determine that he is indeed a Furyan survivor. He now brings his veteran pop culture XP to ScreenRant. Universal Pictures decided to develop a sequel to Pitch Black after the success of The Fast and the Furious, another action film that starred Vin Diesel. When she finally met such a person in the form of Riddick she became a one-person cult of personality, imitating Riddick to the best of her ability. Richard B. Riddick is one of the most notorious killers in the entire galaxy, and certainly one of the most dangerous men alive. Richard B. Riddick 'Jade, Jade, Jade. : [citation needed], The "unrated director's cut" DVD (featuring scenes which were cut in order to obtain a PG-13 rating) was released on November 16, 2004, and sold 1.5 million copies on the first day alone.[23]. Only there wasn't a doctor here who could shine my eyes, not even for 20 menthol Kools. Except there wasnt any doctor that could shine my eyes, not even for twenty menthol Kools. Sitting beside her Riddick lifted Kyra off the bed, her lifeless body little more than a ragdoll in his arms. Release Dates Riddick is her first recruitment stop, and she has another dossier he'll find very interesting. Aereon, an Air Elemental, identifies the army as the Necromongers, religious fanatics who seek to convert all human life and kill those who refuse. Her character definitely could have been more developed, but as a character her dying shortly definitely made an impact on Riddick and the viewer. Let's play. Kyra : Riddick and Jack teamed up and made it off planet with the other survivors, minus one pesky merc. The Necromongers have long worshipped the Lord Marshals for their connection to the Underverse. Dahl is far from a pushover. I'll let you go in a minute, and if you behave, it will stay that way. "[16] Paul Clinton of CNN gave the film a negative review and called it "a big, cheesy sci-fi flick tailor-made for a young male audience looking for things that go boom. The film received negative reviews. In the latest film, Riddick attempts to manipulate the two groups of mercenaries into fighting over him instead of working together. What if Jack on the Hunter-Gratzner was actually Subject Zero right after she escaped the Cerberus Teltin facility on Pragia? Riddick can also kill efficiently without using a weapon. Please consider turning it on! Technical Specs, [sneaks up behind Riddick and points a blade at his back]. In one case, Riddick concluded that the prized dagger of a Necromonger was "a half gram too heavy on the back end" after an inspection lasting all of a couple of seconds, although the tone of voice in which he delivered this appraisal suggested pre-fight bravado rather than abstract fact. Richard B. Riddick, more commonly known as Riddick, is a fictional character and the antiheroic protagonist of the Chronicles of Riddick series, including the animated short movie Dark Fury and the video games Escape from Butcher Bay and Assault on Dark Athena.Actor Vin Diesel has played the title role in all of the Riddick-based films and video games thus far. Kyra : One where they tell you you'll never see daylight again. And he wouldn't mind getting closer to that pretty slip of a woman who pilots the ship.Not quite a song fic thought a few lines might sound familiar. : | Richard B. Riddick: I bow to no man. Acid green eyes, raven black hair, and a will to survive that makes her the perfect equal to his cunning, ferocity, and ability to adapt and overcome. Riddick is reunited with Imam, a holy man he rescued five years earlier. Spiritual Elements The Necromongers follow a dark religion in which Nirvana is the underverse. She's a capable fighter, and an even better weapons expert, able to wield a range of different guns as if they were second nature. He has also been known to use anything from Necromonger gravity rifles, teacups and anything in between. This ability is also displayed off screen in Escape from Butcher Bay. Her haunting beauty and spirited performance garnered raves from critics. He also tends to think of a fun bar fight as foreplay. By impersonating a cop and traveling with a group of settlers aboard the nondescript transport cruiser Hunter Gratzner, Johns hopes to safely convey Riddick back to a prison colony and collect the outlaw's enormous bounty. Jack was fascinated by outlaws. Did that. [citation needed]. However, size wasn't enough, and Riddick bought enough time to take him down, putting an end to his opportunistic plans. Riddick infiltrates the main hall on the Necromongers' flagship, where Dame Vaako sees him but encourages her husband not to warn the Lord Marshal and to let Riddick strike first and pave the way for Vaako to kill the Lord Marshal and take his place as leader. Come to think of it, much, much less would have been best. When she was sold to slavers and then ended up in prison and found out about the unglamorous truths of life as an outlaw she felt betrayed. : He would easily have destroyed Riddick, had it not been for the interference of Vaako, who was seeking the throne. [citation needed]. Riddick's abilities at hand-to-hand combat is a mix of Krav