The good news is, it gained 4 wounds. First up is the Martial Legacy special rule. Venatari Custodians[ CORE]: Woo buddy, am I excited. Why are there no pictures of the vehicles. Unsure, but in the meantime it is very much still a Land Raider, with all the problems that entails. Shane: The Golden Boys come out mostly on top, which considering half of their unit choices are coming from this book, is quite important. The Imperial Knights get profiles for all Knight variants currently produced by Forge World including some much appreciated points cuts! Welcome to the Imperial Armour Compendium . The Imperial Armour Compendium is available to pre-order from Friday. Finally, the dark horse that I am hoping doesnt turn out to go anywhere of the units in this book with titan in their name, the Revenant Titan is probably closest to being decent in a Strike Force game. Effectively this is the second movement nerf of the Cerastus variant (because reasons). The Custodians get the profiles that have previously available on the Forge World website, not massive updates for these outside of some points adjustments, but all the Dreadnoughts including the Telemon have been given the same rule as Astartes Dreads allowing them to reduce damage of incoming shots by 1! Today we see the new Imperial Armour Compendium up for pre order from Forge World! Time will tell. Now it only ignores modifiers for Combat Attrition meaning it is still possible to force you off an objective from shooting. We also have full reviews of both Codex Supplement: Space Wolves and Codex Supplement: Deathwatch, both also up for preorder today! Really like the changes so far! Already very good, the Terrax picks up several buffs that cement it as the premiere way to transport firstborn marines. If one of the shields takes damage but isnt destroyed, itll regenerate at the beginning of your command phase, which is cute but is unlikely to regularly happen in practice as most decent alpha strikes will go through both of the shields. The tanks are OK but theyre still Lords of War and while they may come across as somewhat usable, the CP cost to take them just isnt worth it. Greater Blight Drones are also way better, especially in Death Guard, despite losing the damage on their weapons. There are some changes in weapons as well stormcannon arrays trade 2 shots for an extra 12 range, melta lances gain blast but swap from 2d3 to d6 shots, and the grav-flux bombard doubles in shots and has a more standard grav weapon statline. Vindicator Laser Destroyer. Combat Engineers have also had a rework with their shotguns becoming a lot less deadly, but getting a great rate of fire and the ability to pop up anywhere on the battlefield. Imperial Fists Deimos Vindicator Laser Destroyer. It also helps that the statline is still fine theyve gone to 9W rather than 12, but are at least non-degrading, and get the always-on ability to ignore AP-1, a nice extra upside. All of the big tanks are surprisingly usable for their points and could easily be seen in an army if not for that 3 CP tax to take a superheavy auxiliary. Relic Contemptor Dreadnought. Hes armed with a heavy plasma cannon and dreadnought close combat weapon, and only costs 20 points more than an equivalently armed relic contemptor. And now for the biggest gut punch: None of the Dreadnoughts listed here have the HELBRUTE keyword, meaning that until an FAQ corrects this, they dont get legion traits. 800 pts, but what do you get for that? This means that until we see an FAQ or errata saying otherwise, these units areoff-limits to Thousand Sons and Death Guard. All of them got boosts and points drops. In the meantime, head over to the Forge World website and pick up some . Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill-Credit: Pendulin. Alright, onto the shared units, I guess. Similar to the Space Marines we get a lot of traitor variants added, along with a new stratagem Smokescreen added in order to replicte the ability that Space Marines currently get in their book, again future proofing this volume until the Chaos Space Marines book is updated! So what do I think of the new book? These certainly exist, and you can use them. Not a huge change, but really impactful vs some targets. Remoras are also easy winner, because they get two seeker missiles for free, more wounds, and are always in cover just huge boosts all round with no cost increase. The Lynx also gets a substantial simplification and a cost reduction, and probably ends up more practical out of it. The Tarantula Battery also makes the move to a Fortification slot, making taking 3 units of these very tempting for some objective defence! Acanthrites also get a decent point cut to pay back their loss of BS, and definitely end up as a better unit out of it, even if I struggle to see myself ever taking them over more Skorpekh. Even with that though, I still think pistol/buckler is going to be an auto include, because now a Venatari equipped with a buckler has a 2+ armor save. At that point, given