Orchestras became larger and innovations in the manufacturing of pianos made them more robust so you could really hammer away at them Beethoven loved that! The shape of its orbit is such that Pluto spends around 34 years in the sign of Taurus, yet only 13 years in the opposite sign, Scorpio. Guarantee! Its already running up against natural limits and over the coming decade itll probably implode. With the planet of destruction moving . Pluto represents two things: an era and a generation. A breakthrough in some form of free energy would achieve this. Youre always in arrears because the cost is projected into the future. Atop the hierarchy was the king, the centerpiece of the kingdom, sitting on his throne, holding absolute power invested in him by God, monarch (one who rules alone) by divine design, shining like the Sun. But Denmark was the first nation to abolish the slave trade in 1792. The intra-psychic thing is kind of mentioned in the post, although not named as such. Problems in the human world are rarely, if ever, solved in the human world alone. It also wont go unchallenged and we should see a rising tide of people fighting to overthrow the old order and reject that kind of dehumanising control. Continuing this theme and going deeper into the Saturnian nature of Capricorn and its hold throughout the globe, on February 23, 2021, Shanna Swan, PhD, published her book Count Down: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race. And in 325, the Council of Nicaea agreed their version of orthodox Christian doctrine and discarded many of the gospels. (21), Lively, well-written articles on a wide variety of astrological His writing has been published in WellBeing Astrology Guide (Australia) and The Mountain Astrologer. Perhaps the next radical revolution will be an inner revolution, each individual finding within themselves a new center that can hold. Aquarius has a dark side and we are seeing it. (14). Pluto shows power in astrology. On March 23, 2023, Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will stay until it enters Pisces on March 8, 2043. Right now there is social unrest all over the place. This is a period of severe social unrest. 1787: Freed slaves from London establish Freetown in present-day Sierra Leone new communities set-up. See https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Wall, Wall. There is knowledge Aquarius: I Know. And then there is also the potential for the higher end of this wisdom, as knowledge gained from all that experience! Pluto will move into Aquarius, ruled by Uranus on 23rd March 2023. sang Barbra Streisand, born with Pluto in Leo, in Funny Girl. 1783: Montgolfier brothers invent hot air balloon Aquarius is an air sign. This would mean that instead of using power over to dominate and control, we would shift to power with to empower individuals by working together in networks. You summed it all up very well. During the cycle of Pluto in Aquarius the French Revolution and also the American revolutionary wars highlighted the impact of an Aquarian Pluto on human history. The last time Pluto move through Aquarius was: We might say the 1780s and 90s best reveal the events of this time. John Moriarty, Dreamtime, The Lilliput Press, 1994, p. 97. Jupiter Saturn air cycle similar to now, The Age of Aquarius: History and Misconceptions, The Age of Aquarius: its Meaning and Possibilities. At worst, we could see greater control of the individual and society in a digital dystopia run by algorithms. Pluto was last in Aquarius between 1778 and 1798 - a tumultuous period in history that saw the industrial revolution, the French revolution, the Enlightenment, and the ratification of the US constitution. Mediavine Publisher Network For example, if you see physics as being a closed system with finite energy, it determines how you create energy and manipulate matter. It collects the knowledge He also standardised the imperial weights and measures in 1305, although they were continuously tweaked after that. Thus, where Leo brings us into relationship with the center of things like a king or queen at the center of their kingdom Aquarius moves us away from the center, among the people, the citizens of the kingdom, and beyond. America now will have its Pluto return starting Feb, 2022 - which will stay there all the way until October 2023. Mobs of people (Aquarius) projected their repressions (Pluto) back upon those in power. It has been said that only three percent of the people need to get it for revolution to happen, we are way past those three percent already. I love Ludwig Bethovens music. Pluto last visited Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, right as the United States began its first wobbly steps as a nation. Pluto takes about 248 years to transit the whole zodiac and hes been visiting with Capricorn since 2008. After about 15 years in Capricorn, Pluto's gradual transition into Aquarius begins in 2023. The point may not be to strengthen the existing center, but rather in Plutos preferred style to descend, to go deeper and deeper and deeper inside. This creates distortions, such as the transhumanist fantasy of solving the problem of human nature by turning it into a machine. Where must lightening strike (Aquarius rules electricity) in order to accomplish this? Where the Sun represents the center around which solar systems form, Saturn represents a profound limit, an outer edge. Pluto leaves Aquarius on January 19th, 2044. See https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/26/theater/lois-smith-wins-tony-award.html, Lois Smith is the oldest performer to win a Tony. And it was inspired in part by the French Revolution, especially by the Jacobins, who insisted that the enslaved people in Saint Domingue/Ayiti be freed. (26). It may be coming sooner than we think, thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are