Maga, Hapkido, Eskrima, and Ninjutsu; he uses his formidable fighting skills while confronting one of the night-creatures of Pitch Black with only a shiv he had made, killing it with relative ease, as well as defeating one of the Lord Marshal's best Necromonger warriors in a matter of seconds in Chronicles. You dig up a doctor and you pay him twenty menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs. [18] Time Out also gave the film a negative review and stated, "The sequel baton pass at the finale is pretty nifty, but it's surely asking too much to think the filmmakers could leave us wanting more. He's a tough nut to crack, and he leads one of the best merc teams in the galaxy, but he's also a calculated thinker. Fugitive Riddick has been in hiding, evading bounty hunters and mercenaries sent to capture him. Despite his harsh upbringing and violent attitude, Riddick has been shown to have a certain knack for deduction, rapidly deducing what had happened to the original inhabitants of the mining base where he and the other crash survivors had been staying, as well as finding the creature's blind spot in Pitch Black and swiftly deducing what had caused the firefight between the Warden's and Toombs' men in The Chronicles of Riddick. Her former mentor might seek her out to make amends for leaving her and to see if he could save her from her current circumstances. When Riddick leaves Jack behind she go on a path of destruction that eventually leads her to become Kyra. [2], She was always on the move and liked to hide around the prison in small areas that are difficult for others to reach. Imam Abu al-Walid (High), and she would have a High Connection to Riddick if she had a reliable means of contacting him. The death cultists had come looking for Riddick and caught up with him as he was trying to leave the planet. Kyra If I kill them first, not really. : Riddick praises Johns for being a better man than his son. Helper(s): The official Pitch Black website, the novelization of Chronicles of Riddick. How can he do both? He followed the Necromongers back to their current staging area on Helion Prime. [3] Shortly after they escaped M6-117, they are captured by a Mercenary ship commanded by Antonia Chillingsworth. Maybe I do. Riddick elects to have no anesthetic, despite the procedure involving cutting the cornea and drilling through the eye to inject a reflective substance behind the retina. RELATED:10 Classic 50s Sci-Fi Movies That Still Appeal To A Modern Audience. It was there that Jack met Riddick, an infamous outlaw. 2002present. Certainly the title should be a big hint. The look in those eyes and the flush to his face called to Riddick in the most animalistic ways. It didn't work, but he did inflict some of the worst damage on Riddick of any character in the franchise. : Enneagram: 9w8 sp/sx. She might have fallen in with groups like Ras al Ghuls cult of assassins and ended up either in prison or on the run from the law. Alexa Davalos (born May 28, 1982 in Paris, France) is an American actress. In the end, Riddick was able to take advantage of the Lord Marshal's one weakness - the need to phase from one point to another, to drive a perfectly timed knife straight through his skull. Acrobatics*: 06, Martial Artist*: 06, Thief (Concealment, Stealth)*: 06, Weaponry (Firearms, Melee)*: 06, Weaponry (Knives): 07. When the highly-touted series failed to catch on with viewers and was canceled after half a season, Davalos bounced back with a convincing portrayal as Diane Keaton's daughter in the well-received made-for-television feature Surrender, Dorothy (2006) (TV). Five years after hed left Jack behind, Riddick came to Crematoria looking for her. [3], Fry's conversation with Riddick compels Fry to seek evidence about the truth of Zeke's death. When they're reunited on Crematoria she tells Riddick briefly about what has happened to her during the five years since they last spoke. Just what was the Furyan up to? Riddick uses the approaching storm to force the mercenaries to cooperate, but he is left surrounded by enemies and nearly killed. As a native of the planet Furya, Riddick was imbued with heightened senses, strength, and killing skills that were a signature trademark of his people. She was weak, couldnt cut it. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. All of them. Riddick was a hunted man and decided to leave Jack behind so that she wouldnt become a collateral casualty of the on-going attempts to capture him. Riddick is saved by the Purifier, who tells him that if he stays away from the Necromongers, the Lord Marshal promises not to hunt him. Jack: Okay, I can do it. In Riddick, he appeared pleasantly surprised to learn that Johns' father was a better man than his son, complimenting Johns' nerve when he came back to help Riddick when he didn't have to. But not her. Her big break arrived when producers selected her to play "Kyra", the heroine in the 2004 futuristic fantasy vehicle The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), starring Vin Diesel. She had a 700,000 UD bounty and was caught after leaving the Helion System for the Proxima System.