their defensive profile and the fact that they can just flatten stuff in melee, I think theres a plausible argument for trying three of these as a silly gimmick build. A vindicator: cool. Imperial Armour Compendium is an Imperial Armour book for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000. There are two wide-reaching rules for marines. While the dream of reloading a Deathstrike is there, and re-upping hunter-killer missiles nottotally irrelevant, we all know what this was used for re-rolls on a Baneblade and it doesnt do that any more. ability rather than regularWaaagh!, meaning that you need an alternative boss if you want to buff up infantry. Coronus Grav-Carrier: 15 points cheaper, lost -2 to charge and kept fly (like the other grav vehicles). The Venatari Spear is now flat 2 damage (fuck you D3 damage) and grants an extra attack. The Ares getting a points increase, and being potentially worse vs hordes could be a big deal in the long run. Acastus Knightsdrop to the point where you could squeeze one into a list a bit more reasonably, and gain some boosts to their guns in the form of Blast, but still really struggle to compete with Castellans. Credit: Jack Hunter. Notice it also isnt CORE, so maybe no rerolls for you in the future. It did pick up the ability to use the previously 30k exclusive Twin Volkite Culverin, a heavy 8 volkite gun. Our two favorite dreads have decided to take a little break from carrying marine lists. Wings: Seriously, this thing is off the charts good now, to the point where I wonder if the melta shots change is a typo this seems to out-compete most main battle tanks, never mind transports. The Necrons get a new fortification in the form of the Sentry Pylons these have made the move from the Heavy slot freeing up some precious Heavy choices for more Doomstalkers! You have to agree that is a massive amount of profiles available in the book! It gets a few compensatory improvements, but nothing that makes up for the scale of increase on a unit where the appeal was how cheap slamming three on the table was. - Dave #WarhammerCommunity #battlereport #podcast, Massive thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us a free review copy of Warcry Bloodhunt! The Dreadnoughts really eat shit here. They no longer give hit re-rolls, instead repairing a vehicle and reloading any once-per-battle weapons. People are sad about the leviathan, but before the compendium he was approaching a Knight in points, had terrible rules, was more expensive than the loyalist version and his guns were average. We have a look through the book in our YouTube video, or keep scrolling to see our full written review as we did into the datasheets and changes, and investigate what goodies are within! Their Gas Bombs are still excellent and with the Grenadiers stratagem will be painful for anyone on the recovering end! Instead, weve lasered in on our areas of expertise and pulled out what we think the winners, losers and other notable changes are for each faction, aiming to give you the lowdown on the things that matter most. How many primaris can it transport? imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. We were very lucky to receive a copy of Imperial Armour Compendium a little early from Games Workshop to review and share the content with you all! Luckily the new Imperial Armour Compendium is here to solve both those problems, and GW have been kind enough to send us a copy. These headers then drill down further into the various factions within that bucket, detailing any specific rules or codex interactions, all the datasheets and then the points values collected together at the end of each faction in the much easier style seen in the other Codex releases for 9th edition! Krootcon Down Under Am I getting good at this? 9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review By James "One_Wing" Grover October 31, 2020 Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. Corbax isnt bad, but hes not exciting, either. The Sentinel has historically been the better unit, but the Stalker is nowso cheap that I actually might give it the nod as the superior option just as a throwaway push unit. The Infernus puicks up a big functional improvement too, with its Inferno gun going up to 3d6 shots! Custodian Guard with Adrasite/Pyrithite Spears [CORE] : Pyrithite spears got the new melta rule of half range equals D6+2 damage, but also went up by 5 points, so a slight nerf overall. Weapon profiles and the stat line stayed exactly the same, its just firing half as many shots. Nice buff, and considering they are my favorite troop unit, I am certainly not complaining. Back at the launch of the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 we saw a series of volumes from Forge World collecting together all the rules for Forge World units in the new edition of the game. Unless youre set on bringing fancy weapon options, stick with the codex version. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Telemon Heavy Dreadnought: Besides the Plasma flamer bumping up to 12 range, the stats/weapons are unchanged (still T8 baby, WOOOOOOOO). The Kannonwagon and Kustom Stompa are the two that miss out, but its nice for the rest. He is still the only leviathan remaining with WS and BS 2+, but even at his new lower points cost doesnt offer much. Void shields have also been completely redesigned and are no longer a confusing degrading not-invulnerable save. Agamatus Custodians [CORE]: No weapon or stat changes, but the base chassis is 5 points cheaper which is swell. (LogOut/ We also get a nice two page spread telling the tale of the Death Korps of Krieg and the hellish world they herald from. Kind of everything else. At the moment this profile only applies to the Macharius twin variant, however it would not surprise me to see that profile in the new AM book! A WS/BS 2+ contemptor dread, hes a 9 wound character, has a 4+ invulnerable save, and can do a few mortal wounds when he completes a charge. Generally, this replaces the old Relic rule now each time you include a unit with this rule in a detachment the Command Cost of that detachment is increased by 1. Astral Claws Ultramarines with Rapid Assault and Hungry for Battle. Nice of you to share! Stillprobably not durable enough for how hard it is to hide and the cost, but much, much closer to something you want. The 9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium was released on October 30, 2020. A lot of the profiles have been tidied a little and they benefit greatly from this, as degrading profiles on low wound models like this was often a problem in the previous edition. The free Wraithcannon option vanishes into the mists, but the spear gets a damage bump (to d3+3) and the ability to take a D-Cannon remains. Credit: Jack Hunter. Across the rest of the Astra Militarum section we seem some great Quality of Life updates as well as weapon and profile updates that make for some fun changes to these units! Nice that it is cheaper, but otherwise /shrug. As to the profiles themselves, the Krieg have lost any units that still do not have models produced by Forge World In addition to this, with the Death Korps now acting as a supplement to the core Astra Militarum book they simply use the base guardsman profiles for their troops this is a shame as they Krieg did have the advantage of slightly better WS, however I do think this is for the better in balance, as this means that then we get a new 9th Edition Astra Militarum book we will simply be able to port over the surviving Krieg units directly into that new army with minimal issues! Massive thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us a free review copy of Angron! Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! This seems a way of restricting those rare units and make sure the battlefield isnt flooded by them dont forget that this will have an impact on your free detachment, as the warlord only refunds the initial CP cost of them! Defensively, it gained 4 wounds so toughness 8, 14 wounds, and a 3+ save. Moving over to cool giant monsters, theDimachaeron gets an astounding glow-up. Fundamentally, you spend 130pts on a unit and they have a very strong chance of popping out of DS and immediately picking up 100pts+ of Gravis models. Imperial Armour Compendium. Loyalist Knight Atrapos. 13 - War Machines of the Lost and the Damned, Imperial Armour - Apocalypse I (Second Edition),, Datasheet entries for two new Factions bespoke to this book . Also the shooting attack on the spear is up to flat 3 damage, from D3 damage. The Trojan now has a fun rule that allows One Shot weapons to fire again so, for example, you can use one to reload a Deathstrike allowing it to fire a second time! Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. If youre going Krieg, its because you love the models or want to declare cavalry charges! The Imperial Armour books have also featured a few less well known successor chapters over the years, and Imperial Armour Compendium features suggested chapter tactics to best represent the way they fight I love this and gives players a framework towards designing their chapter to best fit the lore and narrative of the army as reflected in Warhammer 40k literature! So stay tuned for those articles and in the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us [2] It also includes : One Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg, designed to work with Codex: Astra Militarum [2] Warhammer 40k . The Kharybdis Assault Clawmight be for you. The second rule isnt really a rule its a set of recommended traits and parent chapters for various Forgeworld created chapters. Meanwhile, the Tantalus gets ahuge price cut in exchange for trading out the weird warlord no one cared about and is also pretty strong as Covens. All told, the leviathan takes a substantial hit to both offense and defense, balanced out by dropping all the way down to a base 220 points, and only up to 240 with the common double storm cannon loadout. This seems a really fun way of making