decimating fertility at an alarming rate around the globe. On April 23, 2021, at age 80, Sir Tom Jones released his 41st album, On April 25, 2021, at the 94th Academy Awards, Sir Anthony Hopkins, at age 83, became the oldest actor to win Best Actor for his role in, At that same ceremony, the Best Picture was awarded to, On July 19, 2021, director M. Night Shyamalan released his 14th film, simply called, On September 26, 2021, at the 74th annual Tony Awards, Lois Smith became the oldest person to win a Tony Award for acting when she was awarded Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play, at age 90, for her role in, On October 13, 2021, also at the age of 90, William Shatner became the oldest person to fly into space. Yeah, people are going to be shocked when things dont go back to normal. During this period, French citizens. Interestingly, Neptune was also in Aries at the time, and Saturn was opposing Uranus. They also move us through the winter season in the Northern hemisphere, beginning with Capricorn initiating the winter solstice, the deepest, darkest, longest night of the year, following the Suns long descent to its lowest point. As an outsider, Aquarius takes an objective view so it can make theories and plans for change. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its a system of slavery. In the US, the Slave Trade Act of 1794 prohibited American ships from engaging in the slave trade, but it wasnt fully abolished until Pluto was in Pisces. 26. In this context, I hear Nobel laureate Toni Morrison saying. As the Irish philosopher, storyteller, artist, and shaman John Moriarty noted, The forms of our European sensibility and the categories of our European understanding are a Bastille we have yet to storm. Dark matter was hypothesised to account for the fact that the theory doesnt match reality theres not enough matter to account for how the universe looks and behaves but what if the theory is wrong? 17791879: Xhosa Wars between British and Boer settlers and the Xhosas in the South African Republic. Archetypes reveal themselves in persistent images and through the imagination that shows up in a persons life or throughout a culture. Pluto works in the invisible depths, the depths of the psyche, the roots of the soul, whether that is the soul of a person or a culture. The destiny of the twenty-first century will be shaped by the possibility or the collapse of a shareable world. (Quote is from Episode 4.) See https://colony.fandom.com/wiki/The_Wall, The Wall. For the purposes of this article and exploring the themes of Pluto in Aquarius, the French Revolution provides rich material. published by the Mountain Astrologer, 2022/23, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/18/us/politics/joe-biden-age-oldest-presidents.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrounded_by_Time, https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/apr/26/anthony-hopkins-is-oldest-ever-oscar-winner-after-taking-best-actor-for-the-father, https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/apr/26/oscars-2021-winners-the-full-list-academy-awards, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/26/theater/lois-smith-wins-tony-award.html, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/13/science/william-shatner-space.html, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/03/opinion/baby-boomers-gen-x-us-politics.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Old_Man_(TV_series), https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Count-Down/Shanna-H-Swan/9781982113674, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/18/toxic-chemicals-health-humanity-erin-brokovich, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/09/theater/tony-awards.html, https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Wall, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_(film), https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/antidepressants-market-105017, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melencolia_I, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/mar/28/poem-of-the-week-after-great-pain-by-emily-dickinson, https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B00P3PPG56/ref=atv_hm_hom_1_c_lZOsi7_2_1, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Secret_of_Kells. And let the rest of the world move over to where I was. As these same planets began moving through Aquarius in the last part of the century and into the 21st, the big screen became increasingly small, and the movie screens filled with celebrated stars gave way to television screens broadcasting reality television with its reality stars, where pretty much anyone can be a star.. The human world is full of human limits and human problems, including aging, fertility, and rulers who become tyrannical. Along with the Old Man, it is again as if out of a fairy tale: the king has gotten old, dried up, wrinkled, desiccated, needing the Water of Life for renewal and revivification. Or using technology to mimic capacities we have naturally, such as telepathy and empathy. It promises to be a challenging and revolutionary time that will turn society upside down. Given that the tub of water was like an ocean compared to the size and scope of the fishbowl, the fish preferred the habit of its familiar territory with its accustomed boundaries. Ive always experienced aquarians as highly attuned in that regard. We may start out aiming to improve life but then discover the unintended consequences of technological development create even more problems. Here, the forest is not just a forest. I track things that interest me so I've added to the topic since. Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti #ToutMounseMoun #HousingfortheHomelessNow #AbolishCPS #DefundFosterCare #ProChoice. With its focus on reason and rational thought, the Enlightenment began to seriously question the role of religion and the church in society, ultimately aiming to separate church and state and promote ideas of social progress, liberty, tolerance, and equality. This will be its first time since the passing of the 18 th century. (Note: walls.) Pluto will transit Aquarius from 2023 to 2044, spending about 18 and a half years there in total, with a few dips in and out at either end. Our current attitude is infantilising and based on the Robot Butler fantasy where you get to sit on your arse and be waited on like an aristocrat (or child). The ultimate response to this call was the enormous collection of 211 stories we know today as Grimms Complete Fairy Tales. Over the centuries, the Bastille became a symbol of the injustice of the absolute power of the king and his monarchy. Pluto in Aquarius will probably make that painfully clear. The revolution lasted until 1799 and quickly descended into a bloodbath in the Reign of Terror. For all the oppression that we may experience up until this point, we can be sure that this will be a period of revolution and uprising. in 1600 stores worldwide or online by (print or digital) subscription. What needs to be deconstructed, suddenly and sometimes by surprise, in order to rebuild with humanity and truth incorporated into the mix? The effect of this is that right now the planet Earth is populated with the maximum range of Pluto generations, spanning Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and soon to be Aquarius. The next transit was in 305 329 during the reign of Constantine in Rome. It is an archetypal realm populated with animals, darkness, shadows, mystery, wildness, unpredictability. . It can be found at Pluto in Aquarius, 2023 - 2044. What might this have to do with Pluto in Aquarius? It almost sounds as if its out of a fairy tale: a king and queen, in their castle, unable to conceive a child. This era saw the expansion of cultural trade routes across Eurasia and into Europe. I also like late August 1779 (to September 1780), when Neptune and Jupiter were in Libra, trine Pluto in Aquarius. No reproduction. As revolutions tend to be, it was also messy and full of unforeseen complications. 9. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a very different energy. However, one of the most common phrases repeated in 2022 refers to getting back to normal. But to get back to normal is to fail the art of transformation. It leads to the extraction of resources to run a society based on debt that can never be paid. The first great modern cycle of revolution came to its climax in the French Revolution. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Retrogrades into Capricorn on 11 June 2023, Final visit to Capricorn from 1 September 2024, Enters Aquarius to stay from 19 November 2024, Final visit to Aquarius on 31 August 2043, first cooperative workshop set up by tailors in Birmingham, England in 1777, Lavoisier, the father of chemistry, discovered the composition of air in 1778, first hot air balloon flight by the Montgolfier brothers in 1782, John Michell published his theory of black holes in 1784, metric system developed during the French Revolution and formally defined in 1795, workers built and ran a flour mill as a cooperative in Hull, England in 1795, first successful vaccine for smallpox developed in 1796. That means things wont change unless we change. Pluto in Aquarius in a nutshell: Style:Original and independent; Top qualities:Adaptable, relaxed and eager; Challenges:Extremist and undecided; Advice:Beware of compulsive behaviors; Celebrities:Arthur Schopenhauer, Franz Schubert, Miguel de Cervantes, Stendhal. The year 1777 immediately caught my eye because July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was declared, giving birth to the strongest empire the world has known to date. The revolutionaries wanted to remake society from the ground up in the name of equality. "Liberty, equality, fraternity" was the rallying cry of the French Revolution of 1789. We dont have to reject science and technology completely theyre not the real problem. . Pluto will speak of a hidden will of power that comes to destabilize the political world (Capricorn) by its occult action before taking over . The Mountain Astrologer is widely acknowledged as the best In fairy tales, it can hold unexpected solutions to human problems. See more below! Now when Pluto goes into Aquarius this is in a completely different energy and area of life that will be emphasized. at and can be used for free! 1788: First French Quaker community established in Congnies new communities set-up. Before we get into that, lets explore some of the changes from previous transits of Pluto in Aquarius, some of which also lined up with either Neptune in Aries or Uranus in Gemini. And in Rome, Pope Paul III established another Inquisition in 1542 to deal with the rising tide of Protestantism. If we go back to Hillmans understanding of archetypes as the roots of the soul governing the perspectives we have of ourselves and the world, and we hear again the question posed in the New York Times (Why Are We Still Governed by the Remarkably Old?), we now hear an archetypal question. A lot of things within the system have in practicality already imploded. 