Titans useable in a normal game, and Im looking forward to seeing how my titans fare as soon as we are able to film battles again! Minotaurs Imperial Fists with Duellists and Stalwart chapter tactics. Both Acastus variants saw a massive 100 points drop. Credits: That Gobbo. Brayarth Ashmantle keeps his strength 8, but drops from toughness 9 all the way to toughness 7. Also, if you really want something dead in melee you can choose to swap out Smite forWitch Strike and just absolutely go to town on them. imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. An Astraeus has 2 void shields, so it has a nice little buffer before it starts taking damage. Given they can go after hordes very effectively as well, I think these have been priced pretty close to right. So this makes the bombs way better against an MSU style list that huddles up as it moves around (see MARINES), but makes them much worse vs hordes. Join us on from 7pm - 9pm each Sunday! Thats exactly it. This also applies to the Chaos Titan Legions too, who essentially get the same datasheets but with suitably chaotic keywords! Uraka, CorBax, and Mamon return, as well as some of the really big greater daemons. Hazardsalso seem OK they get a substantial point cut in exchange for losing a single wound and thats probably a net positive, just about. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour . #warhammercommunity #StreamingLive #PaintingWarhammer, Blood for the blood god!! With a big laser: cooler. Of the various suits, the Rvarna feels like the big winner. Also gained the -1D taken Dread ability we have seen the Marine Dreads get, got an extra base attack (reasons), and got 5 points cheaper. They all picked up a substantial number of wounds, with a warhound now having 50 wounds and a warlord 120, but dropped in toughness, with the warlord the only titan at T9. The Hornet is also -1 to hit all the time without having to advance. Weapons were all simplified, with the Macro weapon type no longer existing, and the Blast ability added where needed. It does still have an incredibly silly amount of firepower, some guns even getting better than before, but it also drops to BS3+, and I think honestly the dream is probably dead. Wait, WHAT!?! Acastus Knights! Now it can be done every turn (which is a pretty nice change), pick a spot on the board that it moved over, and every unit within 6 takes D3 mortals on a 4+ (-1 to the roll for non vehicle/monster characters). Even Forge World armies such as the Death Korps of Krieg ended up in a weird limbo where they could use some units from the Astra Militarum book, but not all in exchange for getting access to a couple of unique units. Innocuous but also undeniably winners we have Tetras, which trade out their one shot, three tokens markerlight for a markerlight that just has heavy 3, while going down 5pts each to boot. The Night Shrouds bomb is still one use only, which is a little disappointing but thankfully gets a small points cut. 1 - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, Vol. Credit: CrabStuffedMushrooms. Since you can double gun these, you definitely want to take this variant if youre planning on doing silly things withVisions in the Smoke,itsvastly better than the mainline one for that role. Blood Angels Sicaran Omega. 2+ save Venatari, wtfffffffffff. Definitely usable. Grav tanks and the Ares. which get a few tweaks but dont change massively. Its great to see all these characters represented still, as a lot are from very old IA books. Thank You, Patrons. TheMagaeraandStyrixboth get a boost, with their siege claws gaining a sweep attack thats straight up better than stomping feet, being flat damage three and otherwise identical. Transporting 12 models, you can bring in a full 10 man squad with character support, all while having tons of firepower for a mere 180 points (or 190 with the even better Volkite side-weapons). Most Ork vehicles that are tank-style, along with Mega and Meka dreads, gain the Ramshackle rule from Trukks, giving them a chance to reduce incoming damage to 1 on a roll of a 6. Just like the other 40k Codexes it includes a code in the back of the book that unlocks these profiles in the Warhammer 40k app too giving you an easy way of accessing the content on the move. He might be an Elite or an HQ (listed differently in the points values vs his datasheet), but either way hes clearly worth taking. Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought. Also randomly lost 1 point in base strength characteristic, not that is was any good in melee anyway. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! This makes the Exalted Daemons much easier to take in a game, and I cant wait to include them in lists again as they are some of my favourite models and deserve to be on the battlefield again! All the titans are losers (except the warhound). Just like with their Imperial counterparts, we see updated profiles for every variant of Imperial Knight, giving the Chaos Knights access to a large pool of different chassis, these have also been tweaked in regards to points values in line with the Imperial versions! All of the Artillery platforms and Mortars now do not count the crew as a separate unit, and you simply ignore them for the purposes of combat, they are just for show now! This is a much better way of the unit working and makes my life as a Krieg commander much easier in terms of having to previously try and fence off the crew to stop them getting charged! Autore dell'articolo: Articolo pubblicato: 16/06/2022 Categoria dell'articolo: man killed in vegas Commenti dell'articolo: lyndon johnson 3 most important foreign policy decisions lyndon johnson 3 most important foreign policy decisions In contrast to the previous Imperial Armour Index volumes, this book is hardback too so will not only match the rest of your 9th Edition Codex collection, but also last a little longer in better condition! Credit: Jack Hunter. The Kustom Stompa not only gets a decent points cut to 800 points, but also gets ome much improved weapons such as the Belly Gun now getting 3D6 shots! Also the only weapon that costs points now is the Arachnus Storm Cannon (which costs the same as before effectively), so every other weapon load out is cheaper now, which is cool. Adrasite Spears remain unchanged (and mostly garbage anyway). Carab Culln takes most of the generic leviathan nerfs (see below), and also loses out on both his feel no pain aura and most of the interest from the death-hold special rule it no longer lets you hit for mortal wounds and simply lets the heavy bolter fire with no penalty at units in engagement range. They also get the Termite added as a transport option, which also gives them an aggressive high strength close combat unit in the form of the drill itself! Last for this section, theTaunar almost certainly works out as a loser. [2], Warhammer Community: The Codex Show (posted 9/12/2020), Forge World Webstore: Imperial Armour Compendium, Warhammer Community: Inside Imperial Armour: Compendium (26/10/20), Vol. Someone at Forge World really loves drills. The Adeptus Mechanicus get updated profiles for the Secutarii with rules keying off the new Titan Legion keyword that has been added for Titans. Such a cool model and was great fun to paint up in a more modern scheme! While were going to dig into the highlights and lowlights of individual units below, our overall impression is that there was a significant smoothing over of the entire book. Falchion/Fellblade As an unapologetic lover of all forms of BIG TANKs, I had to take a look at these too. I have been crying out for the Augmented Mount to be usable on any strength of attack, as previously this was locked to S4 and below only, which was a little situational. itll rarely be worth it to spend 3 CP to take one. Thanks, guys. 21.8M . I dont think it really fills a role Craftworldsneed, but it can sit at extreme range and pick up targets pretty decently I guess? TheKustom Stompa gets its cost brought more in line with a standard one, which is a relief, and its Stompa lifta-droppa gets an absurd boost, going to 4d3 shots instead of 2d6, rolling 3d6 against T to wound and now doing d3+3 damage at AP-4 instead of just a single mortal. The Skathach Wraithknight also gets a surprisingly huge amount of improvement, honestly shifting itstraight to being much more worth considering than the regular one. Titans now have a stock 2+ save and many more wounds than they used to have, but had their toughness dropped a little. Then theres theGreater Brass Scorpion,which dropped 75 points while going up to 28 wounds It now also degrades in WS and BS, and so will always have 6 attacks to whiff with as it loses accuracy. Also the Adrathic option is slightly cheaper, so basically everything about Aquilon got better, except for the claw. All of these units follow the standard rules for their factions. The one sting in the tail here is that hes returned with theSpeedwaaagh! I had emotionally prepared myself for this, but it looks like I will, in fact, be needing to change the paint scheme on my Wraithseer before putting it on a tournament table even once, as they have completely changed but at least not necessarily to the point of being unusable. Warhammer 40k - 8th Edition.pdf download. Hecaton Aiakos is the clear winner here. It can also be overcharged, increasing strength and AP, as well as a jump to straight 6 damage, with the overcharge only potentially doing damage if you did not Remain Stationary. The Marshal still exists, but sadly without his Memento Mori, which is a shame as I felt that was a great upgrade. Such a fun and nostalgic time painting this up - used @redgrassgames wet palettes, @duncanjrhodes and @thearmypainter paints and can't wait to paint up some more! The impact was, shall we say, uneven plenty of choices were fine, but there were frequent issues with Forge World units having unintended interactions with newly released rules, and a few choices that were just a bit over-pushed that tended to be over-represented.