2. Then comes again to Aquarius from January 22, 2024 till September 2024 when he travels as much as 2. WHEN: Pluto will pay a brief visit to Aquarius from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023. When Pluto entered Aquarius in 60 CE, there was a revolt against the occupation led by Boudicca and the Iceni tribe. Parallel to the aristocracy were the clergy, also making up 1% of the population. This astrologically based article is to serve as a practical and intuitive guide to navigating this long transit which spans the best part of 2 decades. These are big questions and they require bigger answers than were currently giving them. By all accounts, the French Revolution is one of the most fascinating, intricate, and tumultuous periods of history, forever changing France, Europe, and Western culture altogether. The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus. Aquarius is the sign which rules groups and friends. We need real inner change if were going to survive beyond the middle of this century. Its just a matter of time. But they wont give up their power easily. A new book called Count Down, by Shanna Swan finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. 13. Robert Fagles, Penguin Books, 2006, Loc. See also The Astrology of 2023 The Energy of Aquarius 1783: The Treaty of Paris formally ends the American Revolutionary War. On January 21, 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius again, where it will stay for 20 years. He believed that differences between human beings were a deep truth found within human nature. References: Perhaps the French Revolution yielded to two years of the Reign of Terror because the Water of Life dried up, resigning the culture over to harsh conditions and death. but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies. See tag - Pluto in Aquarius I don't think it's a secret, people are becoming more and more fed up with being tracked. The political left elite are using mind control to divide people by race, gender,and even what people do and eat. Today, we take this ordinary, common fact for granted. The Enlightenment privileged the pursuit of knowledge (evidenced by the birth of the encyclopedia, an exhaustive collection of all knowledge at the time) and what we would today call evidence-based learning. From the perspective of fairy tales, we do not encounter the steady, inevitable count down of Shanna Swans research alone. Where Leo is a Sun-ruled sign, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. This article was published in The Mountain Astrologer, Capricorn Sol 2022/23 and can be purchased here. Medicine and other scientific pursuits began to take precedence. 8. More on that in the Uranus in Gemini post here. 16. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the hot air balloon was invented! Surrounded by time, we get caught and confined in the spirit of the times. The first African slaves were brought to the New World in 1525 during Pluto in Capricorn. Old man: Tumisu, via Pixabay. Now we are entering a period of human history where a similar cry for freedom and equality will echo . The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. They uprooted centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system. We have reached a profound stopping point. To think, the life-changing mens movement was founded on a fairy tale! Similarly, Pluto spends around 31 years in Aries, yet only 13 years in the opposite sign, Libra. The King was executed at the guillotine on January 21, 1793. See https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B00P3PPG56/ref=atv_hm_hom_1_c_lZOsi7_2_1, Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. Thank you! Pluto in Aquarius, on the other hand, will represent the beginning of a communal and technological revolution that will unfold over the next few decades. With the planet of destruction moving. Pluto in Aquarius Opportunities Challenges On March 23 rd, 2023, a major cosmic gear change is happening. For more on the Pluto archetype read: Pluto Keywords and Pluto Myths. The science sounds staggeringly bleak, hard to believe! I stood at the border stood at the edge and claimed it as central. It will also reveal the dark side of technology wars fought via screens, drones and robots, biotech and DNA. Meanwhile, the French Revolution started in 1789 with the overthrow of the monarchy, the abolition of the feudal system and the declaration of the Rights of Man. The first state-sponsored atheist religion was declared the Cult of Reason in 1794. Perhaps like Toni Morrison (born with the Sun in Aquarius) who, after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, was asked about her success in writing literary fiction for and about a widely marginalized culture in the US. 1. And that requires self-knowledge the one thing we suck at. November 19, 2024 - March 8, 2043. Mar 23, 2023 at 8:13 AM Pluto enters Aquarius. 'Equality, Liberty and Fraternity' was the Aquarian catch cry of the day. We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch. The revolution proceeded to grow and upend society. This was the period in history when Uranus, the planet linked to rebellion and revolution, was discovered in 1781. See https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/03/opinion/baby-boomers-gen-x-us-politics.html, Why Are We Still Governed by Baby Boomers and the Remarkably Old? :..we can be sure therell be no sudden shift into a liberal and progressive paradise of freedom and equality. That is because the modern left is about fascism, censorship, and totalitarian big brother Govt. However, we still have slavery today. Pluto's 248-year journey around the sun defines the chapters of world history. Pluto in Aquarius throughout history 1778 - the last time Pluto entered Aquarius 1789 - The French Revolution starts while Pluto in Aquarius Pluto in Aquarius predictions for the Zodiac signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Summary of Pluto in Aquarius What does Pluto represent? Pluto in Aquarius represents some of the most profound times in history when the center (be it personal, psychological, cultural, governmental, political, financial, or otherwise) is unable to hold. Mary Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792. Finally, the Classical form of music reached its peak in the genius of Mozart, as well as Haydn and Beethoven.